I added another one to my September TBR, and I'm really enjoying it so far. There's been a lot of action, and some amusing lines as well.
I think I'll be ordering the second book pretty soon!
#tbrpile #fallreads
I added another one to my September TBR, and I'm really enjoying it so far. There's been a lot of action, and some amusing lines as well.
I think I'll be ordering the second book pretty soon!
#tbrpile #fallreads
There was a few times where it felt like the author assumed that you should just know things (not sure if that makes sense) instead of explaining...but I enjoyed it! I will for sure read the next in the series!
Only four chapters in, and I am digging it! Nice change of pace...I have a feeling this book will be a great escape🤗
Let‘s try something completely different than the last few, shall we?
Are you book monogamous? This is my literal current read list right now. I don‘t mean TBR. I mean I‘m currently reading all these books 😂 How many of you are reading more than one book?
My next roll for #Bookopoly was 'Young Adult Fiction'. I have to admit I had no idea what this book was about. I heard one review saying they liked it and it had a nice cover. I ended up really liking it! A novel about a group of sorcerers with a strong female lead coming into her own. I am happy I read this and cannot wait for the sequel, which is all ready on my shelves. Recommended!
And for anyone curious what won my poll the other day, I am currently reading A Shadow Bright and Burning. It is good so far! #currentlyreading #bookopoly
Poll time: Which of these two books should I read next?
I like this book. I‘m just getting back into reading YA and I can‘t wait to read the next one in the series. There were a few bits of forecasting that made some things predictable, but overall a good read and interesting twist on the Victorian Era English world.
This book is absolutely amazing. It popped up on my radar completely by accident and I‘m so grateful it did. It gave me amazing characters, beautiful magic, deep relationships and a wild ride. 10/10 would recommend
This book is absolutely amazing. It popped up on my radar completely by accident and I‘m so grateful it did. It gave me amazing characters, beautiful magic, deep relationships and a wild ride. 10/10 would recommend
Another tbr pick (which I feel will be coming up a lot in #startreksummerjune ). I don't love the ep Shadows and Symbols - I kind of wish Benny was a one time deal, and I think the stuff with Sisko's mom starts here (and I Don't Like that). Ezri is here though! Hi Ezri!
I just randomly pulled this off the shelf at the library and thought I‘d give it a go.
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this one! I gave it 3.5 stars and plan to continue with the trilogy. It‘s a YA fantasy set in the Victorian era with magic and a love square and plenty of action. Quick read, perfect for #24in48
Such an underrated series!
One of my last few goals of the year is to reread this and A Poison Dark and Drowning so I can pick up A Sorrow Fierce and Falling since it finally came out. All I remember is it being very Victorian X-Men and I was trash for it
This book will grab you from beginning to end. Excellent characters, excellent writing. A truly excellent book. The world building was great. Those Ancients sound incredibly terrifying! Henrietta Howel is a woman to watch out for. I cannot wait to get the 2nd book and continue on in her world and follow her journey. 4 out of 5 stars
1. Kingdom on Fire! Magic, romance, MURDER.
2. I don‘t actually watch TV. I do indulge in Anne with an E because, let‘s face it, I would die for Anne Shirley.
3. Nope.
4. I bought a watermelon at the farmer‘s market and I‘m eating the whole thing.
5. He never did until last year when I started buying him the Left Behind books. He zipped through the series and went right into reading YA. #YADad4Lyfe
#FriYayIntro @jesshowbooks
Henrietta Howel can burst into flames. When she is brought to London to train, she meets her fellow trainees, eager to test her powers and her heart. One will challenge her. One will fight for her. One will betray her. As she discovers the secrets hiding, she begins to doubt that she's the true prophesied one. With battle looming, how much will she risk to save the city... and the one she loves?
I had been back and forth on reading this due to so many mixed reviews... but I loved it! Is the chosen one the actual Chosen One? Great read!
@Tiffy_Reads Congratulations! That is an incredible achievement you accomplished! Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity! 😊
1) I love Litsy because I feel like I'm surrounded by a ton of best friends who all share the same feeling, our love of books. I can open up the app and talk all day about books to anyone.
2) I would love A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
It was a very interesting take on Victorian era England.
