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Six Four
Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
READ THE MILLION-SELLING JAPANESE CRIME PHENOMENON, NOW A UK BESTSELLER. SIX FOUR. THE NIGHTMARE NO PARENT COULD ENDURE. THE CASE NO DETECTIVE COULD SOLVE. THE TWIST NO READER COULD PREDICT. For five days in January 1989, the parents of a seven-year-old Tokyo schoolgirl sat and listened to the demands of their daughter's kidnapper. They would never learn his identity. They would never see their daughter again. For the fourteen years that followed, the Japanese public listened to the police's apologies. They would never forget the botched investigation that became known as 'Six Four'. They would never forgive the authorities their failure. For one week in late 2002, the press officer attached to the police department in question confronted an anomaly in the case. He could never imagine what he would uncover. He would never have looked if he'd known what he would find.
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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It has a lot of potential. There is the escape of the daughter and the mystery of the kidnapping and murder of a little girl. Too bad that the story revolves purely around the working world of the protagonist. I read 136 pages and it was like I stayed on page 1. It's one of the few I couldn't finish it.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama

If the torment that consumed Ayumi's soul had grown the longer she'd been in there, wouldn't the same have happened to Minako? Outside there are stimuli. There is light, there are seasons, and the activities of the people. There are discoveries that, even for a single moment, make one forget the most excruciating restlessness and pain.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Eggs ❤️🧡💜 1y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Not what I expected and a couple of times I almost gave up reading this one because its primary focus is the political machinations of the Japanese police force at the center of the fourteen year old kidnapping and murder of a child, rather than the disturbing case itself. However, I‘m glad I stuck with it so I could enjoy the unexpected revelations and excellent conclusion that I never saw coming!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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If you don‘t hear from me for awhile, don‘t be alarmed...I‘m reading this brick!!! 🙀

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Finally finished my #doublespin book that I won a couple years ago from @Liberty

The setup took quite a while, but I could not put it down once I got to about halfway, and it was a wild ride after that. @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes those slow starts lure you in! Glad you enjoyed it!! 4y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama

I wanted to love this as read some excellent reviews. However, it marginally gets above a pan rating. So much time on internal politics that became so tedious and felt like a broken record at times. I gave up twice but did finish and it is saved by a good ending but was a chore to read overall

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Starting this bad boy tonight. Wish me luck☘️!

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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I raced through this one. Press Director Mikami suddenly finds himself in the middle of a power struggle between two departments at D police station, and this struggle affects the information he‘s given to pass on to the press. So Mikami has to manage the demands of the press of full disclosure and at the same time not having that information. I‘m not familiar with Japanese culture and hierarchy, but after this I feel like I‘ve learned something.

gradcat Sounds good to me...I love learning about foreign policing & governments via thrillers & mysteries—stacking! 📚 5y
BiblioLitten @gradcat Me too! Daniel Silva does that, especially with current issues. 5y
gradcat @BiblioLitten I love Daniel Silva, but I stopped reading after about 10 or 11 novels...it‘s Gabriel Allon, right? Maybe I should get back to them 🤷🏽‍♀️. (edited) 5y
BiblioLitten @gradcat Yup. I haven‘t read too many either. But they were good 5y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Next up.

I know that this has mixed reviews in here, but it was well received by Norwegian press. And the book is just too pretty.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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This #japanesethriller did not do it for me. I just couldn‘t get into the police HQ drama!! Way too much information and too little interest 😴 Perhaps thrillers in general just aren‘t for me, Japanese or not.

