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Throne of Glass | Sarah J. Maas
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I get to hang out with a cat this week! Saki‘s a real sweetie. Yesterday he sat on my lap for a whole thirty seconds. #blessed

That happened while I finished the back half of THRONE OF GLASS. My feelings for this book have slid all around the spectrum. I wasn‘t impressed with my ARC, then I rather liked it when I reread it after I did like CROWN OF MIDNIGHT, then I loved it when I reread it ahead of KINGDOM OF ASH, and now I rather like it again.

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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Untitled | Untitled
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I turn 4 today! So exciting! Blessed to be a part of this community!
Thanks so much!! 🥹❤️🥳🎉🍾😃
#litsyversary #anniversary #happy #blessed #celebrate

julesG Happy Litsyversary 🎉🎉 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Happy Litsyversary!! Stay happy you are here! 🎊💛🎊💛 7mo
Jari-chan Happy Litsyversary! 7mo
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LeafingThroughLife Happy Litsyversary! 🥳 7mo
JessClark78 Happy Litsyversary! 🎊📚🎉 7mo
Birdsong28 Happy Litsyversary 🎊🎉📚📖 7mo
Deblovestoread Happy Litsyversary 🎉 7mo
Gissy Happy Litsyversary!🥳 📚📚📚🎉🎉🎉🥰 7mo
Librarybelle Happy Litsyversary! 7mo
WJCintron @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🥹🙏😃🤗 ❤️ Thanks!! Me too! 7mo
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Hi campers, we are so happy to kick off #camplitsy23 with all of you. Let‘s discuss the first half of Bandit Queens. We‘ll discuss all of the book next week so please avoid spoiling the ending!
We have three questions today, three next week. Let‘s do this!!

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AmyG Geeta has no children and I think that makes her feel apart from the women, different. I also think she sort of regrets not having a child/children. 12mo
DGRachel It feels weaponized. I‘m not sure the women who have children particularly like them, but it gives them an opportunity to humble-brag and play the martyr, while ostracizing Geeta for being childless. 12mo
CBee @DGRachel completely agree with this! The expectations of women in this culture - well, they‘re outdated and stupid 😂 I admire Geeta so much for doing her own thing, despite struggling with that, despite being lonely. But the way the other women talk about motherhood is sometimes nauseating 😂 Like, just be honest and say it‘s hard! 12mo
Susanita Weaponized is a good description. Farah uses both edges of that sword before and after her husband dies. (Poor children. What will become of them if something happens to me? Waah waah waah.) 12mo
Megabooks @DGRachel weaponized is an excellent point!! And those humble-brags were infuriating! 12mo
TheKidUpstairs @DGRachel weaponized is a good description. The women seem to use their motherhood as a tool to connect, but also to repel. “Mother“ becomes almost another status, another way to organize people, like caste and religion are used.

