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A Room Full of Bones (Ruth Galloway, #4)
A Room Full of Bones (Ruth Galloway, #4) | Elly Griffiths
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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This one was recommended by one of my reading friends as I've been looking for new to me suspense/mystery authors. This one totally grabbed me from the start. Love the authors writing style and how she kept my attention for the whole book! I will be looking for the backlist for this one for sure.

TheSpineView Loved this whole series. 1y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Horses, snakes, skulls, curses, Australia, repatriation, and, of course, murder, or is it? Ruth is called on to attend the opening of the coffin of an infamous bishop, only to discover the body of the museum curator, dead, beside the coffin. Natural causes is the verdict, but then there‘s another mysterious death, and then DCI Nelson falls ill and goes into a coma. Is it a curse or murder? Read it to find out. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

FlowerFairy Can‘t get enough of Ruth, Nelson, Cathbad and the entire group. 2y
Suelizbeth @FlowerFairy I know! Me, either! 📚❤️ 2y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I‘m cleaning up my reviews! Another fine installment in the Ruth Galloway series. This was a bit unique in that Harry & Ruth weren‘t actually the ones investigating the mystery, but rather Harry‘s team. I especially like Judy, and will be interested to see how she evolves. And of course Cathbad is a terrific character. The next installment is a summer read, but it‘s on my list!

Sunset the day after the Solstice . . .

TheSpineView Love the series! 3y
MittenGirlPeach @TheSpineView I‘m so glad I started reading it! I love the setting too. 3y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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This is book four in the Ruth Galloway series and my least favorite so far. I felt the plot was just not quite up to the previous books. However, I still enjoyed it and I plan to continue reading this series. 4⭐
#SeriesRead2021 #Scarathon2021 @Clwojick #TeamSlaughter #SpookOween #Necronomathon @Patchshank #Wickedathon @StayCurious #LittenListen @Linsy #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

Patchshank Hopefully the next one is better for you. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Also, this is a total side note, but I checked with @Clwojick and she said that your #SeriesRead2021 challenge counts for readathon time!!! 3y
TheSpineView @TheAromaofBooks Yeap! More points! I have already read 3 books this month. Love this challenge! 3y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Started book four in the Ruth Galloway series. I am addicted to this series. Maybe I will get them all read this month. #SeriesRead2021 🧡🎃🖤📖

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I finished the 4th in the Ruth Galloway series this week and it is such an enjoyable creation. In this book Ruth, forensic archaeologist attends the opening of the coffin of a 16th c Saint at her local museum. On finding a body it sets of a chain of mysteries incl drugs, a horse stable , repatriating indigenous bones, and of course Ruth's personal life including Harry Nelson the grumpy police officer. On to bk 5 soon.Happy Friday reading everyone

TrishB I definitely need to start this series! 4y
andrew61 @TrishB I think you would enjoy Trish. 4y
TrishB I‘ve started one of her other series and really like it. I‘ll get there 👍🏻 4y
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Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Elly Griffith‘s never disappoints!

Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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This was my least favourite Ruth Galloway novel so far. I felt like there were too many different things going on in this one. I also felt that even though I think she meant this one to be respectful toward Aboriginal Australians I still thought it came across as "othering" and exotifying. She also mixes gender and sexuality up repeatedly. I still care about these characters and want to read more but this one was not as strong as the others.

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Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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God bless Elly Griffiths 🙌🏻👏🏻🥰

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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Book 4 of the Ruth Galloway series. I read this in a day. This was a weird one, filled with aboriginal dreamtime, drug smuggling, and dead saints. Fascinating how the author puts this all together. 4⭐

LiteraryinPA I‘ve read the first 3 but haven‘t picked up the 4th yet. I‘m liking her series more than Louise Penny‘s Gamache books, I think. 5y
Crazeedi @LiteraryinLititz I have number 4 on a hold, waiting for it. Can't say i like it more than Gamache, it's different. But enjoying just as much 5y
Crazeedi @LiteraryinLititz oops book 5 on hold and it just came through!! Whoohoo!! 5y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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#BooksAndBooze with the best Old Fashioned I‘ve ever drank!

Aims42 Yummm! Love me a good old fashion 💗🥃 6y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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My goal is to finish these two library books today.

