⭐️ This is the worst book I‘ve read this year. Time loops are very hard on paper but these characters were so one dimensional I don‘t think even the silver screen could save it.
⭐️ This is the worst book I‘ve read this year. Time loops are very hard on paper but these characters were so one dimensional I don‘t think even the silver screen could save it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ book 2 of the Will Trent series was pretty much episode 1 of the show, so a few spoilers for me. (I‘ve stopped watching the show to prevent this moving forward 😁) but I love Will!!! Sometimes my heart breaks for him.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Diving into the Will Trent series! I love it! The show caught my attention and I decided that enough people had recommended these books over the last few years! A little surprised that the book descriptions did not remotely match the show tho!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was recommended to me years before I knew the name JD Vance. It wasn‘t until the most recent elections that I decided to give a read to gain more insight. I really enjoyed it. I found it was both touching and comical at times, and honest. His grassroots seems to grow deep and wild.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Sad to read this after his passing. It was a good read with a lot of insights into the struggles of addiction. I wasn‘t a big Friends fan either, but I found this to be enjoyable and interesting regardless. I liked how he didn‘t spend chapters and chapters on his childhood, but stuck to the core points of his life.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Dahlin', if you only knew- Always been a Mariah fan and I enjoyed the insight into her growing up and how she got started in the industry. She a beautiful writer and the memoir is full of prose and metaphors ❤️ if you are a fan I recommend. Many recording studio pages with a ton of name drops if you are into that. But loved reading where her inspiration came from for the songs she wrote!
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Freida read #6 for me. I‘m surprised this was a BOTM choice. It was a solid 3 stars, read quick like all Freida‘s. Had a twisty twist like all Freida‘s, was slightly ridiculous…like all Freida‘s. She‘s entertaining and shouldn‘t be taken seriously. And can always get you out of a slump. This MC was def stupid 🥲
⭐️-I‘m a fan of dark academia & secret societies & sorority drama & mysteries…. & this was just not it. There‘s such a disconnect right from the start between characters & the plot. I love alternating POV/timelines but this was so flat I had to keep going back to the start of the chapter to remember who I was reading. DNF @ 75% bc reading it felt like punishment. One of my most anticipated reads of the year too! Not sure what went wrong
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ one of the best reads of 2024. Historical fiction at its finest.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Midnight Library is a mood read. I can see why the reviews are so mixed. I read this on the cusp of summer ending, and so, it was the right time for me. Autumn not just spooky season, it‘s also a time where “death” feels closer I feel. Themes of suicide are heavy in this story, but it‘s also inspiring in many ways.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fantastic mystery set in the Adirondack Mountains. My only critique would be the amount of characters and time jumps throughout this story, but without a doubt easy enough to stay on track. Highly recommend for anyone who loves an atmospheric read.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Damn! This was great! Maybe just the right time for me, bc I was in the mood for action and drama and tension and this book delivered on every level. Vampires done differently enough to where it feels new. Really likable characters, flaws and all! Slow burn romance and just enough trope. This was def it!!!! Highly recommend to any fantasy/romantasy reader!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fantastic read! This ghost story/thriller was everything. Super engaging and the plot flew! I cried multiple times. The swell of emotions this book brings is a wide range. I almost didn‘t want to read it bc the first 5 chapters 💔 but I am so glad I stuck with it. Highly recommend! Ghost story done right! 👻#askforandrea
⭐️⭐️.5- Freida # 4- This was my fourth Freida read and my least favorite so far. As always, you fly through her books, it‘s well written and it moves. I wasn‘t a fan of the ending. Unlike my last read which was super predictable and still enjoyable regardless, this one has a twist that fell flat.
⭐️⭐️⭐️A campy and predictable thriller. But that didn‘t make it any less enjoyable. This story is about 3 grown siblings who discover a crime committed by their parents on an old VHS tape. Great palate cleanser if you are in a reading slump. Can be read in one sitting!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book took me by surprise. I didn‘t expect the way the plot took a twist right in the middle of the book. While not the most exciting characters I was def hooked. Very quick read. UPDATE: I had zero clue this was a series. It was a BOTM pick and this cleared up a little confusion I had toward the end. This IS a pet peeve of mine for sure. But, oh well.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was a great read! If you enjoyed the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo then I feel you will enjoy Malibu Rising. I loved the little Easter eggs she leaves from characters in her other stories. Also very seasonal! Perfect for summer!
