Isn't it nice when you read today's date in your book 😁It feels so fitting...
Also, Happy Birthday Eline!
#Netherlands #FoodandLit
@Catsandbooks @Texreader
Isn't it nice when you read today's date in your book 😁It feels so fitting...
Also, Happy Birthday Eline!
#Netherlands #FoodandLit
@Catsandbooks @Texreader
Settling in for a much needed reading weekend amidst everything. I‘m in the middle of Accidently His (romance and espionage!), what should I read next? Currently leaning toward the Glutton since it‘s been on my TBR for a while.
5⭐️ I expected Germinal to be crazy, but I didn‘t expect it to be THIS crazy. Zola went all out. His graphic descriptions could be horrific at times, and he pulled his readers to experience it along with the characters. Coal mining is a messy business, and working as a coal miner is basically living in hell. Pour in the disparity and conflicts between the bourgeoisie and the workers, and you‘d get an unforgettable read.
#Chirp #Audiobook deal
$2.99 for a limited time (2024)
This is one of Dickens' shorter novels & he packs a lot of story into it. He shines when it comes to portraying the brokenness of humanity and the lengths we'll go to in our moments of desperation. At this point I've read 8 of his major novels & this one falls in the middle. I love some of the characters like Bounderby, the perfect picture of callous selfishness & Stephen, who lives a tragic life, but never lets go of his morals. #whatthedickens
"To explain society through a theory of individual happiness expressly sought at the expense of others is a lethal doctrine, the harsh connotations of which drive man to believe everything he secretly gains, without the legal system, society, or individuals perceiving the damage done, is properly and duly acquired."
This book may be a slog, but there are some great (and painfully relevant) quotes scattered throughout.
What a sad set of circumstances—a school that teaches children only facts, nothing whimsical (I kept thinking of Star Trek Vulcans) and a bank owner who expects the same thing from his employees and his wife. This is how the youngsters grow up into damaged adults as a result. Meanwhile, a downtrodden and sympathetic man gets mixed up with these messed up people leading him astray as well. Hard Times is a hard book. #whatthedickens
“Let us fear ourselves. Prejudices are the real robbers; vices are the real murderers. The great dangers lie within ourselves. What matters is what threatens our head or our purse! Let us think only of that which threatens our soul.”
He has an enormous practice; the authorities treat him with consideration, and public opinion protects him.
He has just received the cross of the Legion of Honour.
#MadameBovary #GustaveFlaubert #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookfeature #bookfeatures #bookfair #bookfan #bookfan #bookfandom #bookfever #bookfanatic #bookfrenzy #bookgeek #bookgeeks #Fiction #Classics #France #Lirearture #Romance #19thCentury #Novels #HistoricalFiction 💟💟💟💟