This is one of the best books I have read in the last year. Brilliant characterization, a unique voice, and seamless prose. You won‘t be disappointed. 📚
This is one of the best books I have read in the last year. Brilliant characterization, a unique voice, and seamless prose. You won‘t be disappointed. 📚
Just got the amazing promo package for Patricia Cornwall‘s new book Quantum and now I can‘t wait for the arc. Some of the best promo stuff I have ever seen. The question now is, with Cornwell and Koontz going to Thomas and Mercer (an Amazon owned publisher), does this signal a sea change for the industry?
Yet another outstanding international thriller from Chris Pavone. Featuring an intriguing and insightfully written female protagonist this book is fast paced and delivers several excellent twists as it comes to a satisfying conclusion. The tension builds nicely and he author keeps you guessing as to what trouble is coming next for the characters and how they will solve their problems. A classic thriller in every sense, highly recommended.
I was lucky enough to get the whole promo package with Tosca Lee‘s great new novel. While the book falls squarely in the post-apoc/prepper sub-genre the great characters, family issues and moral issues make it so much more than that. The pacing is great and plot very good. I really enjoyed this read and hope it will find the wide audience it deserves. Bringing a female/literary voice to this sub genre is a big step forward.
The Fugitive meets the Godfather. Set against the backdrop of the JFK assassination this novel combines a unique and compelling love story with all the elements of a traditional chase thriller. Layered and well written November Road was surprisingly moving. The characters were flawed and likeable and their circumstances drove the plot and personal tension seamlessly. Highly recommend this one.
Stephen Hunter is the king of sniper thrillers and his latest Swagger novel shows no one is going to knock him off that throne! Just finished this fantastic ARC and loved every minute of it. Great characters, perfect pacing and a thunderous climax made this one a home run. I would give it 11 out of 10 and would recommend it to any thriller fan or anyone who reads English! Don‘t miss this gem.
We‘ve got a #giveaway courtesy of #BLC19 author KJ Howe: 10 lucky Book Lovers who are 18+ and reside in the US will win a copy of SKYJACK! Enter using the link in our bio.
Care to join KJ and over 200 other authors for #BLC19? Visit www.BookLoversCon.com for more information.
#BookLoversCon #BookLovers #BookConvention #AuthorEvent #AuthorEvents #AuthorMeetnGreet #KJHowe #Skyjack
On a panel at the Sharjah International Book Expo with a noted Saudi criminologist discussing the essence of mystery and suspense and its relationship with the real world. We enjoyed a tremendous exchange of ideas and were assisted by many questions and exchanges with our enthusiastic audience. After questions from journalists from all over the globe I am filled with ideas and perspectives to bring to my next books.
It‘s never to late to rediscover your inner child! At the entrance to the children‘s hall at the Sharjah International Book Expo. I wish I had a video of these guys, it is so cool to see them walk.
Got to spend time with one of my favourite Aussies, Lee Holmes, super-chef, cookbook author and health guru, at the International Book Expo in the UAE. Her recipes are delicious, easy to prep, and healthy. She made time to discuss some of my health concerns with me and give me some excellent ideas to move forward with. Her strong knowledge of science and nutrition, combined with her positive spirit are an unbeatable combination.
With fellow Hachette author and celebrity chef Kevin Dundon at the Sharjah International Book Festival in the UAE. Kevin is a great cook, Irish story teller extraordinaire and very down to earth. He was extremely generous to me with his time and advice. Can‘t wait to try out some of his recipes!
Being interviewed by Kunle Kasumu at the Sharjah International Book Festival in the UAE. Kunle is the book editor from Channels Broadcasting in Nigeria and one of the most engaging, dynamic and well prepared interviewers I have ever met. Also a huge Lee Child fan. This event is one of the biggest and most exciting I have ever been to. Simply heaven for a book lover like me. More pics and stories to follow.
Had the privilege of teaching novel writing to the grade 10-12 class at the Al Kamal American International School in Sharjah UAE today. A more amazing, enthusiastic group of future writers, lawyers, doctors and engineers you will never meet. Focussed on the future and teaming with ambition, I can only hope I inspired them a fraction of the amount they inspired me.
