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This series is so much fun! I love the mix of witches, vampire and knitting in the Oxford UK setting. This installment also featured the cast of a Shakespearean production and romantic chaos when love potions get administered to the wrong targets.

#CatsAndDogs @Bookwormjillk
#HauntedShelf #Flerken @PuddleJumper
#GottaCatchEmAll (66. Rapidash: Romance)

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Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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This sci-fi/horror story is creepy and atmospheric but the plot dragged along and there wasn't much character development. It's too bad, as the sci-fi elements were interesting and had lots of potential for a great story.

#LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView
#HauntedShelf #Flerken @PuddleJumper

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M Is for Monster | Talia Dutton
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An alternate universe “Frankenstein“ story. A dedicated scientist tries to bring her sister back to life but another spirit inhabits the body, desperately afraid of being driven out or further experimented on. A poignant story about identity and found family.

#HalloweenAtoZReadathon Letter D

#Spookoween #31By#31 book 6

Works for #URC prompt, book by an Asian author. Also for nonbinary/genderqueer prompts.

TheSpineView Fantastic! 12h
Texreader Great!! 9h
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This book traces the history of the United States in its geographical landscapes & how these have influenced its culture. The Gothic genre found in British novels is different to American Gothic, & the author posits that America is haunted by its own past & history, even if these take very different regional forms. (continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Travelling from the East coast to the West, from Lily Dale, NY, to LA & San Francisco, Corcoran explores the origins of Spiritualism, the witch trials, & the legends of vampires & zombies. Discussing the works of authors such as Shirley Jackson, Edgar Allan Poe, to Anne Rice, the author asks the reader to examine the America beneath the surface.

OutsmartYourShelf This was a really interesting read - I\'d never heard of Lily Dale before & it sounds a fascinating place. I also really enjoyed the sections on Sleepy Hollow, Poe, & LA, but I must be honest, I didn\'t think that the chapter on Texas & Nevada & the atomic legacy worked as well as the others. To me it seemed slightly incongruous alongside the other topics. Overall though it was very informative & gives the reader a lot to think about. 3.5🌟 14h
OutsmartYourShelf My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Repeater Books, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6826755533
Read 2nd - 5th Oct 2024

#Flerken #HauntedShelf 1161 points
Words Found - monster, brittle, bitter, pumpkin, glow, veil, cosy, family, comfort.

#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo @puddlejumper
#RedTaylorsVersion @emilymdxn
#31by31 @catsandbooks
#spookoween @thespineview
#Witchathon @TEArificbooks
See All 8 Comments
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 14h
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 14h
Suet624 Great review. 13h
TheSpineView Fantastic! 12h
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Heirs and Graces | Rhys Bowen
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This has been my absolute favorite book of this series so far! It was a very Agatha Christiesque whodunit mystery with our favorite characters Georgiana, Darcy, Belinda, and Queenie.
#ReadAway2024 @andrew65

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Shrines of Gaiety | Kate Atkinson
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An enjoyable historical novel set in 1920's London. It started slow but I liked how the various plotlines eventually wove together, and I also found the morally ambiguous characters (which, frankly, were almost all of them) interesting.

My first book finished for #HauntedShelf! #Flerken @PuddleJumper
#52bookclub (A revenge story)
#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo #PumpkabooHunt #GottaCatchEmAllSpooky

Librarybelle Yay! #LiteraryCrew is reading this one this month, and I‘m looking forward to it! 2d
kwmg40 @Librarybelle I will certainly drop in to see the discussion! 2d
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Texreader Fantastic! #letterS 2d
Ruthiella I liked this a lot too. I also liked how she kept the ending open for two certain characters. 1d
DieAReader 🎃👻Excellent!! 1d
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 1d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 21h
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 Well done! 17h
kwmg40 @Ruthiella Me too. I found that, even with the open ending, I found the way the book concluded very satisfying. 16h
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This is a spin off from another series. I haven‘t read it and I didn‘t think I missed much. It‘s a mash up of ghosts, romance, save this failing business, and surprise grandchild.

All of the characters were awkward and adorable. I really hope this develops into a series as there were some interesting ideas and plots that weren‘t fully developed in the book.

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Session 9: The Official Novelization | Brad Anderson, Christian Francis, Stephen Gevedon
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Based on the 2001 film by acclaimed director Brad Anderson, this book is set in Danvers State Hospital, an abandoned mental institution. The local council are looking to renovate the place to use as offices & the company chosen for the job consists of boss Gordon, supervisor Phil, & workers Mike, Hank, & Jeff. (Continued)

OutsmartYourShelf Desperate for the work & needing to get it completed quickly for a hefty bonus, the group spend hours at the place but it seems as if they\'re not the only ones there with a strange figure dogging their footsteps. Slowly each man starts to realise that something is not right with the others, but is it in their heads or is something sinister at work?

First of all I\'ve never seen the film but I\'ve definitely put it on my TBW (To Be Watched) list.
OutsmartYourShelf t was a fairly short read but packed with tension & the constant drip of dread. I really liked how the issues between the men were subtly played on until the trust between them was fractured. The mostly psychological horror suddenly explodes into violence towards the end & it\'s almost shocking. I don\'t want to say any more so as not to give anything away but it was a perfect read for October. 2d
OutsmartYourShelf Creepy, atmospheric & I was on the edge of my seat all the way through. 4.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, BooksGoSocial, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6864097815
Read 1st-2nd Oct 2024

#Flerken #HauntedShelf 730 points
Words Found - Book, Creepy.

#AfterDarkBingo #BodyCountBingo @puddlejumper
#RedTaylorsVersion @emilymdxn
#31by31 @catsandbooks
#spookoween @thespineview
(edited) 2d
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PuddleJumper Definitely creepy 2d
Texreader What an excellent review 2d
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Someone is trying to murder Lady Catherine and if you're a fan of Pride and Prejudice, you won't be surprised to learn *everyone* has a motive. 😂 Amusing, but dragged on a bit and the omniscient narrator was overdone. Also, the excruciatingly slow burn of the romance is getting to me!

#HauntedShelf #FrightClub #HalloweenAtoZReadathon #Spookoween

#WordSearch: “the upcoming harvest“, “such dark work“, “I entirely forgot to pack the book.“ 🙀

willaful Sorry about the multiple tags, I kept having to fix things. :-( 2d
PuddleJumper Tags are so hard! 2d
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2d
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willaful @PuddleJumper You can tell how much we love Litsy by what we put up with. 😂 2d
dabbe 🖤🧡🖤 2d
Catsandbooks 😂👏🏼🐦‍⬛🧡 1d
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2.5/5 ⭐️ This was just OK. It's a murder mystery in a fantasy setting. I just never felt invested in the story and don't feel compelled to continue with the sequel.

#HauntedShelf #HexesandCrows #31by31 8 hrs #spookoween #pumkaboohunt large pumpkaboo #castthedie #halloweenAtoZreadathon letter S

PuddleJumper I started this then had to return it to the library. Never felt compelled to get it again, don't think I will now! 2d
TheSpineView Well done! 2d
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