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Waiting for Godot/En Attendant Godot
Waiting for Godot/En Attendant Godot | Samuel Beckett
From an inauspicious beginning at the tiny Left Bank Thtre de Babylone in 1953, followed by bewilderment among American and British audiences, Waiting for Godot has become one of the most important and enigmatic plays of the past fifty years and a cornerstone of twentieth-century drama. As Clive Barnes wrote, "Time catches up with genius. . . . Waiting for Godot is one of the masterpieces of the century." Beckett wrote the play in French and then translated it into English himself. In doing so he chose to revise and eliminate various passages. With side-by-side text, the reader can experience the mastery of Beckett's language and explore its nuances. Upon being asked who Godot is, Samuel Beckett told director Alan Schneider, "If I knew, I would have said so in the play." Although we may never know who we are waiting for, in this special edition we can rediscover one of the most poignant and humorous allegories of our time.
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This feels like the absurdist version of the Abbot and Costello “Who‘s on First” sketch. Can we leave? Not yet. We‘re waiting. For what? We‘re waiting for Godot.

Like somehow both really depressing and hilarious at the same time? 😆

Like most plays, it probably loses something on the page, so I would like to see a performance (live or recorded) at some point to really experience it.

TieDyeDude I had seen a version with Burgess Meredith and Zero Mostel, I think it was on Kanopy, but I don't see it there anymore 😕 https://letterboxd.com/film/waiting-for-godot-1961/ 2mo
shortsarahrose @TieDyeDude that version definitely sounds good (love Burgess Meredith!). Too bad it isn‘t on Kanopy anymore. 2mo
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Egg and cheese sandwich and iced berry hibiscus tea after the farmers‘ market while starting Waiting for Godot

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Written and performed originally in French in 1953, this play is interpreted as humans‘ inexhaustible search for meaning. Beckett‘s minimalistic language evoked an existential literary wave in post-World War II Europe. It‘s impossible to rate but seems to stand alone in its absurd nature, and produces subjective reactions from readers/watchers. What are we waiting (or striving) for, and what do we do while we wait? I‘m sure Dr. Viktor Frankl (of⬇️

Eggs Man‘s Search for Meaning fame) would take ‘Godot‘ to task…. #LitsyLove #ReadAway2024 #AwesomeApril Readathon 5mo
DieAReader 🥳Brilliant! 5mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🤗🥰 5mo
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First library #BookHaul for #AuldLangSpine
Loved the list from @Lin3han - the only one I had read before was Scythe, but I haven‘t read Thunderhead yet (still waiting for my hold on that one at the library). I will probably start with the tagged (physical book) and Fourth Wing (audiobook)

Thanks for your skilled matchmaking @monalyisha

monalyisha Love the atmospheric photo! 🖤 9mo
Lin3han I so hope you enjoy them!! I can‘t wait to go through some on your list!! 💜💜 9mo
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One of my favorite stage plays-it‘s open to creative interpretation 💚

#IrishAuthor ☘️



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1. I don‘t like waiting. Especially waiting for others to do things that only they can do, that will take them five minutes, and the absence of their task is preventing me from completing my task. I cope by venting and whining, and by finding other things to do.
2. Everyone should have the opportunity to visit a place that takes them out of their comfort zone.

Suet624 Yes to all of this!!! 2y
Eggs Oh # 1 !!! I totally agree 💯 2y
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Years ago, one of our teen pages read this and emphatically told me not to - it was boring and nothing happens. I thought, “oh no, this poor high school kid - he doesn‘t get it, it supposedly a VERY BIG DEAL as far as plays go”. Well, friends, I read it. It IS boring and NOTHING happens and I should‘ve just listened to that student long ago. Lesson learned.

mdemanatee We specifically only watched this versus reading this in modern theatre history. I have friends that adore it. I was once asked to play it for a class when my professor was snowed in and hated it even when I didn‘t have to pay attention 😂 I understand it. I know I‘m supposed to be uncomfortable. That the inaction is the point. And I‘m still like “ nope.” (edited) 2y
Sarahreadstoomuch @mdemanatee I‘d like to think that seeing the play would be a bit better somehow than reading it - given the stage direction and such, there could be some funny parts. Maybe? But I don‘t think I‘m going to test that theory. Like ever. 2y
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I don't know why I haven't properly dived into Beckett before. Oh well. I have the complete dramatic works now and I'm reading them. And I'm really enjoying it so far, after taking a moment to acclimate to theatre writing for the first time in I don't know how many years. Reminds me a lot of early 20th century French absurdism, which I suppose Beckett would have known well, wouldn't he?