⭐️⭐️.5 The ending to this book, the “unbelievable twist”was just that…unbelievable. If it had stuck to that typical Gone Girl formula, I would have actually rated it higher. Typical, expected, enjoyable still. But instead the last chapter takes the entire story and turns it into sci fi. Womp
⭐️.5 I think I may have matured out of reads like this, but the movie looks decent.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Really unique stand-alone fantasy revolving around two sisters and a magical library. This book had a slow build, but it‘s worth it. Perfect mix between light and dark fantasy and part of me wants to lean the genre more toward magical realism. A very enjoyable read and I highly recommend! #inkbloodsisterscribe #botm
⭐️⭐️Love Jersey Shore, but this memoir didn‘t do it for me. Big fan and huge supporter of his recovery from addiction but I just don‘t feel I gleaned anything new that I haven‘t gotten from his Instagram.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I find this series to be dark, mature and intelligent. The slow burn of Ninth House is worth the satisfying story told in Hell Bent. I actually thought this was duo but I see there is a #3 planned. Idk I thought it kinda finished more open-ended as opposed to cliff hanger, probably due to my mindset. But happy surprise, I‘ll read it.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Freida #3 This was fun! She writes some wild plots and I‘m here for them. I know this one is popular and I can see why. It was very twisty, as expected. I usually try and keep it spoiler free, but I was happy when Nina‘s sadistic husband dehydrated to death in the attic after ripping his own teeth out 😃 I can‘t imagine how this is a trilogy? But I think I‘m gonna read it lol
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book is so fun! It‘s YA with a quick pace & relatable MC. & WRESTLING 🤼♀️ I loved Birdie‘s journey to shed what no longer served her & how taking chances & letting go of what everyone else thinks can lead to becoming a complete BADASS! I would love to see this book made into a movie. Big life questions are wrapped into a world of bone talismans & WWE & I am here for it! I had goosebumps cheering on the FUTURE of Mayhem!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Oh my! 😅 this was quite the spicy fantasy 🌶🌶🌶🌶 Spice aside, I enjoyed the story. It was a very thrilling and action-packed plot. Very fantastical and adventure driven. I‘m happy it‘s a stand-alone in what will be a series of stand-alone‘s. While I enjoyed it for what it was, I am satisfied with its conclusion and don‘t feel I need more.
When you find your name in the acknowledgement pages of your friends first debut novel, you cry 🥲 Beck is a fabulous writer and I feel this book is going to be unique and special and I hope readers enjoy it! I cannot wait to read what she has created. Strong women! Defying gender-rules and WRESTLING!!! Review to come!!! #wearemayhem
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This is how you mix a thriller with podcasting! Listen for the Lie was really enjoyable and kept you guessing, despite the amnesia trope. I was disappointed with None of this is True and shocked it was a BOTM BOTY nominee. This book had everything that book didn‘t. I‘ll actually remember this one too. I don‘t think it will blend into the black hole of commonly read thrillers. I recommend!
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Started off a strong read. A cute, darkly comic Fantasy RomCom. But at about 40% it began to drag. By 50% I couldn‘t believe the book wasn‘t over, at 65% I was checking the page count. Perfect example of “less is better” A lot of unnecessary chapters that did not drive the main plot of “who is trying to kill the villain?” This could easily have been 100 pages less and a 5 ⭐️ read. Long winded but cute. I won‘t be continuing the series.
⭐️⭐️ okay. So I am finding that regardless if you‘ve lead an interesting life, it can still be boring on paper. Another celebrity memoir that did not have the 💫Paris Hilton💫 sparkle✨ I was bored and not into the poetry.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I really enjoyed this one! Thrillers can tend to become repetitive, but I enjoyed the cat and mouse aspect of this one. I certainly didn‘t know who to trust! But not embarrassed to admit I didn‘t quite understand the very ending 😅 I think I get it, but whatever! I recommend!
⭐️⭐️The traumatic experiences documented in Jennette McCurdys memoir are stomach turning. I am in the minority, but the writing style wasn‘t for me & sometimes I was bored. Which isn‘t a fair statement when rating a memoir. I‘m not a fan or super familiar with her work, probably due to age. I read it bc of the reviews & I was expecting humor & raw wit. But I don‘t feel there was much in the book. But I can see why the book is titled this way.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Freida read # 2📚while I enjoyed The Teacher slightly more, I have to admit this twist WAS a surprise. Another quick read. I thought for a moment that there must be something wrong bc the plot seemed painfully obvious but the end really did shock me! 😃 it‘s been a minute since a “lifetimey” thriller made me say wait whaaaaa???
