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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Harper Perennial Modern Classics)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) | Hunter S. Thompson
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like, I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive ... Hunter S. Thompson is roaring down the desert highway to Las Vegas with his attorney, the Samoan, to find the dark side of the American Dream. Armed with a drug arsenal of stupendous proportions, the duo engage in a surreal succession of chemically enhanced confrontations with casino operators, police officers and assorted Middle Americans. This ebook edition of Hunter S. Thompsons iconic masterpiece, a controversial bestseller when it appeared in 1971, features the brilliant Ralph Steadman illustrations of the original. It brings to a new generation the hallucinatory humour and nightmare terror of Hunter S. Thompsons musings on the collapse of the American Dream.
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Raoul Duke is the MC in many of Thompson‘s works, most famously in the tagged book and its film adaptation - he portrays who Hunter S. Thompson really was as a true #AntiHero on a booze and drug-filled pilgrimage to Vegas. Enjoyed the book & film-Depp was perfect. Love how Nathan C‘s review describes Las Vegas: “a nightmare, a joke, a blunder of cosmic proportions-where Sin goes to die when it‘s embarrassed for itself” 😂 #VolumesAndVocals

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#FirstLineFridays Not reading this currently but I am miles away from Barstow wishing SOMETHING would kick in.😁 Happy Friday , everybody!

tpixie Lol 😂 2y
vivastory I hope you have a good weekend Linda 2y
Leftcoastzen @vivastory thanks ! You too! 2y
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I first read this about 15 years ago. I thought about it recently when I finished playing a game called Disco Elysium (check it out if you like this kind of stuff!) I set out to find it, at the bottom of a box, and boy am I glad i did. Every bit as good as I remember, insane and depraved and hilarious in parts, Thompson manages to nail a few home truths about friendship, drugs, Vegas, and humanity itself. A rollercoaster ride, no doubt!

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Day 270.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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How can you not find this entertaining?!? Johnny Depp sure did a great job of bringing this character to the big screen. 👏

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks #ReadtheUSA2022 (Nevada)

TheAromaofBooks For a while my husband (who really loves Thompson) and I were commuting together and listened to some of Thompson's books on audio. Some of his short stories were SO funny I thought we were going to run off the road. I also thought Depp did a great job portraying him. 3y
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Fight Club

Klou Good job! 3y
TH3F4LC0N Ahhh, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas was my most hated book from last year!!! 😖 I hope you liked it more than I did! 😅 3y
TheSpineView @TH3F4LC0N Not really. It just fit the prompt and I couldn't think of anything else. 3y
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Leftcoastzen One of my all time favorite quotes! 3y
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Ok , now I‘m in!😂 #berniememe

AmyG Hahahaha! 4y
Ruthiella 😂😂😂 4y
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I'm currently reading On The Road, but I've recently come into possession of another copy of F&L and I'm tempted to reread it. How it works is I'll get a copy, keep it on me at all times, read and reread it cover to cover, then inevitably hand it off to the uninitiated. It's just a matter a time until I dive back into the habit haha

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11-27-20: My 99th finished book of 2020! Definitely a wild ride in 1971, from California to Las Vegas, to cover two different journalism stories and ultimately find the American Dream. How one can do that on the amount of drugs Mr. Thompson and his attorney are on is beyond my comprehension. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #fearandloathinginlasvegas #huntersthompson 👍🏼📖#️⃣9️⃣9️⃣


No sympathy for the devil, keep that in mind. Buy the ticket, take the ride. And if things get heavier than you expected, chalk it up to forced consciousness expansion. Tune in, drop out, get beat.

DollyDeez Fun fact: I have a "Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride" tattoo in Ralph Steadman's handwriting (surrounded by ink bats, of course) 4y
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I'll go through a phase where I'll get a new copy of Fear and Loathing, have it constantly on me as I read it over and over, until inevitably passing it on like gospel to someone new. It is not enough to call it a snapshot of history, although it does capture the fallout from the hope of the 60s as Thompson seeks and fails to find the American Dream, it is a constantly entertaining and insightful look on the self-destructiveness in modern society.

SW-T Welcome to Litsy! #litsywelcomewagon 4y
DollyDeez @SW-T thank you! 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳 4y
DollyDeez @Eggs Thanks! I'm really enjoying it here 😊 4y
Eggs @DollyDeez ❤️❤️ 4y
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Day 3
A wild ride of a book criticizing the American dream. The 🎥 adaptation stays pretty true to the novel with an exception or two. Definitely not for everyone. Also a huge fan of Ralph Steadman‘s illustrations.

#whatsonyourshelf #fiction

ShelleyBooksie Is this a graphic novel? 4y
CloakNQuill @ShelleyBooksie this copy, no. I believe they made one but it‘s not by the original artist. (edited) 4y
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Maybe this only applies to me, but I just can‘t dig acid lit. Perhaps that‘s because I have never done acid, I don‘t know. I respect these books and the cultural movement that they arose from, but getting through one of these is agonizing. I will say that Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is much easier to follow than similar works.

