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Unfortunately, after weeks of trying to get in touch via Litsy, email and GR with the person who was the last one to receive the Ready Player One #dystopiantravellingbook , I am going to have to call an end to this #travelingbook. I am so sorry, @TricksyTails , I know you were set to receive it next. Thank you to @Cinfhen @blog_gal @JenlovesJT47 @BarbaraTheBibliophage and @TrishB for participating! I‘m bummed I won‘t be able to read your notes. 😞

Chellebearss Oh no! Hope they get in contact soon. That‘s such an interesting idea for a group read! (edited) 6y
Cinfhen So disappointing 😪I had a bad feeling when she never posted again after I sent the book with some additional goodies.... who knows, maybe she‘ll resurface. I know she indicated she had to move and life was complicated 6y
alisiakae @Chellebearss Me too, but is has been more than a month since I first reached out. I was worried at first that something was wrong, but I have noticed the person has still been active on GR. 6y
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TrishB Awwww 😔 that‘s not good! Getting the notebook back is all the fun!! And that‘s not nice to just not respond. Thanks for doing, I enjoyed the book and love reading people‘s notes. 6y
ephemeralwaltz So sorry to hear this! I hope they resurface. Such a bummer... Not cool. 6y
JenlovesJT47 Bummer 😪 6y
JenlovesJT47 I have a suggestion for anyone who participates in traveling books. Before mailing to the next person, make scans or take pics of the journal entries, that way if something happens to it (either being taken hostage or lost in the mail), we still at least have that. I‘m sorry, it sucks when this happens. 😔 6y
alisiakae @JenlovesJT47 That‘s a great idea! 6y
monkeygirlsmama Oh nos! What a disappointment. So sorry to hear you‘ve had this problem. 🙁 @JenlovesJT47 makes a great suggestion regarding going forward with future reads. 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Damn. This makes me sad. I hope she‘ll resurface or at least send the book on. It just isn‘t that hard to do. And @JenlovesJT47 is brilliant! I‘ll start doing that for my postal book club books. 6y
SqueakyChu Have you thought of using #BookCrossing for your #travelingbook? There your book can have an enduring online #journal. The journal persists long after the book disappears. BookCrossing is free to join. Think about it. I think it would go well with Litsy. (edited) 6y
JenlovesJT47 @SqueakyChu that‘s a good idea! Would save on postage as well. Guess it would be a personal preference. 😊 6y
SqueakyChu @JenlovesJT47 How would it save on postage? Oh, I see! You wouldn‘t have to mail the book‘s journal. (edited) 6y
SqueakyChu @JenlovesJT47 Another advantage is that anyone could read your book‘s journal, but you would have to identify each book with a BCID (BookCrossing identification number). Anyway, check it out. I‘ve been a BookCrossing member since 2003. 😊💕 (edited) 6y
TricksyTails Oh no... that‘s sad. I hope the book and journal finds its way home soon. 🤞 6y
alisiakae @SqueakyChu That‘s a good idea! I was a BookCrossinf member a long time ago...I didn‘t realize it was still around! 6y
SqueakyChu @4thhouseontheleft Yep. It‘s still here. I hope it continues to stick around. Businesses and websites are so precarious lately. 6y
SqueakyChu @4thhouseontheleft Who were you on BookCrossing? I am SqueakyChu there, of course! 😊 (edited) 6y
alisiakae @SqueakyChu That‘s a great question. 😂 It‘s been such a long time. I am going to try to log in tomorrow, so I‘ll let you know! 6y
SqueakyChu @4thhouseontheleft I was just wondering if your BookCrossing name would be familiar to me. 6y
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So this was a fun read...I enjoyed it more than I initially thought. I still don't think I'm the right audience for this book but I'm glad I read it. I liked the 80s references but I wasn't quite the gamer, so all of the video games mentioned didn't mean much to me. This was the #dystopiantravellingbook so reading the comments was an added treat😊 Excited for the film, I'm sure it'll be visually stunning🙌🏻💕

Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft would this work for #unconventionalromance I mean Art3mis & Parzival are avatars!?!? 6y
TrishB Good summary 👍🏻 a fun, quick read! I wasn‘t a gamer either but can appreciate obsession! And @4thhouseontheleft does have the neatest writing ever doesn‘t she.... 6y
Cinfhen Yes!!! I won't comment on yours @TrishB 😘😘😘 6y
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TrishB Nope 😁 which is why I always notice neat writing! 6y
MinDea I vote yes!!! Definitely #UnconventionalRomance! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @MinDea I thought so!!! 6y
Reggie Nice @Cinfhen I love that you liked this book. You going to see the movie? 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I agree with @MinDea - it‘s a great choice for #unconventionalromance! And now I‘m realizing that the book I‘m reading would work for it also. Yippee! 6y
MinDea Wahoo @BarbaraTheBibliophage !!!! 🙌🙌🙌Look at us knocking this one off the list!!!👏👏👏👏 6y
Cinfhen Woohoo 🎉 🎉 🎉 I‘ve completed the first quarter of #booked2018 @BarbaraTheBibliophage @MinDea (edited) 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @MinDea IKR! I‘m on the fifth of six for #booked2018 first season. Must start working on some others also! 6y
Cinfhen Yes, absolutely @Reggie I can‘t wait 😊 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen You are so speedy! 🙌🏻🙌🏻 6y
DivineDiana This surprised me by being a favorite of mine in 2017! It opened my eyes to alternate methods of education to encourage equity. Found it because of a Litsy Group I had joined that for the life of me I can‘t remember! 😬But So glad I did! (edited) 6y
Cinfhen I never thought about OASIS in that sense @DivineDiana are you going to see the film?? 6y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I‘m planning on it! 😀 6y
Reviewsbylola I thought this was very fun! 6y
Bklover I‘m going to pull this out again and finish it! 6y
Cinfhen I didn‘t like the first 8 chapters but story picked up around chapter 9....give it a go and think like a 17 yr old gamer @Bklover that might help 😉❣️😘 6y
Bklover I hope playing PacMan on an Atari counts! 6y
Cinfhen Oh you‘re a perfect fit @Bklover 🙌🏻❣️🙌🏻❣️🙌🏻 6y
Melissa_J I really need to read this! 6y
Cinfhen Find out from @4thhouseontheleft if there are any spots left for the traveling book @Melissa_J 6y
Melissa_J @Cinfhen I do have a copy of the book sitting on my shelves. If only someone would pay me to stay at home and read all day I‘d maybe be able to get through my TBR! 6y
alisiakae @trishb @Cinfhen LOL just reading this post. Thank you for the handwriting compliment! 😃 6y
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Super excited to read my first Litsy traveling book 😊📚✈️ @4thhouseontheleft please let me know where this book heads next 💗

MidnightBookGirl Love this book so much! 6y
TrishB Enjoy 👍🏻 6y
Cinfhen Is there a special hashtag to use when posting for this book @TrishB @4thhouseontheleft ?!? 6y
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MommyOfTwo Great book! 6y
TrishB I think I just used #travellingbook but whether this is the right one I don‘t know 😁 6y
YouReadMyEyes I love this book! 6y
APLitlife My students are living this book! Looking forward to the movie, but hope it does not disappoint. 6y
Reviewsbylola Love the notebook. 🦓Great Book too! 6y
Cinfhen Yes, adorable notebook 📓 ❤️🦓so far the book is just ok for me @Reviewsbylola @APLitlife @YouReadMyEyes @MommyOfTwo @MidnightBookGirl @TrishB 6y
Bklover I didn‘t love this one. I may give it another try, as I bailed on it. 6y
Cinfhen I‘m warming up to this book @Bklover it took awhile... 6y
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Slump | Dave Jarzyna
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Ugh..I guess I‘m definitely in a reading slump. Or just a general slump....I‘ve been lounging around all afternoon pretty much doing nothing at all, kind of like the past few days! 😩😩😩

We fly to NY tomorrow, and all I want to do is lay on the couch and veg. Sorry to #LMPBC, I won‘t be mailing on the next book till at least Jan 5, and I hope the #dystopiantravellingbook is where it should be, because I am really flaking right now. So sorry!

