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Joined December 2019

Lots of LGBTQ+ books (esp. fantasy) & comics. Also a fan of reading books you aren‘t sure of. You may be surprised! 🏳️‍🌈
Lord of Eternal Night | Ben Alderson
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The writing is just so... Writer-y. I can't stop cringing at the lines used. I almost bailed after the first 4 minutes, but hung on a bit longer to see if it got better. It didn‘t, so after the fire scene, which didn‘t make a lot of sense to me (why did he think the creature would come save him?????) I decided it was time to jump ship.

PuddleJumper I didn't get on with his other series for very similar reasons and the addition of sexual assault. Think I'll avoid this author 1mo
Kenyazero Dang! Sounds like a good thing I didn‘t get very far 😆 2w
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Stargazing | Jen Wang
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Wang explores many topics from friendship and strict parents to childhood illness and not being seen as Chinese enough or American enough. I really enjoyed exploring these topics through Christine's struggles as she navigates self expression, academics, friendship, and family to find where she belongs.
#GraphicNovel #AAPI #Childhood

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Boscha: An insecure character and Former friends; #GottaCatchEmAll Ponyta: Colorful book cover @PuddleJumper 1mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 1mo
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Hiked out to a nearby reservoir and put up my hammock to read while my mom and husband fished. Conditions were absolutely perfect, and mom took two trout home! #OutdoorReading #PerfectSpot #Hammock

Soubhiville Beautiful! 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Lovely 🥰 1mo
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This guy gets me 😆 pico de Gallo is one of the only times cilantro is acceptable.

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This is another book I found while doing library social media and I'm glad I did. The author shares their experiences and feelings visiting family in mexico as a teen beautifully. They explore identity, family, culture, language barriers, and more in this heartfelt story. I loved their use of the inner them to convey more of their feelings. Also, shout-out to beautiful food illustrations (which are always my favorite!) #Comic #Nonfiction

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Lily: nonfiction book; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 A cover pick #LGBTQIA2024; and #GottaCatchEmAll Farfetch'd: set in the countryside @PuddleJumper 1mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 1mo
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I learned about this book during a special Stuff You Missed In History podcast episode featuring the author. I forgot about it until I spotted it on a library display recently. It's a pretty fun book and taught me about many historic and mythic women I'd never heard of. The author's humor is throughout each description and he's kind of an adorable dork. I loved the illustrations and wish every image had art notes. #WomensHistory #History

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Darius: purple cover; and #GottaCatchEmAll Cursola: oldest book on your TBR (because my read list is too unkept, I just settled for a book that's been on it a while) @PuddleJumper 2mo
PuddleJumper 💝 2mo
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I Hear the Sunspot | Yuki Fumino
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It looks like the second book, Theory of Happiness isn't quite on Litsy yet. I really enjoyed the character exploration we get in this second volume as Tai explores career options in accessibility and Kohei works to understand the ways an inaccessible society have impacted his behavior and social relationships over time. Some very sweet moments in their relationship growth as well. #manga #LGBTQIA #DisabilitiesRep

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Camila: a character steps far out of their comfort zone; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 Achillian rep #LGBTQIA2024; and #GottaCatchEmAll Vespiquen: Yellow cover @PuddleJumper 2mo
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Wolfsong | Tj Klune
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This is a slow-paced, lengthy book but it was worth getting through to the end. I enjoyed seeing how neurodiverse Ox fit in and found companionship with a family of werewolves, as well as with a vehicle repair shop full of delightful side characters (who I 100% adore). Everything with Ox and Joe took so long that by the end I wasn‘t really rooting for them. I would be happy either way. I‘ll definitely read the next book eventually. #lgbtqia

Kenyazero Used for #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 Autistic rep #lgbtqia2024; #OwlHouseReadathon All of the Eberwolf prompts (which feels like cheating); and #GottaCatchEmAll Dubwool: animal on cover @PuddleJumper 2mo
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Kariba | James Clarke
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Stunning art and fun page layouts tell the story of a girl with mysterious ties to water magic as she takes on a destructive dam project, tries to find her father after an accident, and is kidnapped by pirates. This is a soft pick for me because although the art is beautiful, the story is a bit underdeveloped. It was a fun read, though. #Comics #Africa

