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The Ministry of Time
The Ministry of Time: A Novel | Kaliane Bradley
A time travel romance, a speculative spy thriller, a workplace comedy, and an ingeniously constructed exploration of the nature of truth and power and the potential for love to change it all: Welcome to The Ministry of Time, the exhilarating debut novel by Kaliane Bradley. In the near future, a civil servant is offered the salary of her dreams and is, shortly afterward, told what project shell be working on. A recently established government ministry is gathering expats from across history to establish whether time travel is feasiblefor the body, but also for the fabric of space-time. She is tasked with working as a bridge: living with, assisting, and monitoring the expat known as 1847 or Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklins doomed 1845 expedition to the Arctic, so hes a little disoriented to be living with an unmarried woman who regularly shows her calves, surrounded by outlandish concepts such as washing machine, Spotify, and the collapse of the British Empire. But he adjusts quickly; he is, after all, an explorer by trade. Soon, what the bridge initially thought would be, at best, a seriously uncomfortable housemate dynamic, evolves into something much more. Over the course of an unprecedented year, Gore and the bridge fall haphazardly, fervently in love, with consequences they never could have imagined. Supported by a chaotic and charming cast of charactersincluding a 17th-century cinephile who cant get enough of Tinder, a painfully shy World War I captain, and a former spy with an ever-changing series of cosmetic surgery alterations and a belligerent attitude to HRthe bridge will be forced to confront the past that shaped her choices, and the choices that will shape the future. An exquisitely original and feverishly fun fusion of genres and ideas, The Ministry of Time asks the universal question: What happens if you put a disaffected millennial and a Victorian polar explorer in a house together?
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Grabbed this from my library on a quick 7-day loan special so tore through it fast—which was easy! It is what it says: across genres it is spy thriller, scifi time travel, romance, workplace comedy. It is a lot, but it works. High point: the 3 primary time travelers to modern day are The BEST! I love them SO much. And their reactions to modern life! Awesome. The time travel elements can be a bit wibbly-wobbly, per usual. Well worth the read.

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This is an interesting genre-busting book - sometimes funny, other times melancholy. It‘s not a poetic tale but contains some beautiful writing. The last third went in a direction I neither anticipated nor fully understood. It helped when I reread the last 3 chapters. Because of my confusion I headed to GR comments and read this is being developed as a BBC limited series.

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I enjoyed this book and felt connected to the characters, but admit that at times I was confused about what exactly was happening. I really feel this is the type of book that would benefit from a second reading. All that being said, the romance was lovely, the humour fun and the writing quite beautiful and very deep and thought provoking at times. Also the forward time travel made a nice change. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC. 4/5 stars!

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“Forgiveness, which takes you back to the person you were and lets you reset them. Hope, which exists in a future in which you are new. Forgiveness and hope are miracles. They let you change your life. They are time-travel.”

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Enjoyed this book, not my typical genre of choice, but very thought provoking and interesting.

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I had high hopes for this one. It checked so many boxes of things I love. But in the end the characters left me cold. I felt like it couldn‘t decide if it was trying to be whimsical love story via the movie Kate & Leopold or a more serious time travel novel like Dark Matter. It kept switching gears, and so neither story felt as compelling as I wanted it to. Not awful, just disappointing because of my high expectations.

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I feel conflicted rating this. It‘s excitingly unique. Thought-provoking. The characters are vividly portrayed. I enjoyed the twist and the ending. But I can‘t get past that it was hard for me personally to get into and get through at times. It‘s one I definitely want to continue to think about and process, though, (rather than forget about it and move on), which I think counts for a lot. #BOTM

lirahlu I actually bailed on the audiobook with only an hour left because I realized I didn't actually care about any of the characters. 2w
ICantImReading @lirahlu it‘s sometimes a relief to do that when a book isn‘t working for you! I hope your next listen speaks to you more 🙂 2w
elkeOriginal Definitely hard to forget! I had trouble connecting to the unnamed narrator but loved the expats and the Graham backstory enough to overcome that. 21h
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The good news is I finished a book. May has been so busy, I haven't had much time for reading.

The bad news is I struggled to get through this one.

It's always risky when I choose a science fiction book.

