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Dort dort | Tommy Orange
Tommy Orange gibt mit seinem vielbesprochenen Bestseller "Dort, Dort" Native Americans eine Stimme. "Eine neue Art amerikanisches Epos." (New York Times) Jacquie ist endlich nchtern und will zu der Familie zurckkehren, die sie vor vielen Jahren verlassen hat. Dene sammelt mit einer alten Kamera Geschichten indianischen Lebens. Und Orvil will zum ersten Mal den Tanz der Vorfahren tanzen. Ihre Leben sind miteinander verwoben, und sie sind zum groen Powwow in Oakland gekommen, um ihre Traditionen zu feiern. Doch auch Tony ist dort, und Tony ist mit dunklen Absichten gekommen. "Dort dort" ist ein bahnbrechender Roman, der die Geschichte der Native Americans neu erzhlt und ein Netz aufwhlend realer Figuren aufspannt, die alle an einem schicksalhaften Tag aufeinandertreffen. Man liest ihn gebannt von seiner Wucht und seiner Schnheit, bis hin zum unerbittlichen Finale.
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Orange tells an important story about the diverse and fragmented identities of colonised peoples in the United States. It‘s a story that very much centres the harms caused by colonisation. At times I found it a little meandering, and uneven, but ultimately, it‘s a gritty, person-centred novel that builds to a devastating conclusion, and it had my attention.

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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A collection of indigenous stories about 12 people who are unknowingly connected and about to collide at powwow.Incredible and poignant,this was an amazing book that brings to light part of America‘s atrocious past and how it still impacts native Americans generations later.Full of historical details and personal traumas.This is not an uplifting story,but the best historical fiction works aren‘t cookie cutter happily ever afters. Book#68 in2024

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Grabbed this book with its VERY #Orange cover from a Little Free Library several months ago & it‘s in my TBR

Eggs I‘m curious about this one too 🍊🧡🍊 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf 🧡🧡 2mo
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This one definitely deserves a reread. I feel like you‘d get so much more out of it each new read through. I love the rotating characters, but would have loved a family tree to reference too.

BarbaraBB I am reading his new one and there is a family tree this time! 3mo
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Lovely article about kids reading There There in the classroom - and Tommy Orange visiting.

A Bronx Teacher Asked. Tommy Orange Answered. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/18/books/tommy-orange-there-there-wandering-star...

ncsufoxes My son read There, There his senior year of high school. After he graduated we moved cross country & we drove from CA to MA. When we were driving through AZ outside of the Grand Canyon he remarked how seeing what was described in the book in real life was sad & shocking. He said it really made him understand Orange more. 6mo
OhNoMersault This article was great. Amazing to see teens so immersed in the work. 6mo
Jas16 Thanks for sharing. 6mo
charl08 @ncsufoxes @OhNoMersault @Jas16 I loved how passionate the students were about this book. 😍 6mo
Leftcoastzen Fantastic! The power of literature & relatable experiences. 6mo
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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As his new book hits stores, I‘ve finally gotten around to reading There There. I enjoyed the book for its structure - first person multiple POV. Plus, it takes place in Oakland and so it‘s always interesting to read stories that take place in my own neck of the woods.

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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A 4 of 5 ⭐️ novel of intertwining lives, generations and personal stories as a group of seemingly disparate people make their way to the Oakland Powwow. Most are searching for self, family and tradition, but others are going with dark intentions. I listened to the audio. A large voice cast made each character distinct. Each character‘s story was powerful as the plot amped up the tension to the end. It‘s a pick. Looking forward to Orange‘s next.

LoverOfLearning Just finished this audiobook and discussed it in my book club! A get book to review I think! I really enjoyed it. Solid 4 stars for me. 7mo
Honeybeebooks @LoverOfLearning It was amazing in audio. I am looking forward to discussing it with my book club in a few weeks. 7mo
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This was a One Book One Philadelphia selection.

#debutbyindigenousauthor #bookbinge

Eggs Perfect 🤩 👍🏼 (edited) 14mo
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Eggs Perfect 🧡💛🧡 14mo
TheSpineView @Eggs It was the only book I could think of. 🤔 14mo
Singout I see you gave it a thumbs down…I didn‘t like it when I read it for the Booked2022 double title. 13mo
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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So good. Can‘t wait to discuss with mom and the rest of the library discussion group.