Bklover Ok. I‘ll get off of Litsy and read if you will. Ok I‘m going. Really. Right now. 😳 6y
dylanisreading I have the same socks! 6y
Tamra @Bklover truth! 6y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Look at the gorgeous ring @WanderingBookaneer gave me for Christmas! It‘s a sparkly Swarovski crystal owl ring! 💜💜💜

callielafleur 😍😍😍 6y
Tanisha_A Oooh 😍 6y
JanePratt Gorgeous 😍 6y
See All 25 Comments
serendiipitous It's beautiful! 6y
squirrelbrain Gorgeous! 🦉 ❤️ 6y
BookishTrish It is incredible 6y
daena Gorgeous ❤️ 6y
Suet624 Beautiful! 6y
Chrissyreadit So amazing! Love it! 6y
HardcoverHearts Lovely!! What a great gift. 6y
julesG 😍😍😍 6y
Trashcanman That's very pretty. 6y
JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 6y
LauraBeth Love this 😍 6y
aeeklund Gorgeous!! 😍😍 6y
LeahBergen So pretty!! 6y
VioletBramble Wow! 😍 6y
Craftylikefox 😍 Gorgeous! 6y
BookwormAHN Lovely 💙 6y
tdrosebud Gorgeous! 6y
Maria514626 Oh. My. Goodness! I‘d spend all day just looking at it! 6y
Redwritinghood Very pretty! 6y
batsy Oh, that is gorgeous 😍 6y
readordierachel How delightful! 6y
BookwormM OMG I love it she says sitting in the sofa with her owl slippers on 6y
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@BookishMarginalia prepares for her blurb.

CouronneDhiver Ha! Perfect 6y
jmofo 🖤 6y
LeahBergen 😆😆 6y
saresmoore 😂 Love the caption. 6y
scripturient Awesome hashtag! 6y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Early bird dinner. When in Florida... 🤷🏻‍♀️😜

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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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A stop for lunch at the Sonic drive-in, before heading to Target for cookie-baking stuff 🤓

MrBook Did you get some #TATERTOTS(!!!)? 😳 6y
BookishMarginalia @mrbook of course! Yum! 6y
Hornsby78 And now I want Sonic. 🤤🤤🤤 6y
MrBook Yaaay! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤗 6y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths

Unexpectedly different but Ruth doesn't seem to be aware of issues I would expect an archaeologist to know about. Hovering between pick and so-so

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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MrBook Love it! 6y
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Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Love mysteries with strong female protagonists 👍🏼

vivastory I really enjoyed it 6y
BookishMarginalia @vivastory Not yet, but I really want to 6y
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Johanna414 @vivastory My mom Just read that and highly recommended it to me - it‘s getting bumped up the list now that I see another recommendation! 6y
Marilyncjackson What is the Sherlock one called ? 6y
Andrew65 Love Ruth books! 6y
BookishMarginalia @Marilyncjackson it‘s the latest —the 3rd— in the Lady Sherlock series 6y
vivastory @Johanna414 I hope you enjoy it 👍 6y
MallenNC I love both of those series! 6y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Book 4 in the Ruth Galloway series is perhaps my favorite one yet. There is something very comforting about this series especially on a gray, rainy day. Elly Griffiths is really hitting her stride with the characters‘ progression. Looking forward to the next one. 4 ⭐️.

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Some “clean out the pantry/fridge” mac ‘n cheese and Ruth Galloway. #BookandLunch

AceOnRoam Spirals, my favourite 😍 7y
MicheleinPhilly @AceOnRoam And elbows. Too many open boxes only a quarter full. 7y
EvieBee Yes! Love this! I‘m doing the same. 🤗♥️ 7y
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AceOnRoam I love elbows too... 7y
AceOnRoam Actually, who am I kidding, I love all the shapes 🍝🍝🍝 7y
TrishB Another series I‘ve yet to get too! 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto Some of the best meals are made this way. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️😂🤷🏻‍♀️ 7y
eanderson I loved this one!!! Good book! 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I enjoy this series so much, and this fourth installment was no exception. There are several threads to this mystery, and it took me quite a while to see how they could possibly be all tied up. There is also some thought provoking discussion of aboriginal artifacts and respect for human remains. Definitely worthwhile. @ValerieAndBooks , I‘m ready to start our #buddyread if you are!