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Intriguing concept, charismatic characters, thought-provoking explorations on different eras all packaged in a sort of loose structure. This book was witty, charming, and written with fresh prose. While I was entertained and generally wooed, certain plot lines felt too slippery and unclear to me.

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Excited to start this one! I‘m behind on library holds so i have to get moving on the reading!

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A story of the UK figuring out how to time travel, they decide to bring to modern times people from different centuries and have them assimilate to our culture. I liked the idea of this story and even liked a lot of the time traveler‘s characters, except the main character who‘s POV we are in for most of the book…The audiobook narration was a bit disjointed sometimes at the beginning but was well rounded by the end.

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A woman applies for and gets a job with few descriptions then discovers she‘s been paired with someone from the past as their “bridge” after a rift in time is found. The best parts of this book are their developing relationship and his efforts to adjust to a wildly different reality. But the author weaves in a thriller component that ends up making the pacing a little uneven and the end‘s a bit of a mess. Low pick for me.

squirrelbrain This is getting a lot of hype over here but I just don‘t quite want to read it. 3w
Hooked_on_books @squirrelbrain Lots of hype here, too but no need for FOMO! You‘ll be just fine skipping it. 3w
sarahbarnes I may skip this one now, too. 3w
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When I was a kid in the 70s I used to daydream about bringing the characters from the Little House on the Prairie books into the modern day. This book reminded me of those daydreams. An agent with the Ministry is assigned the task of watching a polar explorer from 1847 and acclimating him to modern London. This is a time travel love story, and it is compelling and enjoyable.

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A+++++ I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was weird and beautifully written with an interesting take on time travel. I just really like books that make me feel like I'm in some sort of fever dream.

Sace “Fever dream”…I love that! I know exactly what you mean. I‘ve read books like that and loved them. 4w
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My library holds came in! Where should I start?

SamAnne Great Divide is at the top of my list! 4w
Bookboss @SamAnne It looks fabulous! 4w
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Starting this one today.😁⏳

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My newly arrived #BOTM and some current reads. (Note to self: you were loving North Woods, get back to it! 👏🏻)

tpixie I want to read Ministries. The Women was great- I did have all kinds of emotions with it. Enjoy North Woods!! 3w
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Been a little MIA between interviewing for and starting a new job-- and the reading slump that resulted, but I'm excited to get back in the swing and here's what I've got on my radar for May https://youtu.be/knCx9u9DV-g

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I should have jumped on it , not like I don‘t have anything to read around here! 😁
My picks : The Ministry Of Time /Kaliane Bradley
Real Americans /Rachel Khong

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A great month of selections for #botm I have been curious about the tagged book since I first heard about it, so was pleased to see it as a main pick. Two of the add-ons have been books that I have been tempted by, so they were no brainers: Bardugo's The Familiar & the new Towles.

LeahBergen This sounds good! 1mo
Branwen Ooooh, yes! I'm so excited to hear that this is the one you picked! I just finished recently reading an ARC of this one and I absolutely loved it! I think it has a lot of really great thinking points! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it once you're done! 💕📚 1mo
Kristy_K I chose this one as well! I‘ve seen a lot of good reviews. 1mo
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vivastory @Kristy_K The reviews really intrigued me! So many different authors from various genres praising it 1mo
vivastory @Branwen I'm glad to hear that you liked it! I'm not really sure when I'll get to it, but hopefully it's soon 1mo
sarahbarnes I‘m very curious about this one too! 1mo
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My #botm pick, on audiobook. It sounds like fun!

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I'm super excited for this month's #botm box. For a good while, the choices were sort of meh for me, but this time I had a hard time limiting myself to three.

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May #BOTM picks are up! 😀 I‘m going with this one this month! 🥰

Sace Yay! I‘ve been stalking the app. Thanks for the heads up. 1mo
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#botm has dropped their books super early in the morning the last couple months. May books are here! I went with the tagged, the new Christina Lauren, and the short story collection they just announced are publishing.

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My TBR got so long scrolling through all the posts with nominees for #camplitsy24 🙈 So here are mine!

squirrelbrain Great choices - thanks for nominating! 2mo
Megabooks These look good!! 2mo
BarbaraBB Oh wow, totally up my alley these choices 💕 (edited) 2mo
JamieArc Oh! Cool to see Adams has a new book! 2mo
Caroline2 Ohhh these all sound really good. 😮 2mo
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This is the account of what happened over a year and a bit working as a "bridge" at the Ministry of Time, written by the "bridge" herself.

