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Hitchcock Hotel
Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
11 posts | 7 read | 19 to read
A Hitchcock fanatic with an agenda invites old friends for a weekend stay at his secluded themed hotel in this fiendishly clever, suspenseful new novel from the international bestselling author of Darling Rose Gold. Alfred Smettle is not your average Hitchcock fan. He is the founder, owner, and manager of The Hitchcock Hotel, a sprawling Victorian house in the White Mountains dedicated to the Master of Suspense. There, Alfred offers his guests round-the-clock film screenings, movie props and memorabilia in every room, plus an aviary with fifty crows. To celebrate the hotel's first anniversary, he invites his former best friends from his college Film Club for a reunion. He hasn't spoken to any of them in sixteen years, not after what happened. But who better than them to appreciate Alfred's creation? And to help him finish it. After all, no Hitchcock set is complete without a body.
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Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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#TheHitchcockHotel #StephanieWrobel #BookSpinBingo #SeriesLove2024 #October2024

A Hitchcock fanatic with an agenda invites old friends for a weekend stay at his secluded themed hotel in this fiendishly clever, suspenseful new novel. To celebrate the hotel‘s first anniversary, he invites his former best friends from his college Film Club for a reunion. He hasn‘t spoken to any of them in sixteen years.

EadieB The group of characters of old friends are found to be not too popular. There isn't one old friend that I could really care about. I was looking forward to reading about some of the films that Hitchcock wrote. I found this book to be missing the important things that I was interested in. 2d
EadieB I found this book to be a bit tame for a Hitchcockian mystery and the ending was a little weak. So all in all, I was a bit disappointed in this book. I look forward to reading another book by this author in order to compare her writing to this book. 2d
TheSpineView Fantastic! 2d
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MrT That‘s that book off my TBR. Doesn‘t sound great not when having very little references to all those famous films and classic scenes. 2d
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 23h
DieAReader 🥳📚🎃 15h
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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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I‘m a big Hitchcock fan so this was right up my alley. A nice twisty thriller with all kinds of Hitchcock Easter eggs throughout. None of the main characters are particularly likable but it doesn‘t detract from the story. A must for Hitchcock fans! 4⭐️



Gissy I need to read then, I‘m a big Hitchcock fan too 🤗....”Good Eveeening” that‘s how it sounded to me in his introduction😂 2d
JenlovesJT47 @Gissy yes he was the best, I think you would like this one! 🤗 2d
TorieStorieS I pre-ordered this one a while ago, should I read it this month or save it for a future October???? 1d
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JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS I think it‘s perfect for this time of year but it‘s up to you! I‘m biased because I‘m a huge Hitchcock fan but October is the best month for Hitch imo 🤓. And they have a bunch of his movies on Netflix this month! 1d
TorieStorieS Oooo, I will have to dive into it next then! It‘s not even made it to the bookshelves upstairs & it was tempting me even before I saw your review! And thanks for the heads up on Netflix! My husband has been out of town so the only TV that I have had on is an episode or two of Murder, She Wrote! He comes back tonight so we‘ll watch one tonight! 16h
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS what‘s your favorite Hitch movie? My top 3 are The Birds, Pyscho & Marnie and they‘re all on Netflix right now. They might have more than that, I haven‘t looked yet. And this book is was so good that I listened to the 10-hour audiobook in a day and a half. So many Hitch Easter eggs throughout the book! 15h
TorieStorieS Oooo, I don‘t know if I have ever seen Marnie! I think The Birds was the first one I ever saw, so I‘ll always have a soft spot for it! But my absolute favorite is probably Strangers On A Train— though I always get sucked into Rear Window and I just love Dial M for Murder, too! And Rope!! We have a boxed dvd set that I‘ve had forever that I haven‘t unpacked since we moved and I just may have to start a basement expedition now! 🤣 7h
JenlovesJT47 @TorieStorieS Marnie has the beautiful Tippi Hedren in it (The Birds is in my top 5 fave movies of all time) and Sean Connery and they might just be the best looking couple I‘ve ever seen! And Strangers On A Train is awesome, I can‘t wait to read the book! And Dial M For Murder is a masterpiece as far as I‘m concerned, as is Rear Window. Heck I could go on all night, Hitch is my favorite director. 😬🤓 6h
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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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5 friends (Samira, Grace, Julius, TJ, & Zoe) are invited to stay at the Hitchcock Hotel - owned by the sixth friend of their university group, Alfred Smettle. When they arrive the hotel is rather strange - Alfred has always been a fan of Hitchcock & the hotel boasts movie props & memorabilia aplenty - but the weirdest thing is Alfred's manner & his aloof housekeeper, Danny. Secrets are about to finally be revealed & decades-long grudges aired.

OutsmartYourShelf I had high hopes for this one but I ended up being rather underwhelmed. I quite like Hitchcock's films myself & I enjoyed the little nods throughout the book & I also liked the twists & turns of the secrets of the past being gradually revealed & the way this affects the group dynamic. I found it a little too easy to spot the killer though, I just had a feeling about that character right from the start & was a little disappointed to be right. 1w
OutsmartYourShelf There was also a little too much 'talk' in the book with police interviews, & characters reminiscing about their university days, & it was rather too much tell & not enough show. It was a good read but it should have been a great read. 3.5🌟

My thanks to #NetGalley & publishers, Penguin Random House/Michael Joseph, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

Full Review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6786456757
Read 4th-5th Oct 2024
PuddleJumper So many bingo boards! Tagging takes so long 🤣 1w
Catsandbooks 👏🏼👻🧡 6d
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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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Phew what a wild ride this book was! Its a super slow build but in that time you‘re getting to know each character in the friend group. Really good character development. Its a pretty complex story with a lot of details and layers but everything plays out so well. The story has a solid ending with no questions left unanswered and it‘s super twisty!

dabbe I'm all in for “super twisty“! #stacked 🖤🧡🖤 1w
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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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I‘m dropping all other books and starting this one!

This is my most anticipated read for October.

The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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So creepy!

Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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I was a #goodreads winner! 🎉

Avanders Ooh 😯 I‘m super curious about this one! 3w
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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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College friends meet at the Hitchcock Hotel owned by their friend Alfred.

None of them have seen each other for sixteen years.

Why did Alfred invite them?

A slow start with too much background, but wow did it turn out to be a good one.

Lots of secrets, untrustworthy, conniving, unlikeable characters, and a well-crafted plot. 4/5

FULL REVIEW: https://tinyurl.com/2p969f92


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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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Sept 24.

College friends meet at the Hitchcock Hotel owned by their friend Alfred.

Why did Alfred invite them?

Started out to be a book I didn‘t think I was going to continue with but so glad I did.

The slow start had too much background, but wow did it turn out to be a good one.

Lots of secrets, untrustworthy, conniving, unlikeable characters, and a well-crafted plot. 4/5


The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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Thanks to these Litsy folks for today‘s prompt:


Today‘s Prompt: FROM TBR LIST

One of MANY!! ?

Started this yesterday - not sure what I think yet.

Eggs 🐦‍⬛ ❤️ 🤩 3mo
SilversReviews @Eggs Read some more. Not a fan yet. May DNF it. 3mo
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The Hitchcock Hotel | Stephanie Wrobel
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This is my favourite #netgalley read this month so far. I love a closed door mystery and this one had me hooked. Alfred runs a Hitchcock themed hotel and invited his college friend group (and their secrets) for a weekend. Death ensues. A slow burn.

kspenmoll This sounds like a good one! 3mo
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