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Out | Natsuo Kirino
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Well, what can I say. Every gory scene you can think of, so many twists and bad decisions and miserable lives.
I‘m not sure I enjoyed it, but couldn‘t stop reading.
#booked2021 #translatedintoyourfirstlanguage

TrishB Thanks @BarbaraBB for the chance to read 😘 4y
Cinfhen Well that sold this book for me 😂😂😂 4y
Cinfhen It‘s been on my TBR since the first year of #Booked18 #JapaneseThriller 4y
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BarbaraBB You finished it so fast! Now I do have high hopes for you and 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen there is rarely a slither of hope in this book! 4y
TrishB @BarbaraBB I took a Sunday off! Usually work either afternoon or evening but decided I didn‘t want to. Although I‘m in bed now to get up extra early! 4y
Reggie Sounds like a good book! Stacked. 4y
TrishB @Reggie I think you‘d like this one 👍🏻 4y
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Malice: A Mystery | Keigo Higashino
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Out | Natsuo Kirino
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Finally getting around to this one @batsy , I think it‘s 2 years now sinse I received this book from you ..... the time feels just right .. 👍🏻❤️ I‘m a little scared , but I like that too 😉I‘ll keep you posted

batsy I'm a little scared... In case you hate it 😆 I hope it's a good read for you! 5y
BarbaraBB Loved this one! Enjoy! 5y
Cathythoughts @batsy thanks! I think it‘s going to be a good one 👍🏻❤️ 5y
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Cathythoughts @BarbaraBB good to hear ... thanks! 5y
eshchory Brilliant if a little shocking. 5y
Cinfhen I‘ve been curious about this one since #Booked18 #JapaneseThriller / I‘ll be watching for your #BookReport 😁 5y
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Confessions | Kanae Minato
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#SoaringScores Too literal ?!??! I read this book last year as part of my #JapaneseThriller kick 🦵 Such good storytelling. A teacher gathers her students for one final lesson before she “retires” but this is a lesson like no other. It‘s #TheConfession of many misdeeds, involving many participants and her students are part of the story. Really good!!!!! Highly recommended

Cathythoughts Sounds good .... & scary 👍🏻😱 5y
Cinfhen Not scary but really a TRUE psychological thriller @Cathythoughts super insightful about human behavior 5y
Caroline2 Sounds awesome...stacked! 😉 5y
CrowCAH Perfect choice for today. Sounds like an eerie tale with a huge confession at the end. 5y
Cinfhen Yup @CrowCAH I think it might have been made into a Japanese film !?!!! Definitely read it @Caroline2 ❣️❣️❣️ 5y
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#WanderingJune Thank you Google... I typed in #BigInJapan and these titles appeared...and I‘m curious about all of them. I sense quirkiness in Japanese fiction.

erzascarletbookgasm Some great reads there, I‘ll like to explore more of these authors. 👍 5y
BarbaraBB Agreeing with @erzascarletbookgasm. I loooove Japanese fiction. 5y
LeeRHarry Same here, too many interesting Japanese authors too little time! 😏 5y
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Cinfhen Last year for #Booked2018 we read #JapaneseThriller(s) which were really atmospheric,dark and compelling. I‘d love to explore #Japanesefiction now @erzascarletbookgasm @BarbaraBB @LeeRHarry I recently read this book. It was strange and unsettling 5y
alanacristin Really loved Convenience Store Woman 😍 recently read and recommend 5y
LeeRHarry @Cinfhen ooh I have this on my TBR 😊 I can recommend the tagged book, great author name! 😆 5y
Reggie I loved Snakes and Earrings and this is weird to say but The Lonesome Bodybuilder was too out there for me. 5y
TrishB Too out there for @Reggie my mind boggles!! 5y
Reggie @TrishB lol, it happens. 5y
Cinfhen I had that same thought @TrishB #NotPossible @Reggie 😘 5y
Cinfhen I read your tagged book recently @alanacristin it was endearing in a strange way. I‘ll have to check out your suggestion @LeeRHarry 😊 5y
DebinHawaii A great looking stack. Kitchen is a favorite of mine and yes it is quirky. 😉I really liked Convenience Store Woman--unsettling & strange but good. 5y
Hooked_on_books Based on this picture, looks like a lot of women writing. That‘s awesome. 5y
Cinfhen I hadn‘t noticed, but you‘re right @Hooked_on_books that is awesome 💪🏼💄 (edited) 5y
Cinfhen Kitchen definitely caught my eye @DebinHawaii 5y
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Wow! Finally a thriller again that I really, really liked, from the first to the last page. It‘s Japanese, thus unusual. And it‘s not so much (we know who did it!) about the murder but about the investigation.

