I abandoned this book because my former history teacher told us that he didn‘t cover moussilini because of the r word, and that includes lots of cases of it in this book. This book is not safe.
I abandoned this book because my former history teacher told us that he didn‘t cover moussilini because of the r word, and that includes lots of cases of it in this book. This book is not safe.
This book is pornographic. The first third is just ackward, but it gets a lot worse. People that gave it a high rating didn't get to the part where Olive's professor betrays her trust and engages in inappropiate unwanted activity. He never gets incarcerated for it. He continues to abuse her throughout the rest of the book. It's traumatic and shallow and it doesn't deserve the rating it is given. I will never buy another Ali Hazelwood book.
The main character Victoria has a huge anger problem and attacks everyone. I found a spoiler that revealed that she becomes a mother at a later part in the book, and I protest her becoming one. That‘s why I am not finishing this book.
Some of these ghost and murder stories were fascinating, but after if these wall could scream, I stopped reading it. A mutual friend said there are more unsafe chapters, so I‘d skip this book.
This is a book for everyone, so you don‘t have to believe in something specific in order to read it. I liked it more the second time I read it. Tom is an emotionally intelligent man seeking to understand different perspectives on religion as he travels through the U.S. interviewing people. He diversified the religions or his interviews. There are no conversion requirements. I am still not religious, but I feel like it was worth reading.
The wrath of the Taliban is depressing and traumatic and her story is no exception. Malala ‘s father is pro women‘s education where only men get it. The Pashtun tribe of Pakistan is very peaceful and has lots of passed down wisdom, and devotion to the peaceful religion of Islam. Life was good for her and her family.
People forgot about her, in my opinion. She‘s a brave and strong woman who deserves our respect by reading her book.
Poppy has the dream job of writing for a magazine that advertizes travel. She gets to go all around the world on vacation to write advertisements for each place. But it‘s not enough for her. She wants love, and her closest manfiend is the perfect person, but she has competition and they aren‘t sure if they are the ones for each other. This is mostly a fun bubbly love story, but there are a few serious parts and awkward parts.
This depressing book is about an immature loser that struggles to keep friends and flunks high school. He‘s socially awkward and doesn‘t fit in. But I honestly didn‘t feel that sorry for him. It may be a historic book but it is overrated.
This book was good enough to read twice. It‘s safe and mostly fun to read, aside from one well respected man that had a tragic demise. This book was feminist in ways we under appreciate now due to the passage of time and change. Who gets the beloved Clarissa?