I really enjoyed this entire series!
I fleeeeeew through this book. It was a short one, but it was such a quick and entertaining read that I couldn‘t help myself. I almost forgot I even had it hanging out on my shelf for like 5+ years. Whoops. **Photo featuring the adorable Justice Ginsburg
Even though Manon‘s storyline has consistently been my favorite, I think this has been my favorite book in the series so far. Manon isn‘t even in it! This was just a really good storyline, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Well, finished this in less than 2 days. Sure wish I had the next one on hand 😕.
The writing is so dry and sterile (?…I can‘t even find the right words) that it is sounding monotone in my head. One of the reviews calls it “funny and bizarre”. When?? I haven‘t felt a shred of humor. Don‘t even get me started on the lack of quotation marks. I also am not in the mood to be depressed, so I‘m bailing and going back to another world. I‘m giving up very early on this one. Fantasy, I‘m coming back home!
I have so many unanswered questions…like, what the whaaaa? This is a pick due to piqued curiosity.
I just finished my re-read of the first 2 over the last week, because I remembered NOTHING. So, let‘s do this!
Talk about an addictive read. When I wasn‘t reading it, I wanted to be. It wasn‘t a mind-blowing story line or writing, but it certainly had me hooked! I will definitely be reading the next one, but first, I need to reread the fourth wing books before I read onyx storm. I don‘t remember a damn thing that happened😂.
This was such an easy, fast read. I found it enjoyable even though it had sad undertones. I always seem to enjoy books about books.
Maaaaan, the first 60-70% of this book was slow, and I was really only interested in Manon and Elide‘s story lines. It took a thousand years for me to get fully invested. Oof. But then, of course, the last bit was riveting and I couldn‘t put it down. Technically, I would rate this between a so-so and a pick.
Well, I don‘t know if it‘s because I paused halfway through to start another book on my kindle (didn‘t feel like lugging a hardcover to Peru), or if it was just slow, but this took foreeeeveeerrr to read. Not my favorite.
Well, this was warm and cozy. I‘d say better than The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches, but not as good as Legends and Lattes on a cozy fantasy scale.
Another good one. I‘m going to take another breather from the series…just for a minute!
This started out promising. It seemed like it was going to be a good southern gothic story, but then it went a little bubble gum. It was…ok. I don‘t know that I would tell anyone to go out and buy it.
Well, this certainly took me forever to read. I was never bored, but man did this book feel long at times. I had decided to take a break from the series and read another book in between, and then the ending really made me question my resolve on that one!
If any group of people can appreciate my mug, it‘s on here. It‘s a coffee and ghost show kind of morning 👻…
Well, finished this today. Another entertaining read. Do I just keep going with the series or take a break and read something else? We‘ll see what I‘m feeling tonight when I go to bed and want to read.
I forgot to mention that I finished this and just went straight into Assassin‘s Blade. Yes…I am a publishing order kind of gal. But, another enjoyable read. These are definitely holding my interest.
Well, I officially began this journey. I enjoyed the first one and immediately started the second. Whoops!
Woof…this story was another slow one. I keep reading this series, because I enjoyed her previous series, and I am interested to know how it ends. Not great reasons, but here we are🤷🏻♀️
What a fun reminder of how infuriating it is to be female! This book was incredibly frustrating and very sad, but it was very good.
Just a potato puppy (even though she is 7) appreciation post. She‘s a cuddly snoozy suzy. We love our Justice Ginsburg❤️
Well, this definitely wasn‘t as good as the first. When did Violet become a whiny, lovesick little girl instead of a brilliant badass? I also didn‘t love that there was a MUCH heavier focus on the ✨spice✨ than the last book…but that‘s personal preference. And don‘t even get me started on how many “ah ha!” moments the characters had without actually fully explaining their revelation. Overall, still enjoyed…just not as much as the first.
I held off reading this book, because I was worried it wouldn‘t live up to the hype…welp, I was wrong. I finished it in less than 2 days. I was so desperate to start the next that I started reading the online sample😂.
Much like the last book of her‘s that I read, it took a long time to get into. Unlike the last one, it never really hooked me. This one was just ok.
We‘ve bought a book in this series each time we‘ve gone to New Orleans. Guess it‘s time for a return trip! This was even better than the first!
A book based on New Orleans legends and lore, in New Orleans, by a New Orleans author? Yes, please. Her writing made me feel like I was there. I could picture the actual places in my head, and it made me want to go back immediately.
It took me absolutely forever to slog through this. I found it incredibly boring. I went into it expecting to be scared, since it‘s categorized as horror, but I assure you it is not as expected. This book was a huge disappointment.
This was an interesting read. The story wasn‘t mind-blowing by any means, but I was entertained no less.
I really didn‘t think the library‘s 21 days would be enough time for me to read this chonker…they do realize some people have to work, right?? But, I did it! With 2 days to spare! It was another really good one in the series. However, this time, I was left on a cliffhanger, and I haaaaate thaaaaat😭.
This was a little slow at first, but then the pace took a 180, and I couldn‘t put it down.
Reading about these institutions always makes me so sad and angry. I had to reread the ending…didn‘t even realize what was happening as I read it! Overall, a good read, but obviously not an enjoyable subject matter.
This book took forever to pick up. I don‘t think I actually got invested until the last 60 pages.
It took me FOREVER to get through this, and, of course, it hooked me at the end…making me consider reading the second one. How dare you?!
I finished this quite awhile ago and completely forgot to mention it! It kept my attention, but I guessed who was behind it all pretty easily.
This book became available to borrow at my library, so I paused my current book…again. This series was light and quick reading, but I enjoyed it all the same!
This book was so wholesome and delightful. I loved it! I read it in a day!
I guessed the initial twist and sort of guessed the final twist, but the book somehow ended up being more than I thought it would be. I enjoyed it!
I was finally able to finish this one on my lunch break! This book started off pretty slow, but turned into a heartwarming story with a good cast of characters.
This is currently moving quite slowly, but I‘m hoping it‘ll pick up…🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
This book was absolutely awful. I often times wondered if it was written by a 13 year old…the writing was incredibly immature. Truly terrible. I slogged through it for a month. I should have bailed, but by the time I realized how bad it was, I was too far in and had wasted too much time.
Oh, man. I really liked this one. Great story that I couldn‘t put down, and such a wholesome friendship.
This was such a disappointment compared to the other 2 books. I honestly just wanted it to end. I understand how unlikely the scenario of the first 2 books is, but the 3rd went past ludicrous. At least in the first 2, Pip was believably intelligent…she somehow lost all common sense in this one. Bummer, dude.