This week has been 2 finals and an end of semester project. My brain is FRIED. A lovely breakfast with The Girl Child to start the day and relaxing to read tonight is improving morale. 🤓 #isitfridayyet?
This week has been 2 finals and an end of semester project. My brain is FRIED. A lovely breakfast with The Girl Child to start the day and relaxing to read tonight is improving morale. 🤓 #isitfridayyet?
1) Pride and Prejudice 2005 version
2) Marvel!!! 🌟💥
3) Disney World and/or Europe
4) I read a lot of YA but also general fiction
5) English...sorry, I‘m not good with languages haha
#mondayblues #premondayvibes #isitfridayyet @pepsicola
Wednesday reads! Whats everyone reading today?
#isitfridayyet? #middleoftheweek #quotsy #bookrecomdations
Current mood. 🙄 #isitfridayyet #idratherbereading
How is it not Friday yet?!? Technically it's not even Thursday!!!! 😫 Ignoring all work that is pending and opting for reading my book and drinking Chardonnay out of a poop emoji plastic cup belonging to my children. #booksandbooze #isitfridayyet