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Forgotten Bookmarks: A Bookseller's Collection of Odd Things Lost Between the Pages
Forgotten Bookmarks: A Bookseller's Collection of Odd Things Lost Between the Pages | Michael Popek
77 posts | 20 read | 49 to read
It's happened to all of us: we're reading a book, something interrupts us, and we grab the closest thing at hand to mark our spot. It could be a train ticket, a letter, an advertisement, a photograph, or a four-leaf clover. Eventually the book finds its way into the world-a library, a flea market, other people's bookshelves, or to a used bookstore. But what becomes of those forgotten bookmarks? What stories could they tell?By day, Michael Popek works in his family's used bookstore. By night, he's the voyeuristic force behind www.forgottenbookmarks.com, where he shares the weird objects he has found among the stacks at his store."Forgotten Bookmarks" is a scrapbook of Popek's most interesting finds. Sure, there are actual "bookmarks," but there are also pictures and ticket stubs, old recipes and notes, valentines, unsent letters, four-leaf clovers, and various sordid, heartbreaking, and bizarre keepsakes. Together this collection of lost treasures offers a glimpse into other readers' lives that they never intended for us to see.
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This book was #forgotten in my TBR

While trying to find a photo to use, I can across this article from a few years ago on what people use for bookmarks & then leave forgotten in library books. Pretty entertaining! 😆 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2018/may/14/bac...

TheBookHippie I enjoyed this book! 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😍 1y
LeahBergen Bacon! 🤢 1y
Eggs Foods for bookmarks 🔖. That‘s wild ! And gross 🤢 1y
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New issue of bookmarks! I always love their covers—so cozy.

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All set to go! But I suck and the post office is closed 🥺 they will go out first thing Monday because to quote Vernon Dursley, “There is no post on Sunday.”

(Please disregard the dog hair on my couch where the dogs aren‘t allowed)

vonnie862 Dog hair gets everywhere in my house. 3y
OrangeMooseReads @vonnie862 they aren‘t allowed on the couch but they clearly get on it with the amount of hair lol 3y
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Souvenir leather bookmarks will forever be my absolute favourite. ❤️

I bought my first one in 1997 and my lovely Litsy friends have certainly added to my collection since then. @TrishB @rubyslippersreads @Book_Fiend_Melissa @rockpools @Mdargusch - do you see any of your gifts peeking out from this pile? 😂

Thanks for the tag, @Tove_Reads !


ValerieAndBooks So neat 😍!! 4y
TrishB My hearts beating about 10x faster now! Look at those ❤️❤️ 4y
Andrew65 Wow 😍😍😍 4y
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rockpools Wow, that‘s quite a collection! 4y
MsMelissa @TrishB I‘m with you! That‘s a lot of leather bookmarks. I have bookmark envy 😍 4y
eanderson Very cool!!! 4y
valeriegeary Wow! Pretty! 😍😍 4y
erzascarletbookgasm That‘s a LOT of leather bookmarks! Awesome collection. 4y
britt_brooke Absolutely beautiful! 4y
batsy What a collection 😍 4y
Tanisha_A OH MY GOD! 🤩 4y
mrp27 😍😍😍 4y
Cathythoughts Wow 🤩 4y
rubyslippersreads I think I spot Harry & Meghan! 😊 4y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads 😆😆 That‘s a fave!! And the metallic blue one (3rd from bottom) is the cool “Seasons Greetings” one you bought for me. It will be making its annual appearance soon. 😊 4y
Reviewsbylola That‘s quite a collection!! 4y
Suet624 So many! You are blessed. 🙂 4y
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They arrived a little beat up but ok. Thank you @Charityann love the feathers and it absolutely isn‘t hoarding if it‘s books now to convince others of that lol

Charityann Glad they got there okay, and you like them!😊 4y
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@Schnoebs @Charityann look for your new bookmarks arriving by Monday! Sorry I got them out at the last minute I‘m terrible at mailing things (I still have my nephew‘s bday gift, his bday is in May 😬)

#summerbookmarkswap @cwarnier

Schnoebs Can‘t wait to see them! 4y
Charityann Yay!😁 4y
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Just signed up for #summerbookmarkswap
Im so excited I haven‘t done a swap in a long time! In fact I think the last one I did was a bookmark swap as well.

cwarnier Thanks! I am excited for this one. 😁 4y
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A quick, enjoyable little read about some of the things people leave in books. The author runs a bookstore with his family and started cataloguing some of his finds. I always enjoy finding ticket stubs and receipts in the used books that I buy so this was interesting read for me.