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Compelling account of a crazy road trip - ostensibly to ‘cover a story‘ - by the godfather of Gonzo. Sometimes you really can tell a book by its cover.

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Not only is the cover hideous, but these are two of the most #untoward characters I‘ve ever had the misfortune of reading.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Agree! The cover is awhile 😱🖤 4y
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Klou 👍📚💚 4y
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Pretty sure the characters spent most of the novel in a state of #oblivion in this disturbing book! #beautifulwords

OriginalCyn620 I just read this last month and can tell you they absolutely did! 4y
Helen19 @OriginalCyn620 It‘s a head-spin! 4y
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I seriously have no idea WTF I just read. This is just two dudes getting high and having bad trips. Literally nothing else happens.

#readyoursign #gemini ♊️ - published the year you were born

Clwojick Hahahahahahha! I vaguely remember feeling the same way when I read this in high school. The movie is great though. 😂 4y
squirrelbrain I read this for the States challenge last year and *absolutely hated* it too. 4y
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My current read involves a very debaucherous #roadtrip.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Am I on the wrong day again?! Lol 😂 4y
OriginalCyn620 Yes, but no worries! @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😝 4y
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Day 20 - #Trial

*Quote may not be from tagged book, however the illustration is. ♥️

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4/4 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumor

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Glad I finally read this one. I‘m gonna have to procure a physical copy for myself.

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I can kind of see how it's supposed to be a social commentary on the fall of the American Dream of the late 60s early 70s. But it seemed more like a bunch of junkie jibber jabber to me, and gave me a headache while I read it. The movie wasn't much better, but I did like the cast. This one wasn't for me.


FantasyChick I agree with this book. I tried but I just couldn't ge through it. I did enjoy the movie though. As strange as it is, it's one of my favourites lol 4y
TheAromaofBooks I've enjoyed some Thompson's shorter writing better - short stories, articles, essays, etc. His actual books seem to get way too rambly lol 4y
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Started this tonight and got sucked in. I figured it was an appropriate read, considering the date. Plus, it‘s exactly the amount of insanity I needed right now.

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i got this book because i lost my last copy and i opened it up and read the first page and almost got sucked into reading it again. so great ✌🏽

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😂🤣😂🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LitsyHumory

LauraJ 🖤 5y
Patchshank 🐘🐘🐘 We can't stop here! This is heffalump country! 5y
TheAromaofBooks @Patchshank - best comment ever 😂 5y
Slajaunie 😂😂😂 5y
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I didn‘t think I‘d like this and I was right - I didn‘t...

It was free on Libby and it‘s ticked off #nevada on #readingUSA2019, but other than that....nope.

ljuliel I‘ve not read anything by this author, but from what I‘ve heard, I think he‘s a bit of an “ acquired “ taste. I doubt I‘d like his books either. 5y
BarbaraBB I bailed on this one as well. Such a boring, predictable book. You should have read this one for Nevada 😉 5y
Librarybelle But hooray that you could tick off Nevada from the list! 5y
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squirrelbrain @ljuliel - it‘s just a long list of drugs taken and the obnoxious things that they did as a result... 5y
squirrelbrain I wish I‘d known about that one @BarbaraBB - the only other one I could think of was The Goldfinch and I‘d already read that... 😕 5y
BarbaraBB Never mind, you‘re almost there 👍🏼 5y
squirrelbrain Yes @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle - only 2 more to go.... At least I didn‘t leave Nevada to last, that would have been disappointing! 5y
BarbaraBB Just two more? Wow! Do you have a good one to finish it? 5y
Pamwurtzler Just two more? That‘s great!! 5y
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - I‘m going with a John Irving, either Owen Meany or Garp.... should be good, hopefully! 5y
BarbaraBB Both are great! 5y
Hooked_on_books That‘s a bummer. My Nevada book wasn‘t great, either. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
Billypar That was my reaction to The Rum Diary a few months ago. 5y
squirrelbrain We win some, we lose some @Hooked_on_books ! 5y
squirrelbrain i just looked at your review @Billypar - great ‘pan‘ and I think it‘s safe to say we won‘t be reading any more by this author! 😁👍 5y
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“Just picture yourself telling a jury that you tried to help this poor girl by giving her LSD and then taking her out to Las Vegas for one of your special Stark-naked back rubs.”
He shook his head sadly. “You‘re right. They‘d probably burn me at the goddamned stake... set me on fire right there in the dock. Shit, it doesn‘t pay to try to help somebody these days...”

LitsyWelcomeWagon Welcome to Litsy! Here are links to #Litsytips: http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU. There‘s lots of fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! 5y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 5y
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An amazing and stunning story about the American Dream, the 60ies and drugs. A lot of drugs.

