I didn‘t read the original version, but this graphic adaptation was gorgeous and fascinating! I learned so much about trees! #wickedwords : animals
I didn‘t read the original version, but this graphic adaptation was gorgeous and fascinating! I learned so much about trees! #wickedwords : animals
This time of year makes me think of many different things that occur, so here are my #BookRecommendations for #HauntedShelf #AutumnorFall
1. Hidden Life of Trees- such a wonderful nonfiction; well written and well researched.
2. Friday Night Lights- I'm not a football fan, but this book was still a great read and perfect for Fall.
3. The Walking Dead- I love this graphic novel series and it gives perfect spooky vibes for this time of year.
Next up on #kindle
I've read so much non fiction so far this year which is very unlike me!
I can admire the author's passion and intention, but I think the marketing and the ultimate goal differ. While there are chapters discussing a variety of tree functions internally and those seemingly in cooperation via fungal networks with the trees around them, there is also the pleasant regular acknowledgement of where gaps in science's knowledge remains, and from there emotional extrapolation on the author's part about tree feelings. 1/?
Who COUNTS these things?
...This is one of those situations my high school math teacher of decades past would tell me there's a formula for, isn't it? 😑
Evidently it's not just the leaf canopy casting SHADE! 😯
Officially a fan of fungi. 👏🏻
This is so interesting to read about trees and how they exist, their feelings, their way of communicating. It‘s just so fascinating. Any science book about trees/plants and I‘m hooked.
#TheHiddenLifeofTrees #PeterWohlleben #ebook #kindle
Engaging and informative book by a German forestry specialist. It struck me as a book very clearly translated into English—some of the language felt like similes/metaphors literally translated.
Trees are hands down some of my favourite things in the world. Learning so much more about them makes me feel even more strongly about how much they should be revered and protected.
If anyone knows any books about trees on the continent, hook me up!🤎
Nonfiction environmental philosophy book about trees. A look at how they are connected, supportive and misunderstood. I enjoyed this on audio. It was relaxing. Like a walk in the woods. Even with some of the science terms that were over my head. Hard to rate this but for the bits of knowledge and the relaxation it provided I would say 3.5 stars.
I felt like some of the science went over my head, but what I did understand was fascinating!
My last finish of 2022 - and this was fascinating! I annoyed my SO often with my newly discovered interesting facts about trees. They really do have a hidden life!!
Tonight‘s reading until I get sleepy.
The stacks for my #DecemberTBR & #WinterReadathon!
The left are book box books that have arrived recently. The middle is all my #pemberlittens reading that I‘m behind on (with the exception of the Heiress) so that stack is my goal for the Winter Readathon - I solemnly vow to catch up on #janeandtheexcellentreadalong! The right is some leftovers and a few books as I continue my quest to #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks.
Gonna be a busy month!
Just a beautiful and uplifting non-fiction piece. The audiobook is as soothing and crisp as a walking underneath the canopy of a lush old growth forest. 5🌲🌲🌳🌳🌳
This is a book that within the first three chapters, I felt as though my perspective on something I took for granted completely shifted. An absolute must read and the perfect reminder to slow down and look around. 🌳♥️
This book contains quite a few really interesting things/systems that trees do and have in order for forests to survive. The chapters are short and readable. My only complaint is that I‘d like an advice chapter on how to create a community of trees in your without needing an old growth forest. Informative, with a twinge on condescension randomly.
Peter has put into words the exact feelings I feel when walking through a forest. The strong environmental message seeks to instill a sense of value & wonder for the world around us. That the earth is full of community, and not just human community.
That being said, I found the writing a little dense at times (maybe due to the translation), the short chapters a bit distracting, & the organization a bit off.
Overall I enjoyed it.
All NF!
Tagged is my library book, which I think is overdue. 🤦🏼♀️
Alchemy (audiobook) I have a little less than 3 hrs to go. Although I wish I had this one in physical form because I‘d be taking notes in it.
Daring Greatly is my #bookspin that I will start as soon as I finish the tagged.
#joyousjanuary update
📚 my GR goal is 104 (2 books/week) & then my biggest goal/challenge is my reducing by TBR bookcase (more about that here: http://wanderinglynn.com/2022/01/02/a-year-of-books-100-books-in-2022/)
📔 progression (n) the act of changing to the next stage of development
📖 tagged 🌳🌲🌴
Thanks for the tag Danielle!
Have you played? @TheSpineView @Eggs
#NewYearSpecial #20in4
Well I totally missed day 1 because I thought it started tomorrow (31st) & was running around doing other things today 🤦🏼♀️ 😆
My goals are to finish my library book (tagged) & finish at least my Dec #bookspin.
1. The lights, the smell of evergreens, and Hallmark Christmas movies
2. 🤷🏼♀️ I don‘t have a set TBR for December. I just checked out the tagged from the library. And I aim to read at least 5 books this month to get to 150 for the year.
Thanks for the tag Lisa!
