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Joined July 2018

Every Last One: A Novel | Anna Quindlen
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This book was highly recommended and it‘s one of those books that you don‘t want to know anything about it before reading. Following the lives of the Lathams-I found myself related strongly with the main character who is the mother of teenage children. We hear her thoughts that no one else knows. I‘m considering re-reading it to see how events were foreshadowed.

The Secret Place | Tana French
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I‘ve been hearing about Tana French for a long time. Reading on a tablet, didn‘t realize it was over 900 pages. Kept waiting for it to get better, Never did even after the murder was solved. Set at an exclusive boarding school where (of course) all any of them want to do is break the rules and maybe have sex. I didn‘t find any of the characters interesting. Wish I had bailed sooner.

Mrs. Fletcher: A Novel | Tom Perrotta
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I randomly found the mini series based on this book. I knew the author Tom Perrota from one of my favorite show The Leftovers. Basically the story of single mother Eve and her son Brendan‘s first year of college. The book gives us Brendan‘s POV. The TV show is much more sexually explicit. I liked both versions.

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I think I‘d have to say I just didn‘t “get” this book. It‘s definitely magical realism which just didn‘t make sense to me. Ava Lavender is born with wings. We don‘t know why. Many strange characters come and go ( by the time some return I couldn‘t remember them). Interesting characters,

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We‘ve seen him in many movies, TV shows and commercials but never knew the backstory of this amazing actor. Born into a family of criminals and drug addicts, it was only a matter of time before he became an addict, criminal and prisoner. Danny‘s faith in God was the turning point that gave him the strength and determination to go clean. I don‘t think he had formal training to be an actor but it didn‘t matter.

Wish You Were Here | Jodi Picoult
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My first Jodi Picoult book and I totally loved it. Set during the beginning nightmare of Covid. Diana has a high stakes job at Sotheby‘s and her boyfriend Finn is a resident working in NYC doing everything possible to keep people alive and not get Covid himself. Diana and Finn plan to travel to exotic islands, get married, have kids. They love looking at “house porn” on Zillow. Nothing they expect is how things play out.
Riveting, deep book!

Amoon Non-spoiler quote I loved “Well, I know why you love art even if you don‘t…Because art is absolute. A photograph, that‘s different. You‘re seeing exactly what the photographer wanted you to see. A painting, though, is a partnership. The artist begins a dialog, and you finish it…And here‘s the incredible part- that dialogue is different every time you view the art. Not because anything changes in the canvas- but because of what changes you” 2y
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Born a Crime | Trevor Noah
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Even better than I expected! Trevor was born during apartheid and was around 5 yrs old when it ended. His birth literally was a crime because his mother is Black from S. Africa and his father is Swiss. His adventures growing up scheming to make money on the black market, DJ ing, going to church ALL day every Sunday. Noah‘s narration is amazing, he does every accent brilliantly. Funny at times, heartbreaking too.

Sea Wife: A novel | Amity Gaige
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Throughout the whole book I vacillated between being terrified and wishing I could sail around the world. Michael convinces his wife Juliet to sail with their 2 children as far as they can go in a year. The descriptions of life on the open sea are amazing. Told through different timelines and the POV of Juliet and Michael. Riveting

Amoon One of my favorite parts was when Juliet realizes they can no longer see land. 2y
BarbaraBB I loved this one too! 2y
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Purple Hibiscus: A Novel | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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Another book that he been on my radar for awhile. Set in Nigeria during a time of unpredictable political turmoil. Kambali is the younger daughter with an older brother Jaka. Written in beautiful prose we red the heart wrenching story of physical and mental abuse perpetrated by the father Eugene. Eugene is a pillar of the community and Catholic church. Great descriptions of the setting and plot is surprising

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So after all the buzz and controversy I finally got this book on my tablet. I read it in 2 days and thought it was riveting and shocking from the first till the last page. I admit I was confused in the beginning and had to reread the opening section. Told in 3 timelines of three generations of mothers. Dysfunction would be putting it lightly!! Great title too. I heard it will be a film

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So, you have a woman who never sleeps, a woman dealing with infertility, some very unreliable narrators and a secluded carriage house on the property of a large house that has a third floor overrun with squirrels. Written in 2 time periods, I was intrigued but ultimately let down by the ending .

