Funny, charming, and an overall delight, this Victorian-set comedy of errors is a devilishly good time.
Funny, charming, and an overall delight, this Victorian-set comedy of errors is a devilishly good time.
Loved, loved, loved this quick read!! Definitely a “must-read” for all Wodehouse and Monty Python fans 🙌🏻🌟🙌🏻🌟🙌🏻🌟🙌🏻🌟
This book is hilarious and fun... and I might never have discovered it if not for my friend Angel. 🤗
Our hero (ha!), Lionel Savage, meets the devil and inadvertently misplaces his new wife, whom he comes to discover he actually loves. The story is creative and fast-paced, the humor is on point, and the characters are lively and entertaining. I especially enjoyed the footnotes by the ‘editor‘ (and Lionel‘s cousin-in-law), Hubert. 😂
I. LOVED. THIS! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Such a fun book. If you liked Jonathan Strange, or Cinnamon and Gunpowder, or The Gentleman‘s Guide to Vice and Virtue, give this a shot! It‘s snarky and humorous and smart. The footnotes from the “editor” actually made me laugh out loud. Highly recommend.
Pretty good for a light and humorous read. Had a bit of slow start but got better once I was around halfway done. The writing style reminds of me of some of the classics so it‘s kind of contemporary but written as if it isn‘t.
It took forever to finish this book mostly because I can't stand the main character at all. The premise sounds fun but the book drags as the main characters get into a few jams. The footnotes written by the "editor" are hilarious in parts, but I want to punch the main dude in the face. Like most of the cast does.
This is a novel about a poet who sells his wife's soul to the devil. It's very hard to sell me a book, because I own a bookstore. If I see a book I like, I'll just get it from my own damn store. But I stopped in at Rakestraw Books and the incomparable Michael Barnard did not just put this book in my hands, he opened it up and started reading aloud to me, and he did not just read aloud, he performed it. There was no way I wasn't going to buy it.
A man accidentally sells his wife to the Devil to save his writing career. Then, he realizes he loves her and wants her back. #awkward This book got me out of a slump last year. #fallintobooks
#TBRtemptation post 4! In the spirit of Wodehouse and Monty Python, the story of a famous Victorian poet who inadvertently sells his wife to the devil (the titular "gentleman") & recruits a band of adventurers to rescue her--the butler, a bookseller, a Buddhist, an inventor, and his kid sister. Trapdoors, bobbies, art history, poetical dueling, Hell, and more. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook ?
Most anticipated! So many great books came out today, but I am most happy about finally being able to sell this gem in paperback. I LOVE this book!!!!! #anditsaugust @RealLifeReading
This book was funny, but there was so much unnecessary dialogue that I found myself skipping huge chunks of the book and not missing a thing. I think the author got a bit carried away, but it is still worth a read!
Thanks hubby for letting me be done with yardwork after I water the flowers and letting me read on the porch while you make our yard beautiful! 😊😍🌹🌱
Imagine the thing that happened to the main character in your book is happening to you. How screwed are you?
Personally, pretty screwed. This guy is selling his wife to the devil to pay for his book hoarding habits! 😂😈
The cover of this book 😍👌
Picking up a new read that wouldn't normally be my taste. Excited to give it a shot!
I AM STILL CACKLING. This book was hysterical and delightfully written. It's a loving homage to/send-up of all sorts of Victorian genres, and it was an utter treat. It's a farce in book form, complete with ridiculous arguments and cleverly drawn characters. An airy, lighthearted read.
Okay. That does it.
The pictures in this book have absolutely nothing to do with the corresponding text.
It is not a Spoiler to tell you that nowhere in the text on this page is there evidence that the three men in the barn are unaware of a pair of giant floating lips behind them.
I do not know why this picture is here.
This book has great chapter titles.
Reasons why you should read this book: 1. Snarky footnotes 2. Lizzie 3. Airships, dueling, and a most congenial devil 4. Simmons 5. However you deal with writers' block, it must be better than this! Just a fun, fun read.
While I appreciate the occasional illustration in an adult novel, I don't rightly know what this is supposed to depict -- unless one of the characters has secretly become a Pokémon trainer.
Well... It did pick up for a time and became rather charming and amusing, but by the time I reached the end, I was frankly glad to be there. This is a brain candy book. Not bad, just not all that good.