KathyWheeler The prologue was so painful to read that I wasn‘t positive I was going to get through it to the rest of the book, but I did. It is a good book. (edited) 1y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange


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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This novel is one of the great loves of my life. It reads straight through, with lots of characters, and my new favourite activity is to reread chapters at random. The chapters work as their own short stories and part of a whole all at once.

Plus, I MET THE AUTHOR THIS YEAR AND HE WAS SOOOOO COOOOOOOL 😍🥰🥰🥰 10/10 would hang out for a long chat, and he gave superb book and podcast recommendations ❤️
#tommyorange #fiction #urban #shortstories

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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange

This was a great book- the format was really interesting and allowed the readers to feel connected to the characters. He is such a poetic writer. Also the plot line was great- would absolutely recommend

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange

This was an incredible read about Native Americans living in Oakland. It was about belonging and identity centered around multiple characters who all attended a powwow at the end of the story where violence ensues. 5/5

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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I finally discovered (it‘s apparently been up for a year) 🤦🏻‍♀️ a little free library in my neighborhood & just about a mile away from my house. I left 2 books & a few book stickers & took the tagged book, which I have been wanting to read. 📚💚

marleed I love finding a new LFL on my walking path. I see the Colleen Hoover in there! I discovered CoHo by picking a book from a LFL and then as I continued my walk another CoHo in a second LFL. I decided the book gods were telling me to read that author! 1y
DebinHawaii @marleed There are not very many near me, so I am excited this one is so close! Maybe if the Colleen Hoover book is there next time, I‘ll view it as a sign too! 😂 (edited) 1y
5feet.of.fury 😍 there‘s 2 near me but they are usually more kids book oriented, I still check them every now and then tho 1y
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BarkingMadRead Ohhhhhh it‘s such a happy looking LFL and that was a really good book! 1y
BarkingMadRead Also…. Did you know there‘s an app for that? It has a map function with the addresses of the LFL in the area. Not all of them, because I guess not everyone registers them, but it‘s been so helpful to me! 1y
DebinHawaii @5feet.of.fury Yes, the other one close to me is at a grade school & it‘s pretty much all kids books! 😂 1y
DebinHawaii @BarkingMadRead I do have the app—that‘s actually how I found this one when I realized I hadn‘t checked in quite a while! 1y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This had a disorienting number of characters, but it was a good book with an intense ending. #indiegnousauthors

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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My friend‘s dog Mabel checking out my book! #pugsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy
A different friend‘s puggle, Niko, needs cancer treatment. I would much appreciate it if you could share this link so he can get it: https://gofund.me/782c67cb
Thank you!

Leftcoastzen Aww 🥰 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Read this 4 work as it‘s one of the One Maryland One Book Top 11 this year! A powerful read. It‘s a compilation of Native peoples‘ POV as they all converge at the Oakland Powwow. It was interesting to see how all the characters were connected & their histories. The Powwow scenes were gripping & short as POV kept switching. I was satisfied with the way the story ended.

Cortg This was a great book! I‘m looking forward to this year‘s #OneMarylandOneBook choice! I looked over the list and there are a lot of good ones! 2y
MyNamesParadise @Cortg Yes, it‘s a wonderful list this year! Thank you for following the program! The Top 3 will be announced in February and then the final selection will be in March! I hope you enjoy reading your way through the list 😉 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Great list to come back to. Suggestions invited!

RaeLovesToRead Ooh, good prompts. I won't be able to do all these in 2023, but will definitely have a go at these.. 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Great book that deals with a lot of tough topics. It is about 12 native Americans getting ready to go to a powwow in Oakland California. I think I would like this book better if the characters were narrowed down to 3 or 4 of them. It was too hard to keep track of all the characters with there being 12 of them.

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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#tbt Throwback Thursday - feature books I have read that I think are awesome, that need more discussion or push for others to read.
Play, tag, join in (I am terrible at tagging people!)

November in the States is Indigenous People's Month, and this book does an amazing job weaving modern Native history (if you do not know about Alcatraz Island and the Indigenous people it is worth a look into), many story lines, and a big climax.
Amazing book.

jlhammar So good! Loved this book. 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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I really enjoyed this, altho I thought the ending felt a little too chaotic to be left open ended.