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon King: feeling the absence of a parent or guardian; and #GottaCatchEmAll Meowth: there are pirates @PuddleJumper 2mo
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2mo
Clare-Dragonfly That does sound fun! Kidnapped by pirates is good! 😁 2mo
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It was interesting learning about the strata maps that helped launch a widespread understanding and acceptance of geology. Overall, this isn't a bad read. I was put off, however, by the author's unnecessary proliferation of sexist, ableist, and anti-asexual notions. #Nonfiction #Science

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Alador: a science book; and #GottaCatchEmAll Sirfetch'd: Historical @PuddleJumper 2mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 2mo
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Clementine Vol. 2 | Tillie Walden
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Clementine and found-family escape the mainland for a while and experience what zombie life is like on an island. We really dive even deeper into the characters' want for safe, stable home as they establish spaces that are their own for the first time. We also get a great look at their developing relationships in this volume. #Lgbtqia #Comics #Zombies #DisabilitiesRep

Emilymdxn I loved this story so much! I'm not usually into zombies but this was so well done 2mo
Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Flapjack: A character dies (I feel like using this prompt for a zombie book is cheating!); And #GottaCatchEmAll Meowth: There is a boat @PuddleJumper 2mo
Kenyazero @Emilymdxn same! I really avoid zombie works. I initially picked this up because I was intrigued by the cover and didn't read the back, so I didn't realize right then that it was Walking Dead. By the time I saw that on the cover my husband already saw it and decided we were both reading it and I'm glad he did! 😆 2mo
Emilymdxn I read it because I loved On A Sunbeam so much I decided to trust the writer, and it paid off! 2mo
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Delivery for You! | Rin Rin Teku
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I'd recommend this even though I give it a so-so rating because it's a pretty cute story. I enjoyed watching this quiet, extremely awkward nerd navigate his major crush on the local delivery guy. There are a lot of shining moments like the jogging thing and both men struggling with feeling like they're enough. The character development could have been better, though, especially for side characters. #manga #lgbtqia

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Willow: someone struggles with low self-confidence; and #GottaCatchEmAll Thievul: Orange cover @PuddleJumper 2mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 2mo
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Overall, pretty cute! I really enjoyed the characters and watching their relationship move from friends with benefits to much more. The emotional development in this volume is more intriguing than in the prior volume. I'm also almost always a sucker for a happy, sappy ending. #Manga #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Kikimora: red lettering 2mo
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Clementine, Book 1 | Robert Kirkman, Tillie Walden
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Zombie stuff is almost never my cup of tea, but I really enjoyed this graphic novel. The horror elements are minimalized and the character development and growth is outstanding. I also really enjoyed seeing the characters take to the mountains to escape their usual reality of lower elevations. #DisabilitiesRep #LGBTQIA #Jewish #Amish

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Belos: contains elements of horror; and #GottaCatchEmAll Mimikyu: horror/thriller/mystery @PuddleJumper 2mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 2mo
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Date Me, Bryson Keller | Kevin van Whye
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My low expectations going in (based on another book by the same author) were not warranted. I was advised to give this book a try and I'm glad I did. This fake dating story in which a dare turns into a genuine connection is adorable and heartfelt while also touching on some tough family topics. I enjoyed this quite a bit. Also, loving the maybe demisexual/romantic rep. #LGBTQIA #FakeDating

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Bump: an awkward character; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 School; and #GottaCatchEmAll Impidimp: prank or bet @PuddleJumper 2mo
PuddleJumper 🥳🥳 2mo
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Marvel's Voices: Heritage | Rebecca Roanhorse, Darcie Little Badger, Jeffrey Veregge
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I just finished listening to one of her books yesterday, so it was fun finding this interview with Rebecca Roanhorse in this comic collection! I didn't realize she did any comic writing. #Comics

The Fifth Season | N. K. Jemisin
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Unsurprisingly, I've only read 3% of the books The New York Times claims to be the top 100 books of the century. I usually don't enjoy the sorts of books that end up on lists of this nature (partly because they almost never include fantasy or graphic novels, which are two of my go-to reading experiences). Also, is splayed open really the only image of Fun Home they had available to them?