I can't say I'm not enjoying this book, but I'm not sure I can say I am. It's amusing, but in a self-conscious way that blunts the humor for me.
Humor is hard, isn't it? Sometimes from both directions.
This was a Christmas gift from a dear friend. I am so backed up on my reading...
#outside My favorite spot to read is my front porch. We live in an old seaside cottage and our street is a direct route to the beach - great people-watching, perfect temperature, and the sounds of the ocean and sea lions accompany my books. This picture is from last summer.
Another one where I need a rating for "better than so-so but not quite full thumbs up." A witty, silly, Victorian-esque little comedy about a man who believes he sold his wife to the devil and determines to steal her back. The style would have suited me better in a short story; I found it a bit less clever as I went. An entertaining, light little diversion.
First book completed in 2017. I should apologize to it. I picked it up in late August and have been reading it intermittently since. Overall, it's a witty (if a bit self-consciously so) faux period piece. A comedy of manners. Not quite Wilde, not quite Pratchett. But fun.
"It occurs to me with a shock that he may not like books. I dismiss the thought as soon as it enters my head as too preposterous to be borne. Not like books! I cannot believe it of a fellow man."
Needed something lighter for a break. This is perfect.
Funny-ish story about a man who sells his wife to the devil and all the mishaps and misunderstandings that happen along the way to her rescue. And the footnotes! Perfect. This was a play first if I understand the acknowledgments correctly and I think I'd enjoy this on the stage.
Maybe not quite as funny as it thinks it is, but a lot of fun nonetheless.
I'm remembering this line and using it the first chance I can get - you are upsetting the books! Ha! ❤️
If anything, read this for the footnotes. They're awesome.
Started this one and am only one chapter in and I already love the footnotes.
A tongue-in-cheek send-up of Victorianism, from the quietly clever butler to the swashbuckling adventurer, from fascination with the supernatural to infatuation with the latest inventions. An outrageous plot with plenty of scheming. Fun illustrations too!
A fun, surreal read. If you're a fan of 19th century Gothic-esque books, this will be a lot of fun for you.
Look what's in my hot little hands!!! I'm the first person to check it out from the Austin Public Library (unless a librarian got it first). I've finished 5 of my #novembertbr and have quite a stack of library books so I'm going to have to wait a tiny bit to read this one. I don't think I can handle it.
"... I've never been out of England. Except in my head, of course. And in books. I think that should count, but for some silly reason it doesn't. ..." -Lizzie
The Austin Public Library had a copy on order and I've put it on hold. The change in status to on order is recent because I've been checking. I'm first in line. I'm the first hold!
The one book I keep talking about nonstop to anyone who will listen. It‘s not every day you read a book where a husband conjures the Devil, and accidentally sells his wife, which results in planning a rescue mission to Hell. A variety of personas come along for the quest, and a whole lot of over-the-top encounters happen along the way that will have you laughing out loud. It is an absurd, action-packed, and witty read that is brilliantly written.
"I don't mean to be critical, sir, but you tend toward profligacy."
"Nonsense, Simmons. I don't buy anything but books. You cannot possibly tell me I've squandered my fortune upon books."
"Squander is not the word I would have used, sir. But it was the books that did it, I believe."
Lionel Savage, Victorian poet, accidentally sells his wife to the Devil, in this light-hearted, amusing story. He's a bit of a dandy, and not the sharpest pencil in the box, bless him. #dumbandbeautiful #octphotochallenge
I am pretty new to Litsy and have no friends on here. I am trying to get to know the place and make some new friends. If I have added you and you don't know me, that's why!
I have 20 pages to go, but this was my second train book. It was silly, funny, and lovely caricatures. A poet accidentally sells his wife, who he married for her money, to the devil so he could write poems again. Realizing he loves her, he must venture into hell with his explorer brother in law and free willed sister to get her back. Lots of "#my good man" and other such sentences that are bothersome at first, but add to this silly book. Fun pics
Fantastic!!!! This was just what I needed I finished this a couple of weeks ago, but because I'm dumb and locked my self out of my account I couldn't up date :/ .
If you want incredibly witty characters and woman who won't deal with their men's crap, than this is so for you! #thegentleman #forrestleo #debut novel #books
Very excited to start this book on a (hopefully) lazy Sunday!
Rollicking and ridiculous, this book is a fun and funny read.