Hello Litsy friends :) inviting you to add me as a friend on Goodreads, driffaap@outlook.com and let me know how to find you on Goodreads too :)
Hello Litsy friends :) inviting you to add me as a friend on Goodreads, driffaap@outlook.com and let me know how to find you on Goodreads too :)
Man, so much to say. To thine own self be true right? He was honorable in his ideals, but cocky and Ill-prepared which amounted to disrespect of the land he held so high.
Alaska turned out to be his demise by means of poisoned seeds, ultimately leading to his starvation (awful). I, like the author find comfort to imagine him in a euphoric state during his last days.
We all choose our paths. He died doing what he loved. To thine own self be true.
Finally reading this one. Been on my TBR for years. Love real stories of people going into the unknown. It‘s no secret that in this particular adventure...the unknown was this dude‘s demise. Alaskan wilderness can be brutal apparently.
Bookish kinda night. I‘m whisked away to the snake charmin‘, moon-shiny mountains of West Virgina. Wren is telling me quite a tale.
Eating lunch with McMurphy, Nurse Ratched, and the gang today 😜
I didn‘t love it. Too slow and not scary. Good writing but a mediocre story. Overall sort of disappointing
Really good so far. My heart breaks for this dude dealing with his son‘s heroin addiction. Intimate look at what I would imagine many know to be the truth of how it is to be at the end of your damn rope, even with your own child. 2 other stories happening too so I‘m sure it all gets weaved together. Love books that do that. This was recommended based on my liking “Devil All the Time” similar feel. Definitely gritty.
Finally starting this. I‘ve been excited to start this one for a while. SO in the mood for spooky vampire read.
I know that many people feel this book was a let down from the previous books in the series. I really appreciated getting to know Lecter‘s upbringing, and all things that made him trick so to speak. I didn‘t feel it was a let down. I enjoyed it. It was a bit slow for my taste. I appreciated but didn‘t love it.
Diving into the last book in the series aka the prequel. Sad to be saying tata to this sexy psycho
Really loved this. Powerful and page-turning too. I have no words that would do it any justice. A must read.
Saturday Morning calm before the storm. I signed up for spin interval classes 3x a week and later this morning is my first one (nervous). Anyway I have an hour or so for coffee, some classical music and Kindred. Really enjoying it so far. I was surprised when I got it, to find it in the Sci-Fi section which I do not normally shop from!
I LOVED all the insights into Lecter. What I had a major issue with was how in the 2nd half of the book, it just seemed to drag and huge sections just felt to me to be entirely inconsequential. Thomas did a fantastic job creating Mason, however. dude is grotesque, & I'm not referring to him physically. Far more of a boogeyman than Lecter could ever be. The end was ridiculous.. Thomas turned a rock into rubber (Clarice) . NO. Not believable.
There are miracles in front of us constantly that we doubt away. We refuse to see God. We refuse to Satan at work too, even when right in front of our faces. Maybe it‘s our own shame though that makes us doubt God. “And there lies the heart of it, perhaps: in unworthiness. For I think belief in God is not a matter of reason at all; I think it finally is a matter of love: of accepting the possibility that God could ever love us.
I am facing my fears and tip toeing into this book with one foot ready to run back. This movie gave me night terrors for months when I was a child (I should never of seen it as a child but long story) anyway after much debate with myself, I picked it up at the library.
Ive got new respect for Afghanistan people and for the women especially. So much tragedy, so much inhuman treatment. It doesn‘t even seem possible, but it‘s true. I can‘t say I ENJOYED this book, but as with Kite Runner, it will be with me forever. Not sure there is any other way to judge a great book from an average one. Therefore, this was a great one.
I‘m about 75% done and here are the words RAGING inside of me. I hate Rasheed with the FIRE 🔥 of a thousand suns ☀️
Chapter 9 and already crying inside. I hate Jalil for allowing this :(
Diving in, I‘m sure the water is deep too if it‘s anything near as intense as Kite Runner. Khaled, take me away ❤️
Name some of your fav horror books (other than Stephen King pls)
I rarely read books twice, but I feel that this one has so much to offer, & likely different things each time one pours over it, so I may read it annually. I adored Samuel. My heart broke for Tom. I felt proud of Abba. I've known ppl just like Aaron. I know Cal deep in my soul. We are never all good, or all bad. We tend to accept the extremes & not the balance. Sometimes we choose to see only 1 or the other, in ourselves & in others. “Timshel“
Agatha Christie fans: my husband and I are thinking of doing a buddy read. We love suspense and neither of us have ever read Agatha Christie. Looking for suggestions on which of her books to start with? Thanks
The ways of sin are curious," Samuel observed. "I guess if a man had to shuck off everything he had, inside and out, he'd manage to hide a few little sins somewhere for his own discomfort. They're the last things we'll give up."
