I loved this one. It seriously scratched an 'Epic Fantasy on a warm day' itch I didn't know I had.
I loved this one. It seriously scratched an 'Epic Fantasy on a warm day' itch I didn't know I had.
This was good, not great; however, read it for Mephi (pictured above) and Jovis because they are the best part of the book.
See you on the other side, sugar lips.
Palamedes Sextus was a saint and deserved better.
Reading an Eames book: Alright, a kick ass fantasy adventure! Wow, these characters seem complex. I'm connecting with them on a deep level. Wow, this is hilarious. Huh, that was a little heavy. Still funny though! Wait, no, stop...why am I tearing up? What is this brutal social commentary that's hitting me right in the gut. St WHY AM I SOBBING!? MY HEART IS SO FULL OF LOVE AND PAIN AND EMOTION I'M NOT SURE I'LL RECOVER FROM...Hehe owlbears.
Going to be honest....I am sadly struggling with this one a bit, which bums me out majorly! Anyone else reading and having a hard time????
Damn this was both FUN, HILARIOUS, and absolutely heart breaking in parts. For readers who like to play DandD while blasting Led Zeppelin, this one's for you.
This book...promises so much and after 224 pages of insufferable rich people and a twist that I totally called by page 100 and has nothing to do with the Titanic (I peeked ahead), I'm just done and bailing ship (ha). I do think some people will enjoy its unique concept but good lord was it boring and unlikable for me. Although I'm a bit bummed, there's too many other books calling me name to struggle on.
This was kinda messy BUT fun. There's a lot of exposition. Details got tangled up, as though the author had SO many ideas she just shoved them all in. There wasn't a lot of world-building or reality...Emilia is 18 in a small Catholic town and she just runs around doing whatever she wants and no one questions it...but all that being said it was quick brain candy. I look forward to the next one...hopefully Kerri can get some details reorganized.
This left me with a lot of feels. My heart hurts to say goodbye and to leave them to their futures. While not a perfect book, it was a great conclusion...though I will say Laia pissed me off for most of it & there were a lot of threads in the series that got left to hang (Helene's healing power did nothing for the last 2 books and I still don't understand how the jinns work). Helene 100% wound up being my favorite character overall!
The seasonal reread has begun!
...i... don't know what to feel about this book. It was NOT what I was expecting. There were sever scenes that made me gag and then left me with a lot of questions. It was Shakespeare-ish... like if Shakespeare liked bugs and Romeo and Juliette were a lot more well adjusted kinda but also not
Again, not sure what to feel on this one other than I need a shower.
....I'm having a problem with this one. Poor Cathy...who has the character development of paper and seems to only exist to be the Manic Pixie Dreamgirl for the brothers and has one line of dialogue to the brothers' eighty....is in labor and the boys are still squabbling and being brats despite the fact that they are grown ass men. Okay, this may be a DNF soon if it doesn't get better...
Okay....I'm not very far into this....but....does anyone else kind of find Naranpa a dumbass? She's supposed to be the leader of this organization but she has zero back bone and just doesn't seem that bright...
What a gorgeous book. Alix has a beautiful, beautiful way with words and I kinda think this book made me a better woman. It is a little long, but I can't think of what I would edit out. I'll be thinking about Agnes, June, Bella and their ways for a long time.
If I ever have a daughter, I'll tell her, 'Give 'em hell, baby girl'.
Ow. My heart hurts. This was sooooo damn good. Messy and long and brief and poignant and funny and sad and so like life. God, it was beautiful.
I tried to get an artsy photo but Ella decided she wanted to be in the photo.
I'm concerned for our main character's sodium levels because it feels like ALL she does is eat instant noodles. This is skippable...just...boring and predictable with a flat main character who exists at the same level of complexity as a lot of C Horror movie victims. The cat's great though...
I'm taking a much needed day off to spend with my husband and this is how I'm getting started. Getting all those spooky vibes...
Look, this book isn't for everyone. It's pretty bleak...a lot of teens casually getting eaten in a dark purgatory-ish 'school', a lot of info dumping about the political maneuvering within the school, a lot of info dumping about how the magic works...but gosh darnit I loved El and her motley crew. El's snark and nuanced inner battle against her naturally evil abilities just made this book addicting to me and I'm looking forward to the next one!
Holy hell, I loved this one. Lou is so sassy and I love the French/Catholic/Pagan world building. Definitely a little tropey and the phrase 'my husband/my wife's appear five million times but God I loved it. It was fast paced, immersive, and kinda Christmasy? Most of the main action takes place around Yule sooooo I'm not complaining about the description of wreathes and cold weather...
I think this book deserves more love. It was a quick, atmospheric read that got pretty damn dark and gorey (trigger warning for self harm). I loved the setting and characters and the ending opened up some fascinating opportunities for a sequel...I would say that the pacing was off and it seemed rushed...the major tension didn't happen until about 60% in but then it happened all at once. Overall, very entertaining and I look forward to the sequel
I really liked this one! Fantastic witchy imagery and suffocating, but sadly familiar, restrictions for women. I do wish we had spent more time actually in the woods with the witches...and I'm not sure I loved the way the witches were treated. But for a first novel, it was lovely and I would love a sequel.
Guuuuys....this book is, like, really awesome.