Pictured is this weeks stack of books.

Also, I hit my 30,000 page goal for the year so I may need to re-evaluate that one. #goals #pagesread

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Thank you so much @Crazeedi for all the wonderful bookmarks! And the notebook, pen, sticky notes, and cards 😍
I love the joke on the peacock bookmark lol
Isabella‘s favorite are the tasseled ones lol
Thank you @LibrarianRyan for hosting this fun #bookmarkswap

LibrarianRyan 👍 😁 5y
Crazeedi ❤❤❤ I understand Isabella!! 5y
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Received another #bookmarkswap envelope today but I don‘t know who it‘s from. It has the best washi on it and a fantastic stamp.

mreads Ruh roh 😄 5y
LibrarianRyan That would be from me. My return address wasn‘t stamped on it? Sorry about that. 5y
OrangeMooseReads @librarianryan lol 😆 no it isn‘t (edited) 5y
MaleficentBookDragon @mreads I so heard Scooby in my head when I read your reply. 😂 5y
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YAY! My #bookmarkswap package arrived! Can‘t wait to open it @Crazeedi

LibrarianRyan Yeahhh 5y
Crazeedi Yay!!!!😉👍❤ 5y
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Found these fun magnetic bookmarks in Bullseye‘s Playground (Target Dollar Spot). Yes they were only a dollar!

britt_brooke Cute! 5y
Tamra Ohhh, must have! 5y
Megabooks Cute! 5y
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mrp27 😍😍 5y
DivineDiana Love! 5y
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The irony was not lost. The date on the sonogram was a few years ago but since it was from a local clinic I put it in the mail.

Samplergal Very sweet of you. That will give parents a great story and all the warm feelings. 5y
SW-T I can only imagine how she felt when she realized it was missing. Definitely a happy story to tell later 😊 5y
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LOL! I have plenty of bookmarks but sometimes they‘re not at hand, so I use whatever‘s closest! 😂📚

#bookmarks #bookwormproblems

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I try to remember to grab a bookmark at every independent bookstore I'm in when I'm shopping there. I have quite a pile now! Here are just a few from places I've been in the past year or so.

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Looks like my S&S bookmark has been a little too loved. #bookmarks #austeninaugust @Crinoline_Laphroaig

Crinoline_Laphroaig Beautiful! I can see why they be 'Well Loved'. 6y
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Don‘t you love finding forgotten old bookmarks in books?

This is my latest find in a book from the early 1950s (and check out that telephone number 🤔).


DivineDiana Love! ❤️ 6y
robinb So neat and nostalgic! 6y
CoffeeNBooks I love it when I find treasures in books! 6y
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Melissa_J I like the sounds of that book! 6y
KristinaRay Holy 🐄 that‘s cool! 6y
JoScho Great find! 6y
CarolynM Yes, and sometimes newspaper clippings that relate to the book somehow 💜 Such a bonus! 6y
ReadingEnvy Yes love it! I try to keep bookmarks from shops with books that I buy for whoever they end up with, 6y
Mdargusch Cool! 6y
Leftcoastzen Yes ,yes ,yes! Super fun when that happens! 6y
Tamra I do love finding them too! That and receipts. 6y
Reviewsbylola Wow, so cool! 6y
Eyelit Nifty! 6y
BarbaraBB Wow. That‘s a cool one! 6y
UwannaPublishme How cool is that! 😍 6y
charl08 Love these. Went to an exhibit once of all the atuff a library had found in theirs. Tickets, photos... 6y
MaGoose @charl08 That must have been a great exhibit. 6y
emilyhaldi Love 🙌🏻 6y
Chrissyreadit I need to just visit your page daily, half the fun are the conversations in your comments. 6y
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My used copy of the tagged book showed up with its own forgotten bookmarks! I love finding what other people used to mark their place when I buy a second hand book.

