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Stuart Little = Stuart Little
Stuart Little = Stuart Little | E B White
Being small and a mouse can be an inconvenience, but not for Stuart Little. He does almost everything that humans do. A book full of adventure and humor, this selection helps us feel that there is no challenge that cannot be met.
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1. My great aunt and uncle, who were like grandparents to me. 💙

2. My husband, sons, daughter-in-law, nephew and nieces. 💝💗🥰

3. The Little family in Stuart Little. The parents loved Stuart unconditionally, even when they didn‘t quite understand him.

Thanks for the tag, @Eggs ! Want to play, @julesG @Laughterhp @AmyK1 @Tamra @Gissy @ElizaMarie ?

Eggs Thanks for playing and sharing 🩵 5mo
julieclair @eggs 💙💙 5mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 💛💛💛 5mo
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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It may have been the tagged book. It was a long time ago! #sundayfunday

Patchshank I remember attempting to read the foot book to my mom as a toddler. I think i just kept saying feet and foot because that's all i remembered from having the book read to me. 1y
BookmarkTavern Oh this is a fun one! Thank you for posting! 1y
Andrea313 For me, it was definitely 1y
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This book published in 1945 is a chapter book about a mouse growing up in a family of humans. Stuart goes out on an adventure and ends up in a lot of interesting situations for a mouse, such as driving a boat. I would recommend this book!

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Some fun.........#ChildrensClassicRead2022 JULY

I did enjoy the reread. There are DEFINITELY things I either don't remember or glossed over as a child! It was a fun memory to resist. Hope you enjoyed it as well!!! ON TO AUGUST and THE RAILWAY CHILDREN, which I have never read!

julieclair Interesting link. Spot on. I enjoyed the re-read, but feel the book is showing it‘s age a bit. I‘m looking forward to 2y
Ruthiella I also only read The Railway Children as an adult. Now I get the “My Daddy! My Daddy!” reference when Brits use it.😅 2y
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella I have no reference for it so I am quite intrigued. 2y
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TheBookHippie @julieclair It was eye opening 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2y
UwannaPublishme Hilarious article! 😂 Still, a fun read! 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme it was fun! I just got my coffee made my sit down is late today 🤣 also I got your letter back not enough postage 😱😅😵‍💫 so out it went again 🤷🏻‍♀️😩😩😩😆🙃☀️☀️☕️ (edited) 2y
UwannaPublishme The Railway Children is a new one for me too. Fyi: It‘s on Serial Reader for free! 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme yay I think it‘s free on kindle unlimited too! 2y
julieclair @UwannaPublishme Thanks for the heads up about Serial Reader! 2y
tpixie @UwannaPublishme thanks for the Serial Reader info. I‘ve never read The Railway Children. (edited) 2y
erzascarletbookgasm Ooppps! I totally forgot about this! 2y
TheAromaofBooks This article made my day! Stuart was never a childhood favorite for me - I never could get over the “they gave birth to a mouse“ part 😂 2y
IndoorDame Love this article! 2y
PurpleyPumpkin While I didn‘t post, I did read this book in July and quite enjoyed it! I‘m not sure if I read it as a child or not, but it‘s been on my shelf for ages. I‘m glad I finally got to it. 😉 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Hilarious article btw!😂 2y
tpixie @UwannaPublishme tight? Free!!! 2y
tpixie @PurpleyPumpkin I‘m glad to hear you enjoyed it! It was a childhood favorite of mine. 2y
PurpleyPumpkin @tpixie I can see why it would be a favourite! It‘s so adventurous and fun. 2y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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It dawned on me only recently that this beloved children‘s author was the same guy who kept my grammar in check with my well-worn copy of Strunk & White‘s “The Elements of Style”! 😁 I enjoyed this oddly entertaining read, even more so when I read that E.B. thought himself rather mousy-looking and also had a pet mouse.🤔 Superb narration by vintage actress Julie Harris(East of Eden, The Belle of Amherst)

