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Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo | Stieg Larsson
"The Girl in the Spider s Web," the new book in the Millennium Series, is available now! Murder mystery, family saga, love story, and financial intrigue combine into one satisfyingly complex and entertainingly atmospheric novel. Harriet Vanger, a scion of one of Sweden's wealthiest families disappeared over forty years ago. All these years later, her aged uncle continues to seek the truth. He hires Mikael Blomkvist, a crusading journalist recently trapped by a libel conviction, to investigate. He is aided by the pierced and tattooed punk prodigy Lisbeth Salander. Together they tap into a vein of unfathomable iniquity and astonishing corruption. "From the Trade Paperback edition.""
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Eggs Perfect 🤩 6mo
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7-11 Feb 24 (audiobook)
Interesting story and characters but the sexual violence and animal cruelty was too much, which is quite unusual for me. I found myself questioning Blomkvist‘s relationships with women. All were consensual, in fact he appeared to be the one being pursued, but they felt wrong, like they were the fantasy of the male author. His relationship with his daughter was also problematic for me. Not sure about continuing the series.

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Overall, this is a low pick from me.

I enjoyed it, but I was much more interested in the mystery surrounding Harriet Vanger than I was about the Wennerstrom situation. There also was a lot of sexual violence (which I expected as I have seen the film a while ago)

Salander is an interesting MC (quick to jump to violence though) and the relationships between everyone are quite unique. I probably won‘t pick up the rest of the series though


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3✨ I‘m not completely sure how I feel about this book so I took a few days to think about it. The mystery was what I enjoyed about this book. It lead down a logical path and unfolded nicely. What I didn‘t like was the sexual content. For anyone that would be triggered by rape specifically this is not the book for you. There was very graphic sexual content involving the rape victim and another group. I would not call it spicy, it was uncomfortable

DGRachel I listened to this on audiobook 15 or so years ago and OMG - there was one scene that I had to sit through because I was driving and I was so horrified I never read another book in the series. 10mo
Roary47 @DGRachel Right?! That is how I mainly read because I have a long commute. 😭 10mo
DGRachel I found out a couple months later that my grandmother picked up the first book and promptly binge read the whole series. 😳 10mo
Roary47 @DGRachel Grandma‘s are so unpredictable. 😅😂 10mo
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No… not the cat! 😭😭😭😭😭 Okay, this bad dude needs to go down! 😾😡

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Lisbeth Salander is fierce, independent, fearless, cunning, intimidating and through it all, keeps her COOL

#CoolAsACucumber 💚🥒💚



Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect choice ❤️ 12mo
Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤🤗🩶 12mo
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I saw this ad on instagram and it was a perfect question for y‘all on litsy. The tagged book is really slow and uninteresting that I nearly bailed. So glad I didn‘t. How about you all?

Ruthiella I‘m glad a stuck with this book, despite the fact that it took two or three tries to get into it. 14mo
Pigpen_Reads The Throne of Glass series. I got stuck on book 3. I'm so glad I powered through, because the rest of the series was amazing! 14mo
The_Literary_Jedi The Event Group thrillers-adventures by David L Golemon - formulaic at certain points but awesome 14mo
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RamsFan1963 The Murderbot series by Martha Wells. I don't care for All Systems Red, but I've enjoyed all the other books since then 14mo
Bookwormjillk A Gentleman From Moscow - took me 3 tries! 14mo
Kitta The life of pi. I was blown away by the ending and it made the tediousness of the rest of the book vanish. I was really struggling to see why it was rated so high before then. 14mo
TheEllieMo Milkman by Anna Burns. Even immediately after I‘d finished it, I “hated” it, but it‘s stayed with me more than most other books I‘ve read. (edited) 14mo
Aimeesue McEwan‘s Atonement. Read it with a group 20ish years ago, and I still think about it today. 14mo
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🎶Boy, you should know what you're fallin' for
'Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse
Are you ready for a perfect storm? ‘Cause once you're mine, there‘s no going back 🎼

Lisbeth Salander is a bada$$, but also introverted, asocial, troubled, and oppressed by others until she learns to fight back…

#DarkHorseKatyPerry #VolumesAndVocals


CatMS Absolutely loved this series, even the continuation by David Lagercrantz. 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 🖤 1y
Eggs @CatMS ❤️ 1y
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Switching between the audio book and the big paperback.

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April #WrapUp

7 Books Completed:
5 part of #SeriesLove2023
3 part of #ChunksterChallenge2023
#BookSpin & #DoubleSpin complete
All contribute to #Pantone2023 as well

🏆 Favourite: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
🏅 Honourable mention: The Seven Sisters
🫤 Lest favourite: What Have We Done

Ruthiella Nice work! 👍 1y
TheSpineView Excellent! 1y
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This one jumped at me, maybe because I just finished it this week.

