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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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Sandwich is joy in book form. I laughed continuously, except for the parts that made me cry. Catherine Newman does a miraculous job reminding us of all the wonder there is to be found in life."Ann Patchett, New York Times bestselling author of Tom Lake A total delight.Kate Christensen, author of The Great Man and Welcome Home, Stranger From the beloved author of We All Want Impossible Things, a moving, hilarious story of a family summer vacation full of secrets, lunch, and learning to let go. For the past two decades, Rocky has looked forward to her familys yearly escape to Cape Cod. Their humble beach-town rental has been the site of sweet memories, sunny days, great meals, and messes of all kinds: emotional, marital, andthanks to the cottages ancient plumbingseptic too. This years vacation, with Rocky sandwiched between her half-grown kids and fully aging parents, promises to be just as delightful as summers pastexcept, perhaps, for Rockys hormonal bouts of rage and melancholy. (Hello, menopause!) Her body is changingher life is, too. And then a chain of events sends Rocky into the past, reliving both the tenderness and sorrow of a handful of long-ago summers. It's one precious week: everything is in balance; everything is in flux. And when Rocky comes face to face with her familys history and future, she is forced to accept that she can no longer hide her secrets from the people she loves.
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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This is NOT my usual - I am definitely more of a plot-driven reader, and this is really a character study. And while the MC is a bit much at times, she still felt real. I appreciate this look how my life might be in just a few years- children grown, menopause in full gear, aging parents. This was quite atmospheric too, with the setting being a week long family vacation at the beach. I could feel that.

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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Newman certainly writes protagonists who are a lot. At first Rocky seemed like she might be a bit too much for me but like everyone else in her life, I eventually fell under her spell. I had a good time spending a week on vacation with her and her out of the nest children, aging parents, and beleaguered husband. This book had moments where I was so annoyed I thought I would bail and moments that really touched me. Overall a light pick.

BarbaraBB She was a bit too much for me. I sometimes was so annoyed, glad that you know what I mean! 2w
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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August favorite! But James beat it ♥️ Plus I had to add Clare Pooley‘s book as a bonus, it was just amazing and hilarious ♥️♥️ #readingbracket2024 @CSeydel

CSeydel Looking good! 3w
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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A book of family, a week on Cape Cod, loss, joy, and processing a little or bit of everything. I love that there‘s a 50 something protagonist. I loved that it takes place in a week on the Cape. I love that there‘s some family genealogy. I love that some of the less central storylines felt so central to understanding the family. I loved that it‘s a shorter book (pssst, agents… shorter books can be successful!).

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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Well, I might just be speechless. I feel so seen, so cherished, so important. It‘s almost as if she jumped right into my brain and pulled out parts of the main character. I predict a days long book hangover ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Flaneurette Same! 1mo
CBee @Flaneurette it‘s rare to find this stage of life described so honestly. It was so refreshing. 1mo
robinb Great review! Stacked! 1mo
CBee @robinb hope you like it! 1mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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“Here's the thing about menopause, though, that I don't entirely understand. We'll exchange a few words like this? A seemingly slight disagreement? Only then rage fizzes up inside my rib cage. It burns and unspools, as berserk and sulfuric as those black-snake fireworks from childhood: one tiny pellet, with seemingly infinite potential to create dark matter-dark matter that's kind of like a magic serpent and kind of like a giant ash turd.”

CBee Catherine Newman KNOWS 😂😂🤪🤪 1mo
squirrelbrain Much more relatable than All Fours! 🤪 1mo
CBee @squirrelbrain omg 😂😂😂😳😳😳 you can say that again. I bailed on AF, I think if you feel icky and gross every time you pick up a book, it probably means you should stop reading it 😑😂 1mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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A pretty perfect summer novel. I felt like I was on vacation with this clan.

TrishB I enjoyed this one too 👍🏻 2mo
squirrelbrain I really liked it too. 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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@BkClubCare commented that Sandwich is the IT book right now on my #bookspin list, and sure enough, it was chosen!

How It Works Out arrived yesterday as one of a bunch of #CampLitsy24 longlist books I‘ve picked up recently.

As you can see, my up-next shelf is bursting at the seams plus I have 10 library books out! 🤯 I‘ve lost it…🤣

Thanks for continuing this fun challenge, Sarah. 💜💜

BkClubCare Too many books - the best problem to have 🫣😁🤩 2mo
Bookwormjillk Interested to hear what you think of Sandwich.

I gave up on my library stack. I'm returning the whole thing and starting over 😂
BarbaraBB Looking super attractive that shelf 🥰🥰 2mo
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @BkClubCare @Bookwormjillk - This year, I've been checking out 10 library books a month, reading the ones I get to, and returning them all and getting 10 fresh ones for the next month. Some months I get to 8 or 9 and some months I get to none, but it's sort of fun to get a new batch every few weeks instead of having the same ones staring accusingly at me 😂 2mo
BkClubCare @TheAromaofBooks - interesting approach and I can see how it would be a fun routine. I tend to see a cool title and put it on hold Weeeeeks out! So they hit unexpectedly. I run to different libraries to pick them up because I live near one, work near one and volunteer downtown. I‘m a mess 🤣 2mo
TheAromaofBooks @BkClubCare - haha I have been there!! I was SO excited when my local library started doing interlibrary loan with the other two libraries I frequented so I could consolidate my hold pickups 😂 2mo
Bookwormjillk @TheAromaofBooks that‘s a good idea! 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman


Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I definitely could relate to this. But it didn‘t live up to the hype. Quick easy read though.