IndoorDame I can‘t believe I never made that connection before!!! 2y
TheBookHippie ♥️♥️♥️♥️what a wonderful gem of knowledge that is!!! 2y
SamAnne I childhood fave of mine. 2y
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UwannaPublishme @IndoorDame Right?! Quite a shocker for me too! I guess it really is a small world.😁 2y
UwannaPublishme @TheBookHippie You always get me started on the trivia, and then I just keep digging. 😂 2y
UwannaPublishme @SamAnne I can see why! 😍🙌🏻 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme it‘s so fascinating, all of it! I love it. 2y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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I absolutely loved this book as a child, so I was excited to read it for #ChildrensClassicRead2022. Sadly, I found that some of the magic has worn off with the passing of the years. It's still a sweet book, but it feels a bit too dated now. I also found myself wishing there was more of a plot to tie the events of each chapter together. But Stuart's adventures are still appealing and I enjoyed the read. 3.5 ⭐ @TheBookHippie #Pantone2022 @Clwojick

Clwojick Great match! 2y
TheBookHippie ♥️ 2y
AnnR @julieclair Pretty color match! After rereading it this month, I share a similar opinion to yours about Stuart Little. The illustrations by Garth Williams are still adorable though. 2y
julieclair @Ann_Reads I listened to it on audio, so didn‘t get to see the illustrations. 😕 But I imagine they added quite a bit of charm. 2y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Addison_Reads One of my favorites. 💚 2y
TheBookHippie @Addison_Reads It is so much fun rereading it! 2y
UwannaPublishme Love all this trivia! 🙌🏻 Didn‘t know this was his first children‘s book. 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme me either!!! I learn so much from this little challenge !! It‘s so needed ♥️. 2y
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#ChildrensClassicRead2022 JULY

Also #192025 folks this is 1945

Everyone welcome.

Every morning for the past four years I have taken my coffee and my selected #ChildrensClassicRead for the month and read for ten minutes.
It is an amazing way to start the day.

kspenmoll Oh I love Stuart (edited) 2y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll Me too! I cannot wait to -reread this! It has been way too long! 2y
UwannaPublishme Another first for me! Looking forward to this one. 2y
TheBookHippie @UwannaPublishme I think it‘s going to be so cozy! 2y
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this book is unbelievably stupid. Stuart is the most one-dimensional protagonist I‘ve ever encountered. He might be the least interesting character in literature. And the story sucks. There‘s no plot arc; it‘s like a series of random vignettes. And then it just, like….ends! It‘s like the author got abducted by aliens before he could get to the last chapter!

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Every once in a while, I‘ll finish working on an episode of my book podcast and think to myself, “That was exactly what I imagined when I first came up with the idea for the show!” That‘s what happened with Episode 154, all about E.B. White‘s classic Stuart Little! My conversation with award-winning author Deb Caletti is equal parts sentimental and “I‘m sorry… what?” 🐭🛶 Check it out at the link in my bio!

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Book 95

Can you believe Ive never read this!? Well prob when I was a kid but I didnt remember it. It held up really well for being written in 1945. It was such a cute story and novel idea of a mouse being a son part of a family. I loved the movie when I was a kid.

smjohns I read all E.B. White when my oldest daughter was young. She loved Stuart Little and Trumpet of the Swan. 3y
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Well written but a bit bland as far as the plot is concerned.

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Finished this last week but forgot to review. Pretty surprised I went my whole childhood never reading it, only saw the movies. Honestly Stuart kind of comes off as a jerk in the book 😂 and the it reads more like a series of short stories rather than one continuous narrative. The ending felt unresolved and unsatisfying. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #BookSpinBingo

Nute Super cute bingo board! 4y
TheAromaofBooks I was never a big fan of the way this book ended, either. Even though White's books are considered childhood classics, they weren't really favorites of mine. 4y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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“How about a nip of brandy?” said Stuart. “I‘m chilled to the bone.”
But his mother made him some hot broth instead, and put him to bed in
his cigarette box with a doll‘s hot-water bottle against his feet. Even so, Stuart caught a bad cold, and this turned into bronchitis, and Stuart had to stay in bed for almost two weeks.

So Tim Federle inspired me to make my own bookish cocktail. Here‘s “A Nip of Brandy”

MatchlessMarie 2oz Brandy, 1 oz lemon juice, cinnamon sticks, ice, and club soda 4y
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I remember listening to my teacher read this to my class when I was little. I remember thinking about how life would look as a tiny mouse. As an adult, I am struggling to see the appeal. Growing up changes your perspective.