mandarchy 🤣 I saw that splayed open book and my eye twitched. I call that using a table for a book mark. It's not right! 3mo
Kenyazero @mandarchy a table for a bookmark 😂 3mo
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This book is what happens when someone comes up with a spicy smut idea, dresses it up in weak character and story development, and then gets shy and pulls back from their spicy smut idea and only half executes it. I didn‘t expect this to be very good, and it wasn‘t. I didn‘t bother to add it to any of my ongoing reading challenges. The art is pretty, though. #manga #lgbtqia

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This one has a seemingly interesting premise with characters reborn into modern times searching for each other after recovering their past life memories. However, it was not pulled off well. It felt weak, more like someone sprinkled glitter on a story when they could have used gold. Overall, pretty cute and I liked the characters. #LGBTQIA #MagicalRealism #reincarnation #Manga

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Raine: rekindling a past relationship; #LGBTQIABookBingo #LGBTQIA 2024 read; and #GottaCatchEmAll Combee: flowers @PuddleJumper 3mo
PuddleJumper That's disappointing 3mo
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A bit of a surprisingly pleasant read. Kouki takes a bit of an overdone premise (roommates becoming unattached friends with benefits) and does great emotional exploration with the characters. I definitely enjoyed this one. I also read Ryouma as more on the ace spectrum like me based on some of the things he says and thinks. There were a few spots that were a bit more on the problematic side for both characters. #Manga #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Amity: an intensely awkward interaction with a crush; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Aromantic or asexual; and #GottaCatchEmAll Rookidee: 1st book in a series @PuddleJumper (edited) 3mo
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Chef's Kiss | Jarrett Melendez
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Such a silly, fluffy romance full of nonsense and beautiful food illustrations (which are my favorite 🤩)! I loved seeing Ben stumble into this restaurant position and discovering a passion for cooking that he didn‘t explore while getting his degree in English. This exploration of future potential was a lot of fun. I wasn‘t a huge fan of the chef‘s emotional abuse but otherwise a great cast of characters. #LGBTQIA #Comics #Food

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Gwendolyn Clawthorne: Affinity with animals; and #GottaCatchEmAll Dubwool: animal on the cover @PuddleJumper 3mo
PuddleJumper 🐑🐑 3mo
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This was a lovely introduction to kitchen witchery (though the author seems to take liberties with history and prehistory). I am surprised by how much of this magic resonates with me. The author has a lot of fun explaining the essence of kitchen magic and lays out excellent examples of rituals and recipes. I made a few recipes while I had this from the library and they were really tasty. #magic #Cooking

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Philip: written in 1st person; and for #GottaCatchEmAll Nickit: food on the cover @PuddleJumper 3mo
PuddleJumper 🦊🦊 3mo
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A Power Unbound | Freya Marske
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One of my favorite uses for hammocks! The birds are very active today as well, providing an amazing soundtrack to this relaxing afternoon ❤️ #Hammock #ReadOutside

Bergamot & Sunny Day | Lyee Kitahala (author)
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This was just the level of sugar-saturated fluff I was looking for. While grieving the end of yet another short-lived relationship, Riku manages to fall into what seems like a quick rebound with none other than the man who owns the cafe he works at. An appallingly adorable read. The author does a good job of allowing Riku the space he needs to grow and explore his own insecurities as he navigates this new relationship.

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Terra Snapdragon: Includes tea; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Plant on cover; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Sinistea: Tea cup on cover 3mo
PuddleJumper 😂 I saw this and thought it might be too sweet 3mo
Kenyazero @PuddleJumper I would say it‘s just about too sweet 😆 perfect for a high-stress week 3mo
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Two siblings are forced into hiding when a relative stages a coup to usurp their noble house. They take on new identities within a magical order of women and plan their next move. I absolutely loved this book. The characters have a lot of room to explore themselves and grow, and the art is stunning. I read this back in March for #TransRightsReadathon.

