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Twenties Girl
Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Sophie Kinsella's Wedding Night.Lara Lington has always had an overactive imagination, but suddenly that imagination seems to be in overdrive. Normal professional twenty-something young women dont get visited by ghosts. Or do they?When the spirit of Laras great-aunt Sadiea feisty, demanding girl with firm ideas about fashion, love, and the right way to dancemysteriously appears, she has one request: Lara must find a missing necklace that had been in Sadies possession for more than seventy-five years, because Sadie cannot rest without it.Lara and Sadie make a hilarious sparring duo, and at first it seems as though they have nothing in common. But as the mission to find Sadies necklace leads to intrigue and a new romance for Lara, these very different twenties girls learn some surprising truths from and about each other. Written with all the irrepressible charm and humor that have made Sophie Kinsellas books beloved by millions,Twenties Girlis also a deeply moving testament to the transcendent bonds of friendship and family.
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Twenties Girls | Sophie Kinsella
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Lara's 105 yo great-aunt comes to her as a ghost looking for her dragonfly necklace and an adventure ensues👻
A little long, but a lot of fun.


#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#MountTBR #ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES

DieAReader 🥳Awesome 2mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! This one is on my shelf! 2mo
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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"The thing about lying to your parents is, you have to do it to *protect* them.


Twenties Girls | Sophie Kinsella
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Starting this before everyone wakes up

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Charleston Girl: Roman | Sophie Kinsella
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Another sweet and funny romance by Evie Sterling.

#booklover #cleanromance #newrelease #workplaceromance #enemiestolovers

Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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@quietjenn Thank you so much for this lovely package!! Pay no attention to the fact that the Reese package may have been opened immediately 😂 and these hot chocolate bombs look amazing!! I'm excited about the book as well. Such a thoughtful #JolaboksfodSwap - thank you!!! And thank you for hosting @MaleficentBookDragon !!!

Scochrane26 I read that book a long time ago & liked it. 3y
quietjenn Yay, I'm glad to like everything and 100% endorse Reese's consumption! I hope you enjoy it all and have a lovely holiday. 3y
LeahBergen Lovely! 😍 3y
TheAromaofBooks @quietjenn - Thank you!!! The same to you!!! 3y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Such a cute story! Lara is at her Great Aunt Sadie‘s funeral (who she never really knew) when suddenly Sadie‘s ghost disrupts the proceedings, hysterical because her precious necklace is missing, and she won‘t be able to rest in peace without it. Lara is the only one who can see and hear Sadie, so Sadie‘s problem becomes her problem. While trying to locate the necklace, Sadie and Lara grow closer, argue, and have some adventures!

TheAromaofBooks Sounds random but entertaining haha 4y
OriginalCyn620 @TheAromaofBooks 😂 it does but the story all comes together. The necklace is important and there‘s a reason why only Lara is able to see Sadie‘s ghost. And, I probably didn‘t word it well! 4y
TheAromaofBooks You sold me - I'm hit or miss with Kinsella, but his one does sound fun! 4y
OriginalCyn620 I think it‘s worth a try @TheAromaofBooks. If you don‘t like it, you can always bail! 4y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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I am so shocked at how much I loved this book it was so fun and different than what I thought. A young woman starts to be haunted by her deceased great aunt that she didn‘t know very well. They develop a relationship that changes both of their lives. There is humor and romance and mystery in this one. I loved this book so much. I highly recommend it.

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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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How many minutes of reading can I do before the NyQuil kicks in? Sniffle ... Sneeze... I‘m so close to the end...

Crazeedi Get well soon!!! 6y
CarolynM I really enjoyed this one for a quick, fun read. Hope you feel better soon.💐 6y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Finished this up on my way to work this morning. I‘m a fan of Kinsella, but this one was not one of my favorites. The main character annoyed me with her obsessive and somewhat stalkerish tendencies toward her ex-boyfriend. There were some really laugh out loud bits, and I got teary-eyed at the end.

