So disappointed :(
So disappointed :(
I consumed it. I checked it out yesterday and finished it today. I identified with every character. It had me drawn the entire time. I loved it so much.
Will be thinking about it forever!
"But while you were looking out the window, you missed a chance to explore the equally interesting Buddhist belief and being present for every facet of your daily life, of being truly present. Be present in this class. And then, when it's over, be present out there."
#bepresent #lookingforAlaska
This has been on my "to read" list for YEARS. SO EXCITED!
It's disgusting outside my house. 30s, mist, high wind speeds. Definitely went out in it to the library. I've always wanted to finish this series. I LOVED Divergent so much. Time for the second :)
I finally did it. Forced myself to read it. At least I can say I did it.
If you want a story about a girl who goes through hell and then leaves you feeling empty at then end... This is your book 😂😂😂😂
I feel weird or incomplete when I don't finish a book. So I have been pushing through with this one!
Definitely not my favorite;however, I do see why people love it!
I need motivation. I'm so ready to bail on this book 😭
I thought I would love it. But I just don't! Motivate me!
#helpme #dislikethisbook
Making reading a priority this year. Time to crack open an epic saga of love and war. How haven't I read it yet?
A lot of this was over my head. I found myself back tracking a lot. Very informative though! I know know that I knew absolutely nothing about the universe and barely know anything now 😂
There is something about reading this book that reminds me how spectacular everything is beyond this planet.
How spectacular and how completely terrifying.
As humans I feel like we often forget how almost insignificant we truly are outside of Earth. Learning more with every page I read!
It is terrifying how close to reality this book is. I was sucked into the story from the beginning. I got a little disinterested towards the end; however, I'd say it is a must read for everyone!
The book that taught me best not to judge a book by it's cover. Absolute amazing.