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Mrs dalloway
Mrs dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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This one is too much work for me. Bailed at page 50. It isn‘t that it is poorly written of course, or that there aren‘t moments that I thoroughly enjoyed. I can see how it pushed various boundaries at the time and explores concepts of love, sexuality, partnership and imperial England. However I don‘t particularly care about the people nor how the rest of the day turns out. Clarissa‘s exclamation of “utterly base” was a favoured moment.

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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I‘m in this quote and I don‘t like it. 🤣

Libby1 ❤️ 3mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 😍 4mo
Eggs Beautiful 🌹🌿🌹 4mo
booksellerbooster Hi

I love your posts and insights on Litsy! My name is Erin McKinley, and I specialize in marketing services for authors and book enthusiasts. I believe my expertise could help you reach a wider audience and enhance your online presence.

If you're interested in discussing this further, please feel free to reach out to me at erinmckinley2000@gmail.com.

Looking forward to connecting!


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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf

This book was good enough to read twice. It‘s safe and mostly fun to read, aside from one well respected man that had a tragic demise. This book was feminist in ways we under appreciate now due to the passage of time and change. Who gets the beloved Clarissa?

Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I saw the contemporary ballet triptych Woolf Works last night, adapting three of her novels. What an incredible show. The sections based on Mrs. Dalloway and The Waves were very emotionally intense. The section based on Orlando was perfectly bizarre. At different points they voiced over excerpts from her letters. It was so good. ♥️

Ruthiella Wow! 😮 Sounds amazing. 5mo
LeahBergen That sounds wonderful! (edited) 5mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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This newest addition of Mrs Dalloway that I have gotten might just be my favorite one yet! 🥰📚💕

monkeygirlsmama Lovely 6mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf

I read this book twice. It is safe and well written. It was mostly fun to read, aside from a man that I felt bad for that was close friends with Clarissa. There are a few men trying to compete for her early on. It is trying to be feminist in the early twentieth century when women had less rights than men. I intend on reading the sequel!

Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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28 Feb-1 Mar 24 (audiobook)
Another book I was supposed to read at uni that was surprisingly enjoyable when I got to it 25 years late.
Woolf introduces us to a cast of characters, all of whom revolve around Clarissa Dalloway.
Woolf‘s writing is wonderful, although I expect it is a little lost in audiobook form. I loved the way she let us in to the inner monologue of many characters, with their repetition and leaps of topic. And I loved Clarissa.

Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf

This book was okay. It is something that I probably wouldn't read again. This is the third book I completed for #JoyousJanuary readathon hosted by @Andrew65 I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars. I listened to the audiobook.

Andrew65 That‘s brilliant, well done 👏👏👏 8mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I‘m just not a fan of Virginia Woolf‘s style. This is beautifully written with detailed descriptions from the perspective of various characters, but I was again disappointed by the lack of plot. I didn‘t especially care about any of the characters except for the story of Septimus and Rezia, and theirs is just sad.

I read most of this on #SerialReader but also listened to an #audiobook version. It was easier to follow the characters in print.

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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I am absolutely OVERJOYED to have received this AMAZING puzzle from my sweet friend, @RaeLovesToRead ! 🥰 I am obsessed with Virginia Woolf and I can't imagine a more perfect puzzle for me! 💕 Once you put it together, you can find a bunch of characters from Woolf's books and people in her life! It also comes with a poster, that I've already hung up in my book room! 🤭 Thank you so much, Rae! ❤️❤️❤️ I absolutely love it so much!

Ruthiella Ooh! That looks like a fun one! 🧩 10mo
RaeLovesToRead So glad you like it! 💕💕💕 10mo
batsy Oooh! 😍 10mo
Hooked_on_books That‘s super cute! 9mo
Branwen @RaeLovesToRead I do! I absolutely love it! Thank you so much! 💕📚 @Ruthiella @batsy @Hooked_on_books RIGHT?! 😱 I'm so excited about it! 9mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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When will I learn to read the classics rather than listen?! This was a lot more than I thought it was going to be, so maybe I‘ll pick a physical copy up at some point but I did enjoy it. It‘s more of a slow read though to take it all in. #Pop23 ~a book that takes place entirely in one day

RaeLovesToRead Maybe I don't have to read Ulysses after all... 🤔🤣 10mo
Cortg @RaeLovesToRead I‘m not gonna lie, that one kinda scares me! If ever I decide to tackle it, I will remind myself a print format is necessary 😫! 10mo
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Fell down a "Penguin Essentials" rabbit hole. I want all the books...