#januarywrapup #januaryrecap
🥇A Shadow Bright and Burning, Everless, Beneath The Haunting Sea, The Fortunate Ones
🥈City Of Brass, Before She Ignites, Gilded Cage, Flame In The Mist
🥉The Cruel Prince, One Dark Throne, Love Lies and Spies
😾- Truly Devious (angry with this one)
📝- The English Wife (A for effort)
🤔- The Reader (hardest to rate)
❔- Everything All At Once (most forgettable)
No, I didn‘t read The Cruel Prince twice.
I wanted to roll my eyes at this concept (like all the times hermione sniffs angrily) but then I thought/ “Actually, yeah. That‘s accurate. Been there.”
So this is my new favorite go to. Call me overemotional and I will aggressively drink my tea at you. Watch out.
One part Potter, one part Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, and the perfect YA fantasy for our current political moment 👌 Cluess aggressively interrogates the class system of her magical Victorian London, using the differences between noble sorcerers, blacklisted magicians, and feared witches to tackle the big questions about how hierarchy is manufactured, by whom, and why. The most thoughtful rags-to-riches story you‘ll read all year.
Absolutely loved this book! Definitely was feeling the Lovecraft vibes. I loved the different classes of magic and their unique histories. I am feeling like I might have figured out one of the twists, but I'll have to keep reading the series to confirm if I am right. Can't wait to keep going with this series!
For some strange reason, I was skeptical going into this. It can be hard, I think, to really make an alternate Victorian London with magic and a kickass heroine work. It can come off as trying too hard and sort of lame. This was not that. This was EXCELLENT. I'll be picking up book 2 as soon as possible. Highly recommended YA fantasy.
Gosh, I love this book more than I remember. I continuously muttered "ahhhhhh sexism..."
I loved seeing roles of women challenged--even though it is set in Victorian England--its oh so relevant still in 2017.
I loved the magic and political building. It wasn't too heavy but I could still see it differing from our version of Victorian England. I'll pick up the sequel immediately after reading The One Memory of Flora Banks
I adored this book when I first read it in February. Victorian England + magic + pretty cover? Yes please!
Want to reread it before picking up the recently released sequel.
I could not finish this book. I don't know if I wasn't in the mood for another magical YA or what, but I just didn't care about any of the characters. I didn't care about the plot or what happened. I read about 175 pages, which I feel is a lot, but I still had to bail. #AutumnReads
I'm curious how long you stick with a book, before you decide to bail? I'm about 175 pages in and I don't care about any of the characters or what happens... There's a little over 200 more pages left of the book.. but I feel like I already read so much of it, I should follow through. There are just so many other books I'd rather read. ⁉️⁉️⁉️
Isn't this cover gorgeous?
I loved this book. Thank you Litsy for another great recommendation! A wonderfully relevant story about a young woman who comes to recognize her importance and that of those around her. A young woman who challenges the mindset of her time and place. It's just such a great blend of fantasy and history with modern overtures. Also, the word Allons-y was used! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So excited to finally start this!! It's starting to remind me a tad of the ToG series, but just a hint. What about you guys? Have you read it?
I absolutely loved this book! It took me by complete surprise, partially because I had no idea what to expect. But now I cannot wait for the sequel!
a must-read for anyone who loves fantasy, magic, fighting off dark and scary creatures, friendship goals, realistic romance, amazing writing, an awesome setting and a terrific story-line! It leaves you aching for more after finishing it. This book gives you the ‘complete package-reading experience‘ and sets your inner fangirl heart on fire!! More extended non-spoiler review on my blog: http://melissasbookworld.com
“Knowledge is as powerful as fire. The brighter it burns, the more it devours.”
I'm re-reading a Shadow bright and Burning and I may be even loving it more now then my first time reading it. I love the setting; LONDON! I love the main character and the side characters as well, the story-line is awesome and the magic elements are perfectly blended into everything. I can really recommend this book!!
I bought A Shadow Bright and Burning sometime last year because I loved the cover but haven't made my way to reading it yet..
💭 Any non-spoilery thoughts on this one?
I'm currently reading A Shadow Bright and Burning! I have about 130 pages left to go, don't know when I'll be able to finish it. I've been in a pretty bad reading slump lately and because of that I've been reading this very slowly.