Taking off for Dubai and the international book festival in the UAE. A thirteen hour flight? Perfect time to get some good reading in. Totally fired up about this trip and the chance to talk about writing with local school children.
The Terminal List was a fantastic, fast read. If you love gritty thrillers, this one is for you. Traitor was also phenomenal. Two for one today!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Brilliant novel with a parallel timeline that works exceedingly well. Love the juxtaposition of the protagonist‘s childhood vs adulthood. Could not put it down! 📗📘📕
It looks like #Skyjack is on the move. The amazing Martina Cole spotted my latest novel in a bookstore in Cyprus and was kind enough to send me a picture of my book right near hers. Talk about good company!
Perhaps a visit to that bookstore is in order.
Readers definitely come in all shapes and sizes. I was enjoying myself at Bouchercon today and I met one of my fans...who just happens to be seven feet tall!
The conference is going wonderfully and I am really looking forward to the Librarians Tea Party.
So tomorrow I am heading down to #Bouchercon in St. Petersburg Florida, just outside of Tampa. It is a fantastic reader focussed con. If you are in the area or at the con feel free to say hello. I will be manning the International Thriller Writers table and am on a few panels.
Since Andy made the courageous decision to move into the historical thriller field he has taken his game to a whole new level. The Button Man is simply fantastic. Just the right amount of historic information and atmosphere without sacrificing pacing or character development in the slightest. The powerful and painful relationship between the brothers makes this book unforgettable. A clear 5 stars to me, highly recommended.
This is my favourite place to read...and one of the best beach reads is Shirley Conran‘s Savages. Where is your happy place to read? 🏝
For all my Litsy friends in Toronto, I will be doing a signing at the Yonge and Eglinton Chapters tomorrow, Saturday Aug 25, with my good friend Debbie Levison, author of the true crime book “The Crate.” We will be there from one to four, please feel free to drop by and say hello.
Absolutely brilliantly drawn story that I couldn‘t put down. The twists, the in-depth characterization, the premise...this was a book that will stay with me for a long while. Brew that coffee and enjoy. Highly recommended!!!
Kind readers make all the hard work worthwhile. This reader takes books she enjoys and then puts them in floral and other artistic arrangements and takes stunning photos of them. She sent me the photos with some very kind words on my writing. Talk about making someone‘s day!
Ian Fleming is one of the Fathers of the Thriller and Bond one of the most successful literary characters of all time.
Who is your favourite Bond?
In our house Andy Gross is a sure buy for every book, and a sure thing that both my husband and I will read it. His latest work in the historical thriller field is helping revive the genre. Andy was kind enough to pass along a copy of his next novel, Button Man to me, and I beat my husband to it!
For an author, no day is more amazing than Pub Day and today is U.K. Pub Day for my second novel #skyjack. A few more events over here in the incredible city of London and then back home to get cracking on the next book. It is a crazy, demanding, cycle but I love it and wouldn‘t trade it for anything.
On the BBC discussing the release of #skyjack in the UK. My main character, Thea Paris, suffers from Type 1 Diabetes. By remarkable coincidence the first interviewer‘s wife has the condition and the second interviewer had just been diagnosed with Type 2. The conversation around the impact of the illness and how it should not hold people back from pursuing their dreams brought us together and was very uplifting.
Got to spend some time with friend and former teacher Lee Child at the Harrogate Crime Writers Festival. He makes a remarkable commitment to fan accessibility and had just jetted over from NYC after doing several appearances at #thrillerfest the week before. Best piece of writing advice I ever got from Lee was that writing is like music and you should read your work out loud to make sure you have the rhythm right.
With amazing reviewer and thriller trivia master Ali Karim of Shots Magazine at the Harrogate Crime Writing Festival. Ali always has the inside scoop on what is going on in the industry and his enthusiasm knows no bounds. Not sure what happened with this photo but the light makes him look a little like an alien from Dr. Who. The question is, what kind?
With my good friend and fellow GRRM fan, Martina Cole, at the Harrogate Crime Writing Festival. I had the book autographed for her at #thrillerfest and finally had the chance to deliver it. Martina is a natural storyteller both in print and in person. She had us all entranced and in stitches with her great stories well into the night. She is warm and kind and just a pleasure to spend time with.