emilyhaldi @Kalalalatja I saw that you ended up liking this one... you gave me so much hope!! Sadly, I just never got into it 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Kalalalatja Sorry it didn‘t work for you! It definitely isn‘t the best book in the world, but I got sucked into all the drama 😄 6y
Cinfhen I think I‘m gonna pass on this one ~ #PageCountPhobia is real (edited) 6y
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Hazel0303 I really wanted to read this and I think I read a page or two and I could tell it just wasn‘t going to be for me. 6y
BarbaraBB You shouldn‘t give up on Japanese thrillers! Borrow this one from @Mdargusch or @Reviewsbylola, I‘m sure you‘ll like it! 6y
Briguy73 hated this book.I bailed on it 6y
Mdargusch I was just going to say that @BarbaraBB - I‘d be interested to see what you think of that one @emilyhaldi 6y
BarbaraBB @Mdargusch I remember that you liked it when you read it recently! I did too 😘 6y
emilyhaldi @Briguy73 I WISH I bailed!!! So much time wasted hoping it would get better 🙄 6y
emilyhaldi @BarbaraBB I don't seem to like thrillers of any nationality, unfortunately. So it might be a while before I try another, but that one is definitely on my radar! 6y
Reviewsbylola That‘s quite a thick book to finish when you hate it so much! 6y
emilyhaldi @Reviewsbylola I kept reading thinking it just HAD to get better!!! I was wrong. Admittedly, I did scan the last 100 pages... Didn't even care how the story ended even then 😏 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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This book took me out of my comfort zone, and I‘m pretty sure I liked it. I‘m not saying this is my new fave, it was a solid 3,5⭐️, but it did surprise me with how readable it is, and it felt like a window into a setting I know nothing about. All the drama between the different police departments were super interesting, and for such a slow book it is a real page turner!

#JapaneseThriller #Booked2018 #RecommendationsChallenge2018

Cinfhen I own this one but the size is scaring me😳 your review gives me some hope💜 6y
Emilymdxn That‘s pretty much exactly how I felt - it wasn‘t totally me and I didn‘t love everything about it but it was so profoundly worth reading 6y
Cathythoughts Sounds good ! Stacked 6y
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Kalalalatja @Cinfhen I‘ll say, it was a mistake to read this while reading Les Mis. Two chunksters at once were too much, even for me. With that being said, it is a slow read, but there is something compelling about it as well, which kept me turning the pages. Hope you‘ll feel the same, when (if) you pick it up 🤞 6y
Kalalalatja @Emilymdxn definitely! @Cathythoughts 👏👏👏 6y
BarbaraBB Yay, you‘ve made it 👍👏 6y
Mdargusch I‘m glad you made it through it and liked it! 6y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB @Mdargusch I‘m glad I did, but I‘m glad I‘m done now 😅 6y
Mdargusch That‘s why I read Confessions instead of this chunkster! 🤣 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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#TheDayAfterTomorrow I hope to have made some progress on these two. I‘m hoping to finish this week‘s volume of Les Mis, and get closer to the halfway mark of the tagged book. But both of them are grapping my attention, and when I‘m reading one, I would rather be reading the other 🤷‍♀️ #thestruggleisreal


Cathythoughts Good luck👍🏻you can do this 6y
Cinfhen Well that's promising 👍🏼two page turners at once and BOTH are #chunksters 6y
Kalalalatja @Cathythoughts thanks! 😘 @Cinfhen I really hadn‘t expected it from either of them, so I‘m pleasantly surprised 👍👍 6y
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GatheringBooks oh em gee - that copy of les miz is gorgeous!!!! 6y
Sace I'm in love with that Les Mis edition. Is the cover just as gorgeous as the spine? 6y
emilyhaldi Yay glad Six Four is moving along. I am still trying to get through #myvodkabromance too 🤦🏻‍♀️ it‘s hard reading two chunksters at once!! (edited) 6y
Kalalalatja @GatheringBooks @RestlessFickleBookHoarder it is gorgeous! It is the Barnes & Noble leatherbound edition. I‘ll post a pic of the cover again at some point, it is all golden and stunning 😍 6y
Kalalalatja @emilyhaldi it really is! Also, I‘m not really good at reading more books at once, so I‘m definitely challenging myself 😄 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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I had to go out in the rain today, so I rewarded myself for my bravery with a pastry, a cup of tea (with book infuser!!!) and my current read. Good job me 👏👏👏