I appreciated Geeta's nuanced relationship to motherhood. While she may feel like she's missed something, she also seems to appreciate the freedom that not being a mother allows her.
AmyG @DGRachel @TheKidUpstairs very good point about weaponization and how motherhood is a certain caste in itself. Elevates one‘s status. (edited) 12mo
TheKidUpstairs And I have to say, the repeated refrains of “Oh, but it's a blessing“ after any hint of a complaint about the children made me laugh. The way they were uttered almost by rote, with little feeling behind it, just keeping up appearances. It made me think of insta-Mommy culture and #blessed, it was so relatable. 12mo
LaraReads @DGRachel weaponized for sure! They fling it like an insult, all while not fully believing any of the things they say they feel about being a mother/wife. @CBee yes! She‘s truly admirable for being able to go her own way in the world, even though it‘s lonely & everyone seems to despise her for it! 12mo
CBee @TheKidUpstairs omg I‘d forgotten about the whole #blessed thing 🤦‍♀️🙄 That‘s part of why I got rid of all social media except Litsy 😂😂 12mo
CBee @LaraReads I adore her, she‘s such a great character! 12mo
Soubhiville @DGRachel @TheKidUpstairs great points! @AmyG I agree the “Blessings of motherhood” refrain we hear repeatedly came to feel like a verbal eyeroll to me, same sort of barb as Southern America‘s “Bless your heart.” On the surface it seems nice, but it‘s often meant derogatively. 12mo
squirrelbrain @AmyG - great point about motherhood being a caste in itself. The book shows us that there are so many different social strata (still) in India. 12mo
AmyG @Soubhiville While I am a mother, let me tell you, there are blessings to having kids and to not having kids. 🤣 @squirrelbrain it reminds me of this….when I had a grandson a friend said to me…welcome to the club. (edited) 12mo
TheBookHippie OMG. Women and their haughty IMAMOTHER thereby worth more. 😵‍💫🤮 weaponized is exactly it. I have two children if I was of child bearing age again, I wouldn‘t do it. I tell young women allll the time you do not have to have children to have value. (Before I get push back- I love my kids.) insta mommy culture for sure. Gross. 12mo
peaKnit @TheBookHippie lol! I totally agree, I have two near adult girls and am not sure I‘d make the same choice either, partly based on what I know of the world now. I think you really begin to understand how hard motherhood is when you are in the throes of it. I love my kids too😆 12mo
jlhammar I found Shroff's humor and honesty surrounding this issue so refreshing! @TheKidUpstairs Yes! I loved that she poked fun at their constant need to call out the “joys of motherhood“ following any hint of complaint or discontent. I liked that Geeta could recognize that she had her own joys that wouldn't be possible if she were a mother. It did seem to put some space between her and the other women though, at least at the start. 12mo
youneverarrived @TheKidUpstairs I thought the exact same 😆 12mo
JenReadsAlot I think weaponized is a great description. I've chosen to not have children and I've been told how I'm missing out. Guess what I don't feel that way! I'm loving Geeta so far! 12mo
TrishB I think it‘s the only status some of the women have- so yes, they do use as a weapon. Which makes it even sadder. 12mo
Deblovestoread Yes, that is what women are good for, after all…you get married, take care of your husband, have kids and take care of them, too. Patriarchy at its finest… 12mo
TheBookHippie @peaknit my daughter is mid thirties my son almost 17. 12mo
sarahbarnes Agreeing with all the insights shared here! It is crazy how much childbearing is used in the story as a status symbol, both by men and women. from the male perspective it‘s about their own status as a man with a woman who bears him children. For women I agree it‘s a status put upon them by men and they‘ve embraced it in a way that is sad. 12mo
dabbe @JenReadsAlot Same here. Not only being told you're missing out but also being told something like this: “I never knew what real love was until I had a child.“ Seriously? When people say that, do they ever think what a person might feel who has never experienced the JOY of having a child? 12mo
dabbe I love Geeta and I am starting to like Saloni; she seems to be offering the comic relief so far. I found it poignant, though, when she was out sifting through the trash for her son's book or bag. She said something that made me think that of course her SON couldn't be bothered looking for what he lost, but the WIFE/MOM/WOMAN can go out there and get dirty looking for it. 12mo
DebinHawaii @dabbe @JenReadsAlot Agree wholeheartedly—if I had a $1 for every family member, acquaintance or stranger that has told me I missed out or I don‘t understand real love I would be rich! 🤬 @TheKidUpstairs That made me laugh too…every time! 🤣 12mo
JamieArc I like the way the author talks about motherhood with its many complexities. How we are supposed to feel about being a mother, how even if we don‘t have kids and are happy with that decision, there may still be lingering complex feelings about it. As one who is semi-trying to have children and have my own complex thoughts about it, I really appreciate this aspect of the book. 12mo
JenReadsAlot @DebinHawaii OMG same! So annoying 12mo
Hooked_on_books @DGRachel I love how you put this. And it‘s relatable, as it happens in our own culture, particularly on social media. We‘re supposed to revere mothers and look down on women who choose not to have kids (of course further hurting those who can‘t). I say let‘s revere women who make the best choices for themselves, whatever that may be! 12mo
CBee @TheBookHippie thank you for saying this. I feel the same (despite having shame for feeling it because we are TAUGHT to feel that), though I love my kids. I‘ve started writing a bit about it, especially since I have an autistic kiddo and it‘s effing HARD. It‘s not all blessing and rainbows and glitter 😂😳🤦‍♀️ 12mo
TrishB @Hooked_on_books 👏🏻 exactly! Choice is the key always. 12mo