With fellow thriller writers L.A. Larkin and C.J. Carver at the Harrogate Crime Writing Festival. Hopefully readers prefer blondes!
On BBC 5 radio last night with Phil William and Gregg Hurwitz. Gregg writes the Dark Knight and his Orphan X series of thrillers. If you like fast paced super-spy thrillers with just a touch of sci-if you will love Gregg‘s books. If you are currently in the Harrogate area the Crime Writers Festival on now is well worth checking out.
Peter was kind enough to give me an ARC of his latest stand alone and I am simply “chuffed” about diving in and reading it. I think there will be some interesting news about this book in the near future. Peter is a “must read” author for me. He is always ahead of the curve.
I was totally shocked and honoured to win the Thriller Award for Best First Novel for #thefreedombroker at #thrillerfest last night. I wasn‘t sure they were really calling my name and it hasn‘t even sunken in this morning yet! It was an unforgettable and magical evening, made even more so by the friendship of my ITW family, the support of my husband #rjhowe and the warm congratulations of this year‘s Thrillermaster, George R. R. Martin.
Discussing who has the coolest pants with the giant of British crime fiction #peterjames
Who gets your vote?
Having a drink with George R. R. Martin and Lee Child at #thrillerfest cocktail party last night. Two gents, both with a great sense of humour, and pretty good writing skills!
With the amazing R.L. Stine at the #thrillerfest bookstore today. A giant of the industry and the kindest man.
His new movie will be out Oct 12. Here is the trailer:
The gathering of the clans for the board dinner at #thrillerfest hosted by the gracious R.L. Stine.
It‘s not a great picture but how many authors can you identify?
Answer to follow later in comments under a spoiler cover.
First day went great at #thrillerfest and the ATF put on an amazing presentation. No back talk today, probably none tomorrow!
Yes we have some books and promotional items to give away at #Thrillerfest this year. Thanks to the amazing publishers who support us.
My amazing team gathers to get #Thrillerfest underway. We are fueled up and ready to go! Today we host the ATF who will brief writers on current issues and challenges.
For Thriller fans or people just interested in publishing or cons, the good people of #HarperCollins have asked me to appear on their Facebook Live channel tomorrow at 1030 EST to discuss this year‘s program and how we bring this conference to life. Please feel free to join us, send along your questions and learn some of our behind the scenes secrets.
Every year at Thrillerfest a lifetime achievement award is given called the Thrillermaster Award. Part of that ceremony is a humorous tribute song done by great writers (and musicians) Daniel Palmer and Brad Parks. Last year they brought the house down with this Beatles based medley for Lee Child:
This year the Thrillermaster is George R R Martin and I can‘t wait to hear what they have cooked up!
#Thrillerfest starts next week, the annual gathering of top thriller writers, agents, editors, publishers and fans in NYC. While I am always crazy busy running it, this year I will make the time to share as many fun photos with authors and industry news as possible with my friends on Litsy. If you are in NYC next week you should really think about joining us.
I had the honour of being on a panel with Stuart this year at the L.A. Festival of Books. He has a career every author dreams of and was a charming guest. His latest Stone book was as crisp and fun as ever. He uses dialogue so well to illuminate character and drive plot. His technical knowledge is sound but never intrusive. There are many reasons readers keep flocking to these books and Shoot First lives up to the tradition.
Parnell is a decorated Army Ranger vet. I always find it fascinating when subject matter experts write fiction in their field. Parnell does it well with his hard action thriller debut. As you can imagine he doesn‘t miss a detail, the pacing is fast and the hero aggressive. A great tale of vengeance this book should appeal to the military thriller fan. A word of warning, the violence is graphic.
Just a reminder of my #giveaway that closes July 5 to help #beatdiabetes.
First prize three signed #brendanovak books. Second and third prizes are signed hardcovers from me. Each entry will trigger a donation to fight diabetes.
Enter directly here, https://www.kjhowe.com/mailing-list/ or at my website kjhowe.com by joining my mailing list for travel safety tips and news on thriller publishing.
Good luck all and enjoy your summer reads.