I finally decided to DNF…I‘ve been finding reasons to not read it, which means I should stop trying and move on to something else. Maybe in a different mood it‘s be ok, but I found it boring. ☹️
I finally decided to DNF…I‘ve been finding reasons to not read it, which means I should stop trying and move on to something else. Maybe in a different mood it‘s be ok, but I found it boring. ☹️
This book is kind of about being tired and I'm so tired lately. I'd love to read it when I'm in less of a depressive funk, but it's good this time too!
PS both people who are 19 in this book should be a bit older, I think
Started the next book for my horror book club today and so far it whips!
3 of my favourite horror books! 🧛♂️
3 of my favourite horror movies! 🧟♂️
I recommend all 6 of these, they're all so amazing; essential horror fan watching and reading! 🖤🔖📺
What's your thoughts on these?
Hope I've done this right @wanderinglynn 😂
To wrap up pride month, here's my book review for Clive Barker's "The Damnation Game!"
One of my favorites of all time. Be careful what you wish for; people will always collect on your promises. #horror #barker #clivebarker #british
This is the Clive Barker book I'm most excited to read!! Have only heard great things!
Anyone love it?💙
I went to a cafe I got to regularly because they have three book cases full of books and I always seem to find books when I'm there. This visit was no different. I got these five books for £5 and the money goes to charity.
#bookhaul #thediaryofannefrank #thedamnationgame #clivebarker #themoonstone #wilkiecollins #himself #jesskidd #theshadowofthewind #carlosruizzafon
So, I'm at my parents and decided to rescue some books that are on tbr for ages!!!! Those are Second hand.
Loved this book. It isn't for the faint of heart. What I admire most about Barker is how he takes simple objects and makes them terrifying. Such as the puzzle box in Hellbound Heart, The Damnation Game provides a similar scenario but with a grotesque deck of playing cards.
Every man is his own Mephistopheles, don't you think?
Well, Mr. Barker went full Marquis de Sade with this one.
I'm behind in the photo challenge. Believe it or not, I had a hard time finding #uglycovers! The worst covers I've seen of late are books I don't own, but I'm not terribly fond of these. Poor Clive. #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept
I'm behind in the photo challenge. Believe it or not, I had a hard time finding #ugly Covers! The worst covers I've seen of late are books I don't own, but I'm not terribly fond of these. Poor Clive. #septphotochallenge #somethingforsept
A little about myself...I met my husband on holiday and after 4 days packed up everything and moved to another country to be with him. 3 years later and I've never regretted it. Everyone thought it was madness...but we believed
Might as well go full Clive Barker on this #TBT. I recently re-read The Damnation Game, and it holds up well. It's definitely a debut novel, and he'd repeat a lot of these elements in future books, but it's a solid read full of creepy imagery and big ideas. Not a bad place to start with Barker.