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Into Thin Air | Stan Washburn
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I‘ve heard of this book for a long time and finally read it. The tragic story of a trek to the summit of Mt Everest is exciting and very scary. I never thought about how long it takes, how weather conditions are totally unpredictable or how bright the sun can be at such a high altitude. The effect of thin air has on the brain is also unpredictable. To the day people continue to pay large sums of $ to put themselves in danger… I don‘t know why.

Verity | Colleen Hoover
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After hearing so many pros and cons about this book, I finally read it. Truth is I couldn‘t put it down but when I finished it, I was like “that‘s it?” Guess it was a creative approach to the psychological genre. Haven‘t read one in awhile and once again the main character is kind of lame. I didn‘t love or hate it.

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I didn‘t hate the book, but when it ended I felt like I could have lived without it. In her thirties with two adorable daughters, Lilian suddenly becomes a widow. I think the author does a good job describing Lilian‘s grief. For her work as an illustrator, Lilian has to take a group gardening class. Every chapter begins with a rather snarky explanation about how to plant certain vegetables. Sometimes funny, Lilian prevails

The Bromance Book Club | Lyssa Kay Adams
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I think this might be my first romance novel! Gavin‘s marriage is in the rocks and his buddies decide to invite him to their secret book club. These macho guys read romance novels as the instruction manual to save their marriages. So, there‘s a book within a book and as Gavin reads more and more, he definitely learns how to connect with Thea. Not all smooth sailing and there are some very graphic sex scenes.
Funny, good book.

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Giving the book the “pick” rating even though I had a love/hate relationship with the main character and certain aspects of the book. I read the book in 2 days, so it held my interest. The story of a famous beautiful movie star who wants to have her true memoir written. The book really doesn‘t give any descriptions of the work involved in acting. At one point, Evelyn is called a whore, what price is fame?

The Toll | Neal Shusterman
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The third in the Scythe trilogy. Reading it on a tablet - had the strangest experience. I had about 100 pages to go and suddenly…it was over! I was so entranced that I didn‘t realize how much I had read. The world building and plot twists were incredibly creative. Reminded me of how films like Mad Max and the show The Leftovers totally expanded the scope of the story and new characters. Great series!

DogMomIrene 💜💜💜 Shusterman‘s world building and characters keep my head swirling as I read, which I love. 2y
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The Dry | Jane Harper
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Set in a small Australian town during an epic drought (the dry), multiple murders cause total mistrust of pretty much everyone. Aaron Falk, a federal investigator living in Melbourne, returns to this hometown that he and his father left years ago. Told in two timelines, we learn that so many people have secrets that see the light of day (or not) during the investigation. I heard that you could feel the heat…you do.

We Were the Lucky Ones | Georgia Hunter
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I feel like my life was so enriched by reading this epic book. It is the story of he author‘s family in Poland from 1949-1946. Life for this Jewish family becomes worse and worse as the Nazis overtake Europe. The author does a great job in following all of the life threatening experiences each Harare endures.Their love for each other. A real page turner and inspirational.

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Thunderhead (Reprint) | Neal Shusterman
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Book 2 in the Arc of the Scythe series. In the future people an live forever and Scythes are ordained people who glean (murder) selected people to keep the population balanced. The Thunderhead is a super almost omniscient computer that keeps earth running smoothly. In this book, things are starting to breakdown and evil is unleashed by a powerful person. Action ramps up more and more until the very curious inclusion. Can‘t wait to start book 3.

