This is a hidden gem of a book. Juliet Marillier is all around an amazing author. I would recommend this book to any age, especially to those who love fantasy. I give this book a 10/10 A+ 5 stars.
This is a hidden gem of a book. Juliet Marillier is all around an amazing author. I would recommend this book to any age, especially to those who love fantasy. I give this book a 10/10 A+ 5 stars.
"We've all got both Light and Dark in us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that's who we really are."
Anyone who loves romance, kick ass female characters, hot alpha males, and some serious character development will love this paranormal romance series. This series has a bit of everything for everyone. It has a great take on vampires and angels that really goes outside the box. Even if you are not a huge fan of romance, you will love the Sci fi aspect. Best part is there are at least 7 books in the series.
The characters had sex, they didn't metaphor their way through the act!!! We have all read that one romance in which the author seems to not be able to write the act out. They use so many metaphors i.e shooting stars, that it ends up taking away from the act itself. Zanneti hasn't opened up a Thesaurus to try and see how many big words she can fit into one romance scene.
Super Spy Soldier Hotties!!!!!!!
I'll give this book a solid 8.5 out of 10
This book has a very special place in my heart, up until 6th grade I hated reading. I didn't enjoy the time it took or the effort. On Thanksgiving of 2002 I chose to sit down and read for the first time a book my school wasn't making me read. I finished it in 6 hours. Flash forward to 2016, I can't pass a bookstore without going in, I can't live without a book in my purse.
I picked this book up over 15 years ago in a small bookshop on a family vacation. I lovingly think of David Eddings Belgariad and Mallorean series as the 80's version of Lord of the Rings. The amount of character development, wit and love these books brought to the table makes this a hidden gem.
Two years ago I began reading romance and i haven't looked back. Beying the Highland Mist was my gateway romance book. Theres a healthy amount of romance mixed in with time travel, rich historical content as well as kilts!! I would give the romance scenes a solid 7 out of 10 :)