I‘m so excited about the international Booker long list this year! I‘ve only heard of two on the list and haven‘t read any. I placed several holds at the library yesterday. Thank goodness for good book news these days. 📚
I‘m so excited about the international Booker long list this year! I‘ve only heard of two on the list and haven‘t read any. I placed several holds at the library yesterday. Thank goodness for good book news these days. 📚
#sundaybuddyread Murder Road #justbecause The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store #camplitsy James #pemberlittens The Perils of Lady Catherine de Bourgh #hashtagbrigade Little Women ( on my Serial app) #literarycrew River Sing Me Home ( audio with Libby) Thank goodness for summer
Shelves and drywall patching are done and arranged for now. So happy that at least a portion of my books are now on display! Decided to focus these shelves mainly on my nicer hardcovers.
Still need to figure out shelving in our office for all of my paperbacks (10 boxes worth 😬 packed away), but that‘s a project for another week. We also want to display some of our framed artwork around the shelves on this wall.
Enjoy the #bookhusband cameo!
Shelves are partially filled. My husband has to finish the drywall patching before I can finish the top shelf.
I will probably also be reorganizing the bottom shelf, moving most of the fiction hardbacks to the top, where I am also going to display my non-fiction and then fill in the bottom with more fantasy books to go along with the HP collection.
Will be happy when this project is done, so we can push the couch back towards the wall.
Status update on my husband installing shelves in our living room! I can‘t wait to fill these with books!
The plan is to use these living room shelves for my nicer hardcovers. We still have to figure out shelving for the rest of my books; there are still 15 boxes worth packed up since our move back in October!
#book2book Full disclosure- i told my mom about this and she piled books on my table that need a new home. If no one wants them from book2book by Sept 12 i will offer to Litsy. There will be a lot of posts.
Screaming. Crying. Throwing up.
In a couple of hours I‘m going to be in possession of a van. I‘m feeling totally normal about the prospect of driving it.
I‘ve got a week left on my lease and… I have not found a new place (I‘m going to be staying with family for a bit)
🗣PSA: Book Depository is closing this month in case anyone wants to get in a last order 😭
My Reading goals was 85. So far, I have read 95. I will end with 96 books read. I have an hour left (according to my Kindle) in the book I am reading right now. I fell asleep last night reading 😴. Which all have us have done 😊
I didn't do any challenges this year, but have a lot I am doing this coming year.
Thank you @guinsgirlreads for this #jolabokaflosswap! I am grabbing coffee now, opening it and reading all day today with these chocolates!
The Bout of Books readathon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly Rubidoux Apple. It‘s a weeklong readathon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 2nd and runs through Sunday, January 8th in YOUR time zone. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are reading sprints, Twitter chats, exclusive Instagram challenges, but they‘re all completely optional. For all Bout of Books 36 information updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. #BoutofBooks
I made it back home yesterday and am just now putting up my books from my trip to Half-Price Books. This was my little haul- a few books to fill out collections, a couple I‘ve been wanting, and a couple of fun holiday books for this year.
It‘s official. I have a problem. I am completely out of shelf space and out of space for new shelves. This is the current overflow. Of course, I‘m buying little shelves to go in front of my fireplace. They‘ll be here Monday. But then, that‘s it. I‘m seriously out of space. 😭😭 #notahumblebrag #acryforhelp
Do you ever just need to be around books? That was me today by lunch in my office. So I walked down to the used bookstore down the street and just browsed. Then sat outside and read some of my current book. No workout today, but sometimes your soul needs what it needs.
Loved this article about writer‘s bookshelves. Had to share. Each one is very different and unique. Happy browsing!