MommyWantsToReadHerBook Yay you! I'm always intimidated by having to go out in the rain, and now that I have two kids with me, I will often just not leave the house if it's raining ☔ 6y
MicheleinPhilly I finished my last 5 pieces of candy yesterday and I‘m already dreading your next candy-filled post. 😢 6y
emilyhaldi Lovely 💙 I just started this chunkster... Youre right about it being easily readable. Now let's hope it's GOOD! 🤞🏻 6y
Kalalalatja @MommyWantsToReadHerBook I can only imagine! I only do it if I really, really have to 🌧 @MicheleinPhilly I‘ll be sure to think of you before I decide to post a candy post. Also, I feel your pain #scandicandy4all 🙌 @emilyhaldi I‘m about 100 pages in, and I‘m intrigued! Tension is building, but, still, not much has happened 🤷‍♀️🤞 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Apparantly, Les Mis isn‘t enough chunkster action for me, so I started this today. It is my #JapaneseThriller pick for #Booked2018, and I‘m hoping for an engaging read 🤞


emilyhaldi I have to start this soon!!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts 🤗 6y
Kalalalatja @emilyhaldi I had to start it now, if I wanted a chance to finish it before September is over. 40 pages in, and it is readable, but not much happening. Too soon to tell 🤷‍♀️ 6y
BarbaraBB Echoing @emilyhaldi , I‘ve been eyeing this book for a while! 6y
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mrp27 I almost picked this one for booked2018 but then I saw what a chunkster it was and had to change plans. 6y
Kalalalatja @mrp27 it was an “easy” pick for me, since I‘m using it for another challenge as well. But it is a bug book! 6y
Kalalalatja @BarbaraBB I‘ll let you know what I think! 6y
mrp27 I love when 1 book fits 2 challenges! Good luck! 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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This book keeps screaming #TakeAChanceOnMe, but I keep picking up other books instead. However, I WILL read this before September is over, because this will be my #JapaneseThriller for #Booked2018. I‘m just not a big thriller/crime reader, so this is really outside my comfort zone.

If you can, please convince me to pick this up!


Cinfhen Wish I could help but it‘s a #chunkster so it scared me off!!! I have heard pretty good reviews - I NEED you to convince me to read it 💕 6y
TrishB And this picture makes it look even bigger!! 6y
Emilymdxn I enjoyed this one!! I will say that it didn‘t FEEL that much like a thriller to me as I read it, it was very character-driven rather than plot-driven with a lot of introspection in there - which probably contributes to the length but meant it felt like a lot more than a thriller to me ☺️ 6y
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ElishaLovesBooks I feel the same! I need to read one of these too for the challenge but I‘m a little scared! 🙈 6y
Mdargusch Oh dear. Chunksters are not my favorite. I still need a book for this challenge prompt too! 6y
Kalalalatja @Cinfhen I‘ll see what I can do! I must admit its size scares me a bit, too, which isn‘t normal for me! I think it because it is outside my normal genres as well 🤷‍♀️ @TrishB it actually does look pretty big in this pic 😆 @Emilymdxn I have heard that too, and I‘m hoping that will be my experience as well! 🤞 6y
Kalalalatja @ElishaLovesBooks @Mdargusch it scares me too! I picked this because it is part of my #RecommendationsChallenge2018 too, but it is really outside my wheel house. 😳 6y
emilyhaldi Oh boy me too 😲 Its hard to pick up a chunkster you're unsure about when there are SO many other books in my stacks 😅 but perhaps I will pick this up next week... 6y
Reviewsbylola I still need to read my Japanese thriller too. 6y
Meredith3 I LOVE THRILLERS! Stacked 🕺🏻 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama

I love reading translated mysteries! This one was really interesting but it was my need to know what happened, more than any feelings about the characters or emotional investment, that kept me reading.
3.5 🌟/ 5

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Finally finished this one. It's excellent. And the cover photo on the e-book sucks.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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A new bubble for my #tbrbingo 😄