DivineDiana I love when I get teary eyed at the end! 😢 6y
SailorMoon I read it almost ten years ago, but I remember loving it and crying a lot when I finished it! 6y
Librarybelle @DivineDiana I thought the second half was way better than the first half. And yes, a sentimental ending for me means a good end to the story! 6y
Librarybelle @SailorMoon It was so touching at the end! 6y
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Twenties Girls | Sophie Kinsella

A light read, something to keep you company and make you laugh... and cry for how much you get attached to the main characters.
I really loved it.

5280reader Yay- it‘s one of my next reads! 6y
SailorMoon @5280reader please do let me know when you're done ;) 6y
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Twenties Girls | Sophie Kinsella

Like all of Sophie Kinsella‘s books, this was a light read that made me laugh aloud multiple times. A young woman, Lara attends the funeral of a family member, Sadie. When Sadie‘s ghost disrupts her own funeral over a necklace, it‘s up to Lara to help her find it so she can rest peacefully. The duo‘s relationship will make you smile, cry and clench your teeth. Another great, independent read from an amazing author.

Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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For Sophie Kinsella fans, this is 99p on Kindle for a little while

CarolynM Such a fun book. Definitely worth the price imo 6y
Lel2403 @CarolynM I thought so too 6y
julesG You can get the hardcover from 1p??? 🙈🙈🙈 6y
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Lel2403 @julesG it will be a used copy...and I think you have to pay postage... 6y
julesG @Lel2403 Still insane! 6y
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Twenties Girls | Sophie Kinsella
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Wow, didn‘t think Sophie Kinsella got this deep. Isn‘t that the truth? So many of us who have feuds with our families or don‘t see eye to eye really regret not taking the time to make amends with them until it‘s too late (this part of the book being at a funeral).

Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Totally can relate to this. I always feel happiest when I‘m working or working on something, or of course- reading!!#productivityaddict

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy!! 📚🎉📚 @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Pagemasta Thank you!!! I‘m so excited I found this app 😄 6y
RaimeyGallant And welcome to Litsy from me too! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. 6y
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DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here. 6y
Pagemasta Thank you all for being so welcoming 😄 it‘s so refreshing! 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻🌸🤗 6y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella

Wasn‘t sure what to expect but it was a great easy summer read!

Pagemasta I‘m almost finished! I absolutely adore it. Sophie Kinsella always makes me laugh. 6y
Kdunn52 I need to make a list of her other books now! Such a great read! 6y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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A fun romance featuring the #Ghost of Great Aunt Sadie

Cinfhen I really enjoy Sophie Kinsella books, although I haven‘t read this one 6y
Pagemasta It is so good Cinfhen! Highly recommend it 6y
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Charleston Girl: Roman | Sophie Kinsella
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1. Ant-Man
2. Twenties Girl, really pretty much anything by Sophie Kinsella
3 yes, please
4. Nope. SoCal is not made for that. Looks fun though
#fridayfrigesday @SpeculativeFemale

Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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I‘ve read all the Shopaholic books and some other Kinsella books and loved them all. But I habe to admit that I didn‘t like this one. Maybe because it is some kind of ghost story. Sometimes she exaggerated the 20ies thing a bit.
#sophiekinsella #twentiesgirl #kinsella

Laalaleighh What is that gorgeous thing in the background. I love it. 7y
MariaW @Laalaleighh That‘s a typical egyptian tea table. (edited) 7y
Laalaleighh Omg it‘s absolutely beautiful 😻 7y
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MariaW @Laalaleighh And it‘s handmade. 7y
Laalaleighh You can tell 😻😻 oh my gosh I want one so badly. It‘s just seriously exquisite. 7y
MariaW @Laalaleighh Do you want me to check the shipping costs? Where do you live? 7y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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"ok. I'm starting to panic here. I'm having a hallucination. A full on, walking, talking hallucination. And it's coming towards me."