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks On my shelf 🧡🧡 2y
ncsufoxes My son read it last year for his senior ethnic lit class & loved it. This summer we moved cross country & we drove through Arizona/Navajo reservations. He said the drive made the book come to life for him, he was seeing what the author described. 2y
peanutnine @ncsufoxes wow that sounds amazing 2y
Eggs 🧡🖤🧡 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazing. This was my second time reading this one and I loved it just as much. This is such an important book. Honest. The Interlude is one of the best pieces of writing I‘ve read. Very much recommend especially since Thanksgiving is around the corner.

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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This is a fast paced multigenerational story of twelve Native characters, on their way to the Big Oakland Powwow. The Powwow is a celebration of Native culture. There are substantial cash prizes for the winners of the traditional dance competition. Each of the characters has a reason to attend, and as the time grows closer, their stories intersect. A glimpse into the world of urban Natives. Heart wrenching. #booked2022 #titlerepeatsitself

DivineDiana Chosen for One Book One Philadelphia- 2019 2y
jlhammar Loved this book! 2y
DivineDiana @jlhammar I am still thinking about it! 2y
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Cinfhen This was a really impressive debut! I‘m excited to see what the author does next 🤓 2y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen Yes! When this was One Book Philadelphia, I attended a program at Museum of the Revolution that tied in with the book. It was great! Our group toured exhibits related to Natives and we would stop periodically and listen to readings from the book. It has been sitting on my shelf. If it wasn‘t for Booked2022, it would still be there! 2y
Librarybelle I have this on my to read list and hope to read it for the same #Booked2022 prompt! 2y
Cinfhen That‘s so cool, Diane!!! I don‘t think I‘ve ever been to that museum. 2y
DivineDiana @cinfhen It only opened in 2017. 🙂 2y
Cinfhen That explains it then 😉 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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New audiobook. Have had the actual book on my shelves for a few years, so doubling up with the audio. #mttbr

Graywacke Oh, I really enjoyed this on audio. 2y
glamhobbit I honestly think about this book like once a week, even years after I read it! 2y
DivineDiana @Graywacke Thank you for letting me know! Just started, but so far, I am as well. 🙂 2y
DivineDiana @glamhobbit Thank you for sharing your experience. Only just begun, but already, there are stories and images that I know will stay with me. 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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You get to know the histories of the characters and then... A horrific ending. Horrific. I thought it was brilliant how we see the violence that is still high in our indigenous communities.

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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Jack the Bear

EvieBee Oh wow! I haven‘t thought about this movie in so long! 2y
TheSpineView @EvieBee IK!💙🎬 2y
Klou Great choice!! 2y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange

This disappointed me, with interesting characters, an intriguing structure, and some important messages. However, it just didn‘t hang together: several characters and perspectives that I couldn‘t engage with, and an ending that made no sense to me at all.
#Booked2022 #TitleRepeatsItself

fredthemoose I felt the same way about this book! 3y
Cinfhen I remember thinking that the author showed real potential but this book was missing something. 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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“We‘ve known the shooter could show up anywhere…the bullets have been coming for miles, years. The tragedy of it all will be unspeakable, the fact that we‘ve been fighting for decades to be recognized as a present-tense people, modern and relevant, alive, only to die in the grass wearing feathers.”

This piece on constant vulnerability of Indigenous people spoke to me today, as a white person thinking about the recent murder of a white friend.

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange

“[Indigenous] kids are jumping out of burning buildings falling to their deaths, and we think the problem is that they‘re jumping. And this is what we‘ve done. We‘ve tried to find ways to get them to stop jumping, convince them that burning alive is better than leaving when the shit gets too hot for them to take. We‘ve boarded up windows and made better nets to catch them, found more convincing ways to persuade them not to jump.”

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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What an intriguing story, from 12 unique perspectives. History meets present as Tommy takes us through these characters‘ journey to make it to the Big Oakland Powwow. And we learn just how different and connected they all are. The irony is heart-breaking as we learn what it means to be a native in the city- an “urban Indian.” Violence, identity, dislocation, addiction, sacrifice, heroism, and despair rake through the pages, and leave an impact.

plemmdog I loved this. I can‘t wait to see what he does next 3y
Suet624 What a great review for a great book. 3y
BooksNBowls @plemmdog me too! He‘s a great storyteller! 3y
KellyK I loved this book! 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Library haul! Which ones should I dive into first?