The unnamed female MC is bridge to the fictional version of Commander Gore (of the Terror, one of Franklin's ships to find the North Passage). Gore has been extracted from the Arctic in 1847, from a possible certain death, and now has to acclimatise to a Britain that's very different from the Empire he left.⬇️

julesG Most of the book reads like a slice-of-life novel, with Gore getting used to indoor plumbing, computers, modern transport and so on. About halfway through a spy-thriller plotline is added, as well as a romance.

The book, in my opinion, tries to be too much. Topics like refugees, slavery, racism, misogynism, homophobia and homosexuality, climate change, the history of the Empire,... ⬇️
julesG compete with the I'm-falling-for-my-charge and there's-a-threat-to-the-ministry plotlines.

At the end of the book I was still wondering why the people had been extracted from the past in the first place.
julesG #52bookclub24 - another entry for: Self-insert by an author 3mo
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Librarybelle Nice! 3mo
Oryx Thanks for this review! Waterstones have a special edition, and it sounded good, but I think I'll save my £. 1mo
julesG @Oryx wait for a 99p deal 1mo
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Got this as an ARC through my job at a bookstore.
I enjoyed this book and found it quite funny. However, I did find some of the plot, especially towards the end, very confusing, which detracted from my enjoyment. I can‘t tell for sure, though, if this was a book problem or a me problem. I also disliked the fact that the MC was never given a name. I understand why Bradley chose to do this, but I felt more detached from the main character. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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It's March. That means it's time for some exam paper rubrik reading.

I've organised a cat sitter for HFH #GhostCat -and #ShadowCat, of course- who will stay with the clingy cat until the firstborn arrives.

But, before I head off, I'm hoping to read a few more pages of the tagged book/ARC.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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Change of scenery for this afternoon's reading - #GhostCat and I are at the vets'. Her feline highness has a wound in a rather delicate area that might need antibiotics.

Never a dull day, especially when I had planned to have a dull afternoon.


#NetGalley #ARC #MountARC

Balibee146 Aww hope she's OK and doesn't need a cone of shame too 🤞🤞 3mo
Cupcake12 Hope she‘s ok x 3mo
kspenmoll I hope she is ok. 3mo
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dabbe Hope she's on the mend soon. 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
squirrelbrain Oh no, hope she feels better soon. 3mo
AnnCrystal Poor baby 😽 may your little feline highness be back to healthy again soon 💕🐈💝. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Poor Ghost. Is she gonna need a cone of shame to stop her chewing on it? 3mo
julesG @RaeLovesToRead Sure. The funnel has been attached. 😈 She was grumpy for a few hours and since then she's been basically clinging to me. The bubo has been expressed. It was wet all last night (my sheets look interesting) but it seems dry for now. Will try to clean up and disinfect the area again later today. 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Hope she is doing OK! Not sure I needed to know about the bubo 🤣🤣🤣 Give her a snuggle from me! 3mo
julesG @RaeLovesToRead You're a GP, you can handle the mild TMI. 😜 3mo
RaeLovesToRead Just don't post a pic of the leaky bubo sheets for us all to admire hahaha 🤣 3mo
julesG @RaeLovesToRead Damn! Too late for that. Fresh sheets on the bed and the others are in the machine. I promise you get a picture tomorrow. 😈😝😜 No, won't post a picture, promise. I actually hope the doctor uses that silver spray stuff on the wound when we visit tomorrow, Ghost is nothing like her usual self with the cone on. 3mo
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This is probably one of the most original stories I have read in a long time. What a genre mash-up: romance, time travel, spec fic, historical fiction just to name a few! And it shouldn't work, but it totally does. It does so well. I am smitten with all the characters in this novel, especially Graham Gore. Your heart will swoon, you will laugh from the fish out of water moments, and you will cry from the pain the characters experience.

julesG Oh, got an eARC the other day. Looking forward to getting to it. 🙈 #MountARC 3mo
Chelsea.Poole Great review! 3mo
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