Kenyazero I used this for three #OwlHouseReadathon Emira prompts: Involves training, Twins, and Something is concealed. Also for #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 AAPI, and for #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Vespiquen: Woman in charge. (edited) 3mo
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Awakening | Vincent F. Burke (III)
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Went to a local authors event at my library today and had so much fun meeting a bunch of Colorado authors. I wish I could have bought from every author I spoke to! 🤩 This was such an amazing event and I can't wait to read these books! #MountainOfAuthors #LocalAuthor #IndieAuthor #ColoradoAuthor

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Yamilet doesn't feel comfortable at her catholic school for many reasons, from being low-income to navigating her queerness. An excellent, complex read that really delves into the characters' feelings and explores a lot of issues that intersect in people's lives. I loved Yamilet and enjoyed seeing all of the directions her story takes. I read this for #TransRightsReadathon in March. #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero I used this for #OwlHouseReadathon Bat Queen: A character hurt by past betrayal and Animal adoption; #LGBTQIABookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Indigenous; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Rookidee: Brave character. 3mo
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Dear Mothman | Robin Gow
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I read this back in March for #TransRightsReadathon and really enjoyed it. Naturally, I didn't read the description before diving into what I thought would be a fluffy book, so I was blindsided by the intense portrayal of childhood grief. I loved the exploration of identity and friendship, as well as exploring social life on the autism spectrum. I didn't realize it was a novel in verse because I listened to the audiobook. #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Hooty: Penpals; #LGBTQBookBingo2024 #LGBTQIA2024 Poetry In Motion; and #GottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper Lapras: There is a journey and Set near a body of water, which catches Lapras! 3mo
PuddleJumper Yay! Amazing! 3mo
peanutnine Beautiful cover! 😍 3mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Happy Pride Month!
In celebration, here are the June 2024 bonus bingo prompts for this year‘s LGBTQIA+ Book Bingo. For this board, count any read from June - December. These are available on Storygraph as well. If you haven‘t been doing this year-long bingo and want to, feel free to join in the fun! You can start with these bonus prompts or take on the full challenge.

TheBookHippie Yay!!! 4mo
Kitta Yay happy pride month 🏳️‍🌈 4mo
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peanutnine Woohoo! Happy Pride!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 4mo
BookmarkTavern Wooo! Happy Pride Month! ❤️🏳️‍🌈❤️ 4mo
PuddleJumper Wahoo! 🏳️‍🌈 4mo
Nutmegnc Can you tell us what the StoryGraph title is? I can‘t find it 😩 4mo
Kenyazero @Nutmegnc That is most likely my fault, sorry! It looks like I left off a few letters when I made it: LGBTQ Book Bingo 2024 4mo
Nutmegnc @Kenyazero got it! 4mo
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This was as spicy and funny as the cover and title imply. It was a fun read with interesting relationship dynamics (bordering on problematic at times) as Shiki and Enraku competed for Atsushi‘s attention, and entertaining characters. #LGBTQIA

Used for #GottaCatchEmAll Impidimp: guilty pleasure @PuddleJumper and #OwlHouseReadathon King: a character who acts tough

Witch King | Martha Wells
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It‘s been a while since I read an epic fantasy, and this one did not disappoint. It was interesting jumping back and forth in time from where Kai is trying to solve why he was assassinated, alongside throwbacks to his journey figuring out his current set of powers.

Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Matt Tholomule: a well organized leader; and #GottaCatchEmAll Grimmsnarl: read the longest book on your TBR @PuddleJumper

The Spells We Cast | Jason June
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Nigel has reached the age where he has to go up against other teens from around their region in a high-stakes competition. The losers lose their magic. This was just alright, but it was still a fun read. I loved how goofy it was, and am always a sucker for magic boosted by love. I‘m not the target audience, so quite a lot felt a little heavy-handed to me. #LGBTQIA
Used for #LGBTQBookBingo2024 Roll a Dice and for ⬇️⬇️

Kenyazero #GottaCatchEmAll Combee: triad or 3 besties @PuddleJumper and for #OwlHouseReadathon King: puns (with no bonus points for bread puns) 4mo
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Not a bad read so far, but I have to say I‘m unimpressed with this author‘s needless proliferation of sexist, ableist, and anti-asexual notions. For no reason, he took the time to repeat that a female geologist who had shown no romantic interests left this world with her cold, petrified heart in her collection. The sexuality of the men somehow hasn‘t come up. He also said of Smith‘s wife that she was a burden due to her ill health and…

Kenyazero … somehow didn‘t feel it was important to note (granted, I didn‘t look this woman up) that her other diagnosis of being ill with hyper-sexuality may have reflected more on the times and their view of women with interest in non-child-making sex than on her actual mental health. 4mo
Kenyazero @Clare-Dragonfly That‘s what I said! 4mo
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I opened the door to find some unexpected book mail! I often enter the book drawings on Goodreads and Storygraph for authors I follow, but I thought I‘d be notified if I won one. I guess not 😆 Very excited to read this dense graphic novel and to have it in my collection.