LeahBergen I do, too! 6y
Christine So fun! 6y
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I was lazy and just grabbed the #bookmarks that were within arm's reach 🤭🤭.

#readingresolutions @Jess7

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Texreader 👏🏻👏🏻 6y
Reviewsbylola Haha the sheer memorization one has been me many times. 😂 6y
LaraReads Haha! So true! That‘s exactly what I thought @Reviewsbylola And other books 🤣... I‘ve also been known to use my kindle as a bookmark for my physical books. 6y
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Hooked_on_books I would not recommend the el gato option, as he/she could move. But I have totally used another book. 6y
Yellowpigeon I have used the cat as a book rest. She. .. cooperated 6y
Tanner My El Gato prefers to lie on the book. 😆 6y
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#magicalmarch #authorwithyourinitials

Both my maiden and married name starts with the letter P so through life's ups and downs my initials have always stayed the same.

vkois88 ❤❤❤ 7y
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tpixie Pretty 7y
readordierachel Lovely! 7y
JaclynW Really pretty! 7y
CSeydel ☺️ 7y
Gissy 😍❤️ 7y
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Found this in a library book at work. It‘s a gift card that doubles as a bookmark. So cute! What‘s funny is that I‘m currently using an actual amazon gift card as one of my bookmarks 😂 If only I‘d had this instead!

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Just received these beautiful, most awesome bookmarks all the way from Canada 💗📖✈️❄️😍✉️🏷🇨🇦 Thank you so much, @Clwojick I love bookish quotes, elephants (wildlife), and old roses (flowers of course, but especially the colour. 💐🌸🥀🐘

Clwojick 👏👏👏👏 Glad that you like them! And that they made it there safely! ❤️️❤️️ 7y
Tove_Reads @Clwojick Yes, the envelope had some cuts and bruises, but the bookmarks hadn‘t taken any hits. I‘m sure they are happy to be in *warm* Finland, since I just heard it was -43 Celsius in Armstrong yesterday. Wow!❄️❄️❄️⛄️ 7y
Clwojick Armstrong is not far from us! It was -34 today too! 7y
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This is the other part of my library bookstore book score.

LeahBergen Wonderful! I have the bookmarks one. 👍🏻 7y
OrangeMooseReads Forgotten Bookmarks is fun and interesting 7y
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These are heading out later today! I got side tracked yesterday do genealogy stuff.
@Irishmslmrose @JackOBotts #bookmarkswap

Irishmslmrose Awesome 😊😊 I‘m so excited! I‘ll get yours out this week. I‘m waiting on one more thing to arrive 7y
OrangeMooseReads @Irishmslmrose 👍🏼 I‘m excited too 7y
JackOBotts Woo hoo! 🙌🏼 This is so much fun! 🤗 Can‘t wait! 7y
OrangeMooseReads @JackOBotts me too. I haven‘t opened yours yet, I‘m waiting until you have the package from me. 7y
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To my #bookmarkswap buddies packages are going out on MONDAY ... I apologize profusely for the lateness. I started second guessing my choices and ... they are headed your ways on Monday I promise. @Irishmslmrose @JackOBotts

Clwojick You're not running late at all. There's no opening date, just any time in December. ☺️ 7y
OrangeMooseReads @Clwojick I know. I just feel like I‘m behind 😁 7y
WarpedSweetness @OrangeMooseReads Mine aren't getting sent out until the end of next week. So you're not alone at least. :-) 7y
JackOBotts No need for apologies! Looking forward to the #happymail whenever it arrives! 📬 7y
Irishmslmrose No worries! I completely understand. I‘m sure I‘ll love it when it arrives 😊 7y
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This was in the mailbox as well. Not sure if it arrived Friday or Saturday since we just got back home today.

