Just started this. What‘s your current read?
Just started this. What‘s your current read?
Don‘t let this cover fool ya! Very different from the story. The story is awesome! I laughed out loud, cried, got pissed and many more. The author knows how to draw you in and make this so relatable on the light side of a lot of the sensitive subjects in our lives. I promise you won‘t regret picking this book up.
My book is due in a couple days so I‘m trying to steal every spare moment to read this but it‘s hard due to fall clean up and planting bulbs for spring. I normally finish books at night but lately I‘ve been falling asleep while reading because I‘m so exhausted! By the way, book‘s been interesting so far but different, Probably due to a different era.
Just got home after visiting my beautiful grandgirls out of town. This gal is wiped from long driving and pain from injuries incurred from being hit by a drunk driver back in November. I‘ve been waiting to read this new novel so tonight with these along with TENS and heating pad in bed. Good night!😊🥰
My love affair for the night😉
Just cause I truly enjoyed A Day in December. ❤️❤️
Between my appointments, I went to the library so I can enjoy reading on the balcony. Bonus was my new book buddy arrived and hung out with me exchanging more information including books and read together quietly for half an hour. Can‘t get better than that!😊🥰👍🏻
I just noticed there are 1,060 pages in this book!!!😳😳
Im not getting into it. The most irritating book of 2023!
You guys, you‘ve got to read this book. I‘ve laughed a lot while reading this late last night until 4:47 am this morning. I just couldn‘t put it down. I actually like it better than her debut novel, Things You Save From the Fire. I just want to say more but I don‘t want to spoil it. How many of you guys read it so far?
My read tonight
I remember wanting to read this when it first came out in 2007 but never got around to it until I I saw this in a free pile of books at the library. I grabbed some ice coffee and muffin at the cafe by the library went outside to the balcony to read. Well, I never moved from that spot for four hours until I finished it. It was that good. I‘m only sorry that I didn‘t read it sooner! Very well written and executed. A MUST read!
Too hot to sleep. Today was the highest temperature this year. Ewok and I are trying to cool off and hopefully reading will distract me tonight. Stay cool tonight.😊👍🏻
I purchased this for one buck because I love to cook and bake. My family loves eating cookies so this caught my eyes. Took me two days to read and mark the pages! I‘m so ready for fall and winter for baking!!❤️🥰😊 How about you guys?
Can‘t wait to read!
Been busy so I decided not to do anything to but read books that‘s been sitting there in my nightstand. Do not disturb sign is up. Great way to physically and mentally recharged. Thought I‘d give this author a try😊👍🏻
Has anyone heard of this series before? This is the first time I‘ve seen this. This first book was published 1998. So far so good. Good enough that I‘ve put other books on hold!!
So many to choose from! Got these for four bucks! #thelastromantics #educated
I‘m in 2nd chapter and I‘m enjoying this so far. Been laughing out loud and giggling !
Ready for bed. Lost my ebook back to Netgalley while I was reading. So I‘m reading physical books for a while. Irritated with Netgalley for the moment…
It‘s not even worth my time explaining my reasons after reaching Chapter 8. It‘s so ridiculous and unrealistic unless I‘m in another realm?
So far so good in the first couple of chapters. Very eloquent with words.
At my local library on the balcony #library #supportthelibrary #gorgeousday
I read this memoir back in the 80‘s. I truly enjoyed it. I read this way before the movie came out. This is the memoir that truly reaches out with hands holding your face to pay attention easily. There are the good, the bad and the ugly but it‘s Tina‘s story and she is just…..simply the best….
This is a story about a couple who made a deal to have a fake courtship throughout the season so everyone would leave them alone and partly as a snub to a young beauty‘s half brother. They both agreed on a deal after stating their intentions of not marrying and etc. Their journey and unexpected relationship start at that incident. I enjoyed the secondary characters. There are banters, discrimination, racism, healers, inventions, and much more!
This isn‘t a story about Queen Elizabeth. This is a story of normal people with different backgrounds, crossing paths together. This is a story of aftermath of WWII, traumas, triumphs, friendships, families, romance, racisms, and new beginnings. This is about ordinary people with dreams during the year of Coronation. What a great way to see from this people‘s perspectives on preparations from January 1st to June 2nd, 1953 for the main event.
This is a fast paced romance thriller/mystery with FBI theme in it. I could not put it down until I was finished with it. There were different twists and turns with sweet romance involved. Four stars and I cannot wait for the next book in this series to come out!😊👍🏻
Enjoying this delicious caramel cheesecake made by my sister in law while I‘m reading Liar‘s Crown. I haven‘t been on here due to working 80-100 hours a week during the Covid, plus couple of major illnesses and was hit by a drunk driver back in November 2022. I‘m healing and changing my priorities. So I‘m back! Happy Easter, everyone!
I‘m enjoying my rare downtime with an ARC and Luna *tic* after working 80+ hrs this week.
Oooooohh! This came in just now. Now I‘ve got chicken soup cooking, hot toddy going and brand new book. Possible cure for my head cold!😉#Girlsofstormandshadow @JP_Books @girlinthelens
This story is so colorful as I dive deeper in it!!
Enjoyable but not the greatest.3 1/2 stars
My glasses broke this morning and I‘m reading without glasses.....😳😳
Oh man! I was able to get lost in this book right off the bat last night! I had to force myself to go to sleep! Reading this right. Beautiful alluring historical story that will sweep you away! (Well, so far for me!)
This book seduced me. I‘m shameless right now. Who can I blame this time? #ninthhouse @lbardugo @flatiron_books
Cannot put this book down. Didn‘t realize this is book 2.