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In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin | Erik Larson
Erik Larson, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Devil in the White City, " delivers a remarkable story set during Hitler s rise to power. The time is 1933, the place, Berlin, when William E. Dodd becomes America s first ambassador to Hitler s Nazi Germany in a year that proved to be a turning point in history. A mild-mannered professor from Chicago, Dodd brings along his wife, son, and flamboyant daughter, Martha. At first Martha is entranced by the parties and pomp, and the handsome young men of the Third Reich with their infectious enthusiasm for restoring Germany to a position of world prominence. Enamored of the New Germany, she has one affair after another, including with the suprisingly honorable first chief of the Gestapo, Rudolf Diels. But as evidence of Jewish persecution mounts, confirmed by chilling first-person testimony, her father telegraphs his concerns to a largely indifferent State Department back home. Dodd watches with alarm as Jews are attacked, the press is censored, and drafts of frightening new laws begin to circulate. As that first year unfolds and the shadows deepen, the Dodds experience days full of excitement, intrigue, romance and ultimately, horror, when a climactic spasm of violence and murder reveals Hitler s true character and ruthless ambition. Suffused with the tense atmosphere of the period, and with unforgettable portraits of the bizarre Goring and the expectedly charming--yet wholly sinister--Goebbels, "In the Garden of Beasts" lends a stunning, eyewitness perspective on events as they unfold in real time, revealing an era of surprising nuance and complexity. The result is a dazzling, addictively readable work that speaks volumes about why the world did not recognize the grave threat posed by Hitler until Berlin, and Europe, were awash in blood and terror."
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An American diplomat and his family bear witness to the staggering, dreadful rise of a cult, led by a guy who says: “Only I…”

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This one whilst it was informative...seemed at times to feel top heavy with its pacing. Really feel it could've been about 100 pages shorter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ read. #bookspin #doublespin @thearomaofbooks

dabbe I felt exactly the same way about his THE SPLENDID AND THE VILE. 🤩 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I had similar feelings when I read this one! 8mo
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Sometimes you just have to take a break from podcasts. I know it‘s still audio, but it‘s still a break!

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In 1933, William E. Dodd becomes the first American Ambassador to Hitler‘s Germany. He was a mild mannered professor who had studied in Germany. The Germany that he had loved was in the midst of a tremendous change and horror. His daughter,Martha plays a pivotal role,as she becomes popular with the Nazis. A glimpse into the minds of those in power at the time, and what was assumed would just go away. A superb title. #authoramonth2023 #eriklarson

Cinfhen Excellent choice for #monster 12mo
Cinfhen Hi friend!! Hope all is well xx 12mo
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DivineDiana @Cinfhen Thank you! Hope all is well with you! Big Book Sale at Radnor Library starting tonight and I will be on the front line, trying NOT to bring any more books home! 😂 12mo
Cinfhen Ohhhh, that‘s gonna be difficult to resist!! (edited) 12mo
DivineDiana @Cinfhen It was! But I did practice restraint. 😂 Will post book stack later. 12mo
CatMS On my shelves and TBR. 12mo
DivineDiana @CatMS It was on my mine as well until the Author a Month challenge! 12mo
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The library loan for the tagged expired when I was halfway through, so I picked up an out-of-genre pick for #aam - only to have my hold get redelivered early! So now I can officially say I like Larsons nonfic more 😂
Beasts was an interesting view of the beginning of Hitlers rise to power through the lens of the anti establishment and kinda unlikable US ambassadors family.
No One was a nice little supernatural story with an odd and curtailed end.

RamsFan1963 I hated the ambassador's airhead daughter, but I enjoyed the book over all. 13mo
Larkken @RamsFan1963 Martha was the worst! So deliberately naive and spoiled. Can you imagine living through the beginning of a genocide and only worrying about juggling all your boyfriends? 13mo
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I tried on this for #AuthorAMonth but I had to DNF. I‘ve tried two other books by him before - as much as I enjoy nonfiction, his style I just can‘t get into. 🥺🤷🏻‍♀️ Will redouble my efforts for next month.

Soubhiville Not every author works for every reader. Next month will be better! 13mo
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I'm disappointed in this one. I was bored and skimming a lot. #authoramonth @Soubhiville

TiredLibrarian Sorry to hear this; I've read a couple others of his that I enjoyed. 13mo
JenReadsAlot @TiredLibrarian I loved Devil in the White City! 13mo
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Erik Larson is one of the few non-fiction authors that I tend to return to. But…this one missed the mark for me and was my least favorite so far. I found it tedious and rather dull, and had trouble keeping up with all the names. I guess I was expecting more of a climax that never came.