Billy Summers | Steven King
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What a great story! Second Steven King book I‘ve read and now I‘m a total fan. Billy is a paid for hire, excellent bit man who learned his skills while serving in Iraq. I was fascinated by his step by step details about planning and executing the attack. Billy‘s secret is that he plays “dumber” than he is and he‘s secretly writing a book about his life. Great characters and plot twists

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This book was a true delight! My favorite film is Local Hero (set in Scotland) and this book brings me back there. Nina, total book lover and librarian loses her job at a library in the city and is totally destroyed. She has a fantasy dream of opening a movable bookshop in a van. The van is in Scotland and she ends up moving there because regulations in England won‘t allow her to park the van anywhere. There‘s the magic of books and later romance

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When Dani Shapiro was 54, she discovered on ancestry.com that the man she thought was her father was not. Through research she finds out who her true biological father is and contacts him. The events that follow are truly heart wrenching and complex. It causes readers to wonder what they would do in similar situation. It also induces us to think about truth and the ethics involved in dealing with infertility. Very well written and honest.

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The Shadow of the Wind | Carlos Ruiz Zafón
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The epic story begins with young Daniel (son of a bookstore owner) visiting the secret Cemetery of Forgotten Books. He is instructed to choose a book to own and cherish. He chooses The Shadow of the Wind by Julian Carax. A strange, disguised man has been stealing all of Carax‘s books and burning them. Am so the mystery of Julian Carax begins.

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Funny book about a woman whose family moved to California from Iran. It‘s obvious that Firoozah loves her parents even if they sometimes drive her nuts. One of my favorite parts was when her father said he was going with a friend or relative for dinner. Firoozah didn‘t think there was a restaurant there. She found out their “dinner” was free samples. Her stories about being an immigrant in school were pretty funny too.

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Scythe | Neal Shusterman
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Heard that middle school boys were crazy about this book on the podcast “What Should I Read Next?”
In this world all sickness and death has been eliminated. Scythes are trained and ordained to “glean” (kill) people to keep the population under control. As in all dystopian books, something must change. Good characters and plot twists. 1st in a series of 3 books.

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A Place for Us | Fatima Farheen Mirza
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An amazing book about a family who all love each other deeply. Due to the rules of their religion and society, children and parents clash dramatically. By giving us different POV‘s we gain a real understanding of the characters‘ motivations. Was sad to see the book end.

Vox | Nicholson Baker
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Totally compelling book about a future dystopian world. Women wear wrist bands issued by the govt. they are only allowed to speak 100 words a day. If they go over, they get a strong electric shock. Jean is a neuroscientist hired by the govt for an important task. The author just keeps tightening the screws and causing more and more obstacles .

Beartown: A Novel | Fredrik Backman
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Never thought I‘d read a book about ice hockey but heard this was great so I read it. The story of the players, parents, coaches, politicians in a small town that lived for high school hockey. Questions or morality, love, friendship, loyalty and justice are explored in this novel. Great characters that I can picture in my mind. Will start watching the mini series on HBO tonight.

CarolynM Such a good book! 3y
Amoon I started the mini series, didn‘t even finish the first episode. Already too many departures from the book. 3y
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I Let You Go | Clare Mackintosh
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Started off slow to medium pacer and then the plot twists and turns so I couldn‘t put it down. Told in different POV‘s in such a way that we don‘t always know who is talking. A boy has been killed in a hit and run accident. The police have no clues for a long time and then the “truths” come out layer by layer. Great character development, vivid imagery, not for the faint of heart.

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Julia is in high school when her older sister Olga gets accidentally killed by a semi truck. Her parents (illegals from Mexico NOTE: Julia prefers that title). The family lives in a cramped, cockroach infested apartment in Chicago. Her mother is incredibly protective and the whole family is mourning Olga‘s death. By snooping in her sister‘s room, Julia discovers she was not the perfect daughter they imagined.