#ThemedThursday @dabbe

Since it's Friday I'm tagging anyone else who hasn't played yet!

dabbe Another one I'm ashamed to say I haven't read yet! But it's on the #stacked TBR list! Thanks! 💙🤗💚 1y
Enchanted_Bibliophile @dabbe Nothing to be ashamed about, I also only just read it now. It was brilliant though. 1y
dabbe @Enchanted_Bibliophile Now it's farther up in my stack! 🤣💚🤗 1y
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Dark, Tense, and Mysterious. This is exactly what I want to read when I pick up a Mystery/Thriller.
An extremely well thought-out plot with well developed characters. Just the right combination of everything that makes a book in my opinion.
The only thing that got me was all the names. I had to listen to pronunciations multiple times before my brain got it.

👇🏻 Continue 👇🏻

Enchanted_Bibliophile I love that I got to learn a bit about Sweden, I don't think I've previously read anything set there.

I'm curious to see what the next installment of the Millennium trilogy will be.
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TheSpineView Fantastic! 1y
Amiable Great book! 1y
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Day 24. Kick ass female heroine
I went with Lisbeth Salander!

Eggs Absolutely 👍🏼 1y
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A Swedish-based story that revolves around Mikael Blomkvist, a recently convicted journalist who leaves home to pursue a cold case that involves Harriet Vagner, who has been missing for more than forty years.

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I watched the movie, so I knew what I was getting into, plot-wise. And the plot and the characters were interesting. But.

Why do I need to know what the MCs had for dinner. Every. Damn. Day? What do I care if they brushed their teeth, or what time precisely did they go to bed?

Honestly, this book is about 500 pages long, and easily one third of that—all the mundane drivel—could‘ve been cut.


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Here are the series books I'll be adding to my #ReadMyRoom challenge. I was waiting for book 6 & 7 of Throne of Glass to arrive before I took the pictures. (I got them for Christmas!)I have started all of these series but have not completed them, so I intend to go back and reread them (because I have no doubt forgotten where I left off) and then finish the series.

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2022 Unhaul

I only keep the books I enjoyed enough to reread in the future so it‘s time for these to find a new home.

#unhaul #unhaulingbooks

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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


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Book advent number 10! 🥰

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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Peppermint

Klou Oooh good choice! 2y
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Finished The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

I really enjoyed this one. I‘m not sure if I will continue the series but I feel like this one could stand on its own if you read it and decided not to continue.

#thegirlwiththedragontattoo #steiglarsson #bookreview

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What do you when you have the next three days off because you left your job but the new one doesn‘t start yet?

Try to finish the books your in the middle of so you can have a fresh book to start your next chapter with of course.

#bookstack #currentlyreading #thegirlwiththedragontattoo #hourofthewitch #cleopatra #stieglarsson #chrisbohjalian #stacyschiff

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Enjoy ❤️📚 2y
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I decided to participate in #bookoplathon this month and wanted to try the roll as You go method so here‘s my first book.

Prompt: pattern and text

#bookoplathon2022 #septembertbr #stieglarsson #thegirlwiththedragontattoo #patternandtext

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1- Noir fiction is dark themed with a morally grey main character.
2- Tagged

TheSpineView Great book! Thanks for playing! 2y
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Not for me

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Already up to October goals

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"The raptors of the world understood only one language."

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This was quite the thriller. The twist and turns, the surprises, and the characters made this for quite an enthralling read. Not recommended if you trigger off violence easily. #doublespin @TheAromaofBooks

KCofKaysville @BookDadGirlDad I liked the book and saw the Swedish movie, but not the American one. It is violent but very exciting too. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Jenniebooks Hope you had a peaceful holiday. When it‘s time for Yom Kippur, remind me to ask you a question. 2y
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BookDadGirlDad @Jenniebooks We tried the recipe for the Matzah Icebox Cake!!! My word was it delicious!!! I really enjoy the feast times. They are rich in so many ways. 2y
Jenniebooks I‘m glad it was enjoyed. My question is what were the acts of rabbis during Yom Kippur during Second temple period. I had a book on that but I had to give it back 2y
BookDadGirlDad @Jenniebooks Good question. If you're talking of fasting, that's the argument of the ages. There's a fellow named Rico Cortes who studies that stuff. He may have an answer on his YouTube channel "Wisdom in Torah". 2y
Jenniebooks Talking about everything Avodah, prayers 2y
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I was entraced by the middle of the book. I struggled with the corruption story line at the beginning and end, however my loyalty to the characters kept me going!

