A very nice evening with Stephen Graham Jones at Cuyahoga County Public Library in Parma Ohio. I am so looking forward to reading this gem!
A very nice evening with Stephen Graham Jones at Cuyahoga County Public Library in Parma Ohio. I am so looking forward to reading this gem!
Sadly, Kelly Conway dwells on the later years of Tim Conway's life when he was sick and the battles with her stepmom & stepsister to gain control of his care. It was heartbreaking. If you want to remember Tim Conway as the mischievous man who brought joy to millions, read his autobiography, What's So Funny? My Hilarious Life.
This audiobook is over 15 hours long. Ordinarily, that would be a slog for me. Not with Mel. What a delight!
Long lines are not just in the retail world. Mourning doves patiently waited their turn at the bird feeder.
Merry Christmas, Littens!
I've been working so much lately. I ended up taking a social media vacation because I had no time. I'm slowly catching up. We adopted this little guy months ago. He's a joy. It's so nice to have a lap cat reading buddy.
I visited "The Big House" at Malabar Farm State Park in Lucas Ohio yesterday. You can't help but love Louis Bromfield. He had bookshelves in nearly every room. Oh, that desk!
Holy headband! This happened to me too. Was I offended? No, I was impressed that the millennial knew who Willie Nelson was. I feel like the red-headed stranger when I don my braids & headband.
Well, this was the biggest surprise of my Pacific Northwest vacation. Sub Pop has an airport store! You can buy records AND designer purses at the airport. Wow, I feel old.
Tovah Feldshuh made a lovely tribute to her late mother. She snuck her own bio in there without taking the spotlight from Lily. If you're going to take the trip to Lilyville, get the audiobook. Tovah brings her Broadway best to the narration. Delightful!
Another great graphic novel find from my library! This novel capture the wild, improvisational nature of jazz and Thelonious Monk's unconventional mind.
The long and loving friendship between Monk and heiress, Pannonica De Koenigswarter is highlighted. I wonder where music would be today if these two had not found each other.
This serious American Toad visited our campsite last night. He is magical to me. I need to get out of the city more often.🐸
Happy dog on beautiful spring day! #dogsoflitsy
This graphic novel was one wild ride. Steffen Kverneland threw himself & friend into the novel. They toured the locations where Munch lived & painted commenting along the way. He pulled in texts from Munch's friends, colleagues, & detractors. It is no wonder this novel took seven years to create. What a labor of love!
Old Man's Cave at Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. I was so glad to get away for a few days. My wanderlust has kicked in.
I found this first edition at a thrift store today. Bob Hope is a bit of a local hero. He may have been born in England, but he grew up in Cleveland. He owned the major league baseball team for a while, and he gave a lot back to the city. I am looking forward to his comments about growing up in Cleveland in the early part of the 20th century.
Who would have thought a book about comedy would be so educational?!! My history classes in school were certainly lacking.
Molly Ringwald's self-help book felt like something out of the 1950's. She sets up the perfect dinner party, and how to wear a Hermes scarf. A little too classy for me.
She strongly suggests getting rid of your beloved vacations t-shirts. No way, Molly. I'll gladly be a billboard for the places I love.
I got my first Covid-19 vaccine today. So long, Covid-19!
This photo has nothing to do with the vaccine. The world needs more cute cat photos. #catsoflitsy
The family just finished the Northern Exposure series. This summer, we will make a stop in Roslyn, WA were the series was filmed. Yes, a show about Alaska was filmed in Washington. That's much better than green screen.
I worked the temperature screening station at the hospital door yesterday. People were coming in for a class at the Castele Center which was directly behind me. A handful of folks told me they were looking for the Castiel Center. They made this nerd smile behind her face mask.
I'll never look elk the same way again.
North America wildlife at Wild Lights at the Akron Zoo. I love the armadillo!
Werewolf? There wolf.
You had me at raven. #judgeabookbyitscover
I finished The Sandman. I'm a little sad it's over. It's a hard act to follow.
I grew up in Northeast Ohio. I had friends that attended Kent State. I was too little to understand what was going on when these events occurred. What surprises me most is that there was not more of an outrage after this happened. No one was ever convicted. This is so heartbreaking.
Carvings in sandstone cliffs are just minutes from my house at Worden's Ledges in Hinkley Reservation, Greater Cleveland Metroparks, Hinkley, Ohio. I finally made it to Atlas Obscura destination!
I started doing temperature screenings at the hospital one day per week. After working from home exclusively since mid-March, my introverted self is having a hard time adjusting. It was good while it lasted.
This sweet sparrow woke me up this morning. She flew into my window and landed on my roof on her back. I wanted to help her, but I would have landed on my back too. She eventually flipped over on her own and flew away as good as new. Pretty resourceful creature!
On my weekly adventure out in nature, I noticed this tough tree doing it's best to grow at a 90 degree angle. Hang in there, little tree! You're an inspiration.
I finally read my first Stephen King novel. I purposely chose one that I had not seen the TV show or film. I wanted the King experience to be untainted by adaptation. I am not overly impressed, but I am curious enough to give it another go. I'll fast forward a few decades for the next selection.
The life & career of James Brown intertwined with the history of the Civil Rights Movement. A very educational graphic novel. I wish it came with a soundtrack.
I never met a used book sale I didn't like.
In true Hitchcockian fashion, Dexter Palmer puts himself in his novel. He portrays himself as a pompous author. Too funny. It was definitely the highlight of the book!
I got my annual flu shot this week. I hope it protects me from the Georgia Flu.
Punderson State Park, Newbury, Ohio
We need to get this book along with Quiet by Susan Cain into the hands of those who really need them. The Extroverts! A little understanding would be nice. Would it be tacky if I left them on my manager's desk?
This guy/gal found the best spot for sunbathing on Lake Erie. Vermilion, Ohio, USA.
They do say‘—he wiped his nose again—‘they do say that watching pigs cures melancholy. It never cured mine, though . . .‘
Piglets = Joy. I love fair season!