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I don‘t read a lot of plays, so I‘m not sure if this is a universal feeling for the format or specific to Waiting For Godot, but I couldn‘t help feeling it would be better to see it played out on stage than to read it. Beckett writes in a lot of visual gags and slapstick humour as stage directions, and rhythmically it just seems like it would be better read aloud. Full review: https://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/waiting-for-godot-samuel-beckett/

TheLudicReader I think that's the problem with plays; they are really meant to be seen. 2y
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Tamra 🤣 3y
CarolynM 🤣 3y
LeahBergen Ha! 3y
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vivastory 😂 3y
AmyG Ha!!! 3y
Leftcoastzen 👏👏👏😂 3y
Reggie Lol 3y
Nute lol 3y
BiblioLitten 🤣🤣 3y
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"Nothing to be done." #OnThisDay in 1953 Paris' Théâtre de Babylon hosted the premiere of Samuel Beckett's En attendant Godot. The simple text has lent itself to countless political, sociological, and psychological interpretations, although Beckett once decried "Why people have to complicate a thing so simple I can't make out." What, exactly, was so simple he never explained, because "that's how it is on this bitch of an earth." #HistoryGetsLIT

Cathythoughts ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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I really enjoyed this play! I want to see it live now.

It made me think about how I can sometimes get so caught up in wishing for what's next that I often forget to enjoy the moment. Nothing is going to come and magically make life better...you have to be an active participant in your existence or else what's the point?

Itchyfeetreader This is what I do miss about live theatre . You said it so much better than I could 3y
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I know this is a dramatic classic, and there's some deep meaning, but I just didn't get it, and honestly, didn't care to get it. Maybe if I actually watched the play instead of reading it, I'd have a different opinion?

Another #Booked2021 prompt completed: #under150pages

@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen I love an honest review!!! 3y
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from The New Yorker

vivastory 😂 3y
Leftcoastzen 👍😁 3y
Lcsmcat 😂😂 3y
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I enjoyed reading this more than I expected. It was funny and the repetitious and tragic elements made it interesting. Playing Vladimir and (especially) Estragon would be challenging with all that short and repetitive dialogue, which can be very appealing to an actor 😉
I hope I can see it performed some day!


Liked it. Fun to read if you like absurd comedies.

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Didi and Gogo are in for a very #LongWait. #FebruaryFeels #seemoretheatre

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- bleak and claustrophobic
- moments of funny dialogue
- so many possible interpretations...is anything even real?
- I totally understand the acclaim but it left me in a funk. 😐

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After a whole month of #Scarathlon and two swaps I am glad to take November as a more casual reading month.

However I would be lying if I said I wasn‘t seriously stoked for all the different Holiday swaps (and challenges?) I am sure will be happening as we get closer to December.

I love being on Litsy guys! You make reading so much more fun (though obviously it is fun already)!

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego 🎅🏼💚🎁❤📚 5y
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En Attendant Godot | Samuel Beckett
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Every human on this planet has its worth of their existence . #Youarenotuseless #kickhopelessness #Embraceyourself.

wanderinglynn Welcome to Litsy! 👋🏻 5y
TheLit-ories @wanderinglynn Thank you so much dear. Happy to have you boy!! 😇✨ 5y
hannah-leeloo Welcome to litsy hun. Happy reading ❤️🙃📚 5y
TheLit-ories @hannah-leeloo Thank you so much hun. Happy Reading 🤩🤗🤗🤗 5y
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😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

Come-read-with-me @MrBook 🤣🤣🤣 5y
GingerPicks Well this gave me a chuckle 😄 #litnerds 5y
ju.ca.no Haha😂 5y
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Eggs 💗🤗👏🏻🎭💗 5y
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😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

Ruthiella Too funny!😝😝😝 5y
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#WanderingJune #RoadToNowhere Vladimir and Estragon are on a road to nowhere, because they won't go anywhere as they wait for Godot.
@Cinfhen @BarbaraBB

BarbaraBB A heavy one.. did you like it? I still haven‘t tried to read it! 5y
Theaelizabet Love (if that‘s even the right word) this play. There are so many interesting productions of it. 5y
gradcat Love this play, too...you‘ve seen it performed @Theaelizabet ? I‘ve seen the movie, but not a live performance. ♥️ 5y
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CoffeeNBooks @BarbaraBB I really like this play! I've read it several times, and we read this in my AP Literature class every year. 5y
Theaelizabet @gradcat I‘ve seen the film and a couple of decent college productions. The text is so rich; there is so much to explore. 5y
BarbaraBB Well maybe I should try then. I‘ve read some of his other books and they left me clueless ☺️ 5y
Cinfhen Sorry #HardPass just doesn‘t appeal to me 🙄😜 5y
gradcat @Theaelizabet I agree with you. I think this text is one of those that lends itself to interpretation...it‘s all in the eyes of the director, I think... 5y
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Male cub attends a chess tournament. We may not watch. 😔 But we may wait in a stuffy room with lots of chairs.