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When Kyouhei moves from the countryside to the city for school, he is inexplicably afraid of city dwellers, including his rough-around-the-edges neighbor, who he finds himself drawn to. Not a standout manga, but enjoyable enough. Definitely humorous! #LGBTQIA

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Emera: a brutally honest character and for #GottaCatchEmAll Lapras: set somewhere you‘d like to visit @PuddleJumper (edited) 5mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 5mo
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RePlay (BL Manga) | Saki Tsukahara
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It's time to play review catch-up from when I was sick in March!
Childhood friends Yuuta and Ritsu have defined their relationship through team mate bonds for a long time. When their tenure as team mates ends, they have to work to redefine it. I thought this was a sweet, slow-paced manga with a lovely drawing style. #LGBTQIA

Used for #GottaCatchEmAll Farfetch'd: set in spring @PuddleJumper and #OwlHouseReadathon Willow: involves sports.

Kenyazero Also used for #LGBTQBookBingo2024 Free Space #LGBTQ2024 (edited) 5mo
PuddleJumper Nicely done! 5mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I made it over to a few local comic shops in my area today for #FreeComicBookDay! One shop was also giving out bags stuffed with a random assortment of backissue comics, which was a fun addition to today's goodies. We wound up purchasing some booster packs and (more) comics, supporting them during our visit 😉 #Comics

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Strange alliances definitely characterizes a lot of what happens in this book, as each brother is joined (mostly begrudgingly) by a host of unexpected characters. The story does go a bit off the rails, but I think it's meant to because it is modeled after epics, which also tend to go off on random character-adding tangents. The watercolor art style is such a treat, and I look forward to the next book. #Comic #Chinese

Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Lily "complicated sibling relationship" and for #GottaCatchEmAll Corvisquire "favorite genre" and "second book in a series.” @PuddleJumper 5mo
PuddleJumper Amazing! 5mo
Clare-Dragonfly I love the artwork! 5mo
Kenyazero @Clare-Dragonfly The art is a huge treat in this one, for sure! It‘s worth reading for that alone! (The story is fun too, of course) 5mo
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A Restless Truth | Freya Marske
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Another enjoyable entry in this series. I was delighted to meet Ross and Violet and get to know Maud and Hawthorn more in this volume. I enjoyed the first book a bit more, because the pacing was better, but I felt the character connections just as strongly and laughed out loud just as often with this. Super excited for the next book! #LGBTQIA #Fantasy

Kenyazero Used for #GottaCatchEmAll Sinistea "ghost or spirit" and "set somewhere you don't live" @PuddleJumper as well as #LGBTQ2024 "shelf read" and #OwlHouseReadathon for multiple Eda prompts: chronic condition, keeping protective secrets, a wanted character, and a character confident about their looks. 5mo
PuddleJumper Hitting all those prompts! 5mo
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Chef's Kiss | Jarrett Melendez
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I love sitting at bars just to read. It's just as fun at a cafe, but with fewer people doing the same thing 😆

I started Chef's Kiss last night and it's pretty fun so far! This is definitely a #BlameItOnLitsy for me because I originally didn't look past the cover design of this one. #Comics #LGBTQIA

LiteraryinPA I loved this one! 5mo
Kenyazero @LiteraryinLawrence I can see why! It's been a very fun read so far! 5mo
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Slippery Creatures | KJ Charles
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An LGBTQIA+ read involving a book store and a mysterious power struggle over secret information sounded like a perfect pick for me. Unfortunately, I didn't love this. The writing style didn't quite work for me, and I didn't much enjoy the character relationship. The pacing also felt a bit off, and it's obvious the author doesn't know what PTSD is like. #LGBTQIA