TrishB @CBee it‘s very rarely blessings,rainbows and glitter and I love my kids too ♥️ Though I have a gay son so it can be rainbows and glitter occasionally!! It is very hard and for different reasons at different times. 12mo
AmyG @TheBookHippie I just had this conversation again with my daughter. People need to accept that women have a choice over their bodies. Being a mother doesn‘t make a woman worthy. 12mo
DGRachel @Hooked_on_books Yes! More women supporting women, please, instead of allowing patriarchal constructs to pit us against each other. 12mo
CBee @TrishB 💚💚💚 Honestly, glitter can be irritating and it gets everywhere so maybe I should use a different word 😂😂 12mo
Larkken @JamieArc yes, she‘s being very nuanced, even touching (if briefly) on miscarriages and how hard they can be. I agree too about complex feelings and how trying can only compound those feelings. I‘m dealing with this myself - so I hear you & know how easy it is to feel like a failure based on factors outside one‘s own control. 💙 12mo
Larkken I found this aspect of the book to remind me a bit of my coworkers, who are all wonderful mothers but who also delight (as one does) in complaining about imp parts of their lives 😆 I think it‘s useful for them to be able to vent and I wouldn‘t want to take that from them, but the author captures exactly how exclusionary people can be without even trying 12mo
Christine So much brilliance here! Thanks to all for sharing these spot-on thoughts. I found some unexpected connections between the wives/moms in this book and the docuseries I binged over the past 24 hours - “Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets.“ 😳
@TheKidUpstairs - love that parallel to moms on social media.
@Hooked_on_books - “I say let‘s revere women who make the best choices for themselves, whatever that may be!“ YES! Makes me think of
TrishB @CBee we can use the word if not the substance 😁 bad for the environment too! 12mo
CatLass007 I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I finished the first half of the book yesterday and have been looking forward to today‘s discussion. Unfortunately, my headache is telling me nope. I know there are no rules that say I can‘t wait until tomorrow, but I‘m very tired of migraines. I‘m loving the book! 12mo
JamieArc @Larkken ❤️❤️ Thanks for the comment. 12mo
CBee @TrishB let‘s do that, sounds good 😘 Pretend glitter for everyone ✨ 12mo
Bklover I‘m late here, but I‘m with @TheBookHippie on this to parent or not to parent thing. I have three adult kids, (36,34,22) and none of them have/want kids. I know my oldest daughter has been questioned multiple times on her choice. After watching the other moms in the village I don‘t think Geeta really wants kids. I do think she‘s lonely though. 12mo
LaraReads @JamieArc yes! All of this that you said! As much as I loved the dark humor of the book, I enjoyed these complexities even more! There are some very deep feelings to be had about motherhood (whether being one or choosing/not having a choice to not). This book is one to stay with me for some time! @Larkken I agree how exclusionary groups can be, even if they aren‘t bragging (just complaining) it can still give one that left out feeling 😔 12mo
julieclair What a great discussion. So much wisdom here. I agree that there are so many ways women can cut each other down and exclude each other. Why don't we all just support each other? Truly, I just don't understand it. 12mo
batsy I agree with @DGRachel it does seem weaponised. It felt very relatable to me, amidst the South Asian diaspora that this is still a thing that's done (even in 2023) And perhaps across other communities, as well? My mother watches a lot of South Indian TV serials and the valorisation of motherhood and being a Good Wife is still very potent messaging even though they live in a super modern milieu—the book felt familiar, in that sense but 12mo
batsy I like the way Shroff uses humour to undercut the prevailing norms, as @TheKidUpstairs says. It felt like she was pointing out how much of these norms are built on stale scripts that people have to parrot (whether they truly feel it or not) in order to be seen as acceptable. 12mo
AmyG @batsy One of the things I love best is the humor. 12mo
batsy @AmyG Me too. I'm just halfway through but it feels very natural and not overdone. 12mo
Megabooks @Christine where did you watch that documentary?? Sounds very bingeable! @batsy I definitely feel excluded at times in my large southern town. It is rare in my circles to be both unmarried and childless, so there are things I don‘t get invited because I don‘t have a partner or kid. It‘s one of the reasons I didn‘t want to come back. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 12mo
Christine @Megabooks It‘s on Prime. I only heard of it via posts of various scholars who study religion. It‘s as much about a big fundamentalist org with which the Duggars are affiliated and includes lots of interesting commentary and big picture stuff. Themes of male authority, abuse, and idealized wife/mother roles run strong in it (as in this book!). 12mo
Megabooks @Christine thanks! I follow a writer on Instagram that talks a lot about that. It‘s very interesting to me, especially since my experience with Christianity is so different. (Women as elders, deacons, and full pastors; divorced people can be pastors and serve the church; no Christian nationalism from the pulpit; respect other faiths, etc.) (edited) 12mo
Hooked_on_books @Christine Hey, I‘ll take any comparison to Beyoncé I can get! ? 12mo
jenniferw88 Agree with everything here. With my medical history it's unlikely I'll be able to have children, and I think my parents are happy with that. We have family & friends who live for their children/grandkids and as a family, we just don't get it? It's like, 'yes, it's a baby, what's so special about it?' Don't get me wrong, I'm close to some of my cousins but we don't go out of our way to worship them or their Mums, like they seem to do in the book. 12mo
jenniferw88 Also, looking after a pet is kind of equivalent to looking after children, so I think Geeta is looked on more favourably after she gets Bandit. 12mo