Last but not least it #RemindsMeOfMyHappyPlace, which is Japan, where I had the most wonderful time some years ago and where I really want to return to some day. #Booked2019

TrishB I‘d love to go to Japan! 6y
julesG It reminds her of her happy place, says the woman who's reading on a Caribbean island right now. 🙈🙈🙈😸😸 6y
BarbaraBB @julesG Ooooh, I sound horrible! You‘re absolutely right!! I am so very happy right now too. I just chose this book months ago as the one for this prompt, not knowing then where I would be reading it 😯🙈🙈🙈🙈😘 6y
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julesG 😁😁 6y
erzascarletbookgasm I liked this one too! I recommend you read more of Higashino. 🙂 And I love Japan too! 6y
BarbaraBB @erzascarletbookgasm I will 😁, I mmediately bought a used copy of (edited) 6y
arubabookwoman That was the 1st book I read by Higashino and I liked it a lot. I've read a couple of others by him that I liked too. I envy your time in Curacao-of course I would pop over to Aruba too. 6y
BarbaraBB @arubabookwoman I hope you‘ll get there one day again, when your husband feels better! 6y
Cinfhen Since #booked2018 and the #JapaneseThriller prompt I‘ve become a fan of this genre. Your review of this book sounds excellent ❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Ha, but after reading the publisher‘s blurb I realized I bailed on this book last year 😂😂😂 6y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Really? For me it was the thriller I had been waiting for for months: one that didn‘t disappoint! #booked2018 made me a real fan too, That‘s why I used one again for #Booked2019 😉😘 6y
cathysaid Love this author. Just discovered 2017-18. 6y
BarbaraBB @cathysaid thanks! The Nakano Thrift Shop is on my tbr. Have you read 6y
Cinfhen I haven‘t read either book @cathysaid but I‘ve seen good reviews for Traveling Cat. 6y
cathysaid @BarbaraBB No! But it is now stacked...thanks! 6y
cathysaid @Cinfhen I was concerned the book would be too “sweet” but it was actually quite clever and beautifully written! 6y
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Malice: A Mystery | Keigo Higashino

I really enjoyed this murder mystery. Seldom are they written with the plot being the thought process of the detective. As someone who likes puzzles and logic problems that appealed to me. I didn't expect the different style twist it had. I wish this author was easier to find. I'd read more. Read for #booked2018 #Japanesethriller Hope to finish one more before the year ends.
@4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen

Cinfhen I actually bailed on this one because I couldn‘t get into the detectives head. I did read two other #JapaneseThrillers that were really good Confessions & 6y
Cinfhen Yay on completing another prompt🎉🙌🏻 6y
DGRachel According to Goodreads, I apparently read this in November 2014. I have absolutely no recollection of it, but I did leave myself a review so at least I know why I only gave it 3 stars. 😂 6y
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Malice: A Mystery | Keigo Higashino
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So happy work has finally calmed down enough where I can take time to read on my lunch. It took so long to get to this point. Enjoying my tea at the same time. Beginning this for #japanesethriller for #booked2018

Penance | Kanae Minato
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Despite a head pounding, nausea inducing migraine I managed to read this twisted tale of innocence and guilt. Much like Confessions, another #JapaneseThriller this book is told in alternating voices as the story of a childhood murder and its after effects are slowly revealed layer by layer. Loved it!! Thanks to my awesome friend @TrishB for gifting this one to me❤️

Librarybelle Hope you feel better soon! 6y
Bklover No! Hope you feel better!🤕 6y
Bookmarkie I really liked Penance. 6y
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alisiakae I liked this one too! Hope you feel better soon. 🙁 6y
Dragon Hope your migraine has resolved @Cinfhen 💐 6y
AmyG I read this for #Booked2018 and enjoyed it, too. Feel better. How do you even read with a migrane??? I can barely breathe. (edited) 6y
Cinfhen It was through sheer determination @AmyG and I did start to feel better in the later afternoon when I did most of my reading. Thanks for the well wishes @Librarybelle @Bklover @4thhouseontheleft @Dragon 6y
Cinfhen Did you read this one @Bookmarkie 6y
KarenUK So glad you enjoyed it... it was my pick for #booked2018 .... and really hope you feel better soon... Migraines suck! 6y
Kaye Migraines are the worst. Glad it‘s letting up now. 6y
Cinfhen I‘m feeling better, thanks @KarenUK 😘 @Kaye 💕 (edited) 6y
Kalalalatja That sucks! Good to hear you feel better, though! 6y
Cinfhen Thanks @Kalalalatja 🙏🏻❤️ 6y
TrishB Glad you enjoyed it 😘 hope migraine is fast disappearing! I love the cover too - it‘s very eye catching! 6y
Cinfhen Yes!! The cover is definitely “eye catching” 😉🙃 @TrishB it was such a page turner. Thanks again for sharing 💕💕 6y
emilyhaldi Hope you feel better soon 🙏🏻 6y
BarbaraBB I loved this book too, just as her Confessions. I hope you‘ll feel better soon 💕🍀 6y
callielafleur Feel better! Btw that is a gorgeous bouquet! 6y
Pamwurtzler Feel better!! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you feel better soon ❤️ 6y
Reviewsbylola Hoping you‘re feeling better. It‘s so nice to have a book you‘re really into when you feel crappy. Otherwise it‘s impossible to focus. 6y
JennyM Feel well lovely lady 😘 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Good to know! I liked Confessions, have not read this. 6y
Cinfhen I‘m happy to report migraine has passed - thanks for the support @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Reviewsbylola @JennyM @erzascarletbookgasm ☕️ I think I need coffee today, I didn‘t have any yesterday or Friday and I‘m wondering if skipping coffee on Friday triggered something yesterday??!?! 6y
Bookmarkie That‘s on my TBR @Cinfhen 6y
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Under the Midnight Sun | Keigo Higashino
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Read for #JapaneseThriller #booked2018
I appreciate when challenges make me read out of my comfort zone. This is not a genre I pick up on my own too often but I got really sucked into this book. The writing/translation was good, though I did have a bit of trouble following the multiple characters/time jumps at first. Mostly, though, this book makes me sad. Esp once I realized the title's significance.
CW in spoiler tag comment.

llwheeler CW for child sexual abuse 6y
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