Fellow Litsyans, I can‘t help but notice a large drop in this sites use. Am I the only one? While I am not the most active person on here, it is the only place I write my short reviews. And I used to come here for recs and book community, but have found myself back to Goodreads mostly. Is it due to the surge of booktok? I can‘t help but feel a little down about it, bc Litsy is a wonderful little site! #saturdaythoughts
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Accidentally fell into this while in the midst of a kindle unlimited search binge. A few eyerolls (which the epilogue did make me take them back) but otherwise this was a solid little thriller. I‘ve never read the author and I may even pick up a second book of hers right after.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The events in Dear Sister take place in my hometown in Hudson Valley NY. Due to the sensitive and traumatic nature of the case I won‘t be disclosing any personal opinions in this review. As for the memoir itself, Michelle Horton is a beautiful writer and she created a very powerful memoir depicting the strength of sisterly love, even in the darkest times. #dearsister *not an easy read Trigger Warnings
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Predictable, but cute. Corny, but expected. Tropey, of course. Cute little romcom read for Feb.
⭐️.5 The 1st DNF in a while. Made it to 65% & decided to find joy in my life again & just stop reading this. I had high hopes, but the execution was all tell zero show. Impossible to keep track of characters. There wasn‘t a plot. It wasn‘t an epic sweeping tale of friendship. No mafia action. No character development. Surprised it was a #BOTM pick at all. No Karen from Goodfellas vibes! No Carmella queens in this book. I could go on…
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Solid three stars. This is my second read by this author. I didn‘t enjoy as much as It Lies in the Woods, but I did enjoy it. It‘s a quick read, keeps you guessing. A nice “palette cleanser” thriller, as I like to call them. #botm
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Enjoyable Historical Fiction that mixes the glitz and glam of the NYC Rockettes and the Mad NYC Bomber. Well-written with a decent pace.
⭐️⭐️⭐️ While I did enjoy None of this is True, I also found it slightly typical for its genre. It was well-written & passed the time. Unreliable narrator & all. But besides the podcast format, I wouldn‘t say this book would stick out more than other similar reads. BOTM book of the year nominee? Hhmmm.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Divine Rivals was a really sweet YA Fantasy that had a slight real world twist, creating a setting of its own. I loved Iris and Roman‘s journey. Ross is a great writer who always keeps the plot moving. I felt it was too light on the war with the Gods information, tho. We got bare minimum and worry book 2 may be an info dump! Hopefully it‘s just as magical!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I wasn‘t a Paris Fan, more fascinated by her, like Brit, by the culture I had grown up in. But this memoir is eye opening. I did not expect to be saddened, distressed, horrified. I didn‘t realize I would be putting the pages down with a sick feeling in my stomach. Or that my heart would open up to a “privileged” celebrity. Or that I would feel, in MANY ways, that someone like me, a “normie” led a much more privileged and kind life!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Solid ending to a gothic fantasy. No spoilers, but I like that this story dared to go darker with our MCs where most stories wouldn‘t. The cliffhanger from book 1 was not quickly resolved and at first I was thrown. But once I adjusted to this “new character” I really enjoyed the storytelling. Had wanted to finish this yesterday🙄 normally a day doesn‘t make much of a difference, but this one did lol so, 2024 reading list it is!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fantastic story, unique magic system, moving plot, dark and creepy atmosphere, romance 😍 I get the hype! Highly recommend! #onedarkwindow
This month is 1 year in our new home. We decided to spend the day solo, cooking & decorating the tree. Resting! For my own holiday mental health, I felt I needed the nostalgic smells of my families traditions in this home. No one is close, everyone is spread out. And the thought of coming home to a cold empty house was a bummer! Rereading ACOTAR after 8 years, and finally continuing the series to fill the Iron Flame hole in my ❤️ Happy 🦃 Litsy!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Gah!!! It‘s just such a fun story!! The cliffhangers in these books are straight torture. I can‘t wait for the next one. I am officially emotionally invested. No shame here.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “you can‘t f*ck with a women who knows how to pray” Go Brit 👏 👏👏 Reviewing this honest and raw memoir is impossible. It just is. Soooo many apologies owed. I am from the Britney era (born in ‘84, holla!) So much of this I remember, I grew up with it, to read the TRUTH changes it all. It changes everything. I wish this woman nothing but healing, love and light 💫 and also…a little karmic vengeance 💫#britneyspears #thewomaninme
⭐️I don‘t feel I can even review this book. I really didn‘t like it. It took me a year to plow through. I found the MC‘s boring. Just pages and pages of information. I can see where a history buff would really like this installment. I am not a history buff. I like action, a moving plot, emotions. Anything. People LOVE this trilogy. Do I even bother with the 3rd?