Bookzombie I just posted a similar post. I‘m so unmotivated to pick up a book and have been veging out to Friends. 6y
blondie I am too! I'm in my pajamas watching TV. :( Zero motivation to read or do really anything. 6y
alisiakae @Bookzombie @blondie I feel better knowing I‘m not alone, but I‘m sorry you‘re in the same boat! Candy Crush has been my friend, lol. I hate cold weather. 6y
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ghosthost I just got out of one. I hope your slump passes quickly. 6y
Zelma I‘m right there with you. Lately I‘m forcing myself to do anything and I haven‘t been reading much. All I want o do right now is eat holiday food and watch Gilmore Girls. 6y
ephemeralwaltz I won't be completing any of my challenges this year because I'm taking forever to finish anything I start. Hoping 2018 brings us all less slumps! 6y
Amandajoy I spent an hour today just completely wasting time. I think sometimes it‘s needed. 6y
TricksyTails I've been in the worst slump that's been going on for too long. I hope you kick yours soon! 🤗 6y
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Although I really enjoyed the plot and the world that was built in this novel, the beginning of the novel had a lot of information dumps and much of this information was not needed to thoroughly enjoy the novel. Additionally, I do not normally read any books with content that is not PG (cussing, sexual references etc) and this novel had a lot of that. I feel this content did not add anything to the already amazing novel. #travelingbook

alisiakae I just wanted to check in to see if the #dystopiantravellingbook was sent on to @TrishB for Jan? I‘m sorry it was just so-so for you, do you plan on seeing the movie when it comes out? 6y
blog_gal I sent out the book to @TrishB. I hope she receives it soon :) I do plan on seeing the movie, but may wait until it comes out on DVD. 6y
alisiakae Ok perfect! My Nov and Dec were quite chaotic with my mom‘s cancer diagnosis and month-long stay at our home for surgery and recuperation, so I lost track of the book for a few weeks. 😊 Thanks for sending it on so promptly! 6y
TrishB Just arrived today @4thhouseontheleft thanks @blog_gal 😁 6y
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I‘ve got my first #travellingbook in the house! And I can‘t wait to get started, since I‘ve wanted to read this for ages. Thanks for the lovely card and tea @JenlovesJT47 - so sweet of you! #readyplayerone #travelingbook

LibrarianRyan This book is so good 7y
umbrellagirl Tell me about travelling books please. 7y
JenlovesJT47 I apologize again for it being late! 😱 I hope you had a nice vacation and enjoy the book ☺️ 7y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @LibrarianRyan That‘s what I keep hearing! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @umbrellagirl Well, what happened was a few people suggested we develop some categories and then people volunteered to manage the process. They picked books and when we signed up, they matched us. So this month it‘s my turn to read this book and then I‘ll send it on to the next person in the group. We make notes in the book and keep a journal too. It‘s fun! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @JenlovesJT47 No worries. I didn‘t have much reading time while we were gone, so I‘m behind the 8ball now! 😘 7y
JenlovesJT47 @umbrellagirl there are a few groups doing the traveling books. Basically there is a signup and each person gets the book for a month, writes notes if they want then mails it to the next person. 7y
JenlovesJT47 I know how that is! Sometimes when I go on vacation I pack 10 books and then have time to read absolutely nothing. Happy reading! 🤗 7y
umbrellagirl Love this idea! Perhaps I can get in on the next round. Thank you! 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @umbrellagirl Or you could start a new round if you want! 😀 7y
umbrellagirl Good idea 🙂 7y
Cinfhen Yay!! This book is headed my way in February 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 7y
Cinfhen I think there may still be spots available for this one @umbrellagirl I‘m not sure who to contact maybe Barbara knows?! 7y
Dragon You are going to love this book! I‘m halfway through it and I don‘t want to go to work! Have a great trip! 😀🐉 7y
TrishB It's @4thhouseontheleft for this one 👍 7y
TrishB I'm January for this one. 7y
TricksyTails @umbrellagirl I was just about to ask! I'd like to join, especially if this is the book I'll be getting to read! 7y
TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47 is it too late to sign up? 7y
TricksyTails I'd love to read this book. Does anyone know if it's too late or how to sign up to be a part of this traveling book? 7y
JenlovesJT47 @TricksyTails I believe the signups are closed but if I see any other traveling books I will be sure to tag you! I didn't get to finish this book before I had to mail it out but I really liked what I read so far. Going to get it from the library to finish it! You can ask @4thhouseontheleft if there are any spots open. 7y
TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47 Thank you! Yes, please! If you see another one, please tag me. I'm doing the #whodunitsequel but would also like to do other genres. 7y
JenlovesJT47 @TricksyTails maybe we can start our own? I was thinking about doing something with a shorter book 🤔 7y
JenlovesJT47 @TricksyTails something like #travelingminibook or something more clever that I can't think of right now lol 😀 7y
alisiakae @umbrellagirl There are still some open spots next year for The Ready Player One #dystopiantravellingbook. Let me know if you would like to join in! It will be traveling through Aug 2018. 7y
TricksyTails @JenlovesJT47 Ha! I was just going to email you an idea about that!! Great minds and all that...😉 7y
alisiakae @TricksyTails There are open spots! 7y
TricksyTails @4thhouseontheleft Any extra spot for me? 🙋🏻 I'd love to participate. 😊 7y
TricksyTails @4thhouseontheleft Just saw this after I sent the last one! Yes, please! How do I sign up? 7y
alisiakae May, June and July are open. Just send me an email at abergsman@gmail.com and I will send you all the info! Search #dystopiantravellingbook for more info as well. 😊 7y
umbrellagirl @4thhouseontheleft I am in! I don‘t mind what month. Will email you directly. 7y
TricksyTails @4thhouseontheleft Thank you! I'll send an email shortly. 7y
emilyhaldi Fun!! Great book 👍🏻 7y
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This book was so much fun to read, I put on my favorite mismatched socks to go with the mood. 😆 I definitely recommend it for anyone that is nostalgic for the 80s and likes sci-fi/fantasy or dystopias.