ValerieAndBooks Ok let‘s do it! I started a book last night but it‘s different enough (and should finish soon enough) that I can start The Essex Serpent now! 7y
Lynnsoprano @ValerieAndBooks And we‘re off😄 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Another great installment to this series! This is the 4th book in the Ruth Galloway series and it was just as great. A lot of magical/curse talk in this one though regarding ancient artifacts. 4🌟!

Andrew65 Love this series! 7y
kezzlou85 Loving this series too. I'm about to start book 8. 💛 7y
Lynnsoprano Reading this now and loving it 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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It‘s going to be a crazy busy weekend, so it calls for some comfort food-grilled ham and cheese-and the next book in one of my favorite series. @ValerieAndBooks once I finish this, shall we do our buddy read?

ValerieAndBooks I‘m up to it whenever you are! Now (or soon) is a good time; I‘ll be traveling Feb 14-20. 7y
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Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Good series!

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Excited about this one...Christmas vacay reading list!

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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The cutest little baby bum, chocolate and a good book, makes for a great weekend in Cape Breton. Miss Harper had to come visit her Poppa

TheWordJar Awww! Adorable! 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Another good read by Elly Griffiths. I am still enjoying this series. Some added drama in this one too.

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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Ooh this looks like fun. Didn't manage a lot of the autumn ones so hoping for better luck with this one.

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I'm still quite new to this so not sure what tips I can off but from what I've seen so far I would suggest

💫 Take part in the challenges being posted. You don't have to do all of them but it does help more people see you plus it's lots of fun

💫 Try and make your pictures interesting and different. I'm still working on this.

Hope this may help someone.

#LitsyTips #SmittenByLittens

Ms_T 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
kezzlou85 Thank you 😁 7y
RaimeyGallant Fantastic tips! 7y
kezzlou85 Aww thank you 😊 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I am loving this fun series! Ruth Galloway has to be one of my favorite lead characters in a book. 🌟🌟🌟🌟4/5🌟 #litsypartyofone

MicheleinPhilly I've been meaning to start this series. 7y
kezzlou85 I'm halfway through this book and loving the series. Plus I live in Norfolk so recognise the place names. 7y
eanderson @MicheleinPhilly It's good! You should! 😀 @kezzlou85 yayy! That is super cool!!! That has to make the series a lot of fun for you. I'm jealous! 🤗 7y
kezzlou85 It really does @eanderson love seeing local places. 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Finally getting around to reading today! #litsypartyofone

TheBookDream I see a doggy! 😍 7y
eanderson Yep!!! 🐶 Baby Theo was napping! 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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In the mood for Ruth Galloway! #STACKEDUP

kezzlou85 I've just started this one . 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Ooh a Halloween murder. I'm really enjoying this series. Loving the fact that they're set where I live. Always get a little excited when a place I know comes up.

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Accidentally found the perfect accompaniment to my afternoon reading 😜.

CindyMyLifeIsLit 😂😂 7y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I always want a spot of tea when I'm reading a good British mystery! A bit of cranberry orange muffin from the Fresh Market bakery never hurts either🤓

Donna_sBookMinute I miss The Fresh Market. Ours closed. 8y
My_novel_obsession Love this series! (edited) 8y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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First book done! This is the fourth in Elly Griffiths Ruth Galloway series and although this one had a lot going on and a couple of times I wanted to shake the main character and tell her to grow up, I'm giving it a pick because I definitely want to read the next in the series.

#24in48 #readathon

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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Well I wasn't going to start until I got a good night sleep but thunder and lightning woke me up so I guess I will get some reading time in before I fall back asleep! Starting with comfort reading for the #readathon #24in48.

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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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This is my first book finished in 2017, though I started it in December. I love this series and am really having to make myself not jump straight into the next one. I've read the first four in pretty quick succession! The mysteries are always a little different from a typical story, and there's a historical angle because Ruth is a forensic archeologist. I'm also kept interested by the ongoing personal storyline that threads through the series.

A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths
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I so enjoy this series. ❤📚☠

B.Reader I've only read the first...good to hear the others are worthwhile too! 8y
ReadingOver50 Sounds like a good one 8y
Suzze I'm so far behind in this one! 8y
Tracydi I love this series too! 8y
MallenNC Me too! I am starting this one soon. 8y
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A Room Full of Bones | Elly Griffiths

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️This series just keeps getting better 👍🏻👏🏻📚😁

Shemac77 I enjoy this series too! 8y
JulieAnn 💙these books! 8y
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