This filled my #LGBTQ2024 "Disappointed" bingo space #LGBTQBookBingo2024

Kenyazero Used for #GottaCatchEmAll Koffing "Someone is a prisoner" & "Toxic relationship" @PuddleJumper
And #OwlHouseReadathon Belos "A two-faced character"
PuddleJumper Doesn't sound great 6mo
BookmarkTavern Oof. That sounds disappointing! 6mo
Kenyazero @PuddleJumper @BookmarkTavern I didn't enjoy it, but it does have a lot of positive reviews, so it's definitely got something going for it! 6mo
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Le Guin's nonfiction is a delight to read. It was interesting seeing such a wide span of writing intents packed into one book. In the book review essays section, I didn't know most of the books she wrote about, but it was still fun reading each one. #Nonfiction

Used for #GottaCatchEmAll Farfetch'd "neutral colored cover" (the audiobook cover is mostly brown) @PuddleJumper
And #OwlHouseReadathon Lily "someone loves history or architecture"

PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 6mo
BookmarkTavern I need to read this one! 6mo
Kenyazero @BookmarkTavern I recommend it! 6mo
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This seems like it should absolutely be on my list of beloved books, but I just am not enjoying it. Maybe it's the hyper focus on the sexual that's just not meshing well this week with my demisexual self. I am also just not quite following on the whole magical girl dominating softball thing. It's not quite as interesting as I expected, but it is still pretty fun. #LGBTQIA #Sports #Comic

Untitled | Unknown
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Started working on a small zine today inspired by the Transgender Day of Visibility. I wish I'd had the inspiration a few days ago, but I'm excited to keep working on this mini project. It's going to give details about several books by trans authors to check out! #LitsyCrafters #TDoV #TransgenderDayOfVisibility #Zine

Jari-chan What a great idea! 6mo
Kenyazero @Jari-chan it's been fun to work on so far! 6mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Today is the Transgender Day of Visibility, celebrating trans folks and raising awareness about anti-trans bills and disinformation campaigns impacting the trans community. Here are some books by trans authors or with trans rep you might add to your TBR! #TDoV #TransgenderDayOfVisibility #RepresentationMatters

TheBookHippie 🩷🏳️‍⚧️🩵 6mo
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Untilted | Autechre
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The Trans Rights Readathon starts today, celebrating trans authors and representation, and to raise funds for and awareness about organizations that support the trans community. I picked out 3 reads to enjoy this week, and look forward to discovering new authors! #TransRightsReadathon #LGBTQIA

BookmarkTavern Woohoo! 🎉 🏳️‍⚧️ 6mo
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I spotted this book at the library while walking past a bookshelf. It's been a fun read so far. This recipe included after a section I read today sounded fascinating and I decided I needed to make it. I'm glad I did, it's super tasty! #Food #Magic

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Nico and Will take on a rescue mission that brings them back down into the depths of Tartarus, where they face everything from actual monsters and the environment to their own inner feelings. Another fun romp in the world of demigods and reimagined Greek mythology! I wish more was done with the split timeline. #LGBTQIA #GreekMythology

Used for "an identity not your own" in #LGBTQBookBingo2024 #LGBTQ2024

Kenyazero Also to catch wooloo with prompts "farm" and "character with curly hair" in #gottaCatchEmAll @PuddleJumper and for #OwlHouseReadathon "Eda: a good balance between silly and serious" 7mo
PuddleJumper I need to catch up with this series! 7mo
Kenyazero @PuddleJumper It‘s a very fun catch-up! 7mo
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An excellent guide for LGBTQIA+ teens on the autism spectrum. Erin touches on a huge range of topics, includes references and recommended further reading, and aknowledges areas where she doesn't have firsthand experience. She covered more topics than I thought she would! #LGBTQIA #Autism

Unfamiliar 2: Volume 2 | Haley Newsome
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Several magical young women support each other in their challenges and adventures. Like the first book, this second volume is charming and I have no doubt it is beloved by many readers. I still don't care for this series, but read it because I like the author's literary videos on YouTube (check her out at LavenderTowne! I particularly loved her Howl's Moving Castle video). #Comics #Magic

Kenyazero Used for #GottaCatchEmAll Morgrem: character has a fringe @PuddleJumper and #OwlHouseReadathon Odalia: ghost or spirit 7mo
PuddleJumper ❤️❤️ 7mo
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