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This series is so much fun! I love the mix of witches, vampire and knitting in the Oxford UK setting. This installment also featured the cast of a Shakespearean production and romantic chaos when love potions get administered to the wrong targets.

#CatsAndDogs @Bookwormjillk
#HauntedShelf #Flerken @PuddleJumper
#GottaCatchEmAll (66. Rapidash: Romance)

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Day 4 Readathon Totals #HauntedShelf

Read for five hours. Read half of Asylum.

#Witchathon #31by31 #SupernaturalBookBingo
#SpookOWeen #CatsAndDogs #ReadAway2024
+50 each

+301 points #FrightClub

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Thank you @Bookwormjillk for hosting the #CatsAndDogs readathon this weekend! My devil dog had surgery on Thursday so we are camped out on the sofa all weekend while she recuperates so I‘m hoping to get through this stack plus my Three Musketeers chapters for #RandomClassics

(Also, I can‘t believe my dog didn‘t wake up while I was balancing books on her!)

Ruthiella Poor little pup! 🐶❤️ 20h
ShananigansReads I hope she heals swiftly. 🥰 19h
Bookwormjillk Aw poor thing 19h
Mollyanna Poor thing! Hope healing is quick and not too uncomfortable. 🐶🐾❤️ 19h
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#CatsAndDogs @Bookwormjillk

Managed to finish We Used to Live Here & Seventh Bride yesterday. Also about halfway through tagged. Heading to the library now for Day 2

Books Read : 2
Pages Read : 565

Bookwormjillk 😻😻😻 19h
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RushAThon | Readathon
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It‘s day 2! How are you all spending this first weekend in October? #HauntedShelf #CatsAndDogs #Readathon

I didn‘t sleep well last night so I‘m taking a slow morning making my way through Witch Elm by Tana French.


Bookwormjillk Ugh I keep tagging these Rushathon when I mean Readathon. I guess they look the same without my glasses 🤓 21h
TheAromaofBooks We got the grocery shopping knocked off first thing - delightfully foggy out there this morning so it was kind of magical drive. Hoping to finish Silver in the Bone and start 21h
janeycanuck I have got another library book I‘m trying to finish - Once More From The Top - and then I‘m diving into one of my #TrappedInASpookyHouse books 20h
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dabbe Should finish my #NancyDrewBR today. Then maybe some more short, spooky stories! 🤩 18h
LiseWorks I had my markets so reading was not in the cards yesterday afternoon or this morning. I did manage to finish Blue Screen last night 18h
JessClark78 Got grocery shopping done this morning, now I‘m on to house chores and reading. Hoping to finish Asylum today. 17h
julieclair Relaxing day… yay! Need to decide what book to start next, just finished (and loved) 17h
PuddleJumper We ran out of food and then the soles of my shoes started to come off. Had to run to the shops and cobblers. Back home now and trying to get into a cosy witch book because my brain has shut down 17h
kwmg40 I finished my first book and hope to finish a second before this readathon is over. I‘ll have less time for reading tomorrow, as I‘ll be attending my cousin‘s wedding! 17h
Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️ 16h
Bookwormjillk @janeycanuck 🏚️🏚️🏚️ 16h
Bookwormjillk @dabbe 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ 16h
Bookwormjillk @LiseWorks hope your markets went well! 16h
Bookwormjillk @JessClark78 🎃🎃🎃 16h
Bookwormjillk @PuddleJumper 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️ 16h
Bookwormjillk @kwmg40 💒💒💒 16h
zezeki Two books finished, will start my reread for Howl's Moving Castle tonight probably! 15h
willaful In the middle of Unseen Academicals, We Only Come Out at Night and The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels. (audiobook)

Read a thoughtful and poignant graphic novel yesterday,
(edited) 14h
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The Housemaid | Freida McFadden
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TheSpineView Great job! 1d
peaKnit Agree lol! I picked up the 3rd one at goodwill in CA. 1d
PuddleJumper 💜💙💜 17h
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I've got these two books planned for the #CatsAndDogs readathon, featuring a witch's feline familiar and a bookshop owner's faithful dog!

#CatsAndDogs #HauntedShelf #Flerken
@Bookwormjillk @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Looks great! 17h
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Asylum | Madeleine Roux
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TheSpineView Enjoy! 2d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🖤 1d
OutsmartYourShelf I\'m hoping read the next 2 in this series this month! 22h
JessClark78 @OutsmartYourShelf I have the first three books. I think I read them all but I don‘t remember what happened in them. 16h
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It‘s the summer before her sixteenth birthday, and Sabrina Spellman knows her world is about to change.

This reads like it was written for younger readers, but it does manage to capture some of the essence and dark humor of the series.

Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Book 1


#SupernaturalBookBingo #Witches
#Witchathon #31by31 #SpookOWeen #CatsAndDogs
#ReadAway2024 #SeriesLove2024 #HauntedShelf #TBR +25

+26 points #FrightClub

TheSpineView Great job! 2d
OutsmartYourShelf Yay! 👏 2d
Bookwormjillk 🌟 🌟 🌟 🎉 2d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 1d
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