batsy @Megabooks That's tough and I'm sorry you have to go through that. It is pretty much the same here & Malaysia is small enough that I can pretty much generalise about the prevalent conservatism. But I live in the capital so there's all kinds of diversity centred here—just a matter of staying away from certain types of people (and relatives) and finding your own kind, so to speak! 12mo
Christine @Hooked_on_books If the stiletto fits! 😁 12mo
Christine @Megabooks Ooh, which writer? And yes, isn‘t the range of Christian experience fascinating? I grew up in a form of Lutheranism quite similar to what was shown in the doc, whereas I went to a college where Lutheranism was much like your church. 12mo
willaful I also found the incessant “blessings“ funny, but also a little sad. They definitely did weaponize motherhood, but to me it also said “we're not allowed to sometimes hate being mothers.“ 12mo
TrishB @Bklover and I bet you‘re asked all the time about grandkids! Mine are 21 and 27 and people are already saying that. It‘s a never ending obsession with some people. 12mo
squirrelbrain @christine -that documentary sounds fascinating, I shall have a look to see if I can get it over here (UK). And you‘re so right about the wonderful discussions and insights that everyone is contributing towards; I love this community! 12mo
squirrelbrain @CatLass007 - sorry you‘re feeling rough but glad you‘re enjoying the book. Hopefully you‘ll be able to contribute soon, but if not there‘s some more great questions next week! 12mo
Bookwormjillk I‘ll admit I was distracted when I listened to the first half of the book, but this discussion is fascinating and I‘m now really looking forward to the second half. 12mo
Chelsea.Poole Traveling yesterday and didn‘t get to chime in for this discussion. I enjoyed reading all the insightful comments! Could it be possible that some of the women who “humble bragged” about their children being such blessings maybe resented being mothers themselves? They probably didn‘t have much choice in becoming mothers in their circumstances. 12mo
CatLass007 @squirrelbrain Thank you. I‘m hoping today will be better. 😊 12mo
MicheleinPhilly @Chelsea.Poole That is definitely the impression that I got. As someone who is childless by choice and oh so glad that I am now at an age when people have stopped asking me about it, I‘ve always been very attuned to women who sound like they‘re trying to convince themselves that everything is sunshine and rainbows. And in this environment, where status/caste is everything, it‘s definitely a status symbol. 12mo
CBee @Chelsea.Poole I think they do resent it. But they can‘t say that they do because they have to uphold “expectations.” 🤦‍♀️ 12mo
BarbaraBB Hi everyone, sorry for missing the discussion. A crisis came up with my mother, I had to go there and take care of her, so I had no time to participate in the discussion. Lousy camp leader 🤦🏻‍♀️. Things seem under control now so I will have time soon to read all discussions. A special apology to my dear camp co-hosts @Megabooks and @squirrelbrain 🤍 12mo
squirrelbrain Hey Barbara, @BarbaraBB hope your Mum is OK. 😘 Your fabulous questions, and our insightful Litten friends, meant that the discussions hardly needed any camp counsellors at all! 12mo
Chelsea.Poole @BarbaraBB glad to hear everything is under control now! 12mo
Christine @BarbaraBB Thanks for sharing that - sending good wishes to your mom.
@squirrelbrain I hope you can access the doc! A tough watch in many ways, but quite well done.
@Chelsea.Poole Yes! I feel like they were sometimes saying it through gritted teeth...
(edited) 12mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain you are right. Such great and insightful conversations! What a great community this is 🧡 12mo
Megabooks @BarbaraBB yes, glad you are okay and were able to attend to the crisis!! (And I‘m sorry it happened. 💜💜) Just got to Nashville. I‘ll email you and @squirrelbrain soon. 😘 I know you‘ll enjoy going back through these insightful comments!! 12mo
jhod I'm catching up now too on the train home - I thought it a bit depressing that so many of these women only have their kids and husbands in their lives, made me feel lucky! Thought the microloans storyline was interesting, especially the varied successes of them and the scant non-monetary support and advice available for their fledgling businesses 12mo
jhod Thanks for the questions @BarbaraBB hope you're all OK 12mo
BarbaraBB @jhod @Megabooks @Christine Thanks for your concern 💕 and yes @jhod the microloans was a very interesting addition to the story, I agree! 12mo
Megabooks @Christine hey! So I don‘t get on Instagram everyday, but I was looking at it and a post by the writer about shiny happy people came up. Her handle is tialevingswriter. 12mo
Christine @megabooks Oh, nice! She is excellent in the doc and I def plan to read her upcoming memoir. 12mo
Well-ReadNeck Jumping in a bit late … The novel seems to be a caricature of how it feels to me society views motherhood, generally. It‘s the highest goal of womanhood and you can‘t complain. TBH it gave me some cringe moments thinking back in early motherhood for me and the judgment all around about breast feeding vs bottle feeding; co-sleeping; and being a “natural” at parenting. 12mo
willaful @Well-ReadNeck I know just what you mean. (and I love your name. 😁 ) 12mo
eraderneely Only now made it halfway through (ooph I can‘t time a buddy read). Love everyone‘s insightful comments! 12mo
eraderneely I loved what Karem said about parenthood: “yeah, sure, parental love is primitive, but the love that commits to the sacrifices, that puts their happiness and needs over mine, that does it daily on repeat - that‘s a choice.” 12mo
BarbaraBB @eraderneely the discussion is amazing don‘t you think? It has been so great to read all comments. It really adds to the book for me. Thanks for contributing! 12mo
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The Missing Wife | Sam Carrington
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Took a half day from work to do some banking transactions & car stuff. The sun is out, I‘ve got Noodles, a lychee martini & a thriller 🥰 my mental state is 🙌