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I‘m going back and reading all the Larson I missed because he is such an exceptional writer of narrative nonfiction. This story of the first US ambassador to Hitler‘s Germany and his daughter showed their change in attitude towards the Nazis as their tactics became even more oppressive and evil. Larson also dives deep into the early days of Hitler and the fights among his top tier of deputies. I generally don‘t like WWII books but enjoyed this.

Cinfhen I remember we read this for bookclub years ago when I still lived in Philly- it was excellent 2y
MallenNC I need to go back and read this one too. 2y
TheBookHippie Oh this is so good! 2y
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TheBookHippie There‘s not a bad one -enjoy!! 2y
Megabooks @Cinfhen I bet there was a good discussion! 2y
Megabooks @MallenNC very much recommend it! 2y
Megabooks @TheBookHippie I‘m looking forward to squeezing another in this month if I can. 2y
TheBookHippie @Megabooks I think I could reread every single one! 2y
MallenNC @Megabooks I‘m already thinking about my Nonfiction November picks, so maybe I‘ll get to this one then. 2y
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I admire Erik Larson‘s interesting retellings of true, historical events, in a way that resembles fiction. After reading The Devil in the White City first, this one was decidedly more name & date heavy, but overall a story of a well-known time through an unexpected perspective.

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I‘ve been on a WWII kick lately. This one was an interesting perspective on the rise of Hitlers government. 3.5/5 ⭐️

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This is my 4th book by Erik Larson and probably my favorite. It read more like a novel than a non fiction book about the rise of Hitler‘s government in Berlin and the American Ambassador who seemed to be one of the few who understood what was really going on at the time.

This is my #doublespin for November @TheAromaofBooks

kspenmoll Great great read!!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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It was common for American expatriates to visit the US consulate in Berlin, but not in the condition exhibited by the man who arrived there on Thursday, June 29, 1933.

#firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl

Crazeedi Great book 3y
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Let start by saying I have yet to read a book by Erik Larsen that I haven‘t loved. This is no exception. He presents his well researched history so that it reads like a well crafted mystery novel. Learn how the daughter of the Ambassador to Germany became enthralled with and became a pawn of high ranking members of the Nazi party.

kspenmoll This was such a great book!!!❤️ 3y
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"--and there are many of you--"


Very good read. Just as much gossip as history. The Hollywood starlets of the era had nothing on Martha.

(US really dodged a bullet recently.)

KCofKaysville Yes. Interesting book 3y
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Day 12 #12booksof2020 I read this prior to reading The Splendid and the Vile and it really put into context how ruthless Hitler was.


Good read! Ending was a little dreary but followed the historical account. Interesting perspective on a well known event

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#12booksof2020 #day5 #5goldenrings #nonfiction #novelistichistory

Enthralled with this book and its POV from Midwestern Prof and his family when he was appointed by Roosevelt as ambassador to Germany in the 30‘s when Hitler was rising.

melissajayne I read this prior to The Splendid and the Vile and enjoyed it as well. 3y
Karkar This is one of my favorites from him. 3y
Andrew65 Looks good. 3y
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My son had a test to take in person today so @wideeyedreader and I did some thrift shopping while waiting for him to be finished. We‘re both supposed to be on a book buying ban but obviously that‘s not going well 😂 At least I found a few more for #wintergames2020 @Clwojick #bookhaul

Clwojick ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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4.5⭐️ I really quite enjoyed the book. I had tried to read it when it 1st came out, but hadn‘t gotten around to it. I knew Churchill had been saying that people should be keeping an eye on the Nazis, but was completely unaware that there were those in the American government who were saying similar things. #nonfiction #bookreview #bookstagram #i #litsyatz2020 #listyatoz #wwii

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Once, at the dawn of a very dark time, an American father and daughter found themselves suddenly transported from their snug home in Chicago to the heart of Hitler's Berlin. #firstlinefridays

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Kinda of reminds of what happened during the French Revolution, in which the revolutionaries started a new calendar system, which was to be more scientific and rational. https://www.britannica.com/science/French-republican-calendar #historyrepeatsitself

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1. Tagged!
2. Nick & Nora Charles, from Hammett's The Thin Man, mixed with Agatha Christie's Miss Marple. I that would make for a very amusing mystery.
3. I prefer single POV, but I've read some good books with multiple POVs too.

I'm late with this, so I'll tag anyone who hasn't played yet.