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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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I'm not joking - run and check out this book. I read it in two days and loved it from start to finish. Lara and Sadie are the cutest characters and the story is just genius. #chicklit #twentiesgirl

Clwojick I loved this one💜 7y
Mrs.AntonacciReads @Clwojick It was so good!! I couldn't put it down. 7y
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Charleston Girl: Roman | Sophie Kinsella
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?✈️ Back in my favorite city! Tons of reading surrounded by readers today on both flights and my driver was reading a Grisham book while waiting and listening to SiriusXM Spa - it's a fantastic day! ?✈️

Omg, my driver is also a "historian" giving an oral history of the city! ? #perfectday

Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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I've just emerged from an excruciating two days of body-based group self awareness with waaaay too much interaction / non-stop socializing - MILES OUTSIDE OF MY COMFORT ZONE - I'm on the brink of a nervous breakdown or simple implosion 😔 Thank the heavens for this fun light book & a husband who also reads & is giving me the space & coffee I so desperately need today ❤️☕️📖💓

MMFinck I completely understand that! Enjoy your book and coffee. :) 7y
Sarah83 Hope some reading helps you 🤗 7y
CoffeeAndABook @MMF @Sarah83 Thank you both so much for your kind & understanding words 🙏😊 I'm feeling a bit better today 😁 7y
Sarah83 Glad to hear that 😉 7y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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After this demanding, draining, whirlwind 14-hour day, Sophie Kinsella and a bath is the best therapy I can think of. #currentlyreading #introvert

Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Reading slump can't get me. Abandoning Hidden Bodies and Boy on the Bridge for something more upbeat. #fighttheslump

ReadingMeagan I really enjoyed this book! It was just really sweet. I should reread it sometime soon. Thanks for posting about it to remind me! 7y
Books88 @ReadingMeagan I love Sophie Kinsella books! First time reading this one. I needed something upbeat. 7y
britt_brooke Sophie Kinsella is a good palate cleanser. I read this one a few years ago, and while it wasn't my favorite of hers, I did enjoy it. 7y
Books88 @britt_brooke it seems like a deviation from her normal writing, but still pretty good. I needed something different. ❤ 7y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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First book haul for Sophie Kinsella series. Wanted to read something light and numerous and have heard some reviews about Kinsella writing style. Have you guys read any of her books?
#sophiekinsella #chicklit #books #bookhaul #twentiesgirl #lightread

BooksTeasAndBookishThings Welcome to Litsy!!! 😊❤️🙌📚🎉 7y
sajithanair_cek Read confessions of a shopaholic and domestic goddess. Nice books. 7y
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mrsrhysand I love the shopaholic series! ❤ 7y
InknScribbles @sajithanair_cek I hope i will like it too 😊 7y
InknScribbles @mrsrhysand Have you read all? 7y
mrsrhysand @inknscribbles no I've only read the first two or three but I loved them 🙈❤ I'll definitely finish reading the series sometime haha. Have you read them all? 7y
InknScribbles @mrsrhysand no this is the first time i am picking Sophie Kinsella books. And see i have bought 5 books to start 🙈 7y
sajithanair_cek @inknscribbles u will definitely 7y
MrBook #NiceStack! Welcome to @Litsy ! We hope you enjoy your stay with us 😊👍🏻. We're the most positive, tight-knit, passionate bibliophile community you'll meet. Careful: this'll take over your life. 😂👏🏻🙌🏻 7y
MrBook Oh, I see you have a blog. I'll be making a mention-your-blog post soon, stay tuned! 👍🏻 7y
InknScribbles @MrBook Thanku 😊 I am here for 1 day only and i am already finding myself hooked to it. 🤓 7y
MrBook Our job here is done 😆🙌🏻🙌🏻! 7y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Since I bought my first Nook in 2011, most of my newer books are in ebook form. Here are some of my favorites #publishedinthe2000s #readjanuary

PrezBookster Alan Bradley and Hunger Games!! 😍 8y
Jillsandypants I loved the Thirteenth Tale! And I have always enjoyed Philippa Gregory 😁👍 8y
LeahBergen The Kinsella is the only one I haven't read. 😀 8y
RealBooks4ever WOLF HALL! 😃😃😃💜Fabulous read! 8y
LDRUCKER Wolf Hall was brilliant. 8y
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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#girlinthetitle These are some I've read - need to find a new one for #litsyreadingchallenge #readjanuary

JoeStalksBeck Great list! 8y
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La ragazza fantasma | Sophie Kinsella
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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Twenties Girl: A Novel | Sophie Kinsella
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ With the usual humor of a Sophie Kinsella book. Lara is visited by the ghost of her great aunt and they go on the hunt for a missing necklace.