So far so good!!
“Because the closing of the eyes was not something he wanted and the remaining human was” p.204
After months and months of a COVID-19 free state, we‘ve just been thrown into lockdown. Wearing a mask is new, so I thought I‘d make mine a statement, something in stark contrast to my little green town.
“Generally speaking, I am a headache of a person who is not easy to like” p.32
This perfectly captures how I‘ve felt about myself over the past 2 years. It is so frustratingly accurate!
“A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dead under the ground.“
“If hope is a thing with feathers, then libraries are wings”👌🏼
Thanks for the tag @Eggs 🙂
1. My home, definitely
2. Kick, Push by Lupe Fiasco
3. I don‘t like chocolate, but I‘ll eat it just so people don‘t find out and freak out!!
I tag @SamAnne, @RachelO and @batsy 😄
“Depression is a normal response to abnormal life experiences.”
I hope that this quote finds you if you need it.
Depression is the symptom, not the problem. It‘s the smoke, not the fire.
There‘s a big difference - as I‘m learning from this book!
“...being disconnected from the people around you had the same effect on your health as being obese —which was, until then, considered the biggest health crisis the developed world faced.” P.129
“Dead men don‘t bite”
Getting the last few chestnuts from my tree while I can😍
“When you apologise, however, you may begin healing yourself. It is not for us. It is for you. I recommend it.”
“We were examining the same problem, namely, how depression alters people‘s thinking in a way that first gets things stuck, then makes things worse” p.3
Photo of the sky tonight from my my little patch in Western Australia, reminding me to chill out, be kind and take more conscious breaths every day.
This book is set in the North Island of New Zealand, but it‘s just as picturesque in the South Island 😍
Here‘s another Glenorchy shot - the last one I promise - from a helicopter that took us from Queenstown to Milford Sound. Amazing
#Glenorchy #NewZealand #helicopter
“Between the hay shed and the olive grove, as the sun beats down, I stand there, straddling a sheep, laughing.”
My face in this pic matches how it must have looked when I came across this line😁
#newzealand #glenorchy
“New Zealand‘s history is filled with adventurous souls...”
Reading books about places while I‘m traveling through them is my favourite thing😍 hopefully more (and better) pics to come!
I want to finish this book but I‘m struggling so much with the non-stop violence and abuse. I need reasons to finish!
“The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder.” P.169
“What you make from a tree should be at least as miraculous as what you cut down.”
“It is intolerable for a human being to go on doing any task as a penance, under duress. No matter what the work is, one must spiritualise it‘s in some way.” P.13
“What will be, will be”
I‘ll have a book hangover for a while after this!
“If neurotic is wanting two mutually exclusive things at one and the same time, then I‘m neurotic as hell.” P.98
“...all crimes are only ‘a variety of theft.‘” P.289
“All wisdom is healed pain” 🙏
“Everything ends; nothing lasts”
“What would feeling like somebody feel like? To suddenly exist not only in your world, but someone else‘s as well?”
“‘...but briefing is not reading. In fact it is the antithesis of reading. Briefing is terse, factual and to the point. Reading is untidy, discursive and perpetually inviting. Briefing closes down a subject, reading opens it up.‘” (P22)
“All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow”
So relatable
“What was it about the illustrated carnival owner‘s silences that spoke thousands of violent, corrupt, and crippling words?” P.166
“If we don‘t accept the notion that there‘s no re-do... our pasts will keep us stuck.” (p.98)
“There wasn‘t time to linger on what might be. There was what had to be”
“Emptiness is vast and astonishing, the Buddhist approach insists; it does not have to be toxic” p.20
Happiness comes from letting go
This is every reader's catch-22: the more you read, the more you realize you haven't read; the more you yearn to read more, the more you understand that you have, in fact, read nothing. There is no way to finish, and perhaps that shouldn't be the goal.
Alone, alone! Long she would recall the strangeness of the word, an echo aerated by melancholy vowels—alone.
“I allowed my mind to wander. I‘ve found this to be a very effective way of passing the time; you take a situation or a person and start to imagine nice things that might happen. You can make anything happen, anything at all, inside a daydream.”