December Book 16/25 #LitsyLove

#wintergames2020 #merryreaders

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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There are cute moments and a bit of E.B. White magic, but this book just didn't have the same charm as his other novels. The narrative felt like little vignettes rather than a logically flowing story and the premise was a bit awkward. In addition, the ending is weak and incomplete. Definitely a disappointment.

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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This is the one book on my TBR pile for the readathon that people talked about, so I moved it up on the list and just finished it in one quick sitting. It was so adorable. @DeweysReadathon #readathon

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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These two paperback books have been well loved by my nieces and nephews, but it's time to #PayItForward and pass them on.

Comment below if you'd like them. US residents only please.

Author_Chelsea_Warren_PA I have two nephews that would absolutely LOVE these novels! 4y
Addison_Reads @Nerdy_Bookworm Send me an address at caddison97@gmail.com and I'll get these in the mail to you. ☺ 4y
Author_Chelsea_Warren_PA @Addison_Reads I certainly will! ☺ 4y
Addison_Reads @Nerdy_Bookworm If you sent me an email I never received it. Could you please send it again? 4y
Author_Chelsea_Warren_PA @Addison_Reads Sent you an email! 😊 4y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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• Not sure if I'm digging this one or not but I'm reading to the baby so it's all good ? Love "Charlotte's Web" so there's hope for this book •

#childrensbooks #challenges #classics #classicliterature #paperbacks #booksiown #illustrated #littleone #BabyStoleMyBook #currentlyreading #MountTBR

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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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"It was a tired little mouse that crawled into bed a few minutes later-- tired but ready for sleep at last."

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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"After all, he does look a good deal like a mouse," said Mr. Little to his wife. "And I've never seen a mouse yet that didn't like to go into a hole."

Stuart Little | E. B. White

Stuart is an interesting character, though I felt his family could use more development. They felt a bit generic, but I suppose the book is a little too little to explore the Littles! It feels like a story to read chapters from nightly considering how Stuart‘s adventures seem to always tie themselves up neatly within a chapter. There‘s not much of an overarching story until the second half, but it‘s a fanciful modern-ish fairytale from the start.

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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I love Stuart's antics and he's really quite funny! #BBRC #RealClassic @LibrarianRyan I promise to catch up with my Google Docs this week. 😁

LibrarianRyan Yeahhhh. 5y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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I absolutely agree, Stuart. "A misspelled word is an abomination in the sight of everyone!"

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Kaylamburson Bahaha so true. Especially when it comes to getting on the subway. 5y
MrBook 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Yep! 5y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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I must have subconsciously known today was E.B. White's birthday when I picked #StuartLittle off my #middlegrade pile! I can't believe all the #trueclassics I missed growing up! #bbrc @LibrarianRyan

Eggs 💗💗 Stuart Little 5y
MayJasper Lovely composed photo 5y
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IamIamIam @MayJasper Aww, thanks!!! That's my table runner!! 😂 5y
LibrarianRyan You missed this growing up. thank goodness you are reading it now. The movie is okay, but it is not the book. Even Michael j Fox can not give it that power. 5y
IamIamIam @LibrarianRyan I really slacked off as a kid. I mean, I read a ton but I feel like I read the same things over and over again! Then I found my mom's 80s horror books and it was all over at about 11. Lol... I'm glad I missed some stuff, though, because The Phantom Tollbooth was definitely better for me as an adult. It would have been cute as a kid but I was rolling!!! 5y
LibrarianRyan @IamIamIam I do that. I too enjoyed phantom tollbooth better as an adult then I did as a kid. Well except for the movie. That i liked better as a kid. 5y
IamIamIam @LibrarianRyan Ha! I didn't even know there was a movie! I should find it and show the kids! 5y
LibrarianRyan @IamIamIam Yeah, it's half real, half animated. It was from the early 70's. I saw it way before I ever read the book. It was played frequently on Navy TV when we lived in Guam. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064806/?ref_=nv_sr_1?ref_=nv_sr_1 5y
IamIamIam @LibrarianRyan YOU LIVED IN GUAM?!? In high school, I wanted to apply to the University of Guam for my self esteem because I heard they didn't reject anyone. 😂 That's so cool!!! Did you enjoy your time there? 5y
LibrarianRyan @IamIamIam Yes, but I was 4ish - 8 years old. But I have fond memories and amazing pictures. 5y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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#MayMovieMagic Another family favorite for book and movie #LittlestThings #Nostalgic