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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Looks like a fun read!

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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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What a beautiful novel of a week at the summer cottage this family has visited for many years. It centers around Rocky and her husband, parents and adult children. It is a novel of all the feels of family life, raising kids, aging and watching parents as they decline. So well done.

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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54 year old Rocky arrives at the annual week long vacation at the Cape Cod beach house. Her children are grown her parents are elderly and her relationship with her husband is up and down. But they‘re all there that week, and she loves them all fiercely. In fact this book seems like a love letter to all of them, interspersed with loads of anxiety. I laughed out loud once, but mostly found it repetitious.

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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This page cracked me up!

bthegood 😂 😂 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I‘ve been going back and forth on how to rate this all day. On one hand the main character was just so much and everyone just seemed to accept that. It didn‘t seem real to me. On the other hand I read this while on vacation in New England with my kids and my parents and that part seemed REAL. In a way it reminded me of the #CampLitsy book All Fours- I‘m ecstatic to see women around my age in books, but yikes do they have to be so over the top?

Lesliereadsalot Thanks for the review! It‘s my next read. 2mo
Bookwormjillk @Lesliereadsalot looking forward to hearing what you think! 2mo
mcipher Her first book was the same way - I think she herself is over the top and she kind of writes the characters as an even more wild version of herself. I have an ARC of this but I haven‘t had the energy to pick it up 😂 2mo
BarbaraBB I read them shortly after one another too and made the comparison as well. I liked All Fours better! 2mo
AvidReader25 You nailed it. The kids didn‘t seem real to me, but I think maybe that‘s because they all just went along with her and everyone seems totally fine with it. 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I thought this was a wonderful summer read that nailed the everything-ness of life. I loved hearing from a female character in her fifties. Rocky‘s voice was compelling and memorable, equally funny and piercing. I was an extra guest on this family beach vacation, along for the ride for every emotion, memory, and meal.

Suet624 I would read this just because of the cover. 🙂 2mo
readmyeyes Oooh this is next on my tbr! 2mo
ICantImReading @Suet624 it‘s dreamy 😍 🏖️ 2mo
ICantImReading @readmyeyes hope you enjoy!! 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I‘m conflicted, I found myself laughing, reading lines to friends, & getting caught up in the family dynamics. I identified w/ someone caught in the middle of aging parents & raising children, though mine are younger. But the kids felt 1 dimensional. The main character is ripe w/ conflicting emotions & big feelings but her adult kids feel like cookie cutter examples of what parents wish they had. It‘s not their story but it kept me from loving it.

BarbaraBB True. Good point. 2mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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This book had me laughing out loud THREE times while reading in bed last night. i even had to read an excerpt to my lit-allergic husband. I feel this woman to my core. Menopausal women, unite! 💪🏻😂 (and whenever Ann Patchett gives it a nod, I‘m in.)

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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I loved Catherine‘s last book, dove into this one and loved it too. The cover art of this book depicts the story perfectly as Rocky looks fondly at her life through a watercolor lense as she enters menopause, becomes an empty nester and witnesses her husband age more gracefully than she. It‘s also a story about a woman‘s right to choose and even a woman‘s right to have regrets, even though she made what she knew was the right choice for the time.

SheReadsAndWrites I just saw this in Real Simple magazine and it looked interesting. I got it for my kindle and started it last night. 🤓 3mo
marleed @SheReadsAndWrites Catherine Newman has become my newest auto read author! She tells complete and interesting stories in a short amount of pages. 3mo
Crazeedi Interesting review!! 3mo
Deblovestoread Another great review for this book…stacked 📚 3mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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“You could decide to be happy”. That‘s what a friend says to the narrator of the book, a woman in the midst of menopause and with an empty nest after her children have left home.
In the book they are holidaying in Cape Cod for a week. All of them. They are such a happy family, she has it all, yet she can‘t stop thinking, fearing, feeling angry, etc. I agree with her friend and wish she would decide to enjoy all she had. A light pick.

mcctrish I think when menopause is concerned and hormones are fluctuating choosing to be one way or another is sometimes not possible. At least consistently 3mo
sarahbarnes I loved We All Want Impossible Things. This one doesn‘t sound quite as good. 3mo
Aimeesue Great cover! 3mo
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CarolynM This turned up as the June pick from my book subscription service, so I‘m going to have to read it even though I‘m fearing it might be a bit too close to home right now😬 3mo
BarbaraBB @CarolynM Same here! I am just not that affected by menopause I think, I didn‘t recognize her moods. Yet it is an easy read and good for a bookclub I think. 3mo
BarbaraBB @mcctrish you are right, I think that‘s the point Newman wants to make. 3mo
BarbaraBB @sarahbarnes I‘m not sure. She is a very good writer. I just couldn‘t connect to the narrator while I am in a rather similar situation. So it‘s a very personal opinion and probably just what Newman aims at. You should definitely read it! 3mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman

This one is hard to rate, or explain why I am rating it like I am, even to myself. On the one hand, the characters bother me. Even the nickname of the protagonist bothers me. Their banter annoys me. But then there is the relatable humanness during menopause that makes me forgive it all.

Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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#weeklyforecast 27/24

I am reading James for #CampLitsy24 (I hated Huckleberry Finn long ago and won‘t reread it) and enjoying it. Next will be Sandwich - thanks to @TrishB

Maybe there‘ll be a bit of time left for some John Marrs.

squirrelbrain I bought an ARC of Sandwich in a charity shop in York yesterday! 3mo
TrishB Oh I hope you love it 🤞🏻🤞🏻 3mo
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I just noticed. Influenced by Trish as well? 3mo
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squirrelbrain I applied for the digital ARC on NetGalley but didn‘t get it - then @trishb read it before me. How dare she?! @BarbaraBB 3mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain that‘s very rare 😁 3mo
Megabooks I just picked up a signed copy of sandwich at Parnassus! 3mo
BarbaraBB @Megabooks That‘s such a coincidence! I already started it and it‘s good so far. I loved her 3mo
peaKnit I‘ve got James going on audio right now, I think it‘s so good! And Sandwich is waiting at the library for me. 3mo
sarahbarnes I didn‘t like Huck Finn either. Hoping to like James better. 3mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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#bookhaul from our York meet-up. I went with the intention of buying Sandwich (hubby thought that was hilarious - that I intended to buy just *one* book!) and spotted this ARC in the Amnesty charity shop. Definitely need to go back there again as Moon Road and Evenings & Weekends were also ARCs, for just Qc each.

Tangled Vines is the Murdaugh murders story, and I‘m seeing the Redemption author speak at a Crime Festival in a few weeks‘ time.

squirrelbrain @MicheleinPhilly - a haul pic for you! 3mo
TrishB A great day and a great haul! 3mo
Oryx Beautiful stack 🤩 3mo
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MicheleinPhilly 😍😍😍 3mo
youneverarrived Love all the yellow! Great haul 😍 3mo
JuniperWilde I‘m reading Moon Road and cannot out it down. It‘s one of the novels that caught me at page one. 3mo
squirrelbrain That‘s great to know! @JuniperWilde @Oryx - Moon Road is one you were really interested in, wasn‘t it? Did you order it? 3mo
Oryx @squirrelbrain not yet, but I'm very tempted!! 3mo
Oryx And I've just bought it (got for £10 including post on vinted). I've had a long week, and it's only Wednesday. I deserve it. 3mo
squirrelbrain We *always* deserve books! @oryx 🤪 3mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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I loved this, very relatable. Menopause- family relationships- mid life wobbles, grown up kids leaving home, elderly parents. Some laugh out loud moments and some very poignant moments.
Matched Sandwich and Paddington purposely 😁

KadaGul Nailed it!😁 4mo
Texreader Menopause…. Stacked… 4mo
squirrelbrain Ooh I didn‘t know about this one, and I loved Impossible Things - stacking! 4mo
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TrishB @squirrelbrain not supposed to be out until later this week and it suddenly arrived on Friday from Waterstones 🤷‍♀️ 4mo
TrishB @KadaGul 👍🏻 4mo
TrishB @Texreader there are some very relatable bits in there! 4mo
squirrelbrain Ooh, naughty Waterstones! At least it was early for a change, rather than late! 4mo
CarolynM Might be a bit too close to home for me right now🥴 4mo
TrishB @CarolynM understand ♥️ sometimes it helps but sometimes you want an escape! 4mo
BarbaraBB Sounds close at home but I‘m in the mood for it! Stacked! 3mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB hope you enjoy when you get to it! 3mo
Centique Im so glad to hear its good! Im excited about this ones after loving her last one 😍 3mo
TrishB @Centique hope you love it 👍🏻 3mo
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Sandwich: A Novel | Catherine Newman
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Got an arc in the mail today from HarperCollins. Guess I must have won it somewhere! Always fun. Looks like a good one.

Christine Aww fun! I hadn‘t heard of this one but immediately figured it must be about Sandwich, MA when I saw the cover! I used to live on a military base on the Upper Cape very near Sandwich. 5mo
Suzze @Christine Cool! I had no idea what Sandwich referred to. On the back it just mentions Cape Cod. (Which, to be honest I couldn‘t have told you what state that was - I‘m in the Great Lakes.) 5mo
Christine I‘m originally from Wisconsin and certainly had never heard of Sandwich until I moved there! 5mo
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Suzze @Christine Michigan here. We have great water what do we need a cape for? 🤣🤣 5mo
Christine LOL yes! 🏖️ 5mo
Bookwormjillk Adding this to my list. I‘ll read anything set on The Cape. 5mo
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