I always love a good dragon story ! This was excellent.
I always love a good dragon story ! This was excellent.
This book was a lot of fun! Much better than I was expecting! If you are looking for a fun romance and a fun light read, here you go!
This book is so hilarious, I recommend it to anyone looking for a fun read!
This series has been such a wild ride wrapped in a sweet romance. The ending of the series is so bittersweet but I loved reading these characters one more time!
What can I say about this book ? An amazing and terrifying triumph of a book! The rise of the Empress in a retelling of the story of Snow White like I've never read before !
I see that a lot of people liked this book but it was so much angst fest that I can't say I really enjoyed it. Charlotte's uncle Leander Holmes was the best part for me. The preview for book three looks good though so I think I'll stick around.
I've never read a book by Catherynne Valente so I decided to pick one up and found a used copy of this book. I was able to identify who some of the characters were based on but not all of them. I liked it though. It was fun but also quite sad :( RIP, partners of comic book super heroes who have died to further someone else's story line.
I loved getting to know Alice and Renfred better! Chise learns more about the magic wolf pelt she obtained in an earlier volume and the Hawthorn spirit is the cutest it think :)
I picked up this book for the Pop Sugar reading challenge prompt "a book from a celebrity book club" as it was featured in Reese Witherspoon 's book club. I really enjoyed this book . It was a story of women coming together, opening up to one another, and forming their own kind of community eventually banding together to stop a murderer (so unexpected!!). It was a fun read and I loved all the characters:)
I really enjoyed this second slow burn mystery with old school horror tie ins. So much fun . I can't wait for book three!!
This was exactly the kind of book I was looking for and I really enjoyed it. The story of two friends together against the world, magic, adventure, fueled by determination.
I love that there are fluffy fae bugs that produce wool and get periodically sheared in vol 4. In vol 5 Chise helps a fae who has fallen in love with a human who can't see her. She brews a potion that allows him to see his love before he passes on. Also I rarely see characters that share my name that I actually enjoy reading, but Ruth the emo black dog is pretty great.
Volume three brings us back to the Dragon Aerie! And reveals a great enemy! I really do love this series. I know it may seem repetitive to post a picture of every single freakin volume but this year I'm trying to get better at reviewing books because I'm terrible at it. Also I enjoy keeping track because it makes me believe I can actually reach my ridiculous goal!
This book is amazing and hilarious . I loved and laughed through every page and I would definitely recommend it to everyone I know.
I heard so many good things about this book but it just wasn't for me. I wasn't in love with any of the characters and parts of the book seemed to drag along.
I'm really enjoying this series and lamenting I don't find more at the used bookstores. In vol 2, Chise finds out more about what she is and how to use her magic gifts. Elias continues to be my favorite character, he is a delightful ancient creature with ulterior motives.
Ah behold my messy desk. I picked up volume one of this manga at a used bookstore and I find it very interesting. I always love reading stories of magic and I love manga illustration!
The romance continues between Peter and Lara Jean but disaster strikes when someone uploads a video of them to the internet and photoshoppers take over. To complicate matters, another boy from the past resurfaces and Lara Jean has to sort out her confusing feelings. I enjoyed this book just as much as the first and I liked the discussion surrounding the posted video. I thought the incident was handled in a good way.
I really enjoyed reading this book although it's not something i would normally think to read. In a dystopian future society, a rich 20something woman is cut off from her family's wealth and finds she really enjoys the life of a killer for hire.
The plot is at times quite heavy handed but altogether a fun read.
I really wanted to like this book and my online book club adores it and is planning for the sequel but honestly it wasn't for me. This book has a style if writing where it alternates between the present and the past and I found it jarring. It disrupted the flow of the story and I felt it was taunting me with out of context spoilers. I don't think I'll be reading book two and I think I'll find a new home for this one. The cover is beautiful though.
I feel like most of the books I've posted here recently I have given rave reviews on. This book is the favorite of a friend of mine and I really enjoyed it. It's a wonderfully real book about confusing love and now I really want to read the second.
Finally reached the end of this series until Mayish when the next one comes out! When my favorite character is kidnapped and Kate receives visions of doom from many sources, she must act quickly to deflect that possible future and save my favorite character! Excellent!!
Yet another amazing edition to the series. When a friend is kidnapped by a djinn, Kate drops everything to help. The reader learns more about Curran's adopted parent, Mahon and his weird views on how werebears are the greatest of all shapeshifters. Kate has dinner with her dad. Excited for the next one!