Amoon I need to add that Julia is totally miserable and her parents don‘t know her at all ( same way I felt growing up). 3y
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A twisty plot that goes back and forth between two timeline. One is in the present when baby Noah‘s parents have disappeared and the past which explains what really happened. Tallula is a very passive, insecure woman who became pregnant in high school. She doesn‘t love the father, Zach. Her life changes when she meets the charming, enigmatic, exciting Scarlett. I honestly was confused by the last page though.

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Told in alternating narratives of the girl before (Emma) and the girl now (Jane). Both go through an intense vetting process to be considered as occupants of an austere, high tech home designed by Edward. The questionnaire is long and extremely intrusive, causing the women and readers to wonder why. Many plot twists and turns. I was completely fooled! Heard there is a mini series based on the book-

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Trying to be more literary, I listened to this book on a solo car trip. In the beginning I wondered when something would happen, but it just got better and better. Pretty much crazy Mrs.Bennett connives in any way she can to marry off her daughters. Incredible character descriptions, we know them all and their behaviors are not always “suitable”. Found myself laughing out loud several times at Austin‘s sharp sarcasm.

When Dimple Met Rishi | Sandhya Menon
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Best word to describe this book is “charming”. Dimple is a brainy girl who dreams of a high tech position and is getting ready to study at Stanford. Rishon is set to be in the engineering program at MIT. Dimple is surprised that her parents agree to let her go to a summer program in San Francisco. What she doesn‘t know is that Rishi and Dimple‘s parents have made an agreement to match those two. Funny and touching

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The book begins when Nora is 9 hours from attempting suicide. She eventually finds herself in a library that includes books that represent multitude lives that she could have lived based on choices she made. Fame, wealth, success, wild adventures ensue.
Nora learns “ It‘s not what you look at, it‘s what you see‘. Thoreau A masterpiece- moved me to tears

The Mothers: A Novel | Brit Bennett
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Interesting style of writing. We meet Nadia, Luke and Aubrey whose lives are connected dramatically. In addition to hearing the story through these characters, we also hear the Greek chorus of the mothers, who are the elderly members of the Upper Room church. IMO the mothers and the pastor‘s wife are extremely judgmental and legalistic rather than being Christlike (living unconditionally, supportive, accepting). Great book.

The Good Thief | Hannah Tinti
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After reading The 12 Lives of Samuel Hawley, I wanted to read Tinti‘s debut novel (I think). This is the story of Ren, a one handed orphan raised by the strict brothers. Benjamin claims to be Ren‘s long lost brother and rescues him from the orphanage but, what is the life he‘s involved in now? Benjamin and his friend Tom are not exactly upstanding citizens. Danger lurks everywhere, but so does love and kindness. Unpredictable!

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I kept hearing about Elizabeth Berg, so I thought I‘d try one of her books. Midway through ai thought “Do I really care about these characters?” I don‘t think I did. Takes place at a 40th high school reunion and we learn about the cliques and insecurities and phoniness that these people have outgrown since high school. After reading the 12 Lives of Samuel Hawley and The Boys in the Boat, this was a real snoozer. Too nice for my taste (this moment)

marleed I don‘t pan books often, I typically like Elizabeth Berg - but this book drove me crazy. Putting 16 yr old mindsets in the heads of 60+ yr old women was a complete miss for me. Nice cover though! 3y
Amoon I told my cousin that I thought it was like light chick lit with swear words. The part when they all opened up to each other sounded so phony to me,. I read a review that compared her to Ann Tyler, which I totally disagree with. They are not in the same league ( at least this book). 3y
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So sad to finish this book! I loved both main character - Samuel Hawley, an outlaw on the run with his daughter Loo. Their relationship is like no other, true complicated love. Loo‘s mother Lily is dead and in a nonlinear way, we learn about her parents‘ tumultuous marriage. It has other great characters and very intense scenes of danger and violence. Fabulous book!