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This is my #doublespin for April. Yes.....I am starting yet another series.....

aa_guer2021 Good one to start! Enjoy!! 2y
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2nd visit to the $1 popup bookstore.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Nice haul! 😍 3y
tokorowilliamwallace Nice, I'm currently going through Idoru. It's very atmospheric and culturally-informed. 3y
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Day 112.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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#littensdressedinblood #revenge

Often times in books it feels like bad characters never get their comeuppance. However, in this murder mystery Lisbeth Salander gets her perfect #revenge.

MidnightBookGirl I love Lisbeth Salender! She's one of my favorite fictional characters! 3y
mrp27 @MidnightBookGirl Lisbeth is such a bad ass! 3y
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Book 133

Scochrane26 You have to get past the first 50-75 pages in this book, then it gets good. 3y
rather_be_reading @Scochrane26 thx for that cuz i was already reading it thinking....ummmmm lol 3y
TravelsWithBooks I listened to these books. I don‘t think I could have read them. 3y
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#CuriousCovers day 19 — Blue and Yellow 🔵🟡
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 💙📚💛 3y
Eggs Well done 💙💛🦋📒 3y
starlight97 @Eggs thank you 💙💛 3y
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#maycharacters #Motivates
@Eggs & @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
The first character I thought of for this one is Lizbeth Salander from the tagged book and the entire Millennium series. She is a badass and motivates all kinds of people to do things. She is always three steps ahead and handles all the business. It may be with pain, but she motivates😂

Eggs Love this art! Haven‘t read the book but loved the movie! 3y
Tera66 @Eggs I need to watch the movies still. I'm terrible about waiting to watch movies until I read the book, but then never going back and watching the movie.😊 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice!!! 3y
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I started this back when it was my January #bookspin selection, and other things kept getting in the way. I almost gave up several times, but I am sooo glad that I didn‘t! I read for several hours yesterday and didn‘t even realize it. So much intricate weaving of storylines, but it never felt overwhelming. Still not sure why this title was chosen though!

bibliobliss ❤️ this series 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander work to uncover the truth about Harriets disappearance.

This is definitely a captivating book but I find it funny that the title is about the girl with the dragon tattoo but she is at most times not the main character. It‘s a good title though.

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It took me awhile to get into this book. I must have been half way through before I started really enjoying it. The Salander character was great, and the book was the most interesting when it was writing about her. There were a lot of characters to keep straight, I felt like I really had to concentrate when I was reading it. But once I got into it, I really loved the book.

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1. The tagged book was okay. I am glad I read it. The missing person storyline was very good. I could have done with the corrupt businessman storyline. I loved the original movie!

2. So I‘m going to say Bob‘s Burgers because I‘m watching it right now and cracking up laughing 😂

3. February was alright. I didn‘t get through as many books as I wanted to. Onto March!

#novelwatchingcrew #NWC

ElizaMarie OMG I love love love Bob's Burgers!!! 4y
mollyrotondo @ElizaMarie 🤣 me too! It‘s one of my favorites. The songs they come up with are a riot 4y
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Millennium 1. I'm a big fan of Lisbeth Salander! The plot is intriguing and the characters diverse. I liked the switching of the viewpoints. The way names are always called with first and last name, annoyed me a bit at first, but it did make everything more clear. Some plotholes didn't make completely sense to me, but I guess that's how it would be for real, so that makes it well written!
(🎧 - audiobook)

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ This was unfortunately not a favorite. It took about 300 pages for the story to be laid out and then finally picked up with the investigation. But the ending dragged on too long. The actual search for the missing niece was interesting when we finally got to it. But the lead up and the conclusion were sort of mind numbing. I‘m glad I finally read it but I can‘t say I recommend it.

#novelwatchingcrew #nwc

Texreader I loved this trilogy but I agree about the first part of the book. It is mind-numbing boring. 4y
mollyrotondo @Texreader yes. I liked the search for the truth part of the book and thought all of the pieces worked really well but the exposition was grueling. Is the second book laid out the same way? 4y
Texreader @mollyrotondo I don‘t remember, but I also don‘t recall having a problem with how the story was told. 4y
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Scochrane26 The next 2 books are different & I flew through them. Couldn‘t put them down. They focus on Lisbeth. 4y
bibliobliss I love this series but I can definitely understand how they are not for everyone!! 4y
ElizaMarie I also was not a “fan“ of this one. I just couldn't get through with it. I had to DNF it 4y
mollyrotondo @Texreader @Scochrane26 @Readage @ElizaMarie I watched the first Swedish movie version and loved it! It worked really really well as a movie. Enjoyed it very much. 4y
Texreader @mollyrotondo Husband (who is Norwegian and therefore understands Swedish) watched it and loved it too. I‘ve got to find it and watch it. I‘m suspecting it left out the very boring parts and that would help significantly. 4y
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1. Thought this was appropriate

2. I‘d say my favorite thriller character is Jimmy Stewart‘s character in Vertigo. He‘s so tormented that I can‘t help but feel for him.