#wonderouswednesday @Eggs

Sharpeipup Yes...Talk about a good mystery mashup! 4y
Eggs Perfect pairing!! Thanks for playing 👏🏻📚🤗 4y
RamsFan1963 @Eggs @Sharpeipup The more I think about it, I'd also like a mash up of Lee Child's Jack Reacher and Matthew Reilly's Scarecrow. It would be a kickass story, with two of the best uber competent action heroes ever!! 4y
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Not my favorite Larson book, but still interesting. I hated the Dodd family at first, they seemed so naive and utterly blind to the evil of the Nazi party, especially the daughter Martha. Of course, I have 80+ years of hindsight to know the horrors of the Nazis, things the Dodds could not possibly have expected or imagined. Too much time is spent on Martha Dodd's love life IMHO. 3 💥💥💥 1/2

Book 4 for the #JoysofJune readathon.

CindyMyLifeIsLit This is on my tbr but I haven‘t gotten to it yet. I can understand the difficulty recognizing what they were dealing with. Even now, I have a hard time wrapping my head around the sheer evilness of their agenda, and that‘s with, as you said, 80 years of processing time! I don‘t see how a normal person could predict how far the Nazis were going to take it. 😱 4y
Crazeedi I thought it was good for that very reason, that they couldn't possibly understand the evil about to come, just imagine trying to believe the horror in the present. But then again we get inklings of evil we tend to ignore. 4y
Andrew65 A good review. Well done 👏👏👏 4y
melissajayne He does say at the start of the book in the prologue to put that sort of information out of your mind as you read the book. 4y
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Thanks for the tag @Suet624

1) I am in the state of Connecticut, USA. I am surrounded by Massachusetts to the north, Rhode Island to the East, NY to the West, Long Island Sound to the south. Today is a gorgeous, sun, with cotton ball clouds, a cool breeze. Azaleas & Rhododendrons are in bloom.
2) tagged book
3) between 300-400 pages.
4) @Librarybelle @ValerieAndBooks

Suet624 Oh gosh. That‘s an amazing book. 4y
Librarybelle A very good book. Thanks for the tag! 4y
marleed I think it would be amazing to be surrounded by all that history! 4y
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veritysalter Thank you for playing 📚♥️ 4y
ValerieAndBooks This book is still TBR for me! Don‘t think I‘ll have much time to read for a while— daughter is coming home for a while and we‘ll finally get to celebrate together in person, her graduating from UHart 😊 4y
kspenmoll @marleed It is amazing & we take advantage if it by visiting historic homes/sites/parks. ❤️ 4y
kspenmoll @Suet624 @Librarybelle It is a great book! Usually I read non fiction at a crawl- I could not put this down! 4y
kspenmoll @ValerieAndBooks Enjoy your daughter!!! You can pick up this book anytime! Congratulations on her graduation!!!!! (edited) 4y
ValerieAndBooks @kspenmoll thank you 🤗💖 4y
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Two of two because I forgot to post a tbr book yesterday.

Day 7: I‘m following the idea to post a book from my tbr list from @StaceyKondla and @Cortg

No description or reason for wanting to read it is necessary if you want to join along. #tbrpile

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Excellent book about William Dodd, America‘s first ambassador to Hitler‘s Germany. The story of Dodd and his family and of Hitler‘s rise to power.

Also, today in history. 🙌🏻
And...my #Bookspin book for May.

Librarybelle I really enjoyed this one 4y
TheAromaofBooks Oh, intriguging! 4y
AmyG @TheAromaofBooks Would you like me to send this to you? 4y
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TheAromaofBooks If you are done with it, sure!! I haven't read a Larson in forever, and this one sounds quite good. Email me for my address? itsthegoodlife15 at gmail Thank you!!! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I love when real life intersects with book life in a fun way like this. 4y
AmyG @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Right? It‘s always a nice surprise. 💕 4y
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As expected, another book I enjoyed by Erik Larson. While I find books about WWII interesting, I especially appreciate ones from a different perspective or time. This is very well written IMO and brings you the lead-up to the world realizing how dangerous (and out of control) Nazi Germany had become.

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Ah, a main character and I were born on the same day. You know it‘s a good book when you immediately are hooked. There goes my weekend. 🙌🏻

