The cover of this book is what convinced me to buy it! It is a little bit slow at first and I do think that some elements could have been introduced a bit sooner but overall I really enjoyed this book and would definitely read it again ✨
The cover of this book is what convinced me to buy it! It is a little bit slow at first and I do think that some elements could have been introduced a bit sooner but overall I really enjoyed this book and would definitely read it again ✨
Look what arrived today!!!!! So excited to read this and will definitely be bumping it to the top of my TBR! 😄
#finale #stephaniegarber
Working on some character profiles for a novel I‘m writing 👌🏼 I‘m loving exploring these characters I‘m creating and it‘s amazing how much of their story reveals itself to me the more I write about their history 💖
Does anyone ever turn to a book when you‘re feeling stressed/anxious? I try to use reading as a way to help me calm down in certain situations. Immersing myself in someone else‘s story has always been my happy place ✨
Does anyone else have this little collection? I absolutely love it! It was bought as a gift for me about 6 years ago and I just love seeing it on my shelf ✨✨
#harrypotter #jkrowling
🐶: “Pay attention to me human!”
👩🏼🦰: “I‘m trying to read my book.”
🐶: “Tickles...now.”
👩🏼🦰: 🙄
Anyone else have this problem? 😂😂
So I‘ve put a self-ban on buying new books for a while because I have too many sitting on my shelf that haven‘t been read yet!
So what I‘m going to do is get someone else to pick a number and then whichever book is next to that number will be the book I read next! ✨✨✨✨
#tbr #booklist
Happy International Women‘s Day Littens! May we continue to support and love each other and fight for equal rights for everyone! Equality for all! ✨✨✨✨✨
Look at this beautiful edition of The Nutcracker that I found in Waterstones yesterday 😍 I just couldn‘t resist! It‘s filled with stunning illustrations and I can‘t wait to sit down and read this 💖
Started this one today! Loving the cover 💖
#oscarwilde #thepictureofdoriangray
Omg anyone who loves fantasy needs to dive head first into the Grishaverse! Absolutely loved this book! 😍 Zoya and Nikolai are hands down my favourite characters from this world and I loved seeing their development over the course of the book! Eagerly awaiting the second part to this already! 🌟
#grishaverse #leighbardugo
So I finished this one in a day 😄 I literally am obsessed with this world that the author has created and so I‘m going to be starting King of Scars today because I just can‘t keep away! 🌟
#grishaverse #leighbardugo
Stormed my way through this one in 2 days, utterly in love with this series and can‘t wait to read the next (and last ☹️) book in this series!
#grishaverse #leighbardugo
I am utterly hooked by the Grishaverse! 😍 I‘m reading it all totally backwards and started with the Six of Crows duolagy and when I finished Crooked Kingdom I just knew I had to get these too! I‘ve ordered the next two from Amazon which are coming tomorrow 😁
Only thing is...I kinda know how it‘s all going to end because I‘ve read the books in the wrong order 🙄🙊
Love this edition of Six of Crows! I‘ve not read it before but I‘m almost half way through and can‘t put it down! 🌟
Sequel to Everless, I devoured this book in one day! Absolutely loved it 😍 would recommend to people who are fans of The Cruel Prince & Red Queen series as it has a similar vibe 👌🏼
“Kiss me until I am sick of it.”
Started on this one over the weekend! I have been waiting very patiently for this to be released so I‘m so glad I‘ve finally got it! 😁
I struggled to get through this book. I know it‘s one of the classics and I know a lot of people love it, but I just couldn‘t get on with it and had to force myself to finish it!
Glad that I can now say that I‘ve read it though 👍🏼
Found this while I was in Waterstones yesterday! Completely forgot that it was released this month as I read the last one waaaaay back in January! 😍😍😍😍
Finally reading this after buying it almost 7 months ago! Absolutely loving it 😍 I was obsessed with The Song of Achilles so I knew that this was going to be just as good 💖
I was recommended this by my friend while we were on holiday and safe to say it‘s not been a disappointment! I‘m only about 1/3 of the way through but really enjoying it so far 👌🏼☀️☀️☀️
Latest addition to my TBR 💖
I have a huge TBR but they all seem to have pretty serious storylines, so I want something a bit lighter to read while I‘m on holiday! 🏖✈️
Any recommendations? ☀️☀️
#holidayvibes #holidayreads
Follow me on Insta - becca_hedges and drop me a DM if you‘re interested! 📚😍
I know I‘ve already posted about this book, but I‘ve actually started reading it and I‘m loving it already! And I can‘t not post that gorgeous cover, it‘s so simple and elegant😍
New additions to my hardback collection. These beautiful Oxford Editions were too lovely to resist!