JackOBotts 🙌🏼 Hope you enjoy! 7y
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I still don't understand, why bookdepository sends me every book single, I ordered for my #secretsantagoespostal, but the advantage is, I have a little collection of bookmarks by ordering only one time. 😊
To my secret Santa, there are still three items missing. Hope to send your parcel next week. 🤗 @MrBook @BookBabe @Avanders

sisilia I love their new bookmarks. I have a stack of BookDepository bookmarks, so everytime I return a book the library, I insert one 7y
Cinfhen I love that idea @sisilia 💖 7y
Cinfhen I've noticed my BookDepository packages are sent from multiple locations/ countries @Sarah83 which is probably why you receive books individually 7y
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Sarah83 @Cinfhen that is a possibility. When I ordered them, I looked at the destination and there was always UK, but maybe there are several stores. 7y
Sarah83 @sisilia l love that idea. 😍 7y
Tamra Love those bookmarks! 7y
Melissa_J I used to order from Book Depository all the time, and books were always mailed individually. I‘ve never understood why they ship that way, as I would think it would be more expensive for them. 7y
Sarah83 @Melissa_J oh ok. I ordered from another book outlet before and I wondered, because I live in Germany, shipping would be cheaper, if they send one parcel. 🤗 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 Oh I love the bookmarks! 7y
CaroPi I only get the bookmarks to color them... These look amazing 7y
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1️⃣ June, I'm told I'm Gemini
2️⃣ If you so wish, but don't spend much. It's not supposed to be a gift exchange, after all
3️⃣ Hufflepuff, 3rd Doctor (I'm old)
4️⃣ I'm only on coffee no 1 here
5️⃣ See above
6️⃣ Pink

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Wanna see something heartwarming?

These are (some!) of the wonderful bookmarks I have received from Litsy friends in the past year. They've come to Canada from England, N. Ireland, the USA, Israel, Germany, Slovenia and Australia. Thank you, my friends! ❤️❤️

@DeborahSmall @Cinfhen @rubyslippersreads @elkeo @RachelO @Lizpixie @Simona @Sarah83 @Bookworm54


CouronneDhiver Beautiful! Have you tried any magnetic ones - I love them! 7y
RadicalReader @LeahBergen this is an incredible collection of bookmarks such a treasured joy of book lovers 7y
RadicalReader @CouronneDhiver magnetic bookmarks sound absolutely incredibly impressive!! 7y
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Marchpane That's quite the collection! So special all the Litsy connections made too 💕💕 7y
Jas16 That is pretty spectacular 7y
rubyslippersreads I spy Dickie 3! 😄👑 7y
LeahBergen Oh no, @LibrarianRyan - I just found the Hitchhiker's Guide bookmark that you made for me inside my husband's book! 😂 I TOLD you he coveted it! It missed the photo shoot. 7y
britt_brooke 😍😍😍 7y
umbrellagirl Those penguin classics 💙 7y
Cinfhen Awesome💗💗💗you're one of the best!!!! Love it!!! 7y
LeahBergen @CouronneDhiver I have! I love them, too. 😊 7y
LeahBergen @Marchpane I know! ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen @Jas16 Right?? 💕 7y
LeahBergen @umbrellagirl I love them. 💚 7y
LeahBergen @Cinfhen And back atcha! 😘 7y
UwannaPublishme 😍😍😍 7y
LibrarianRyan @LeahBergen quite all right. I understand. My guy coves the candy out of my boxes. And normally gets it. 7y
Simona 😘 7y
Kalalalatja Such a sweet way to do this prompt 💜 7y
DeborahSmall Great post 💕 @Simona makes beautiful bookmarks 😘 7y
RohitSawant 😍😍 7y
Simona @DeborahSmall Thanks 😘 7y
Mdargusch I️ ❤️ your collection! 🤩 7y
Suet624 💕💕💕 7y
Reviewsbylola That‘s so cool! 7y
LeahBergen @LibrarianRyan 😂😂 Yeah. Just let him have it. 7y
LeahBergen @Simona 😘😘 7y
LeahBergen @rohit-sawant Right? It's crazy. ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen @Reviewsbylola Isn't it? 😍 7y
kspenmoll Lovely collection & so meaningful! 😍 7y
LeahBergen @kspenmoll Thank you and yes - I love them all. ❤️ 7y
rockpools 😊Don't know how I missed this yesterday. 💕 7y
DivineDiana Fantastic! ❤️ 7y
LeahBergen @RachelO 😘😘 7y
LeahBergen @DivineDiana Thanks! ❤️ 7y
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HURRY HURRY HURRY! Get in on the fun while you can! Head over to @Clwojick for the link to sign up. #bookmarkswap

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??? Started looking at #bookmarks for the #bookmarkswap and this came up on Etsy! What other type of #bookmark is there?!