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama

Only so-so. It isa politic-thriller about the differences between the administration, the police and press in japan. The thrill isn't that what I have expevct for. The language is wonderful.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Reading now last 100 pages

RebelReader It sounds really good. Do you recommend it? 6y
Sarah83 Glad when you finish it? 6y
Moony @Sarah83 @RebelReader I'm happy when I'll finished. It isn't my book. It is a politic-thriller about the differences between the administration, the police and the press in Japan. This is thrilling, but not for me. 😅 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Reading with the cat. He's fine, only a little lesion he must not lick. #catcontent

Only 210 pages left. It isn't my favorite book. I'm glad to finished it. #reading #currentread

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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#bookhaul at a local bookstore that I came upon today! All of this for $12 and the purchase price is donated to charities specified by the donor of each book. How insanely awesome 📚

GarthRanzz Great haul! And such a great cause too! Canticle is one of my all-time favourite books. 6y
DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 6y
bookaholic1 Book Thief and Before I go to sleep are Awesome booms 6y
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MicheleinPhilly What an excellent concept! 6y
veronicacli Ugh yes to The Book Thief! So good 😊 6y
Ruthiella Ooh, I just read 5 Little Pigs! I love Christie mysteries 😀 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Is someone reading now? I need a little motivation. It isn't the most exciting book, I read. #wirlesen64 #iamreading #thriller #japan

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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My Saturday afternoon read.Lot of good press on this one.Thought i‘d check it out.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Book and selfmade #icetea #iamreading

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Bed and Book right now 🛏 #iamreading #bedandbook #thriller #japan

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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There it is! 😍Bei Schokobrownie und Latte Macciato wird jetzt gelesen. #wirlesen64

Sarah83 Hört sich gut an 💖 6y
Moony @Sarah83 Ja, ich bin auch schon ganz gespannt. Schließe dich doch der Leserunde an?! 😊😉 6y
Sarah83 Worum geht es dabei? 6y
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Moony @Sarah83 Bei der Leserunde? Einfach vom 13.4 bis 10.5 das Buch gemeinsam lesen. Später starten geht natürlich auch. In der ersten Woche Kapriel 1 - 19. Es wird auf dem Buechermonster-Blog auch Fragen und Diskussionsanregungen geben. 6y
Sarah83 Kannst du mir nächstes Mal bescheid sagen? Hänge mit meinen Büchern hinterher... 😒 6y
Moony @Sarah83 Ja, wenn ich Leserunden mitbekomme, poste ich sie! Schiebe 64 jetzt auch rein, bin ja eigentlich mittten im "Blauer Montag" Krimi. ? 6y
Sarah83 Ich bin ja noch mit meinem #litsyclassics und Agatha Christie dran. Ich hab einfach zu wenig Zeit zum Lesen. 😪 6y
Moony @Sarah83 Ja es ist immer so und es gibt viel zu viele coole Bücher. Mal sehen wie ich mich bei der Leserunde schlage. 😎 6y
Sarah83 Ich werde es im Auge behalten 👍😉 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Ankündigung: Es wird ab dem 13. April eine Leserunde zum Buch "64" von Hideo Yokoyama geben. Betreut wird sie vom Buechermonster-Blog und Kaisu von Life4Books.

Vielleicht mache ich auch mit. Alle Kommentare und Infos findet ihr unter dem Hastag #WirLesen64 und auf: http://buecher-monster.de/2018/04/06/ankuendigung-wirlesen64-leserunde-zu-64-von... #leserunde #buddyread

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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I have maxed out the renews on this library book so this weekend I need to either bail or reach my target of 330 pages... A long session in the hairdressers should help! #bookandblowdry

batsy Love the hashtag 😁 6y
jhod @batsy 😁 I do seem to spend quite a lot of my life here!! 6y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Okay I am going to mark this as a pick even though it could have easily been a so-so. Our hero is a detective who has been moved into press relations in a district precinct in Japan, a district whose police are haunted by an unsolved kidnaping and who is personally haunted by a daughter who has fled his house. The story unfolds as a police procedural combined with a story of internal department politics, centred on the reopening of the kidnap case

Oblomov26 A large complex book and I am still trying to determine if it was worth the effort m. 7y
DGRachel I started this last year, got distracted by other, easier reads and never got back to it. I want to, but it‘s a little daunting. 😔 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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I spent a lovely Sunday morning in one of my favorite independent bookstores!