Just one more hour, or so. I'm ready while the female cub is playing outside.

GingerAntics Why can‘t you watch your kids play chess? That seems a bit much. 5y
julesG @GingerAntics It's 100 kids playing. If all the parents were in there, as well as accompanying younger siblings, it would just be too loud. So, I'm waiting and reading. 5y
GingerAntics Oh that makes sense. Yeah, that would be a lot of people. I could definitely see not wanting younger siblings in the room, too. They may not understand the need to be quiet. 5y
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LibrarianRyan Interesting. But I do love a good chess club even though I can‘t play. 5y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Ug. Been there! 5y
GingerAntics Still waiting? 5y
minkyb Always lots of waiting for the kiddos! 5y
julesG @GingerAntics Prizes were handed out at around 9pm. We were home by 9.30pm, then dinner. Prize ceremony was scheduled at 7.30pm. Unbelievable! There were kids under the age of 7, playing the tournament. They need to be better organised. 5y
GingerAntics Wow, that‘s really late for young kids. Sheesh. Something clearly went terribly wrong. 5y
julesG @GingerAntics They were expecting about 40 participants, not 100. So, more tables and chess sets needed to be set up. Calculating points and who's playing who took longer, as well as telling who's playing who. I'd organise it differently, but I'm a mother and have to be organised and efficient. 👿 5y
GingerAntics How did they anticipate so completely wrong? 5y
julesG @GingerAntics Some school teams brought more players than they originally pledged. Some school teams showed up unannounced, which they allow (face palm). Not sure where the two men who organised it went wrong. Let me just say one word that explains it all: Men! 5y
GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 yup, that explains it. That would never happen here. If you said you were bringing X number of players and you showed up with more, you‘d have to pick X number of the players you brought to compete. You can‘t just show up unannounced here, either. Hell, parents wouldn‘t let their kids go with a team that wasn‘t registered to go in the first place. That is crazy. 5y
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Somehow it always reminded me of an episode from friends where ross and chandler are waiting for their friend gandalf.

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I need to do a two-in-one for the #gryphon and the #mockturtle. I feel justified because they are pretty much a duo in the book. I also had to ask the Spouse for help, and he insists that they are just like Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting for Godot. (I have to take his word for it because I have, shamefully, neither read nor watched it!


LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓😁. We get by with a little help from our friends. 😁 6y
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If I remember correctly, the #whiterabbits opening lines are "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!", so have a notoriously late character for #CharacterslikeAlice @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan 😁👍🏻🤓🤣 6y
Leniverse 😂 6y
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#waiting #musicalnewyear @Cinfhen @vivastory This beautiful play, as I recall, had a memorable impact on me while learning to direct theatre 🎭, a lovely metaphorical experience.

vivastory One of the most influential, for sure 6y
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How this waiting room is making me feel right now.

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Vladimir and Estragon have been waiting for you, Godot, but you never turned up.
#ABBAInAugust #Ivebeenwaitingforyou

Reviewsbylola ❤️❤️ (edited) 6y
ephemeralwaltz Great pick! 6y
emilyhaldi Love the pic 🌙 6y
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Centique Perfect! 6y
Mdargusch Good choice! 6y
Cathythoughts Excellent choice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
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We are all born mad. Some remain so.

rather_be_reading nice quote! 6y
CoffeeNBooks I love this one, too! I teach it in my AP Literature class. 6y
deathmetalcardigan @CoffeeNBooks sounds like your students have a great teacher 6y
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When it was announced that Ireland‘s renowned Druid Theatre was bringing its production of ‘Waiting for Godot‘ to the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre, I overheard more than one person say they hate the play and wouldn‘t buy tickets to see it. Ha! Joke‘s on them. I have no idea how the play reads but tonight‘s performance was brilliant, must-see theatre. Everything—acting, staging, lighting...seriously, everything—was fantastic. A wonderful evening.