I finally finished this one.This has potential. Ryan, thank you for your service in the army. I think doing 6 years in Afghanistan positively impacted your ability to write about war; however, this was convoluted. Buc was such a bitch. There was that weird guy tone of 'oh she's not like other girls'; this is NOT empowering to women. Women like other women. It was kind of a mess, BUT...I do believe he's early in his career and will get better!
This was just Sherlock Holmes with occasional mentions of magical creatures and the Sherlock character had wings. While charmingly written, there was no major tension other than the Ripper case which had an unsatisfying ending. Maybe there's going to be a sequel because there were A LOT of loose ends and things mentioned that never came up again. If you love Sherlock, give this a try. If you are looking for an original work of fantasy...pass.
So. This book. I'm not 100% sure what I should think. It's saving grace was the main character. I'd love to read more with her. This book got bizarre. It was fun, but sorta missed the mark in a way. Honestly, it could've taken place anywhere...I wanted more Mexican folklore/influences...and I'm still kinda confused about what actually happened. Solid B+ I guess?
Oh my glob...these books. Ow my heart. I need more [error]. This was a magnificent ending to an incredible journey. Book 1: Creepy ass space horror. Book 2: Scifi Action. Book 3: EMOOOOOTIONS AND CHILLS. I [error] would love to see this as a tv show.
Am I not merciful?...says Ella
I love this series! Admittedly, I like the plot if the first one better because it's so damn creepy...but I love Nik and Hanna (and not just because she spells her name thr correct way/does martial arts). Aiden is...in a strange twist...BAE.
I have to say I'm actually really disappointed with the ending. The story was CREEPY until about the last 25% where I feel like everything was wrapped up way too neatly. 'It was actually the neighbor lady sneaking into your room telling you you were going to die and you thought she was a man and we don't really know why she would do that other than she was superstitious and German?'. Entertaining, but I wish it had left me with more chills.
Sweet fancy moses, this book was awesome. It did take me a little bit to get into the style, but then I was totally sucked in. The visual elements really add to this hilarious, absolutely terrifying, heart breaking story. Can't wait for book 2!
Am I not merciful?
Ow. My heart. Mothercustard, this was both really fun and really heart breaking. Jay Kristoff has that gift, I suppose.
Also now I'm eyeballing my succulents with suspicion....
Sooo...I'm still not exactly sure what happened, but it was fun...like a messy night of drinking with good looking people that you can't quite remember their names the next day. Lighthearted and fast, I love Pocket even if I feel like this could've actually used a few more chapters and a little bit more significance...more ends tied up in a significant way? But...hey...we did a few shots together and I'd love another book with Pocket and Cobweb.
I think this series has a lot of promise. The magic, creepy woods and creepy town are ingredients for a fun, spooky supernatural thriller; however, the relationship drama bogged it down. It wasn't instalove which was refreshing... it just went on and on and the Beast kind of got left in the woods checking his watch, wondering when he got to go on. I hope that since some of the FEELINGS got figured out, the 2nd book will be a bit more magical...
So far, so good on this one. I'm pleasantly surprised by how creepy and engrossing it is so far....I love the witchy feel and the deep, dark wood vibe. Let's hope it keeps up!
I don't know why it took me so long to read this one...I believe Sir TP's books are all special, full of laughs and sass and wisdom. This one definitely is up there with the more specialy-iest. Not only is it an introduction to the Wee Free Men and their ludicrous insanity, it's a reflection on faith, folk lore, knowing your own mind, and how do we make choices that are right and wrong. Plus vampires. And Igor. Yeth, mathter....
So, we think it's time to read a very different kind of vampire book...🧛♀️
Ella and I really are not sure what to feel about this book. On one hand, it's entertaining and a brilliant concept. On the other, I think it could've been executed a lot better. Not enough book club, not enough creepy vampire moments...the 'vampire' in question didn't feel 'vampirey' one but...not enough female empowerment, and don't get me started on Grady's lazy choice to use sexual violence against women as a plot device. So. I just don't know
Ok, I was really feeling this book...
Despite the infuriating husbands...but then one of the main characters gets RAPED by the bad guy as a threat and he finishes inside of her and it kills her. How many times do we have to say thos? SEXUAL. VIOLENCE. AGAINST. WOMEN. IS. NOT. A. PLOT. DEVICE. It serves no purpose other than to put the threat on the main characters...they were already threatened...and to be really gross.I thought you were better.🤬
My lord, the men in this book need to be slapped upside their heads. Good gravey....
This beauty came in the mail yesterday and I started it over very healthy oatmeal (gold star to me) but I actually have to go to work for a little while and that SUCKS...(see what I did there?)
Stayed up past my bedtime to finish this one...loved it even more than the first one. The writing can be clunky in places, but it's action packed and rather sexy in places. You can't help but love the characters...even the bad guys...and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on the next book. And that's all I gotta say about that....
As a fantasty, I loved it. The world building is tricky and takes patience.There's references to languages/ religions that you just have to figure out. I loved the characters.There were some laugh outloud moments. As a radical look at gender, ugh. Tsira/Jeckran's relationship, while sweet, was creepy. The traditional gender roles were switched but the 'fem' character was treated as cute and viewed in a weird submissive sexual condescending way.
Welp, I honestly kinda thought about putting this aside for now....but things have definitely picked up a bit😂