Have you played? @damselsgotballs @Allylu @Yuki_Onna @Leftcoastzen
I really enjoyed this book, although I admit it was my falling-asleep book so there were bits I didn‘t catch. The author does a great job of describing the lives and interconnection of individual trees, forests, ecosystems, and the Earth. I was particularly intrigued by the sections on how trees connect with each other and other beings, and on how human choices regarding trees and forestry have had an impact on the Earth.
#Nonfiction2021 #Nature
Wow mind blowing book. I'm already perceiving trees, nature in a different way. Loved it!
#DasGeheimeLebenDerBaume #AVidaSecretaDasArvores #PeterWohlleben
#livro #book #bookaholic #booklovers #ler #leitura #leitora #reading #instabook #instaread #instabooks #bookstagram #litsy #booklover #readingabook #amreading #books #kindle #Sha2021
This is a great read for just about anyone. It is written in an engaging and approachable way that references scientific work without immediately bogging down in details that can slow the flow. I now look at forests and trees in a different way and want to read more that would be specific to N American forests as the writer references work in European forests. A film based on the book is coming out soon.
11-16 June 2021 (audiobook)
Interesting ideas, compellingly told. Wohllebon has a background in forestry but advocates for old growth forests and for reconsidering trees as social beings. Whilst his writing does anthropomorphise trees, he cites scientific research to support his views. It also causes one to question the plant/animal divide. If nothing else, this will lead the reader to rethink the wonder of a walk through the forest.
My husband built this reading table for me. I love connecting nature and art. Trees are emotional and communicate just as humans do♥️
The book “The Intention Experiment“ discussed about plants manifesting fear and communicating, but the fabulous work of German forester Peter Wohlleben sheds a new light on plants. Trees are social beings, they share food with their fellows, help each other survive, develop friendships, learn and share experiences, communicate in ways which, once fully understood, will revolutionize and hopefully alter for the better our relationship with plants.
Trees communicate with us ? (book version for kids in the picture; equally captivating as the one for adults)
"Whether we can somehow listen in on tree talk is a subject that was recently addressed in the specialized literature. ... Personally, however, I think the swirling cocktail of tree talk is the reason we enjoy being out in the forest so much. At least when we are out in undisturbed forests." ⤵️
Absolutely engrossing book! It's spring here and I just couldn't stop taking photos after I discovered trees devise blossoming strategies when they come out of hibernation, for which they store food reserves and nutrients.
"It seems the trees can count! They wait until a certain number of warm days have passed, and only then do they trust that all is well and classify the warm phase as spring. But warm days alone do not mean spring has arrived."
The wood wide web has been mapped, traced, monitored, and coaxed to reveal the beautiful structures and finely adapted languages of the forest network. ... mother trees recognize and talk with their kin, shaping future generations. In addition, injured trees pass their legacies on to their neighbors, affecting gene regulation, defense chemistry, and resilience in the forest community. ...members of a connected, relating, communicating system.
"That means it is okay to use wood as long as trees are allowed to live in a way that is appropriate to their species. And that means that they should be allowed to fulfill their social needs, to grow in a true forest environment on undisturbed ground, and to pass their knowledge on to the next generation. And at least some of them should be allowed to grow old with dignity and finally die a natural death."
This line made me think of how it is to live with chronic illnesses 🌳
New pot with new plant!
Also, I'm likely not going to do/finish any of these (so bad at keeping up with challenges) but I've collected a variety of yearly challenges on my blog. I tried to find all the yearly ones from here I could, but if you don't see yours... drop a link to the original post and I'll link it!
I don‘t think I‘ve ever called this book by its correct name. Not once. 😂
This was an interesting listen on the hidden processes of trees. Never knew trees had such busy lives! After listening to this book, I will now look at a tree more differently than I would have had I not stumbled upon this.
After reading “The Overstory” earlier this year, I wanted to learn more about trees. I borrowed this from the library, but then I injured my ankle and couldn‘t walk for a while, now the ankle is good and I‘ve started walking in the woods again so the timing for reading was better.
The book look at the “dialogue” between trees, how the forest work and look after itself. I learned so much and I won‘t look at the forest in the same way again.
I‘m currently reading this book and finding the information fascinating. I got to the section about “drunken forests” and had to go searching for images. Poor trees- but they keep on fighting to live and grow.
Recent acquisitions that have finally been allowed in the house after their mandatory garage quarantine. So happy my local indie is still able to operate!!
On my weekly adventure out in nature, I noticed this tough tree doing it's best to grow at a 90 degree angle. Hang in there, little tree! You're an inspiration.
So far so amazing!!!
#56 #TheHiddenLifeofTrees #PeterWohlleben GR: 2/5 ⭐️⭐️ Honestly, there was nothing wrong with this book. I really struggle with non-fiction and I fell asleep a few times reading this on the train.. standing up. There were paragraphs I read and thought ‘interesting‘💭 but then the same point was repeated multiple times throughout book. Just not for me but I read it as I thought it would make a nice companion piece to #TheOverstory 🌳