CoffeeNBooks Waiting for Godot is great! I teach it in my AP Literature class. 6y
Stephanie.Colson I was at Navy Pier earlier today :) beautiful day! Glad you enjoyed the show! 6y
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Anyone else remember these card decks circa early 2000s with "52 Great ... " picks? I'm sure they had more than just books, but my sister gifted this set to me. Recently came across them while "Kondo-ing" and was inspired to add a few titles, including these, to my Overdrive Holds. Yay for modern literature classics! ??????

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#Aprella #lasttoleave I‘m thinking out of the box for this one. This is the first thing that came to mind .. Waiting For Godot.. except theses 2 aren‘t going anywhere.. they are just waiting ....

batsy Good one! (I haven't read it 🤫) 6y
Cathythoughts @batsy oh stop! I havnt read it in so long, I can‘t even remember it 🤫. I hope no one is listening to our conversation 😬 6y
Cinfhen Hahaha!! I love an outside the box thinker 🙌🏻 6y
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Cinfhen And I‘m following the convo @batsy and Cathy 👂🏼 6y
Cathythoughts @batsy 😂😂😂 ( @cinfhen shhhhh 🤫 6y
RaimeyGallant I tried clicking the arrow lol. 6y
Cathythoughts @RaimeyGallant 😂 oh dear I‘m not that advanced in the technology world at all. It is on YouTube though 👍🏻❤️ 6y
emilyhaldi I'm not listening to a word you're saying @batsy @Cathythoughts 🤫 6y
Mdargusch Nice one! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola Great choice! 6y
youneverarrived Great choice! I would love to see this performed live one day 🤞 (edited) 6y
Cathythoughts @emilyhaldi we are watching you 😎👀🖤 6y
Cathythoughts @Mdargusch @Reviewsbylola @youneverarrived 🙏🏻Ladies ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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I am 5 books into my #FreakyFriday reading from @zeljka . Now that it's April I'll post reviews (I've loved them so far except this one).

I'm a former English major who has never read Beckett.😮 I knew about Godot but haven't seen it. I admired the linguistic complexity and vaudeville style but without seeing it on stage or studying it in-depth in class it was VERY hard for me to read. I'd give Beckett another go, though!

@monalyisha @Clwojick

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Kind of hard to make out in the picture, but seeing a copy of "Waiting for Godot" in the lost books bin of our campus library seems quite appropriate.

wanderinglynn I‘ve lost/misplaced a lot of things in my life, but I‘m proud to say, I‘ve never lost a book. To paraphrase HHGTTG, I always know where my book is. 😉 6y
Carissa-Green-Reads So true, Glynn. When I lose a book it's because I loan it, and the borrower makes the loan "permanent." Sigh 6y
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Slowly building my tbr pile of @zeljka 's recs for #FreakyFriday in April! These are just the books I haven't read before. Waiting on one more from the library and then will probably have to buy two others because they aren't in my library system.
I might get a head start because I'm interested in all of these books but want time to savor them and also need to finish them before they go back to the library!

Littens, where would you start??

TommieMarie74 Tell your library there are books you want to read that they don‘t have. Usually they will order them and give you the first hold/check out. 7y
Megabooks Henrietta Lacks is awesome! 7y
bookandcat @TommieMarie74 I've done that before, but the two books I want I think are out of print in the US or have only been published overseas. They have also been having huge issues with the ILL delivery system so until that is resolved it is challenging to get difficult to find books. I can buy the books used on Amazon though for a few bucks. 7y
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TommieMarie74 That‘s a bummer. At least there are used copies available and you won‘t have to spend a fortune. 7y
BarbaraBB Some great books among them. You‘re going to read them all in one month?! 7y
bookandcat @BarbaraBB gonna try! But also probably gonna start early or go longer if I need. 7y
monalyisha Hmm... I think I‘d start with “Oryx & Crake.” Tough choice! 7y
readinginthedark I really enjoyed The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks! 7y
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For your existential angst...

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I just learned that Andre the Giant and Samuel Beckett were neighbors when Andre was growing up in France. Apparently, he was too big to fit in the bus when he was 12 and Beckett used to drive him to school. I knew immediately that this important information needed to be shared on Litsy.