KathyWheeler I like the cover of Mrs. Caliban. (edited) 7y
batsy What a haul 😍 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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I‘m not gonna lie ... I was not expecting Six Four to be such a chunkster 😬

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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama

Last night watched the last 3 episodes of Six Four and the reason for all the character names beginning with M was illuminated. Amemiya, the father of the girl kidnapped and killed in 1964 spent years going through the phone book crossing out each name because he was convinced he could recognize the killer‘s voice. The cold case restarts again because he did, right at the M‘s; explaining the silent calls to the detective‘s wife! Have to re-read.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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20 chapters of internal police politics so far. Something better happen soon!!!
It's no wonder it has such a poor rating on #Litsy

#tournamentofbooks #tob2018 #TheRooster

susanw I‘m waiting to see if this makes the shortlist before I tackle it. Too many mixed reviews. 7y
AceOnRoam @susanw I know, I just commented on Newest Literary Fiction GR Group that the narrator is British so its a bit weird and I'm going to skip some chapters and go to the end, or just quit soon and pick it up if it makes the shortlist. I hope it doesn't make the shortlist because the conversation will be limited to police red tape and bureaucracy! 7y
LeahBergen Yikes. 😬 7y
AceOnRoam Exactly @LeahBergen !!! 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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This is the #longestbookIread this year. It clocked in at 25 hours on audio (577 pages in print.) I did enjoy it but it did not need to be this long. Serious dragging near the end.

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Pages and pages of endless exposition with very little actual plot in between. This was barely a crime novel choosing instead to focus on the workplace politics of the press liaison team. I'm not sure how I got through this. Leaving aside the fact that the protagonist detective solves nothing and contributes little to the movement of whatever plot there is, this was very hard to take seriously. Silly fluff that took up too much of my time.

Cinfhen Oh no @emilyhaldi we may need to rethink this book choice!?!!?? #Booked2018 #JapaneseThriller 7y
keithmalek Based on what you wrote about it, I'm surprised you even gave it a rating of So-so. What does it take to get you to Pan a book? 7y
GuiltyFeat @Cinfhen you can definitely skip it. It‘s a tough slog that took me the whole of Shabbat and an hour afterwards to finish. 7y
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GuiltyFeat @keithmalek I wavered at the end because it wasn‘t hateful like, say, Gone Girl or Milk & Honey. It just wasn‘t terribly good. 7y
Cinfhen Thanks, Daniel...a whole of Shabbat plus an hour is a whole lot of reading time!!! Do you have a #JapaneseThriller you would recommend?!???! 7y
emilyhaldi Uh oh! @Cinfhen 😬 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Look at me, I'm just zipping through this tome. 🙂
I do like it. I think the last crime novel I read was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Also around the holiday season.(The story of this one is different but similar mood and expansive collection of characters.) Maybe a crime thriller is exactly what I need this time of year, to balance out all the Christmas music.
#29 #novemberbythenumbers @JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads

Cinfhen I plan on reading this one for #JapaneseThriller @emilyhaldi #Booked2018 (edited) 7y
emilyhaldi @Cinfhen well that was easy! I just bought this on a wild cyber Monday bookoutlet haul 😄 7y
Cinfhen Me too!!!!!!! @emilyhaldi but it's now at my brother's house!!!! He may need to ship me this sucker🙊 7y
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emilyhaldi Lol @Cinfhen your book buying habit is spreading to the outer reaches of your family now 😂 they must all be good people to enable you in such a worthy addiction!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
Cinfhen I may need to start using your address @emilyhaldi my family doesn't get me🤷‍♀️they think I'm nuts🙈 7y
Booksnchill I have this one - bought it after reading about 75 pages then having to return it to the library- haven‘t picked it back up yet... 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Next up...this behemoth. 25 hours on audio. 😨 We'll see. I don't often read crime fiction.
#ToB18 #ToBlonglist

Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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RohitSawant Great pick! Still TBR as well. *sigh* 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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I bailed on this one but some in my book club loved it. #novemberbythenumbers day 6

merelybookish I just started. Why did you bail? 7y
Abailliekaras @merelybookish from memory it was too slow and bogged down in process, and all the names starting with M drove me around the twist! I just had so many books waiting and couldn‘t persevere for the 600-odd pages. 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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It's very nice of Goodreads to cheer me on. Although I find the 'what are you reading next?' Question funny when I have about 15 books on my 'currently reading' shelf. 😂

Bookzombie You are having an awesome reading year! That's a lot of pages! 🙂 7y
Mommamanzi I'm floored! This is amazing!!! Great 'work'! 7y
Sue @Bookzombie @Mommamanzi Thank you! I've been lucky enough to read some pretty awesome books this year. 7y
Izai.Amorim You are the champion here! 7y
Suet624 Wow! That's impressive! 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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#RiotGrams, Day 5: Today's prompt is "big books." These were all in my office. ❤️???

riversong153 😂😂😂😂 7y
brilliantglow I'm currently reading the inheritance trilogy ❤❤ 7y
britt_brooke The Vonnegut is in my photo, too. 😍 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Hideo Yokoyama is a genius. Yes, this is a 600-page translation, yes it dwells on the inner workings of the Japanese police-press relationship as well as on the protagonist's inner thoughts, but IT'S ALL RELEVANT. This is one of the most clever, layered reveals I have ever read.

bookloo I‘ve been wanting to read this what feels like forever. Thanks for reminding me to pick it up soon! 😄 7y
batsy That's good to know! It's been sitting on my shelf 😆 7y
lalatiburona I've been wanting to read more Japanese crime fiction! Thanks got the rec! 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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"Mikami gave him a deep nod, maintaining eye contact. He'd meant it as a handshake. Akikawa didn't return the gesture, but a subtle motion of his eye told Mikami he hadn't brushed it off either."

I'm learning so much about the subtleties of non-verbal communication in Japanese culture. I thought, from what I'd heard about this book, that it would be a struggle to read, but I'm completely enthralled.

mjdowens I got about half way through this one. Was not so hard to read so much as I just really got bored. Just too much info about all of the departments and stuff. Will try again one day 7y
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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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Here are my #fivestarpredictions! Thank you @Sarahr875 for the tag! I'm gonna hit these people I randomly found! Any my wife because she always has a five star ready to go!Enjoy strangers!

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Six Four | Hideo Yokoyama
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This book isn't meant to be read by the mother of a busy toddler who can only read in sporadic short bursts. It's a very dense workplace drama more than a speedy crime thriller which is totally fine, I just couldn't make much headway and putting it down frequently meant I lost the "high tension" of Japanese office angst. I think my salaryman husband might like it. Lots of loose ends for those who crave tidy endings. #mommyreads #nihongo #crime

Abailliekaras Same! I couldn't finish this one. 7y
Smrloomis Hmm, I might have to take this off my TBR. None of that appeals to me! 7y
alanacristin @Abailliekaras fyi the similar sounding names kind of have a point eventually 😂😂😂 7y
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alanacristin @Smrloomis i can understand why it's so popular here in Japan since it really focuses on office politics and job is life. but if you're coming for crime set in another country, you'll likely be a bit disappointed I think. not horrible but i think marketed incorrectly for Western readers 😝 7y
Abailliekaras @alanacristin you're kidding! I'm kind of glad there was some reasoning behind it, but the word 'eventually' is the give-away isn't it ... 😬😂 7y
Smrloomis @alanacristin glad you read it first so now I don't have to 😂. 7y
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