TheAromaofBooks So close - I'm October 20th!! 4y
AmyG @TheAromaofBooks No way! 👊🏻 4y
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Compelling read. Usually it takes me forever to read non-fiction, but I could not put this down. I read it compulsively, even at 12:45 this morning when I could not sleep. It opened a world I had never known: Dodd, Ambassador to Germany during the critical years of “ ... gathering darkness,” 1933-1937 when Hitler rose to power. The portrayal of his daughter, Martha, a wild force in her own right, who initially fancied the Nazi regime,

kspenmoll Later was considered by the Soviet‘s as a possible spy. Her Soviet lover-one among many simultaneously- eventually was executed by Stalin. So much real life U.S. State Department intrigue, Nazi intrigue within the party itself,denial/blindness of nations. I have read much about this period and the insidious, evil killing of children with disabilities during this time period, round ups and executions, persecutions of the Jews. 4y
kspenmoll But this book provided a whole new perspective, through the eyes of Dodd and his family. While he was predicting Hitler‘s invasion of other nations & his evil empire, & toured the US with this message, isolationism prevailed. The attitudes towards Jews in the U.S. was conveyed by his attitude: too many in powerful positions in U.S. Larson drew from a multitude of sources, including Hitler‘s rage at Dodd‘s anti-Nazis speeches post retirement.***** 4y
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#bookspin #coffeeandyogurtbreak #officeview
Sorry about the dark photo- no overhead lighting in my “office”. This is my pleasurable view while working etc.My goal this week is to declutter,and go through boxes, & hopefully transform this space.
I can also be a “nosey” neighbor & watch the world go by- bikers, walkers of all ages, workmen, deliveries, birds, squirrels, budding trees, gardens. 😀😉

BiblioLitten Decluttering is my agenda for the week too. 4y
kspenmoll @BiblioLitten Wishing us both luck! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Love it!! I always like to keep my desk by a window. Currently watching all our crazy birds at the bird feeders! 4y
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TK-421 Lovely view! 4y
UwannaPublishme Gotta have your desk by a window. 🙌🏻 In mine, I usually see this very sneaky squirrel trying to eat the flowers on my porch! 4y
kspenmoll @UwannaPublishme @the aromaofbooks @TK-421 Thanks! I have enjoyed the privilege all week of watching the day by day blooming process of our manis tree. Never had that chance before- always at work or “busy”. It‘s the small blessing these days, living in slow motion. 4y
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#saturdaymorning #schoolvacation #staycation #coffeeandbooks #bookspin (tagged book).
Windy but blue skies here in Farmington Valley,CT. Walking soon. Still able to do that daily- my neighborhood adheres to total distancing, masks etc. #keeplitsypositive ☀️🚶‍♀️🌷☕️📚

TheAromaofBooks We had the wind yesterday!! Much cooler today. 4y
Ncostell Enjoy your walk! I‘m going to take advantage of the windy but sunny weather and walk too. It‘s just nice to get out in the fresh air even if it is just a walk down the street! 4y
kspenmoll @Ncostell I am doing the same. It reminds me there is a wider world out there. 4y
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Fascinating look at 1933 Germany and the early years of the Third Reich as seen through the eyes of newly appointed U.S. Ambassador to Germany, William Dodd and his adult daughter, Martha Dodd. Larson uses a very specific and unique perspective filled with primary accounts of this terrifying chapter in history. It's my 2nd book by Larson, and I'm definitely looking forward to more.

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Not my favourite of Larson's. I loved The Devil in the White City, but felt this to be very dense & dry. I also was not much of a fan of all the chapters about Martha sleeping around with various people. Two stars. I will be donating my copy. I'm now unsure of my recent purchase, Larson's The Splendid & The Vile 😬

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#Booked2020 #Spring #BookAboutGenocide

I‘ve always been in awe of those writers who take a documentary approach on a subject and make it read like some of the greatest fiction ever written. Erik Larson has such a facility in that kind of endeavor, as we know from several other bestsellers he wrote. I think I missed this one because my area in grad school was Holocaust studies, and I suppose I had sort of saturated myself with Jewish philosophy ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ (cont) and German sociology and psychology. This book, however, isn‘t that. This book takes a niche angle, i.e., the life of the American ambassador to Germany and his family, in the Berlin of 1933-1937, and explores all of the facets of life under the burgeoning Third Reich and Hitlerian rule. In particular, the daily living of William E. Dodd, and his daughter Martha, are examined, and we learn how what was once admiration for a country ⬇️ 4y
gradcat ⬆️ (cont) and its people becomes revulsion upon witnessing the evils of Nazi rule. ♥️ 4y
Velvetfur Wow....that actually sounds like a really scary read. Great review, thank you 😊 4y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage Great review! I have several of his books, and they are still unread. Saw him on a virtual book tour event last week and now I want to read them alllllll! 4y
Crazeedi @BarbaraTheBibliophage this one is really good, actually I've liked all of his 4y
Crazeedi @gradcat great review Minette. I totally enjoyed this book, and all of his. Have you read this one? 4y
Cinfhen We read this for bookclub. Such a well written POV/ so many warning signs that went unchecked!!! Great choice 😊 4y
gradcat @Velvetfur @BarbaraTheBibliophage @Crazeedi @Cinfhen Thanks for all the lovely comments, guys. It‘s really nice to get those. And for Diane, no, I haven‘t read that one...but I‘ve read others—all good!! 4y
EadieB @gradcat Loved this book! And pretty much all of his books! 4y
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Halfway through and just begging to be done with this. It is terribly dense and dry to me. If I wasn't so far invested into it, I would DNF it, for sure. This is going to go into my donation pile for my little free library when I finally finish. 🙁

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Going with a heavier read after Seven Husbands. Book #21 for 2020.
Love The Devil in the White City, and have his new one, The Splendid & The Vile in my stacks as well. This has been in my pile a while, so thought maybe I'd give it a go, finally.