"Maybe that's a good thing to keep us humble. The fear of God in us."
My guess is that Tom Hamilton, isn‘t even going to be a central character in this book, but I LOVE the author‘s introduction/ description of him SO much. Who doesn‘t want to know this passionate, force of a dude?! Love it
Excited to dig in! Sounds very creative!
The writing was wonderful, especially the descriptions of the setting. It felt gothic & dark, as did the characters. I think the main idea of this book is selfishness & desperation. I say, NOT a love story. However, In the end I really liked young Catherine and Hareton. I think at that point after so much miserable fate, I needed something pure to blossom. I can‘t say this was a favorite book for me. Ultimately though, I‘m glad to have read it.
100 pages from finished and I‘m enjoying it, however I must believe that Emily Bronte made a challenge to herself to write as many unpleasant characters as possible in a single book. They are all very extreme in their faults. The writing is impeccable, and the descriptions lovely. I want to hit these ppl with a shovel though.🤭 have you ever read a book like that? I think this is my first.
This is my favorite reading spot, but Awna feels it is her own.
Awesome poet, I also recommend watching him read in performance style (YouTube) very stirring. I love the way he see‘s the world. https://youtu.be/p8NVLq2fGLc
I don‘t often care for non-fiction. This book is different though. I have read it about 5 times and never tire of it. This true story adventure does amazing things to my mood, and I plan to fit it in once more before the year‘ end. 😍
So pretty. I love this spine. Just getting started here with Heathcliff and company. I‘m optimistic. Loved Jane Eyre, so hope to love Emily‘s work as well.
This is definitely not a book meant for me. I feel like I‘m trapped in one pretentious and hellish ordeal of a dinner party. Back to Brontë sisters for me.
I have to say: If I lived in these times, I just know I would be the town pariah. I really dislike social gatherings, etc. I‘d also find it pretty impossible to put on a phony face and use my manners if I had inner disgust or rage. Lol it would be interesting to know what would become of me in this world, had I been born in this reality of Jane Austen‘s story😘
Hmmmm agree or disagree? Lol
There is nothing I can say of Jane Eyre that has not already been said many times by masses of adoring readers. I will just say as I feel.
I love so much about her character. How can you do anything but admire a woman who truly belongs to herself? Even in the face of intense love, and other times intense suffering. She held to herself, and had great respect for herself. Crazy this book was written in the 1800‘s. LOVE IT IMMENSELY 💕
Right at this moment, I feel that simple Mrs. Fairfax is a hater. No spoilers pls🤪
You are going to be on a deserted Island for the rest of your life. Name 1 big incredible book that‘s going with you (and tag it)
Mine is Bronze Horseman, by Paullina Simons 😍
I am enjoying this book so much. I‘m surprised. I don‘t want to put it down, though it will take me a bit to finish because it‘s long, and I keep looking up the words I don‘t know (sadly, there are many) I‘ve always pre-judged and shunned the classics as boring and pretentious. In Jane‘s own tongue however: “I dare say that with each turn of the page, I find myself quite enraptured with this tale”
Can I get some solid recommendation on Ireland based historical fiction? I always seem to enjoy them. I‘d love some great character driven writing set in old Ireland (late 1700-early 1900) historical fiction.
I read this years ago, and it remains an all time favorite of mine. The story was powerful to me, and I loved how it spans characters and time periods. Bernice has a smooth pen from which the words flow just beautifully. I‘ve read many titles of her‘s since. She‘s earned her place as one of my favorite authors. I feel like I know of a secret treasure in that, most people don‘t know of her works.
I've always been a Twilighter. Mid 20's when the first 4 came out. I was STOKED when this was finally released. It pained me to bail. After 10 chapters, I could not go further. What I once loved about Edward truly irked me this time around. I'd marveled at his intensity and protective nature. Now though, it felt smothering and TRULY psychotic. I still feel Stephanie is a wonderful character writer, & I'd rather remember Twilight fondly. RIP
I loved how I could smell the strawberry fields and the sea, as the author described life on San Piedro Island. The quiet hard-working fishermen (many of them war vets), finding solace in the seas, yet dreaming of a more beautiful life in the sweet berry fields. A timely book about hate, and prejudice. A book about small-mindedness, past hurts, war wounds, and the bitterness that keeps our lives small and shallow. A beautiful book.
Oh yes. I have my copy on pre- order and I will be geeking out all the way come August 4th. Edward I‘ve missed you 💋
So I lucked out on all the books, and they are on my TBR, but right now my 7 year old and I are watching the first episode of Anne with an E on Netflix. SO adorable. What a perfect actress to play her🥰 I adored the movie as a child and my heart is swelling at my daughter enjoying this.
Digging in! This one comes highly recommended by many. Excited for many feels.