#lmpbc #lmpbcgroupm

IndoorDame Looks perfect! 1y
TrishB Looks great! 1y
ElizaMarie Oooo this food looks great!!! 1y
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The Word Collector | Peter H. Reynolds
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Moved to a smaller house (near peaceful sea & woods) so have to sort & store son‘s books in bookcases in different rooms. Realize how blessed we are that family give us books & that we can buy books for our son. #blessed #booksarebestgifts

Harry Potter: fun book | J.K. Rowling
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Here‘s one reason for my shift in priorities! ?
Baby G coming October 2022 ???✨?

#pregnancyannouncement #blessed #foreveroag #expectantpatronum #nerdygirl
#momtobe #feltlikesharing Ϟ ❾¾ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘

BookmarkTavern Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 2y
LeahBergen Congratulations! 2y
suvata Awesome. Congratulations! 🧸 2y
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aa_guer2021 @ozma.of.oz, @LeahBergen and @suvata thank you so much! 🥹❤️✨ 2y
squirrelbrain Congratulations! 🎉🎉🎉 2y
julesG Congratulations! 🎉🎉 2y
sprainedbrain Congratulations!! ❤️ 2y
aa_guer2021 @squirrelbrain, @julesG and @sprainedbrain thank you so much! 🥹💙 2y
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A different kind of book haul & a chance to show off the 💙 charm I got for our one year anniversary! A tribute to my gorgeous engagement ring! #thankful #blessed #lds #anniversary #bookhaul 💙🙏🏻✨📚🥰

wanderinglynn Happy anniversary! 🎉🥂 2y
aa_guer2021 @wanderinglynn thank you! 🙏🏻❤️ 2y
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Easter Sunday | Jennifer Mary Croy
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Happy Easter Litsy!
Gotta grab my swimsuit, hope you all have a fun day today. I promise I gave thanks to the Lord this morning. #heisrisen #blessed

IuliaC Happy Easter! 2y
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Drums of Autumn | Diana Gabaldon
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When you go home for a visit to prepare an important talk at church ⛪️ and get some rest over the weekend, you get treated to yummy beet soup (borscht 🇷🇺)🥣 and definitely bring along a 📖! #currentlyreading #romance #timetravel #blessed ❤️🥰🥲

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