This book! Wow!
Currently reading. im enjoying it so far. The prose is beautiful.
Currently reading. im enjoying it so far. The prose is beautiful.
I thot this was fun. I wanted more magic. it was a fast read. 😄
At first glance these two books feel worlds apart but actually, they are two sides of the same coin.
Someone needs to put these two on a pod/livestream…stat. It‘d be brilliant!
#rebornintheusa #afterthefall
An intense, but necessary read.
I dunno why i am fascinated by a book about ants…this is def daytime reading.
I am feeling a lot like David dealing with the Unemployment office, Golliath.
Decided to revist this book after learning about the National Geographic show with the same name. I love stuff like this.
Reading this is almost as awful as watching the show, yet I cant get enough of this subject. Highly recommended! ☢️
I love this book. It has helped me tremendously get out of the web of negativity in a non hokey way.
After reading the first chapter of Grit, I started to feel terrible about myself. Then I realized I didn‘t fit into her definition of word grit. This is not a book for me. Into the donation pile it goes.
Slowly reading all of the Bosch books in order. Now i can watch S1 guilt free. ❤️ Harry Bosch.
To stave off GoT withdrawals and disappointment(looks at you S8), I am finally getting to this series. It started out slow, but now Its moving. I‘m told the second book is even better. Lets quest! 🙂⚔️
I know its a classic and its super gothic, but its such a horrible story. Poor Quasimodo. Poor Esmerelda. I gotta put it down. So awful. 😕 #DNF
Do I think she did it? Does it matter? Not really. What‘s interesting is how cool she is...not that she has to be hysterical but she‘s unnervingly composed and unaffected she is. Even when she found her father, she did not freak out. Wild!
I just realized I am reading the abridged version. The original is 990 pages and well, I don‘t really have time for that. I do wonder if Im missing anything good or just extraneous words I‘s probably skip over anyhow. Lol
I feel like getting lost in a historical Parisian story today. 🇫🇷☕️
Current read! ⚽️👍🏽
Every time i come to Litsy, I wind up at the bookstore buying books for my never ending TBR list. Figure I‘d get book journal too. I never write down what i‘ve read just star it on Goodreads and move on. Maybe this thing will help my bookish memory. #bookjournal #moleskine
Reading about fabulous lives in a fabulous hotel during WWII on my commute.
I am in love with Book Beau. These book protectors are well made, i don‘t know about anyone else, but mine take a fair amount of abuse. No more torn covers, folded pages, or other mishaps that happen in a book bag, tote or purse. These are amazing! #bookaccessories
Lazy evening read...one of the many books on my shelf, I wanted to check out at the library/bookstore. I have my own independent bookstore happening in my apartment. Yay! 😂
I have a whole buncha books I wanted to order from Amazon, but I realized I had them already. Its like the store came to me! 😂☺️
I‘ve had this book on my shelf for ages. I don‘t know why I was so resistant to reading it. Its brilliant. Go Lindy!
I picked seven books to reread in 2019. Does anyone else have books they reread every year?
Im on a serious Roman kick right now. Ive been watching Mary Beard‘s Roman documentaries. I love her style. #SPQR
Robert Greene has been an autobuy for me since The 48 Laws of Power. I‘m looking forward to this one.
Popcorn action novels are my guilty pleasure. I read them when my last book has blown my mind and I don‘t want to think too hard. These are pure fun!
I‘m enjoying this book. I annotate via tabs otherwise I‘d mark up this entire book! Lol
It finally arrived! This book is gorgeous! ❤️📚#DanJones
Few things leave a deeper mark on a reader than the first book that finds its way into his heart. Those first images, the echo of words we think we have left behind, accompany us throughout our lives and sculpt a palace in our memory to which, sooner or later—no matter how many books we read, how many worlds we discover, or how much we learn or forget—we will return. ❤️📚☕️👓
This is so not right when Im on a monthly book fast. So. not. right. I love me some Doris Goodwin. #Repost
Commence 2 week countdown to @doriskgoodwin‘s “Leadership: In Turbulent Times,” out Sept. 18 🇺🇸