Leftcoastzen I love Hunter! 5y
Jari-chan @Leftcoastzen And I defenitely need to read more of him! 5y
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Our Doctor of Journalism and his attorney sure are on a #Detour while searching the American Dream. But I guess they don't really mind.


reading_rainbow great read! 🌵🌞 5y
Leftcoastzen Yay Hunter! 5y
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Leftcoastzen Hilarious, I love Hunter but this is pretty high on the weirdness scale. 5y
Gina @Leftcoastzen At $500 a night I'll take a pass 5y
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Read this in high school- it was fun to revisit!

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Wonderfully weird!

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I posted this last time this prompt came up - I cannot think of another book more suited so I‘m posting this again😊

RohitSawant Nice pick! 5y
gradcat Oh, gosh, you‘re so right! This is perfect—wish I‘d thought of it! 😊 5y
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A kitty using my leg as a pillow and a book to read. What a good night. #catsoflitsy

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I‘m back! Did you miss me? 😎 #tea

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Lizpixie This is a popular book for this prompt already! Hunter.S.Thompson was brilliant. Mad of course. But brilliant. #GonzoForever🚀 6y
Cinfhen Have never read this book or seen the film 😣 6y
Leftcoastzen yay! Love Hunter! 6y
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Lizpixie Hunter.S.Thompson would‘ve been a very interesting man to know I think. #GonzoForever🚀 6y
Leftcoastzen 👏👏👏👏👏👏❤️ 6y
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I really liked this one. The writing style worked for me.
It is rambling road trip travelogue told by a deeply unreliable narrator. And it has amazing energy and momentum.

#ReadHarder2019 - A book by a journalist or about journalism

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Another out of context quote...
But that's the feeling of the whole book. The writing has so much energy. Even the moments of reflection aren't still and quiet, they're bursting with thought and motion.
I'm really enjoying this

A book by a journalist or about journalism

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Trying to reboot a book jar practice I did once awhile ago: taking names of authors I've never read from a Strand bag, picking one and trying a book from them. I enlisted my fiancee's help for this pick (the photo session got a little silly, as all our photo sessions tend to do). Hunter S. Thompson is not someone I'd pick of my own free will, but the jar has spoken, so I'll give him a shot and see what happens!

Leftcoastzen She‘s adorable, I love Hunter, you might be surprised, something about the drugs kicking in around Barstow.... 6y
Leftcoastzen But I‘m old and wish I could Strand !!! 6y
batsy Haha, fun! Cute photos. I haven't read him, either, and I think I too might only get around to him if the jar speaks 😆 6y
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LeahBergen 😆😆 This is great! 6y
readordierachel Love it! 6y
Reggie Lol, awesome pics!! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm 😆 cute pics! 6y
Cathythoughts Brilliant pics ♥️👍🏻 6y
Velvetfur Aaww cutest photos ever! 6y
BarbaraBB I bailed on this one but then I‘m not a fan of books about people doing drugs. 6y
Billypar @Leftcoastzen @batsy Yeah, I'm going to keep an open mind about HST- I've certainly been surprised before when I've tried a new author out of my comfort zone. 6y
Billypar @BarbaraBB Yeah, that's one reason why I didn't like the film. I still have to decide if I'm going to read F&L because of its status, or try another one. 6y
Billypar Soon to be Mrs. Par here - I was quite honored to be apart of this ceremony and for my Litsy debut. Thanks for all the kind compliments!! -- Linda 6y
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I‘ll do the #MarchHare and the mad #Hatter in one book here. Because look at them. There‘s a hat (and Johnny Depp who plays Tim Burton‘s mad hatter) and a crazy friend, and their tea is of the Long Island variety, and they really know how to throw a party.


LibrarianRyan 👍🏻🤓😁 6y
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I haven't been sleeping well for the last couple weeks. And what else are you gonna do at 2:30 in the morning, besides shop for books online?
I blew my book budget on this first edition but I'll justify it as an investment. 😁 It's one of the better physical copies I've seen, and I've been hunting for this for years.

akckitty Nice find! 6y
mjester @akckitty I know! I'd been looking for a perfect copy since 2002 😉 6y
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I began to drink heavily, think heavily, and write heavy notes...

Chelleo Welcome to Litsy! Hope these #Litsytips by @RaimeyGallant http://bit.ly/litsytips and #LitsyHowTo videos: goo.gl/UrCpoU are helpful. There‘s so many fun things to do: book exchanges, buddy reads, photo challenges and more! 6y
RaimeyGallant Welcome! 6y
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Dr Gonzo and Raoul Duke are my fave couple because they are completely insane! Lenny & George from Of Mice and Men are a very close second.

Oblomov26 First time I read this book it made no sense. Years later when I was old and more jaded it made perfect sense. Duke and Dr Gonzo are a hell of an odd couple 6y
LauraJ @Oblomov26 I first read it in my early 30‘s, which was perfect. 6y
ValerieAndBooks I‘ve had this on the shelf for years, still waiting TBR. I need to get to it!! 6y
Erinsuereads @J.Grantsby keeps telling me to read this! 6y
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