TheLudicReader Those covers! I‘d want them all, too. 11mo
charl08 @TheLudicReader when I win the lottery... so many talented designers and artists 😍 11mo
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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Well it must be at least a couple of years since I last read Mrs Dalloway! I hadn't tried it on audio before, though. Now I just need "The Hours" by Michael Cunningham to be read by Meryl Streep and I will be in my own little heaven. ?

Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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This is the second book by Virginia Woolf that I've tried. And I'm sorry to say I just don't like her writing energy. At points it felt frantic and chaotic and I had to put all my mind-power to work to stay with the story.
I just feel that I've worked way too hard for this little book.

@Clwojick #Pantone2023 #BlazingYellow #Macchiato #LeekGreen #Titanite

PaperbackPirate I feel the same way! I read The Voyage Out. 😴 13mo
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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I‘m going to give Virginia Woolf another shot. I have bailed in the past, but hoping in my dotage to have the time and attention needed.

Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Book #15 of 2023: “Mrs. Dalloway” by Virginia Woolf

Picked this up at @tridentbooks when we were in Boston this spring. It‘s a complicated book, not necessarily an easy one.

Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf

I was dreading reading this for Brit lit because Virginia Woolf is lowkey too stream of consciousness for my liking/understanding. It was genuinely one of the most confusing things I‘ve ever read. But when I did understand it it was actually really lovely and it had some amazing quotes

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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I erroneously expected a quick read, but this was dense! I struggled to get in, so did a little bit of research & then found it somewhat easier going. I think studying it, doing a buddy read or for Bookclub would‘ve helped. Interesting for me to be reading this (for the first time) when I am around the age of the main characters. Somewhat glad to see they were all still leading rich & complicated lives even in 1925. A sad, complicated little book!

Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I‘ve been a bit MIA lately. My goal this weekend is to finish Mrs Dalloway and get started on my next book. Modest, but at least achievable goals, especially since I am in the process of creating this little reading room, just for me 📖🤓🙏

BarbaraBB Lovely light room! 2y
Balibee146 Oh that's a lovely space 😍😍 2y
LeeRHarry Lovely 😊 2y
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batsy That's a beautiful space! 2y
Cathythoughts Lovely ♥️ 2y
DogMomIrene Sweet space! 1y
Jeg Looks great. .So much light. 1y
CarolynM What a lovely space😍 Enjoy! 1y
Rissreads Ooooooo, lucky you! I can‘t wait to see it! 1y
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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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🎧 2-25-23 || Juliet Stevenson knocks it out of the park again with her narration. This is a re-read for me and it‘s been close to 30 years since I last read it so everything was new again. I‘d forgotten how poetic Woolf‘s writing is. It truly is a masterpiece.

Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I am in NYC for a couple of days, so of course I have been to a couple of bookstores. At McNally Jackson I found this gorgeous dual book of Mrs Dalloway and The Hours. I could not resist!!

IndoorDame What a lovely copy! 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Thought I'd be safe with a short classic but this was DENSE. It's a little blurred by the stream of consciousness narrative, but there is an endless array of sharp observations about humanity in the individual and as a group, about society itself and how it grinds people down. What struck me most was the heartbreaking reality of a writer with first hand experience of how poorly mental health conditions were treated at this period in history. 1/?

Robotswithpersonality How suffocating living under a narrow range of expectations is; how suffocating it is to know/discover you'll only be 'loved' if you behave a certain way, show the right interests, associate accordingly, equally as oppressive a notion for both men and women; how suffocating to have another cling to you as their only possibility of happiness because they don't consider they have any ability to pursue actions which should make themselves happy. 2/?
Robotswithpersonality Written in 1925 at the epicenter of the 'British Empire' so be on the lookout for every unenlightened, offensive sentiment that came with that era. The sapphic romance references were as impressive in their honesty as they were saddening in their brevity. 3/4
Robotswithpersonality If I weren't scrambling for sensemaking in run on sentences I may have been more captivated by the descriptions. If I knew London, I might have more kinship with the intimate placement of various characters throughout this day. 4/4 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Congratulations, @wanderinglynn, and Happy Birthday.