HardcoverHearts I saw that on Facebook and it made me laugh at how weird and wonderful the world can be! 😂 Thanks for sharing here! 7y
readordierachel 💙💙💙 7y
ninergrl6 Hey you guys!!! Goonies never say die ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen So cool! 7y
Suet624 Wow! Fascinating! 6y
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Hi, @Tanisha_A !! I‘m your #Cupidgoespostal person and I wanted to let you know that your package has been sitting in intl customs for 4 days now. I‘m a little worried that it won‘t get to you in time for Valentines Day!! I‘m trying to be patient, but it‘s sooooo hard. I can‘t wait for you to open it!!! I‘m sending the tracking # to the #cupidgoespostal hosts so that they can forward it to you. 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Meeko93 7y
Tanisha_A Hello hello! You are so kind. I understand, but please don't worry yourself! And thank you, super excited about it. 😀 7y
Readergrrl Hopefully it arrives in time. I think I like giving books even better than receiving them!! 7y
Readergrrl Update: package is through customs!!! Yay! 7y
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#NuYear #PlayLikeGod @Cinfhen @TrishB I‘m taking the easy way today ✨Waiting For Godot

TrishB Well played 👍🏻 7y
batsy 👍 (and someday I shall read this 😀) 7y
Cinfhen Clever !!! Not the easy way out at all!!! 7y
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GoneFishing @cathythoughts Feel like I‘m waiting for Godot on goodreads. Hope to hear from you soon. 7y
Cathythoughts @jdtchicago My apologies, I did see an invite to goodreads. I‘m afraid I‘m a bit of a dinosaur with all of this. I did try to join Litsy on goodreads but failed. I couldn‘t make head nor tail of goodreads. Do you find it good ? I never really got past step one. 😬 I think Litsy is plenty for me. (edited) 7y
Cathythoughts @jdtchicago I just saw your message from goodreads ! May I get your email address & I can reply to you that way ? (edited) 7y
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"Nothing happens. Nobody comes. Nobody goes. It's awful."

#waiting #QuotsyJan18 @TK-421

merelybookish 👍👍 7y
Dulcinella ❤️❤️ 7y
MrBook Hi, @TheKidUpstairs ! Can you email me at jasonvigorito at gmail when you get the chance? I tried emailing you, but the message was returned. Thanks! 😁 7y
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#QuotsyJan18 #waiting @TK-421 “SOMEDAY Someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you‘ve never seen, they‘ll look at you like you are everything they‘ve been looking for their entire lives. WAIT for it ..... “

Fernoppy I would so love to see this performed one day, I really enjoyed studying the play at uni. 7y
Cathythoughts @Fernoppy I have seen it, but so long ago now. I‘d love to see it again ❤️ 7y
tif I am lucky enough to have seen this performed by Sir Ian McKellan and Roger Rees. So. Good. 7y
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Cathythoughts @tif sounds really good, a memory to treasure ✨✨✨ 7y
Dulcinella @tif I‘m green with envy! 7y
youneverarrived I love this quote ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
tif @Dulcinella sometimes I feel like it can't have been real 7y
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#QuotsyNov17 #Absudity @TK-421 Existentialism & absurdity. Waiting for Godot. ❤️💫💫💫

TrishB Great pick 👍 7y
TK-421 I picked this up a few months ago, but haven't read it yet 7y
Cathythoughts @TK-421 Its very good & surreal. Enjoy 👍 7y
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I‘ve made a goal to read more plays this year, and this if my first. Waiting for Godot seems simple and silly while you‘re reading but turns out to be very deep and important if you dig and find out what Beckett is truly saying through the characters.

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My favourite play of all time (I don‘t know many plays to be fair though).

It‘s basically two men #waiting for someone that never shows up but it‘s philosophical, funny and really clever. There‘s not many plays that would be interesting and thought provoking in which not much happens except two guys talking and waiting so this is special #uncannyoctober

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Have you read/seen Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead? Also great - basically Hamlet from their point of view and also philosophical. 7y
youneverarrived @BookHoarder32 I hadn‘t heard of it no so thanks! I really want to read/see it now it sounds right up my street. (edited) 7y
MrsMalaprop @BookHoarder32 I second that nomination for R&G 👍😊. 7y
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Utopiyll I need to read this! Anything philosophical I practically absorb. 7y
Wbabdullah I love this play, too. Def made a lasting impression on me. 7y
squarepeginroundhole Maybe my all time fave too. I third R&G. Another two men on a bench I liked was Zoo Story. 7y
youneverarrived @squarepeginroundhole that looks really good!! Definitely something I would read/watch added to my tbr thanks! 7y
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#uncannyoctober day 6 - Waiting

And there‘s a good chance that Vladimir and Estragon are still there, waiting...

rabbitprincess Whoa, I have that same edition! Or rather I did...might have given it away. 7y
Laalaleighh They always find something to give them the impression they exist... 7y
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