#leotolstoy #hardback #oxfordedition #annakarenina #warandpeace
Picked this back up again as I left it unfinished! Don‘t know why I ever put it down really because I just love it 😍
#tokillamockingbird #harperlee #100bookchallenge
Look what arrived today! So excited to get stuck in!
I‘ve only got 3 scratches off already so 97 more to go!
#100books #bucketlist
“To the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered.”
Yay it finally came!! I‘ve finished War Storm by Victoria Aveyard so now I can move on to this! 🙌🏼
#acourtoffrostandstarlight #sarahjmaas #excited
I will now be awake all night devouring it, and then be sobbing when I finish it because I don‘t want the series to be over 😢
#WarStorm #VictoriaAveyard #RiseWithTheDawn
How on earth could I say no to this beautiful cover? Not to mention I loved The Song of Achilles so I have no doubt this book will be just as amazing 👌🏼
#circe #madelinemiller #beautifulbook #beautifulcover
“But remember, it‘s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
Killing time on my lunch break with a quick read of this at Costa 👌🏼 I‘ve never read this before but have been told that it‘s outstanding, and who could resist such a beautiful cover?
#tokillamockingbird #harperlee #periodbook
Devoured this book in one day! I thought the author handled the subject of this story incredibly well but without holding anything back.
#anatomyofascandal #sarahvaughan
Literally devoured this in 2 days 😍 Loved, Loved, Loved this sequel! The main character, Gwen, is so kickass but also so real at the same time, she has flaws just like everyone else and it made her so much more relatable 👌🏼
Definitely recommend to those who love a good thriller!
#rachelcaine #killmancreek #thriller
I haven‘t posted on here in a while because I‘ve been pretty ill over the last few weeks and haven‘t had a lot of energy to read ☹️
BUT....just finished this bad boy in a couple of days and I LOVED IT! It was so good! I‘ve just bought the 2nd one and cannot wait to read it!
#rachelcaine #stillhouselake #suspense #psychologicalthriller
I was expecting more from this ☹️ I couldn‘t really relate to the main character, she felt so distant and two-dimensional, she never really showed a lot of emotion so I couldn‘t empathise with her!
I would like to check out the film though to see how different it is!
#brooklyn #colmtoibin
I‘m so, so happy! For the first time in a long time, I‘ve finally gotten back into my writing ☺️ Reading and writing has always been my coping mechanism since I can remember but for the last few years I‘ve drawn a blank when it comes to new things to write about, so I cannot express my happiness at finally being able to keep tapping away as a new story pours out of me and onto the blank pages! 🌟💖🌟💖
#writing #fiction #finally
I hate picking my next book to read as I always stick to a similar one to what I‘ve just read...so as my TBR is quite short atm, I numbered them, wrote them down and will be asking my friend to pick a number for me whenever I‘ve finished a book!
That way, hopefully, I‘ll get a fresh genre each time!
#tbr #imhopeless #needhelpchoosing
I finished this in about 2 days, it was a nice easy read with an interesting story line. I‘d seen it hyped up on here and Instagram so though my I‘d give it a shot!
If you were thinking about reading this then I do think it‘s worth it, especially if you want a quick read 🌟
#everless #saraholland
Loved this book! Not gunna lie, the first quarter felt very slow and I wasn‘t sure if I wanted to carry on, but I did...and it was so worth it! Really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend!
#littlefireseverywhere #celesteng #loved
Started this before work this morning 👌🏼 I‘ve heard such good things about it so I can‘t wait to get properly stuck in 🙌🏼
Book no 4 of 2018 🌟
#littlefireseverywhere #celesteng #newbook #newread
“The odd thing about ambition is this: You can acquire it like a fever, but it is not so easy to shed.”
I quite enjoyed this book, it wasn‘t what I was expecting but in a good way, I couldn‘t anticipate the protagonists next moves so it was nice to be kept on my toes. I couldn‘t work out if I liked the main character though, she‘s an odd one but I enjoyed watching the different aspects of her personality unfold!
#thecruelprince #hollyblack
So...I never finished The Mortal Instrument series, I finished book four and then just gave up because I got bored. So safe to say, Lady Midnight did spoil the ending of that series for me.
BUT...I love this book! Even though it‘s a whopping 668 pages I never got bored and never wanted to put it down! If you‘re a fan of Cassandra Clare then this is a good pick!
The 2nd one came today and I‘ve already started it!
#thedarkartifacts #cassandraclare
Also bought this one at the weekend while in Bath. I‘ve got no idea what it‘s about and there was no blurb! But...I‘ve seen it floating around on Litsy so thought it was worth a go 👌🏼
#thepower #naomialderman #noideawhatitsabout
New books added to my TBR pile 🙈 They were Christmas presents from my family and I can‘t wait to get stuck into them....whenever I finally get through my pile...🙄
#wonder #stillhouselake #littlefireseverywhere #newbooks #christmaspresents #tbr