I'd love to receive Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf.


wanderinglynn Thank you! 😘 And thanks for entering! 2y
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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Intimate in that the reader is able to view a first person perspective in a thought by thought analysis of the main characters and their psychological response to their environment , thoughts, and people around them. By getting into the everyday minutiae and the innate response of the mind depending on one‘s psychological makeup displaying differing emotions, perspectives, and mindset or diagnosis for that matter. That being said,

Pip2 I can‘t say that I really enjoyed the novel enough to pick it up again, but if your one that enjoys getting into the heads of others, this one is for you. 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Whilst I liked much of the prose, I just couldn't read it simply and that negated my pleasure. I'm probably not high brow enough 😕 or tried too hard to remember bits. But I'm very glad I persevered and can say I read it!

Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Having avoided Woolfe all my life, I'm having to read this for my library book club...
Daunted, yes. Determined, yes! ☺☺😃

Cathythoughts Bookclubs are great for getting us out of comfort zone.. tough work sometimes, but nothing ventured nothing gained 😁❤️ 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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The last 129 pages were during yesterday during #20in4 #Readathon Last book for September 2022. I don‘t know how to describe this book. I liked chunk, parts of it. The story involve many characters and events but sometimes I was confused who what saying what. But there were parts so interesting about the era and this woman surroundings. I like this edition. 3⭐️
#BookSpinNingi @TheAromaOfBooks

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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My ambitious goal for #JubilantJuly is to finish four books. At least the tagged book is short!

Andrew65 Best of luck. (edited) 2y
CarolynM I love the Dalziel and Pascoe books. Enjoy! 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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When you are re-reading Mrs dalloway and this time you wonder who was the queen (and the prince of Wales) at that time, and you have to go to Wikipedia because that was before The crown times (the Queen was Queen Mary, Great mother of queen Elizabeth, and the prince of Wales was Edward, future king that married for love...) maybe I need a notebook of all I learned because of books ;)

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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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(Yesterday's entry) #OnThisDay in 1925 Mrs Dalloway was first published. Woolf wrote the novel in hand bound journals in her garden shed, dating each day's work like a diary as she went. She modeled Clarissa Dalloway on her childhood friend Kitty Manxe, a socialite who died after falling over her staircase banister. The novel sold so well, it paid for a bathroom to be installed in the Woolf house, nicknamed "Mrs Dalloway's closet." #HistoryGetsLIT

LeahBergen “Mrs Dalloway‘s Closet”! 😆 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I wanted to like this more than I did. I've read excerpts of it before that I really liked. It was somewhat stream of consciousness writing about several different characters through the course of a day. I think my timing of reading this is just off.

MittenGirlPeach So, I did love this book, I‘ll admit, but if you‘ve never watched the movie The Hours, I can‘t recommend it enough. It‘s transcendent, mesmerizing, all the adjectives. It embodies this book within three different stories. I need to watch it again. 2y
LiteraryinPA I‘ll put a plug in for reading The Hours before watching the movie! 2y
Pip2 I just bought this book today! I hope I like it better than you did. 2y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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@TheSpineView #two4tuesday

1. Bluebells for sure! Bluebell woods are probably my favourite time to see nature and I associate them with walks with my grandparents. I wish I got to see them more now

2. I couldn‘t think of anything then mrs dalloway popped into my head, for reasons I‘m not totally sure of. Maybe because I associate her with my grandparents too - they took me on day trips to the bloomsbury group‘s farmhouse near where they lived

Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I'm going to cheat with this one and do categories because it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to just choose one! 💕📚💕

Favorite classic authors:
🔹️ Virginia Woolf
🔹️ Ernest Hemingway
🔹️ Katherine Mansfield
🔹️ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Favorite contemporary authors:
🔹️ Neil Gaiman
🔹️ V.E. Schwab
🔹️ Brandon Sanderson
🔹️ Stephen King
🔹️ Laini Taylor

Who are some of your favorite authors? 💕📚💕

Johanna414 Laini Taylor, Erin Morgenstern, Jane Austen and Madeleine L'Engle 😍😍😍😍 3y
RaeLovesToRead Most consistent: Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Harlan Coben... Authors I want to be best friends with: Stuart Turton, Chris Brookmyre, Richard Osman... Wrote my favourite books: G.W Dahlquist, David Nicholls, Malorie Blackman. Authors I want to channel: Patricia Highsmith, Haruki Murakami, Margaret Atwood... Best fantasy: GRRM, Robin Hobb. Loved as a kid: Kate Cann, JK Rowling.... and so many more! 3y
KCofKaysville @Branwen

Not sure what is my absolute favorites, but ...