#tbrbingo #litsypartyofone #travellingbook #dystopiantravellingbook

mcipher I really want to read this one! Great socks! 7y
Mommamanzi I LOVE those socks!!! 7y
alisiakae @mcipher I'm hosting the #dystopian #travellingbook and this is the selection! The next month that has an opening is April, if you want to be added! You have to be willing to ship it internationally, I can send you the guidelines if you are interested, or look under #dystopiantravellingbook 7y
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Emiller Those socks are so awesome!!! 7y
mcipher @4thhouseontheleft That sounds fun - I'd love the April spot! Can you email me at melaniecipher@gmail.com with more info please? 7y
alisiakae @mcipher oh dear, somehow I overlooked your message! Are you still interested in the April spot for Ready Player One? So sorry about that! 7y
mcipher @4thhouseontheleft no problem! If you still need someone I‘m still interested! 👍 7y
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Today's read, my #dystopiantravellingbook selection. 😃

If you haven't seen it yet, check out the new trailer that was released at SD ComicCon!


TrishB I keep have to reminding myself not to buy this as I'll be reading it later in the year 😀 7y
Avanders Can. Not. Wait. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
Cinfhen I think I get it after you @TrishB 😍😍so excited 7y
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TrishB @Cinfhen you do 😍 me too! 7y
KathyWheeler I cannot wait to see the movie! 7y
alisiakae @TrishB @Avanders @Cinfhen @KathyWheeler The 80s references are so much fun! Although I keep getting sidetracked because of them (ahem...BurgerTime, which I just found can be played online, and have now wasted the past 30 minutes trying to build 🍔). 😆😆😆 7y
TrishB I'm still pretty much stuck in the 80s so I'm looking forward to this!! 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen ❤ exactly! 7y
alisiakae @cinfhen @TrishB 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 Although I owe my teen years to the #nineties 😃 7y
TrishB My teen years started in the 80s 😋 7y
KathyWheeler @4thhouseontheleft They are indeed fun. I was shocked I loved this book so much; I'm older than its target audience and I'm not a gamer. 7y
Cinfhen Same @TrishB we are ancient dinosaurs 💚💙💚💙 7y
TrishB @Cinfhen I'm certainly feeling like! My significant birthday drawing nearer and nearer.....🎉💜 7y
Cinfhen When's the big day??? @TrishB I feel like we've been gearing up for months!!!! 7y
TrishB Lol 🎉🎉 I've been gearing up since 1st Jan. When asked what I wanted from hubby I said 50 books! I can't see the piles at home so I'm not sure how that one is going. It's actually 26 Oct. 7y
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