3. Sam Spade played by Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon just because I look for any excuse to gush over Humphrey Bogart 😍

#novelwatchingcrew #nwc

Butterfinger As I look for any reason to gush about Jimmy Stewart. It makes my heart happy with references to him this month from the #NWC crew. 4y
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1. Alfred Hitchcock‘s Rope. It‘s my favorite underrated Hitchcock
2. I‘d have to say reading
3. No plans for Valentines Day. Just reading and maybe watch a movie later.

I‘m back to our tagged book. I‘m over 200 pages in and there‘s still a lot of talking but no action. I can‘t say I‘m liking it but I am interested in how it‘s all going to shake out.

#novelwatchingcrew #NWC

Butterfinger AAAHHH! Rope is wonderful. We both chose Jimmy Stewart/Alfred Hitchcock movies. You have made my day. 4y
mollyrotondo @Butterfinger he is one of my favorite directors/filmmakers. Every time there is a Hitchcock marathon on TCM I‘m glued to the tv lol 4y
ElizaMarie I couldn't get into this book either so I just gave it up! Anyway ... What movie did you end up seeing? 4y
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1. I chose The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It‘s a bit slow and a lot of telling instead of showing. I‘m about 200 pages in. I‘m intrigued but it‘s not a quick read for me.

2. The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund. That was a fast paced read. In the U.S. the trilogy was compiled into one big volume but I read it so quickly. Really good read.

3. Yeah definitely chocolate 🍫 Especially Charbonnel et Walker Pink Heart truffles. Champagne filled!


ElizaMarie I really had a hard time with the tagged book. I felt it was too slow and I quickly lost interest. I hope you end up enjoying it. OMG that candy sound AH-MAZING!!! 4y
mollyrotondo @ElizaMarie that candy is heaven. But yeah my Libby check out expires in like a day and I‘m nowhere near finishing. I have to now put it on hold because someone else is waiting. So it‘s going to be a while until I finish. But I‘m determined to finish but I‘m still interested. Just slow. Did you watch the movie? 4y
ElizaMarie @mollyrotondo I had never watched any of the movies. So maybe it just not the right “subject for me“ 4y
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night_shift 😂😂 4y
keys_on_fire I ❤️ Yoshi!!! 4y
JulietReads I love it! 4y
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*I so meant to post this yesterday... I'm sorry!*

Who is starting February's Book Pick for #NWC??? There is also a side book if you can't get the main book or if you already read it.

Everyone is welcome in our groups. We would love to have you. To check out the groups, go to my bio for the link.

@ElizaMarie @AsYouWish @jb72 @AnansiGirl @mollyrotondo @Readage @Butterfinger

Butterfinger I'm not going to be doing February. I still want to be tagged because I have read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and want to see everyone's opinions. I am too scared to read the other one. I'm a chicken. 4y
mollyrotondo I started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo a little bit on Saturday and it was slowly sucking me in. I‘m looking forward to getting back to it. 4y
ElizaMarie @Butterfinger I tried to get into it today (while cleaning a bit) and I just couldn't It had me zoning out so much (I tried the audio book version of it) Anyway, I think I am going to opt out of February read this time around. Also... Silence of the Lambs is one of my favs!!! 4y
bibliobliss I have and want to read 4y
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Lizbeth Salander is a great character. The “locked room” mystery at the heart of this novel was great. (Mikael Blomqvist, however, is tedious...) Loved this one.

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1. I love doing pranks. When a colleague turned 40, I taped a large trashbag to the inside frame of her classroom door and filled with balloons. That was such a fun day.
2. Thankful for my daughters' health.

#ThankfulThursday @Cosmos_Moon

Tagging @Avanders @Daisey

Avanders ❤️❤️ 4y
Cosmos_Moon That sounds awesome... but I don‘t understand what happens with the balloons? I just can‘t picture it... was it like a balloon drop? 4y
Butterfinger @Cosmos_Moon the balloons are squeezed in my the bag and door so when she opened the door all the balloons fell around her. The balloons were in between the plastic and door, not IN the bag. 4y
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Cosmos_Moon 🧐🤨😂 usually I think I‘m pretty good at figuring things out, but I don‘t get it 😂 I‘m going to have to look up a video. There must be one out there. Thanks for taking the time to explain! Sounds like a fun surprise I may want to give a try! 4y
Butterfinger @Cosmos_Moon I am so exhausted it doesn't even make sense to me. 🤣 4y
Cosmos_Moon 😅😂 🎈 🎈 🎈 happy weekend 🙃 4y
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