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Never thought I‘d ever read about the Gold Medal winning rowing team in the 1936 Olympics. Heard about this on the FABULOUS podcast “What Should I Read Next?” The way the author describes the races makes you feel like you‘re witnessing the race. Well developed characters and excellent information about everything to do with rowing success- inspiring and exciting .

Amoon I read somewhere that there‘s a documentary on PBS about the Olympic rowing team 3y
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Before the Fall | Noah Hawley
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Fabulous book from the first word till the last. A group of people fly in a private jet that crashes. Told in a nonlinear fashion about each person on the plane including passengers, pilot and crew. We follow the investigation and hear exactly what the investigator hears from the recovered black box.

The Therapist | B A Paris
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Not exactly sure why I didn‘t love this book. I think I really didn‘t like any of the characters. Alice and Leo move to a cushy London neighborhood where they find out one of the woman was murdered. Alice suspects everyone and we find out the truth in the last 10 or so pages. Maybe I‘m burnt out on psychological thrillers. This just wasn‘t really fun to read. Taking a break from psychological thrillers…unless one of the ones I reserved pops up.

The Maidens: A Novel | Alex Michaelides
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I‘d like to give it a So- So plus” or “Pick Minus”.
I was intrigued to find out who the murdered was but felt like the author manipulated us with red herrings (multiple people with evil parents). Actually I‘m not even sure now who certain accounts were written by, so that‘s kind of unsatisfying. Curious was others think. Please comment. Basic story of women being murdered at an elite college. Main character is a therapist.

kplovesbooks So-so for me too. It felt all over the place...and then the ending when we find out who it really was: like WHAT?! Nah, not a fan. 3y
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So, I‘m totally hooked on this guy‘s books now. Charle is a college student who is so obsessed with film that she often confuses reality with her vivid imagination. I loved the film references. After her best friend is murdered, she‘s paranoid and just wants to get far away from the place of the murder. She accepts a ride from a stranger on the campus ride board and we witness each hour of her terrorizing night. Who can she trust ?

Cul-De-Sac | Joy Fielding
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Was eagerly waiting for this book by one of my fav authors and it didn‘t disappoint. I grew up on a cul- de- sac and remember how it‘s your own little enclave. Fielding takes her cast of characters ( they might all have guns) and winds the tension little by little until a gun has to be shot. Great characters, great story telling. Never lets up from the first word till it ends.

Good Girl | Mary Kubica
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Couldn‘t put it down (even when brushing my teeth and flat ironing my hair!) Told in 2 timelines: before, after the kidnapping. 4 POVs: Mia (kidnapped woman), Eve (her trophy wife mother), Colin ( the kidnapper) and Gabe, the police investigator. I enjoyed the non linear style and Mia‘s amnesia because we know she gets rescued, but we don‘t how . Moral - don‘t be a horrible, controlling father.

The Other Mrs. | Mary Kubica
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What a wild ride! Learning a lot about geography from books. Maine has over 2000 islands. Sadies, Will and their two sons move to one of the islands to live in a house previously owned by Will‘s deceased sister and their scary, goth daughter Imogene is now their responsibility. This book has unreliable narratives on steroids, nothing is what it seems. When the horrible truth is revealed I realize once again why I love psychological thrillers

Kitchen Confidential | Anthony Bourdain
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After seeing the film Roadrunner, after watching his shows on TV, I had to read this book! After learning that he was reading what he wrote when narrating his shows, it feels like he really is talking to you when you read his book. I now have incredible respect for the people who work at restaurants, just seems like such hard work. Bourdain‘s blunt style is riveting and often pretty funny. He made me feel guilty for lazily using jarred garlic

An Anonymous Girl | Sarah Pekkanen, Greer Hendricks
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Started off strong but kind of fizzled out to me. Jessica becomes a participant in a psychological study which promises a lot of money (red flag). The seemingly perfect (red flag) Dr. Shields in charge of the project seems to have a magnetic hold on Jessica. Jessica‘s family is in need if $ so even when the requests of the study become more and more bizarre, she agrees. Meh