Katiesbookishlife 😂😂 7y
hermyknee 🤣 7y
tpixie 😮😊😂 7y
maich 😂😂😂 7y
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Yay! Just signed up for the #bookmarkswap being organised by @Clwojick.

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Bookzombie I love them all, but especially the penguins. 🐧 (edited) 7y
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Look at the bonanza of #bookmarks! I started collecting these souvenir leather bookmarks years ago on my travels and @RachelO recently did some home organizing and offered them up here on Litsy.

Thank you so much, @RachelO ! Your bookmarks will be well-used and find a good home in the bookmark box in my library. I love them all. 😘😘😘


Melissa_J Love them! These are my favourite kind of bookmarks and I have a ton of them from various visits to the UK 😊 7y
rockpools Yay 😊! I'm so pleased they arrived safely, and are joining your library. 7y
Chachic Wow, these are gorgeous! I haven't come across any leather bookmarks when I travel. 7y
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Suet624 Gorgeous! 7y
kspenmoll Beautiful! Go so well with your books! 7y
Pruzy Where does one usually get a souvenir leather bookmark? 7y
DeborahSmall Spent many summer days in Trossachs while my dad was fishing ❤️️ 7y
LeahBergen @Melissa_J I love the size of them in books. 💗 7y
LeahBergen @RachelO I'm loving them. ❤️❤️ 7y
LeahBergen @Chachic @Suet624 @kspenmoll Aren't they? I was so excited! 7y
LeahBergen @Pruzy You can find them most readily in the UK (in the gift shops of museums, castles, stately homes, etc). I have found quite a few here in Canada but not that many in the US. It's a shame! 7y
LeahBergen @DeborahSmall I thought of you when I saw this one (and the Castles of Scotland one, too)! 😘 7y
rockpools @LeahBergen 😘I had no idea they were a mainly-UK thing! 7y
DeborahSmall I'm going to have to go into the castle gift shop to check for leather bookmarks now! 7y
Cinfhen Jackpot!!!! 7y
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Dolly Aww sweet ❤️ 7y
JessClark78 ❤️ 7y
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This is about as crafty as I get. #riotgrams #getcrafty

Kshakal I love them!!! 7y
britt_brooke Cute! 7y
rubyslippersreads Ooooh, kitty bookmark! 7y
LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
Read.Em.And.Eat Love the hot air balloon one! 7y
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Repurposed bookmark. Because one can never have too many bookmarks. #Ru'sHand

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Has your favourite bookmark gone #missing? It just might be featured in this collection. 😉
I HATE losing bookmarks ... but I love finding them in old books. ❤️

Lcsmcat And notes. I love to find bits of paper with people's notes in books. 7y
Tamra @Lcsmcat feels like I'm a secret voyeur when that happens. 🙂 7y
DeborahSmall I love finding things in second hand books. Ticket stubs for trains, buses, the cinema and I've even found newspaper clippings from the 60's!! ❤️ great book 7y
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Hobbinol How fabulous! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
CherylDeFranceschi I love his website, too! ❤️ 7y
dariazeoli I lost my metal Harry Potter bookmark after just a few months. I should go back to grocery receipts 😁 7y
Loreen @CherylDeFranceschi he has website? I need to go find it ASAP. 7y
KerriNTurner I nearly lost my favourite bookmark by leaving it in a library book I returned. Luckily the librarian saw it and ran after me to give it back! 7y
LeahBergen @Lcsmcat @Tamra I love it, too. I've also found photos. 😮 7y
LeahBergen @DeborahSmall Me, too. I always check where people are going when I find tickets. I recently found $30 in a book - I figured it must be from the "book gods", so I spent it on books. ? 7y
LeahBergen @Hobbinol There are some good letters in this book - one is a really hateful breakup note! 😂 7y
LeahBergen @CherylDeFranceschi @Loreen I keep meaning to check out his website (when I find time to fall down that rabbit hole!) 7y
LeahBergen @dariazeoli No!! I lost a leather bookmark from the New York Public Library and I'm STILL mourning it. 😩 7y
LeahBergen @RealLifeReading It really is! 👍🏼 7y
LeahBergen @KerriNTurner Gah! That was a lucky save! 😬 7y
ReadingEnvy I used to use cards from Black Phoenix alchemy lab that came with oils and lost them too often wahhhh 7y
Tamra @LeahBergen oh, photos would be fascinating! I'm sensing a novel plot here...... (edited) 7y
DeborahSmall @LeahBergen I've never been that lucky!! 'Book Gods' 😂 I'm in bed laughing out loud, snorting actually. But there sure are such Gods??❤️ 7y
LeahBergen @ReadingEnvy I had to look up that company. It sounds amazing! 7y
LeahBergen @Tamra And it could be almost ANY sort of novel ... couldn't it? 😮 Hmm... maybe a good creepy one? 😂 7y
LeahBergen @DeborahSmall There MUST be, right? And the morality of those gods states that I didn't have to give that money to the shop owner if I spent it on their books, right?? 😂 7y
batsy I like the sound of these Book Gods 😀 7y
LeahBergen @batsy I think they must be very benevolent. 😉 7y
DeborahSmall Totally! It's about spreading bookish joy!! 7y
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They also had literacy night events. This is Man Cub's bookmark that he colored. The night was superhero themed.