Classic: Joseph Conrad (or Tolkien if he counts there)

Contemporary: Neil Gaiman
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I am finished with the main text. Now, on to, reading the critical analysis, and literary and historical background to understand it better.

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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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The supreme secret must be told to the Cabinet; first, that trees are alive; next, there is no crime; next, love, universal love, he muttered, gasping, trembling, painfully drawing out these profound truths which needed, so deep were they, so difficult, an immense effort to speak out, but the world was entirely changed by them for ever.

Leftcoastzen Love this one. 3y
truthinfiction @Leftcoastzen It really brightens up my mornings. 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Early mornings with Mrs. Dalloway continue as I read for #SharReadathon. I came across Sharon's comment on one of my posts welcoming me to litsy and I have been feeling emotional since at having lost out on the opportunity to get to know her better. I am shy so I find it difficult to be talkative. But, if you are reading this, please come say hi, or tell me a bookish or non- bookish fact about yourself. 💗
I'll go first in the comment section.

truthinfiction I find it difficult and distracting to read physical books because I am scared of smudging them or otherwise damaging them in any way. I am trying to be more comfortable with reading paperbacks and so my copy of Mrs Dalloway is filled with pencil underlines. 3y
Bookworm54 I love physical books! There is something comforting about having them all out to look at. But I do get sad every time I break a spine 🤣 3y
truthinfiction I feel you. 😛 @bookworm54 3y
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bthegood Physical books are a comfort to me, and I believe a well worn book is a sign of love🥰 3y
LindaLappin @truthinfiction I love reading used books underlined by readers before me. sort of like a treasure map 3y
BooksNBowls Hi there darling! Pretty picture! ❤️ 3y
sprainedbrain Hi! I love reading in all forms (print, digital, and audio) but I find myself preferring kindle to paper books lately, even checking out library kindle versions of books I own hardcovers for… mainly due to the compactness and backlighting. 😊 3y
truthinfiction @bthegood That's such a beautiful way to look at it. I, somewhere, read about Virginia Woolf's copy of a book that had seen a lot of wear and tear thus showing how she had read it everywhere. 😄 3y
truthinfiction @LindaLappin I once found a beautiful postcard in a used book. It made my day. 😃 3y
truthinfiction @BooksNBowls thank you 🥺❤️ 3y
truthinfiction @sprainedbrain Ahh.. I see. I listen to audiobooks to be able to fall asleep when unable to do so. 😄 3y
truthinfiction @sprainedbrain I really love your username, though. 3y
SRWCF Hello! I buy 99% of my books at thrift shops. I love walking into those stores never knowing what random book treasures I'm going to find. It gives me such a thrill! 3y
truthinfiction @SRWCF Hey Shelley! That does sound thrilling. 😃 3y
SRWCF @truthinfiction Some women buy clothes and shoes then have to sneak them into the house so that their husbands don't find out. I do that with books! 🤣🤣🤣 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hello Sam ❤️ I‘m Misty. Thank you for participating in our tribute to Sharon. ❤️ if you are interested in joint our pen pal group you are more than welcome! We are very low key and have a great community of book loving friends. If interested you can email me at loverofbooks75@gmail.com 💞 3y
truthinfiction @SRWCF Oh gosh! I am the same. I used to do complicated acrobatics simply to sneak past my book packages from my mother. I felt like I was some sort of high end criminal burying leads employing my brother and father's help. Now, I just chalk it up to academic reading and she's alright with that. 😛 3y
truthinfiction @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hey, Misty!! 😃 Thank you for holding this wonderful tribute. It's quite moving to read, mindfully, if not abundantly in Sharon's honour. ❤️ I would love to join your pen pal group. Keep an eye out for my e- mail and thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to become a part of it. ❤️ 3y
SRWCF @truthinfiction I love that you had help smuggling your books into the house! 🤣 3y
SRWCF @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Hi, Misty! Can I join your pen pal group, too? 🙂 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I was thoroughly confused by the cover at first. But, ever since Clarissa has mentioned Sally, it just makes more sense. I am 30 pages in and so far Clarissa remembering Sally is the most readable part of the book, that is to say, I didn't have to go back and reread the same lines twice for it to make sense. It reads like revelation of one's mind to the reader. I look forward to the few minutes I get to spend in Mrs. Woolf's company each morning.