KathyWheeler I loved this book when I was a kid. I reread it several times, but I‘ve never done so as an adult. 5y
Cathythoughts Gorgeous 5y
Cinfhen I just saw a comment from @DivineDiana where it seems like this book didn‘t hold up as well as an adult reader @KathyWheeler which is a shame 🙁 5y
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Cinfhen I always loved the illustrations in this book @cathythoughts 5y
KathyWheeler @Cinfhen I hate to hear that. 5y
TrishB Aww...lovely pick 💕 5y
BookBabe I loved this as a kid ❤️🐭 5y
marleed They turned this into a movie a few years back and it didn‘t even compare to the book. I love this book! 5y
alisiakae I love Stuart Little! 🐭 💙 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Would you believe it, I‘ve never read this! 5y
Cinfhen I feel like certain books are “iconic” and universally loved and shared during childhood @4thhouseontheleft @marleed @BookBabe @TrishB I‘m not sure how it would be to read it now @erzascarletbookgasm but if u pick it up let us know 😉❤️ 5y
RohitSawant Love this! 💕 5y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Stuart Little looks like and is the size of a mouse, but he is actually a child of human parents. This strange children‘s book tells of Stuart‘s adventures in New York and his search for his bird friend, Margalo, who has flown away. I was a fan of Stuart‘s courage and vocabulary, but this imaginative, classic story is somewhat disjointed and leaves the conflict unresolved.

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“How many of you know what‘s important?” Up went all the hands. “Harry, you tell us what is important.”
“A shaft of sunlight at the end of a dark afternoon, a note in music, and the way the back of a baby‘s neck smells if its mother keeps it tidy,” answered Henry.
“Correct,”said Stuart. Those are the important things. You forgot one thing, though. Mary Bendix,
what did Henry forget?“ “He forgot ice cream with chocolate sauce on it,”... Exactly!”

BookBabe ❤️🐭 6y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Current buddy read with my ESL student!

Tanisha_A Oh how I have enjoyed watching those movies when I was a kid. 6y
DivineDiana @Tanisha_A I have never seen the movie! I think I need to remedy that! 6y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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1. Staurt Little
2. Pie (if it is homemade)
3. Musician & Photography
4. San Jose, California

#friyayintro @howjessreads @bookcollecter

Jee_HookedOnBookz Love Stuart Little! 6y
bookcollecter It's wonderful isn't it? E.B White is great! 6y
Nu-Bibliophile Born and raised in San Jose ! 😉 6y
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bookcollecter @nu-bibliophile that's awesome! How do you like it? Have you been to the Rosicrucian Museum? 6y
Nu-Bibliophile @bookcollecter Sadly I don't live there anymore but I'm there pretty much every other week. Most of my family still lives up there. I've been at that museum but that was a long time ago. 6y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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tammysue I loved reading The Bobbsey Twins when I was little, and Stuart Little. 💖 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @whatshesreadingnow I loved the Bobbsey Twins, too! 💗 6y
Linsy Beautiful books! 📚 6y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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1. Getting books out for bookclub tomorrow
2. 2 years
3. Beer 🍻🍺🍻craft beer🍻🍺🍻🍺
4. 530 AM BLECH
5. Hair ties, kindle and sweater.

kspenmoll Stuart Little! ❤️ 6y
TheBookHippie @kspenmoll I know can not wait to read it again ❤️ 6y
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My Thursday morning crew 1-3 graders

Cinfhen So sweet 6y
AmyG Awwwww 💕 6y
Kaye Looks like a happy group. 😁 6y
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britt_brooke 💚💚💚 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Evelyn 💚💚💚 7y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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1. Stuart Little
2. A little purple stuffed dog
3. Going out to eat, a rare treat
4. Cookies!