AmyG I loved The Nightengale. 3y
slategreyskies So many good choices! :) 3y
BooksNBowls @AmyG yes! Everything Hannah writes is gold!! 3y
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Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I enjoyed The Nightingale. 3y
Desha American Dirt was soooo good! Hard to read in places, but good. 👍🏻📚 3y
KellyK There are two in your stack I haven‘t read but of all the rest my favorite is Ask Again, Yes. 3y
TEArificbooks The nightingale 3y
Amoon I loved Ask Again Yes. Heard about it in a YouTube show called “Books on Toast” 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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I loved the book, writing, and the stories. My problem only lies with how many characters there are and keeping their stories straight. I was warned about this and still had problems. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

RebL I also recommend this book. The ending was a little, “huh,“ but didn't take away from my enjoyment. 3y
TamTracy @RebL very good way to describe it lol. So much happened so quickly that I had to slow down and go back to read it again. 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Beautifully written, heart-wrenching and yet somehow still…hopeful? There are a lot of characters, some you get to know very well and others you only meet briefly. Their stories are masterfully woven together, and even though the ending felt like a freight train bearing down on me, it still wasn‘t exactly what I expected!

Reggie I know you come and go whenever but it‘s always nice to see you when you pop up! 👋🏼 3y
bookwrm526 @Reggie Thank you :) I am trying to be more present here for a bit, since it IS my favorite social media platform 3y
ImperfectCJ A freight train bearing down on the reader is an excellent way to describe the ending of this novel! You see it coming but can't get out of the way. 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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1. Lightning Strike
2. Jonny Appleseed
3. There There by Tommy Orange

#WeekendReads. @rachelsbrittain

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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This month‘s book club pick for Native American Heritage Month. I‘ve wanted to read this book for years, so I‘m glad we finally did. The multiple perspectives were very interesting and less confusing than I thought they‘d be. It was a sad book in many ways, and the end brought me to tears, but I can also see some good elements of characters being reunited and stepping more fully into their identity. I‘m looking forward to our book club discussion.

Suet624 I‘m so glad he wrote this book. 3y
Erin.Elizabeth10 @Suet624 Yes, definitely a gift! 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🧡📚🙌🏻 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Somehow this book manages to be both heartbreaking and confusing AF. Maybe it's just the #audiobook but every time the narrator changes it's hard to get your mind wrapped back up into the story. But overall it is very good and the story is important.

My IRL book club picked this as their second November pick (it's possible I picked this and no one protested).

#BookSpinBingo square 2

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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This novel surprised me. For most of it, I wasn't sure if I liked it. I started wishing I'd read the paper version instead of audio because I had trouble keeping the characters and relationships straight, but the last 1/4 or so, it all comes together into something that feels horribly inevitable (in part because Orange has been prepping us for it the entire time). This is another piece of California I hadn't really looked at before.

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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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I was super bummed that I didn‘t read more in 2019 (life ramped up and left me with little downtime). There, There was a top read- I was living in Oakland, CA at the time and it felt very real and grounded to me. I also finally got around to reading the Hunger Games trilogy (I know, I know, I‘m typically behind the times with these kinds of things) and was definitely entertained by the storyline.

Curiouser_and_curiouser I've just finished The Hunger Games for the first time only a month or so ago. I still have the next 2 to catch up on. You're not behind at all. Cool read huh?! At least you can cross them off your TBR list now! 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Why? Why?
I don't understand this book! It's a big confusion about indian people.
#book #bookly #readingchallenge2021 #libro #litsy #litsybook #goodreads #toread #leggere #bookworm #therethere #tommyorange

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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I really expected to love this book but I just didn‘t. It was certainly gripping and gritty in places, but much of it felt overworked to me and it just fell flat. It was a bit of a slog for me to get through it, unfortunately. #unpopularopinion

BkClubCare Me, too 3y
LeafingThroughLife Same here. Actually, it was such a slog the I eventually just bailed. 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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I really enjoyed this one. A multi POV story where the cast all have some kind of connection.
There is something to be said about Orange's writing when he can make me empathize and can almost fully redeem some of the characters who typically I would never think redeemable.
I like when everyone has a story and also gets to tell it.
We need to hear more voices.

There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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#MoviesInMay @Klou
Prompt: Daniel Day-Lewis

Klou He looks a bit like Arnold Schwarzenegger on the cover 😂 3y
TheSpineView @Klou A bit.. if you can't see bulging muscles 3y
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There There: A novel | Tommy Orange
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Twelve American Indians tell their interconnected stories of life in Oakland, which culminates in tragedy at the Big Oakland Powwow.

Read April 9-15
Rated 4.5/5 ⭐️
Book 22/60