I'm not the hugest fan of true crime stories but I picked this one up through book of the month club and my books club decided to read it. It was very interesting and gave a very detailed account of these terrible murders. The last act of the book details the further research the author conducted that expanded the conspiracy in place far beyond what the original investigation uncovered .
A showdown between Kate and one of her greatest enemies leads her to finally meet her father face to face. It was nice to see more of some minor characters although my favorite character did not make an appearance. Can't wait to get to the next book!
Yet another fun adventure with much sadness towards the end. Cameo appearance by weredolphins. Yeah. Imagine that and then try to sleep. This book was a little weirder as it involved a complicated plan to go overseas into what was an obvious trap. But the heroes won in the end.
The covers of these books are just not fun as an ebook. In other news, this series continues to be awesome as a weapon capable of destroying magic is going to be unleashed in Atlanta by a radical group of anti magic zealots. Kate must learn more about her powers to save a friend, and alliances are forged with the witch population as Kate finds out more about her mother's past. On to the next book!
This book was very good. Kate has been exposed to more of her biological family, and also solidifies her relationship. My favorite character made an appearance to enact some revenge for the events of the last book.
This book was great. A gladiator's arena, Andrea and Raphael continue to be adorable in the background, and plenty of my favorite character, Saiman. Side plot I loved was riding into the boarding school dressed as pirates to give the adopted daughter more street cred.
Book two was a bit better than book one. Mercenary Kate Daniels faces off against an old god with the help of her friends. Along the way she adopts a kid. My favorite character remains Saiman even though he didn't show up very much in this book.
I rarely see the complete Goblin Market poem so when I found these little books at half price books, I picked them up to enjoy. I loved Christina Rossetti but I was indifferent to Emily Bronte. I'm not a huge poetry lover so sometimes poetry just doesn't resonate with me.
Mostly narration about a shoplifter with few emotions who gets pulled into a giant conspiracy. The passage of time in this book was really weird. It would be described as if months had passed when it was only a week. I found the ending very anticlimactic and the book was overall dull.
Alright, I loved this book. Waaay better than the Grisha Trilogy. This is a heist, everything goes wrong, and I love each of the characters so much. I look forward to reading book two.
Fun fact, this author is actually two people, a husband wife team. My husband is a fan of this series and I've been wanting to give it a try for a while. I enjoyed it although it does seem to suffer from first book in a series problems. I'm looking forward to reading more!
I've completed my Jane Austen manga collection and reread Emma as long as I was reading them all through! Sense and Sensibility worked out well as a manga although I think they exaggerated some of Willoughby's reactions a bit!
I mean it's still a good book but dangit, quit stealing police evidence!! Quit telling people you work with the police!! The police pull in the main character as a suspect and treat her with an amazing amount of hostility that I didn't really understand. This book wobbled all over the place and the main character managed to eat her weight in sugary things I think.
I got this comic a little while ago and while it was enjoyable, it had sounded like there would be more stories of minor characters when in fact it's a couple minor characters and a bunch of random goblins.
Eeehhhhhh..... The concept of this book sounded better than the book ended up being. There was a lot of description but the plot didn't progress very fast at all. It seemed to talk in circles in several parts and tried to add romance where there obviously was none. All in all I wouldn't really recommend it.
I love Pride and Prejudice and I always enjoy finding new formats! There were a few small changes to fit it to a manga format, and I really enjoyed Mr Darcy's horrified expressions throughout . Definitely glad I picked this up! I already have Emma the manga, and I think Sense and Sensibility is the other in manga form.
I'm one of those people who reads Pride and Prejudice once a year and loves the trope of hate turning into love. This book is pretty great at that trope. Two people who work at a publishing company post merger gradually fall in love. One believes they are bitter enemies and the other is too shy to share their feelings.
You know I love a good mystery and that's definitely what this was! The characters kept me guessing until the end and I couldn't predict what happened! Onward to book two!
This is the second time I've read this book and I do like it, just not as much as Jane Austen's other works. It is a fun read though.
New book! Next on my reading list I think !
I really wanted to like this book more than I did but there were quite a few scenes that dragged on just a liiiiittle too long. Looks like there will be another edition to the series this year, so hopefully that one will drag less!
This is my favorite book . My favorite book ever. I reread it at least once every year and I finished this year's reread this last week.
This was a very enjoyable book. It ended well, although I'm sure the bad guy will continue to do bad things in other books, but that happens in series . I don't know if I will continue the series or not but I'd recommend the book to a friend if I had friends who liked a lot of vampires :)