chapter 20: freaking Buddy #yeahbuddythisisallaboutyou #whataloser #peaceout ✌🏻#esthergoestojoansfuneral #suchbeautifulwriting #theend #hashtagbrigade
chapter 20: freaking Buddy #yeahbuddythisisallaboutyou #whataloser #peaceout ✌🏻#esthergoestojoansfuneral #suchbeautifulwriting #theend #hashtagbrigade
Freud “The most magnificent novel ever written”
Me “There has NEVER been a novel more filled with blah, blah, blah than this! The least murdery murder mystery EVER written. Absolutely boring and painful to read!”
I finished it.
Thank god for the #hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead and #dioramaqueen @Aimeesue I finished a week early cuz I just can‘t anymore #peaceout
Ch 5.6: Smerdy sitting in the dark like a 👀#whatamess #smerdystuckinthemiddle #willDkillpops 🤷🏻♀️ #heplanstoplaysickandhide #ivanpeacesout #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Chapter 7: James Moreland is moving to Kympton #also #theferrarsarebusted #peaceout #lydiaisthesameasalways #kittyiscoming #georgiannaisgoing #headisspinning #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 50: Gil is waiting for 6 months to go by, so he can write to Helen. But her uncle dies, so he waits, and then she keeps traveling, so he waits, and then ……. #justwritethedamnletter #meanwhile #MrsLowbroughdies #goodriddance #grimsbydies #peaceout #hattersleyeandLowbroughlivetheirbestlives #andGilsstillwaiting #pemberlittens #chapteraday
And this, ladies and gentleman, is the successful purchase of the book that was causing so much trouble a post down 😂 And all so that I can finish my last box on the Bingo Litsy Challenge 🙄 Sick and just plain bored with being able to do nothing but be in bed, the day has been successful in listening to my Audible The Two Towers ( whilst updating my 2017 challenges)& finally fixing this Kindle Problem 🤧 #LibrarianCrossfitter #PeaceOut✌🏻🍵☕️🛌