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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Book 27

epsitawithane My favourite writer. Hope you are enjoying it. ☺️ 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I really want to love this novel. Virgina Woolf is such a well regarded author that I feel stupid by not really jiving with what is supposed to be her most accessible novel. But I started this book on the first and I have only read 50 pages in almost two weeks, most of which I have skimmed half heartedly. Is it time to give up and move on? Does it get better? Maybe if I tried audio??

megnews I tried to read this a couple of years ago and didn‘t get that far. I can‘t imagine the audio being better. May try again someday but probably not anytime soon. 3y
CindyE09 @megnews I want to like it so bad but I just don‘t think this is for me. 3y
megnews I felt the same way. I just don‘t think stream of consciousness is for me. Can‘t follow it 3y
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LiteraryinPA It‘s very stream of consciousness. I think if you‘re not connecting to it yet, you might want to bail. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 3y
jdiehr I tried years ago and ended up bailing. 3y
tenar I felt I needed to read it in longer sittings because of the style of writing, and if it‘s not interesting enough for you to do that, I doubt it will get any more enjoyable as it goes on. If it helps, I‘m new to Woolf and have actually found her nonfiction much more accessible than her fiction! 3y
Nutmegnc It‘s really dry and you have to dig to understand important things. Partly I just kind of didn‘t like her personality. I read it and I understand why folks think it‘s important but I wouldn‘t say I “enjoyed it”. 3y
Vansa I wouldn't say tis is her most accessible, I would recommend 'To the lighthouse', as far more accessible. I agree, this is not the most easy to read novel! 3y
batsy I agree with what @tenar said, it's best read in longer chunks and with as few interruptions as possible. If it's still not winning you over then perhaps it's just not one for you. I found Mrs. Dalloway hard to get the first time I read it but I found a way in to Woolf with To the Lighthouse, so that might be something to try :) 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Finally finished, it was a bit of a marathon but so glad that I did. Beautiful, lyrical and such insight. It spans a single day, interspersed with her memories.

Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Book Haul Post 2! 💞📚💞

I was SUPER excited to find these two new editions to the Macmillian Collectors Library collection! I love how small and pretty they are! Very easy to hide in a bag or purse during obligatory social events! 😁 I already have all the Jane Austen titles, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights, so I am really happy to add two of my favorite authors to this collection! ❤📚

Ruthiella I have a book from this series. They are exquisite! 3y
ravenlee Book Outlet has several of these. I got A Town Like Alice, not realizing it was going to be tiny. Beautiful, but I‘m not sure I‘ll be able to read the print! 3y
Paperback.Propensity I love those editions. I'd like to get the Jane Austen some time. 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Breakfast at Tiffany's

Klou Fantastic! 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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I finally picked Mrs. Dalloway up after falling in love with Woolf‘s essay On Being Ill. This novel‘s stream of consciousness is like what living is like, for me at least, where the clock chime pulls me from a memory, and a character is stumbling into the biggest questions while just waiting to cross the street. Somehow so relatable while incredibly specifically set in London, in 1923, in the shadow of the Great War. I liked this a lot! #Bookspin

TiminCalifornia Great review. 3y
tenar @TiminCalifornia Thank you. I think really lovely books somehow rub off on their reviews! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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Mrs Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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My first experience with Virginia Woolf. Absolutely recommend! Its train-of-thought prose is sometimes so gorgeous I had to stare into space for a moment. I love books about the interconnectedness of lives.
TW: PTSD, depression, suicide

SamAnne Love Woolf! 3y
AnneCecilie Love the cover 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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Gissy 😍 3y
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Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf
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This wasn't on my radar but it sounded interesting. I really wanted to join the #thatsclassic crew on this but after slogging through 12% for a week, I bailed. I may try again in the future to see if it goes different, but the stream of consciousness style just felt like I was listening to that rambling stranger at a party.

July #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

Annie1215 That‘s sort of an apt description of the narration 😂 3y
megnews Same happened to me a few years ago. 3y
CollapsingLibrary I DNF‘ed this a few years ago and readded it to my TBR this year, but I‘m not optimistic I‘ll finish it this time either 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Fantastic review 😂 3y
ravenlee I tried to read it for a book club a few years ago and had the same experience. I struggle with stream of consciousness and this is SUPER stream of consciousness! Someday I might try again… 3y
bthegood same experience here 🌞 3y
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