I feel like I have been reading this book forever. Only 620 pages to go 😓
I feel like I have been reading this book forever. Only 620 pages to go 😓
Isolation = when you're saving the wine for a special occasion and can't wait that long! Cheers to all of you who don't mind a glass of red with their evening reading.
#ATB @AnneFindsJoy @kindergartenkat @jb72
Another long awaited book. Really looking forward to what is in store with this. I'll be in my cabin till it's finished.
@Redheadrambles @redwritinghood @Marchpane @mklong @ClairesReads @ns510reads
Ok, I'm going in, come what may. You have to read it yourself if you want to formulate an opinion!
When you spend a week spreadsheeting for your 2020 reading plan, then go to the library and grab books that aren't on the plan. Also think I'm going to need more nougat than originally planned as well.
Ok, here is the list. Of the 7 I have read so far, I would LOVE for Ben Winters to win this tournament.
This might be just the book to take me out of my reading slump!
Was going to save it for #ReadHarder2020 but I think I need it more today.
I have waited so long to see what Elizabeth Gilbert would deliver after the amazing Alma Whittaker.
Fingers crossed for a five star read.
@wanderinglynn I have been hopeless at #bookfitnesschallenge but my goal for the rest of the 3 weeks will be one audio book per week (I have read 2 already but didn't post them).
I am in a wonderful place, anchored in Rangiroa Atoll in the Tuamotu Archipelago. Not walking as much as I would normally but its very very hot here. The wildlife is amazing, this shot I took through a marine viewer (bucket with perspex on the bottom).
Am really enjoying this one, nearly at the end, but it's very hard to concentrate in this environment. Jolly Harbour, Antigua 💜🌴⚓
@Simona this one is for you 💕💗💕