Book #59 done for 2022. This was a very interesting read. It shows that no matter how much money you have addiction and depression do not care.
Book #59 done for 2022. This was a very interesting read. It shows that no matter how much money you have addiction and depression do not care.
Book #58 done for 2022. This was different from other Nicholas Sparks books, it was written from two different characters perspectives and for quite some time I wondered how they were related or tied together. In the end it came together and was very sweet, like all Nicholas Sparks books!
Book 57 done for 2022. This was an interesting read, I have followed Selma's career since Cruel Intentions and besides being a great actress, she is a wonderful storyteller!
Book 56 done for 2022. This book is insanely good. I did not see the plot twist coming and it literally made me gasp. The plot twist makes you think about things and question your own thinking. I did this as an audio book and I highly recommend. This is definitely in my top 10 for 2022.
Book 55 for 2022. This book is absolutely adorable. I highly recommend the audio book!
Book 54 for 2022. I went in blind on this book. It follows three women in three different time periods. All three of the women are connected by the house. It was a good read and it wasn't confusing jumping timelines.
Book 53 for 2022. So good, very devil wears Prada vibes. Highly recommend
Book 52 done for 2022. So 1st let's get the embarrassment out of the way. Did I mean to read this book? No! I thought I was reading A Good Girl's Guide to murder. Yes, the covers are very different but I started with the audio book & sometimes they have different covers, right?? Humor me ok? Thanks!
This book while not the book I thought I was going to read was a cute, fast paced mystery. I liked it & would recommend for some fast fun fluff!
Book 51 done for 2022. This was a interesting quick read. I learned a lot that I didn't know about her.
Book 50 for 2022, this was a tough one to rate. It was good and I might have been in the wrong headspace but I found the twist to be very confusing.
Book #47 done of for 2022. This book was great and lives up to the hype. I came of age way before iCarly so while I had seen it in passing I had never watched the show. It is impressive that Jeanette was able to overcome everything her mother did to her and break what I would believe is a generational curse for the ladies of her family. Highly recommend! Definitely in the Top 10 for books read so far this year.
Book 46 for 2022 done. This one was my least favorite of TJR, still good but but not my favorite, would be the last book I would recommend for TJR.
Book #44 for 2022! This one has me torn. I liked it, the writer has overcome a lot of heartache and loss and shows that life events don't have to define you. That said this writer also has a TON of privilege that most people don't. She does recognize her privilege but sometimes it feels like it was an afterthought.
Book #43 done for 2022. If you loved Dirty Dancing you will love this book. It was a fun summer read!
Book #42 for 2022 done! This book made me laugh out loud at certain sections and reminded me at a very good time that we are all feel like F**k Up's. Would highly recommend if you need a pick me up!
Book 41 for 2022. Taylor Jenkins Reid again knocks it out of the park for me. She is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. Highly recommend!
Book #40 for 2022 done! I love Rom-Com's but had gotten burned out on them because they can become very predictable. This book broke that curse for me, it was adorable, funny and relatable. Highly recommend
Book #39 for 2022, great summer beach read! Would highly recommend, thought the supernatural element would be off putting but really enjoyed it!
Book #38 of 2022, fast paced thriller. Never knew what was going to happen next. One of my top five reads so far this year!
Book 36 for 2022. Great read, a little heavy for a summer read but makes you think about your dreams vs the dreams others may have for you. Definitely recommend
Book #35 for 2022. I loved Dirty Dancing growing up so I enjoyed learning about her life. Very interesting
Book #34 for 2022 done. Adorable, fun read! Highly recommend for the beach!
Book #33 done for 2022. Of course another outstanding read from Taylor Jenkins Reid! Great summer read
Book #32 down for 2022, cute read foe summer. Felt like some of the different storyline didn't get wrapped up but still good!
Book 31 for 2022 done. I LOVED this book. I knew absolutely nothing about Brandi before buying this audio book, I had just read about it on a bunch of different lists for best audio book for 2021. I bought it last year and promptly forgot about it. It is AMAZING! I wish I had read it sooner. I am now a huge fan of hers. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
Book #30 for 2022. Like all of Elin's books this was another good one! Love her
Book 29 of 2022 Good, fast read, wish she had gone into more detail about her time on SNL.
Book #28 for 2022. I LOVED this book, it's good and the whole I am reading it I can see the movie version. Highly recommend
Book #27 for 2022. I got this because I like other books that Wil Wheaton has narrated & I love a good celebrity memoir. I would have found this very interesting since I don't know a lot about him. I realize that Just a Geek was written in a different time, using a vernacular that is out dated. Every time he used a word (ie lame) he made a HUGE deal & apologized for using it. He did this 27 times, he counted, it was overkill & distracting.
Book #25 for 2022 and the final book in the Sweet Magnolias series. I've never read a whole series (excluding Twilight) before. It was fun and I'm a little sad that it's over now.
Book #21 of 2022. The twists and turns in this book have you guessing until the end.
Book #11 done for 2022. Cute, Helen is very different in the book than the show.