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This is the first Larson I haven't loved. It was slow 😴 3 ⭐s . I'm looking forward to The Splendid and the Vile, though. And this is the only book I read in December because I watched all 6 seasons of Vikings - History Channel, which I will give 5 ⭐s. 😄

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Incredibly well researched account of an ambassador's family's time in Germany in the early 1930's. It reminds one that a government run on caprice and for which attaining and maintaining power is the primary objective can have a significant influence on world history. It also inspires caution about blind loyalty to one's party rather than to one's ideals. I enjoyed the audiobook but probably would have retained more had I read the book-book.

Bookworm54 Sounds like an interesting read :) 16 points 4y
ImperfectCJ @Bookworm54 Definitely interesting. Even though I know how it ends, I still found myself hoping for things to go differently. 4y
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From a letter by George S. Messersmith: “We must keep in mind, I believe, that when Hitler says anything he for the moment convinces himself that it is true. He is basically sincere, but he is at the same time a fanatic.“

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Day 26 - #Germany #InTheGardenofBeasts #ErikLarson #LetsTravelAugust

This is one of my favorite books by Erik Larson. Love his writing!

The time is 1933, the place, Berlin, when William E. Dodd becomes America‘s first ambassador to Hitler‘s Nazi Germany in a year that proved to be a turning point in history.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 📚🙌🏻 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻📚🇩🇪 5y
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Just started this ... seems relevant.


very different from his other books but unbelievable people and stories

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Another wonderful historic work from Erik Larson. Pre-war Germany, specifically Berlin, is the setting. Larson can tell a story with a gift rare amongst none fiction novelists. Excellent work.

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If you want to understand how Hitler came into power, this book is spot on! Based on the dairies of the American Ambassador in Berlin in the 1930s, this eyewitness account provides so much insight into how Hitler obtained absolute power and how so little was done to prevent it! 😔

TrishB Pretty sure I have this 👍🏻 5y
Caroline2 It‘s a good read, I‘m fascinated by Berlin in the 1930s. 5y
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Ugh...I have to bail on this one. I so enjoyed The Devil in the White City but this one is way too boring for me with the he wrote this and she wrote that 🙄

cathysaid I really enjoyed this one, but I did have to skip/skim a few pages for the sake of my relationship with Larson. 😳 5y
Zelma I felt the same way about this one. I tried it on audio and had to bail when it literally became a list of cutlery and dishes at one point. 5y
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My library system selected this as a One Book title a few years ago, and it sparked a lot of participation. Larson masterfully describes events in Berlin in 1933 through the eyes of US Ambassador William Dodd and his spirited daughter Martha. It‘s eye opening, and it‘s exasperating and very, very frustrating. #imhere #MusicalNewYear

Amiable Great book--Larson is so good. 5y
BookBabe Oh wow, how did I not hear of this? #Stacked! 5y
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Another excellent book by Larson. Engaging and honest with characteristic charm. The story revolves around the US ambassador to Nazi Germany in the early days of the regime. Just as interesting are the players revolving around his adult daughter as she gets involved with Soviet agent, American writers like Carl Sandburg, German writers like Thomas Mann and even has an ongoing affair with the head of the Gestapo! Read the whole book in 3 days.

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New audiobook came through the library holds. Since it‘s about Jews and Hitler‘s rise, it seems timely. #nohate #vote #noantisemitism

Crazeedi Great book 6y
Samplergal I started it years ago but I had to return it. 6y
Theshadedbuffalo I loved this book. 6y
TNbookworm Love Erik Larson books. I really enjoyed this one. 6y
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#backpackeurope travelogue *fictional*
Country 40: In Germany I went to Berlin to see the Brandenburg Gate *LANDMARK ALERT* and the former site of the Berlin Wall (I have a piece at home!). I also visited Munich and Dresden - very walkable cities.
Larson is a great nonfiction writer. He describes the rise of Nazi Germany with clarity and detail. Tense and scary at times but one could also see how the rise to power snuck up on some people. 5/5

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