Ch 4.4: Alyosha goes to the Mrs Coca Colas house #liseloseshershit #soupsetabouthisbite #tellshimtheletterwasajoke #hesayshewantstogetmarried #meanwhile #ivanandkataretogether #mrsKwantshelpwiththem #staytuned #thebros #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4.4: Alyosha goes to the Mrs Coca Colas house #liseloseshershit #soupsetabouthisbite #tellshimtheletterwasajoke #hesayshewantstogetmarried #meanwhile #ivanandkataretogether #mrsKwantshelpwiththem #staytuned #thebros #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 50: Gil is waiting for 6 months to go by, so he can write to Helen. But her uncle dies, so he waits, and then she keeps traveling, so he waits, and then ……. #justwritethedamnletter #meanwhile #MrsLowbroughdies #goodriddance #grimsbydies #peaceout #hattersleyeandLowbroughlivetheirbestlives #andGilsstillwaiting #pemberlittens #chapteraday