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I'd read both the 1935 and 1972 versions of this book for #NancyDrewBR. The two stories were completely different, the first set in the Canadian North and the second at an archeological dig in Ohio. I much preferred the 1935 version, which had more action and a somewhat more plausible storyline.

#CozyReads @Bookwormjillk
#HauntedShelf #Flerken #BodyDoubleReadathon @PuddleJumper

Ruthiella I wonder why they changed it so radically for the 1972 version? 🤔 2d
Texreader How odd! 2d
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Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 2d
Bookwormjillk Very cool you read both. Thanks for the comparison. 2d
AnishaInkspill how interesting and puzzling at the same time 2d
Librarybelle It definitely sounds like the 1930s version was better! 2d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2d
TheSpineView Interesting that there are two versions. 🤔 2d
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I Was A Teenage Slasher | Stephen Graham Jones
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Low pick for me, because honestly, I'm not a huge fan of horror -- especially when it comes to gore, and this book has plenty of that! That said, I did enjoy the premise and the quasi-epistolary format.

#HauntedShelf #HexesandCrows @PuddleJumper @CatsandBooks #PumpkabooHunt #Witchathon @TEArificbooks

PuddleJumper 🧡🖤🧡 4d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻❤️ 4d
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I was so glad I was able to get back to this book after having to return it to the library last month! I kept turning the pages (loved the short chapters!), hoping for some happiness for these characters who seemed to face nothing but heartbreak. Definitely one of my favorites this year.

#HauntedShelf #HexesandCrows @PuddleJumper @CatsandBooks #PumpkabooHunt #SupernaturalBookBingo @outsmartyourshelf #Witchathon @TEArificbooks

PuddleJumper 🖤🧡🖤 4d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🐦‍⬛🧡 4d
OutsmartYourShelf Great🙂 4d
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Untitled | Untitled
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My first points check-in for #SkeletonCrew! 🎃 I read for about 18 hours between Oct 1 - 13.
I didn't add individual posts for every single book read (especially the picture books) but I have been updating my notebook and also marking the books as 'read' on Litsy. Only 3 words left to find for Word Search (veil, smokey and sneeze). I will report all my bingo board points on October 31st. 🎃🐈‍⬛🧙‍♀️💀

Seabreeze_Reader Last but certainly not least, thank you to @PuddleJumper for hosting #HauntedShelf! 👍🎃 4d
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candc320 Amazing!! Great job! I‘ve got to add everything up. We had to evacuate for Milton so I‘ve gotten a little behind in tracking 🤣. 4d
PuddleJumper Brilliant! You're doing amazing and I'm glad you're having fun 4d
Seabreeze_Reader @candc320 Oh gosh. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. Tracking your reading understandably wouldn't be a big priority. Take care. 🧡 4d
willaful @candc320 Glad you're okay. What an awful thing to go through. 4d
Emilymdxn Incredible! Well done and I totally agree re not posting every single book - I‘ve read a lot of short books and I‘d spend my whole day posting! 4d
Emilymdxn @candc320 im so sorry to hear that I hope you and your loved ones are all okay! Don‘t even think about points until everything‘s all okay, there‘s a lot that matters more! 4d
candc320 @Seabreeze_Reader @willaful @Emilymdxn thanks so much! We are back home with electricity and minimal damage so we are so lucky compared to so many! 4d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼🎃🖤 4d
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Rattling Bone | Jordan L. Hawk
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Trying to catch up points and posts for #HauntedShelf for team #Flerken!

2 words, R for @texreader's #HalloweenAtoZbingo 22 readathon or bingo squares including #BodyDoubleReadathon and #CozyReads #31by31 plus 1 medium #PumpkabooHunt and a move on the #promptmaze, a book cover...

Book rec: chilly night, paranormal, jump scare, snuggles, series. Read The Forgotten Dead first! It's actually a CHRISTMAS book if you want spooky for December. ;)

PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 Brilliant! 5d
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Untitled | Unknown
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#PumpkabooHunt stats I'm getting everything ready for #Hauntedshelf check in as I'm not sure I'll get a chance to log things before then

I'm really pleased. I got one large! Terrible book but I read it


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I enjoyed the writing of this. It was a standard human trapped on an alien planet romance. I liked the world building and all the characters felt different.

I'll carry on with the rest of the series as I'd like to see what happens to the other characters.

Mpreg is not my thing. It was not really a big part of the book, it happens at the end and is speedrunned through which worked for me!


PuddleJumper I do think every writer that mentions penis size should watch that TikTok with the woman telling people they don't really know what 12 inches looks like because a dick that measures from hip to collar bones of an average human is not going where the author wants it too.

OutsmartYourShelf @PuddleJumper 😆 I saw that TikTok too. 1w
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 1w
OutsmartYourShelf 💛 Excellent. 1w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🩵 6d
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This series has never been strong on plot and this one just gives up entirely. The plot is nonsensical and doesn't serve much of a purpose.

This is my least favourite so far because they inconvenienced people paying for language lessons to have sex in a closet. Everyone was so understanding because they are mates. No. You unprofessional ninnies.

#HauntedShelf #Flerken

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I finished this second book for the #CatsAndDogs readathon, featuring a bookshop owner, a faithful dog, and lots of Hallowe'en themed fun.

I liked the setting and the characters but the reading experience was marred by very slopping editing. Still, this book fulfilled a lot of #HauntedShelf challenges!

@Bookwormjillk #Flerken @PuddleJumper

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Butcher and Blackbird | Brynne Weaver
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This is a romance book with serial killer trappings. That aspect is treated like a quirky part of their personality rather than a driving force in the book.

When it is featured it's gory for the sake of being gory and disturbing. I would have preferred to focus on how they found them, verified they were killers etc Rather than the violence but that's a personal preference.


PuddleJumper The two MCs' voices were incredibly similar. I had to constantly check whose POV it was.

The romance was not romancing. I wasn't interested in them as a couple. You need more to a relationship than banter. It just felt like they bantered and thought about how hot the other one was.

It was a very shallow read. I think if you like dark romance then try this series otherwise I'd avoid.

Catsandbooks I was thinking about trying this one since it's so popular everywhere, but I think I'll pass 1w
PuddleJumper @Catsandbooks It's a romance book with gore. I was expecting more on the serial killer/vigilante angle. If you enjoy romance books with darker themes then it isn't a badly written book 1w
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