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All the 💕 #hearts to my grandma, for passing on her love of reading to my dad and me. #riotgrams

mrp27 💕💕 7y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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The illustrator foremost in my mind lately is Garth Williams. I've been revisiting many childhood favorites with my son and come to find out they were all illustrated by him. Also the versions of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books I read as a child.
#riotgrams #Art&Illustration @bookriot

DivaDiane No! But I do now, thank you! 7y
AJones The classics are great! I‘m reading this book right now with my son. 🐁 🚗 7y
DivaDiane @AJones they really are! I‘ve read all pictures in this post except the Little House Books. We just read 3 in the Cricket in Times Square series. My son loved them! 7y
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erzascarletbookgasm Great stack 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Evelyn 💚💚 7y
kspenmoll @erzascarletbookgasm Thanks! Confession time: have only read the Jen Campbell & (edited) 7y
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kspenmoll @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Included in my shamefully huge #BOTM TBR!!!😳 7y
the_alternate_ending_library The Bookshop Book 📚 added to my list 7y
SilversReviews Great color scheme!! Loved Britt-Marie!! 7y
kspenmoll @SilversReviews Thanks! Need to read some of these books!!! (edited) 7y
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#AwesomeAutumnBooks #coverlovers @Jess7
Love both these very different covers📚❤️

Jaimelire Love the Stuart Little cover. 7y
BookBabe I adored Stuart Little when I was a kid! 😍🐭 7y
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#bookmail from prime day deal came today

Stuart Little | E. B. White
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Successful library haul!! Happy Saturday everyone!! What's on your reading list this weekend? I'm in the middle of The Passage audiobook and hope to start hardback of The King's Cage plus reading some of these with my little guy!

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New book club book :)

SaraFair I have the one on the right from my youth in the 70's! 7y
TheBookHippie @SaraFair that is mine from 1972 😂📚 7y
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Playing trivia with my husband, and this was one of my questions. Not having seen the movie, I made a wild guess - and answered correctly! 🤓 (He was stunned 😄)

Any guesses?

mabell Correction - we were both stunned haha 7y
LectricSheep Cute question! Great Expectations? 🤔 7y
mabell @LectricSheep Good guess! I'll post the answer as a spoiler 😉 7y
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mabell Little Women 7y
LectricSheep Really?! 😂You guessed that! That's awesome! 7y
mabell @LectricSheep Haha, total luck! It was the only pun title that came to mind. 7y
LectricSheep Oh my god duh! It's a pun! I totally missed that. 🙄 7y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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What did I just read?? Just finished this as a read-aloud, and we're all sitting here scratching our heads. Highlighted above is the last sentence of the penultimate chapter. That would have been a more satisfying ending! We were totally onboard with a mouse born to humans and his wacky adventures...then the last three chapters came...and we just don't know what to think. I'm more than happy to leave man-baby mouse Stuart with his broken dreams.

christineandbooks Really dislike this EB White book... I think it's just weird! Huge fan of Charlotte's Web, though... 8y
TheWordJar I love Charlotte's Web, too, @christineandbooks! My reaction to Stuart (which I'd never read before) makes me scared to reread Charlotte. Hope it still stands up! 8y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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LeahBergen Beautiful!! I have that Rob Roy and it's lovely. 💗 8y
RealLifeReading Pretty!! 8y
rubyslippersreads 😍😍😍 8y
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ScorpioBookDreams Wow! 😍😍😍 Any of those you'd particularly recommend? I'm trying to build my folio library. 8y
HardcoverHearts I finally bought my first Folio books and I am in deep love with their work! These are lovely. 8y
DrexEdit Beautiful books!! 💜 📚 8y
saresmoore I just learned about Folio Society via Litsy. (Fortunately it was after I'd committed to a book buying ban.) These are gorgeous! 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @LeahBergen @RealLifeReading @rubyslippersreads @HardcoverHearts @DrexEdit @saresmoore I just love all of their editions. I have never been disappointed. They're all works of art!💜 8y
PurpleyPumpkin @ScorpioBookDreams I saw your lovely purchases the other day! I recommend anything by FS as all of their volumes are beautiful. It's nice that you no longer have to be a member in order to buy their books. Now, I try to take full advantage of their great sales!😉 8y
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Stuart Little | E. B. White
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