Texreader Precious! Love those book fairs. My son's last one in elementary school is coming up. 😔 8y
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Here's a few from my growing #bookmark collection. I love the NaNoWriMo donor goodies, the cool star/moon magnet & the chainmail star. I also have some beautiful papyrus bookmarks, but I'm afraid I'll destroy them so I don't use them often. The ones that I use most are the penguins (go figure) and the free bookstore bookmarks, along with receipts, clothing tags, ribbon, kleenex (unused!), and anything else that's on hand. #riotgrams

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Day 16 - here are some of my bookmarks ... that's not too many, right? 😬#riotgrams #bookmarks

Melissa_J Nope, not too many at all 😉 8y
Melissa_J PS - I keep my in a box that looks quite similar to yours. 8y
LeahBergen You'll need a bigger bookmark box soon! 😀 8y
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Joybishoptx Wow! 8y
Chachic Definitely not enough, you need more! 8y
queerbookreader How are you real I literally use old sticky notes and dryer sheets laying around the house as my bookmarks 8y
britt_brooke I literally said "whoa" out loud. ? Impressive collection! 8y
MyNamesParadise Awesome!!!! 8y
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I love bookmarks! When I start a new book, I have to find a bookmark I feel compliments or matches the book in some way. Finding a bookmark in a used book is also a fun treat. 📖 #riotgrams #bookmark #bookmarks

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Since I tend to use whatever piece of paper is at hand, (say no to dog ears) I have quite a lot of #bookmarks. Usually they are stubs from performances. I also have a number from bookstores from my travels, but the one in upper right is from the kids from the first class I taught. #riotgrams @Liberty @bookriot

Reviewsbylola I love the one with the kids on it. Such a neat teacher gift. 8y
Peddler410 I still have the very first gift I received from a student . He was the pre-school student I was assigned to work with when I was taking a child development class in high school. We actually had a pre-school on site and I got to create lessons for the kiddos. That was 28 years ago! (edited) 8y
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These are most of my bookmarks. There are some traveling around in the books on my shelves (you know how you always misplace bookmarks in books?) and some that I left in the office but this is the main batch. Some I find super pretty but highly impractible, others have a lot of personal value to me. 😉 #riotgrams #bookmarks

I-read-and-eat Great collection 😍 8y
Lmstraubie 💟💟💟 8y
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These bookmarks are so cool! @James

ElizaTodd Beautiful bookmarks 😍 8y
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I found this book under my bed while looking for a missing roll of washi tape. These kinda books are so charming. I need to start leaving notes in library books. :)

BookBoggart I always get weirdly stoked when I find tidbits of things left behind. Or inscriptions in the front. My boyfriend is always like "you get excited over simple things don't you?" I'm always like hell ya I do! These are bits of someone's life. Even if they don't remember it. Yeah, I like being this kinda cool. ? 8y
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