Loving this book!! Excited for the next two!!!
Such an easy read for a sunday afternoon
#sundayreading #lazyafternoons #steamybook
Loving this book!! Excited for the next two!!!
Such an easy read for a sunday afternoon
#sundayreading #lazyafternoons #steamybook
Thankyou to both @mitch and @Readergrrl for your amazing book swap boxes. Sorry this post is abit late had some personal issues happening which havent been on litsy for awhile. Hope mine arrives safely soon
#FallingForFallSwap #FFFS
Excited to start this book
Been on "to read shelf" for awhile.
Had anyone else read it?
#newbookfeels #hopeitsgood #metime
This is what kingdom of ash is going to be like!! So excited to read this book but dont want the story to finish #sarahjmaas #kingdomofash #2yearwait #excited #worried #squadbetternotdie
Thankyou @kstadt929 for my #sockswap. Been sick with the flu and all your presents have really made my day. I love my cupcake socks. Kept me warm!! Excited to start this book with my salt lamp :) much love and thanks ♡♡
My actaully thoughts!
#sarahjmaas #mems #plottwist #givemethenextbook
Read this quote while reading to my 4 month old daughter. She takes after her mum and loves reading time. #babyreadingtime #qoutsy
Short book! But loved it. Was great to read the different POV! Cant wait for the next one!! #acofas #sarahjmaas #rhysie #feyre #innercircle #courtofdreams #shortbook #neednextonenow!!
1. Warrnmabool, Australia
2. A court of mist and fury by sarah j maas
3. A court of thorns and roses
4. Love actually
5. Greys anatomy :)
6. Ed sheeren
7. Blue
8. Romance/fantasy
9. Im a phlebotomist (take blood). On maternity leave now being a mum to my beautiful daughter
10. A cat called sandy ♡♡
Bring on 23rd October!! #2yearwait #fandom #throneofglass #finalbook #sarahjmaas
Wednesday reads! Whats everyone reading today?
#isitfridayyet? #middleoftheweek #quotsy #bookrecomdations
Love Easter weekend markets always find more books to read #bookcaseisfull #thebookpub #lovethesmellofbooks #newbooks
Love these books.
Heard rumours that it was going to be made into a movie/tv series but no further news on it ;(
Only read half.
Was a slow read.. i was 39 weeks pregnant at time so maybe had other things on my mind haha
Might have to try again one day
Wow i love these books. They are so unique and so easy to read. I can read these books hours on end. I love America and mason :)
The ending was...WOW
So many twists and turns i didnt see coming. I loved it. Highly recommended
Loved the 1st book in series. 2nd one didnt live up to the first. Still a great series
My book i go to when im in a book slump. Have read it soo many times but love it each time i re read!!
Spending my easter night starting the immortalists. So excited to start this week! #thebookpub @Purrfectpages @k.okonski @Kendra.Diane
Love this book! Such a captivating read
Was good but loved crossfire series better
Omg the ending!!
Omg i love this series
Love it