Answering the questions of the Renegades trilogy while also faltering in the epilogue. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2022/12/14/book-supernova-2019/
Answering the questions of the Renegades trilogy while also faltering in the epilogue. For the full review, please visit http://benjamin-m-weilert.com/index.php/2022/12/14/book-supernova-2019/
I loved how characters were grey and I loved it so much. This being a book about heroes & villains it wasn't so clear at the end who is what. One character stole my heart and was killed. Shocking!
This book had so much action! It was really thrilling to read and I liked this book much more than two first installments. This trilogy really was worth reading.
And that ending. Well my twisted mind liked it ;)
#KickTheSlump #SeriesRead2022
All caught up on my Marissa Meyer's books and ready for the release of Gilded. The second book in this trilogy was my favourite but I love all the characters. I also thought Meyer did an amazing job of writing from both sides (heroes and villians) showing how one can never be defined by one ideal but a complicated mix. Really fun!
Rambo decided he needed to be amongst the books so he got his own shelf. #catsoflitsy #readingbuddy #rambo #shelfie #bookshelves
78 of 2021. Day 8 book 6 #NutsinMay . I am not a huge fan of Superheroes but I really enjoyed this series. This book was a good conclusion. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#stackingtheseries #readathon #seriesread2021
Argh this book made me feel everything!!!! I cried, laughed and was stressed throughout the book. I loved this book with all my heart! An epic conclusion to an epic story! Definitely recommend this book!!!
I am posting a book every day from my TBR collection.
Day 10:
#tbrpile #bookstoread
This is one of the best trilogies I have ever read. Marissa Meyer is one of my favorite authors for a reason! I don‘t really like superheroes and I still fell in love with this world. And, Nova and Adrian will forever be in my heart ❤️ Everyone stop what you‘re doing and read these books!
#ya #marissameyer #superhero
Third books are usually a bust for me, but I think this series ended just as good as it started! I love how it showed that there really isn't any "good" or "evil". "Good" people do bad things sometimes, and sometimes "bad" people do bad things for good reasons. The lines between superheros and villains were so blurry and I could defend both sides, I absolutely loves the ending and moral of the story. I think everyone should read this series!!
September Wrap up.
Faves: Arch Enemies and Supernova
Everything else was good but I just absolutely loved those two books.
132 books for 2020 so far 🤗
This book was possibly one of my favourite books. I really loved this trilogy, and I‘d have to say that the first book, the renegades was my favourite of the three books.
The only thing that I would change, was the epilogue. I understand that it did unravel some truth of Magpie being Evie Artino, but I though that it was unnecessary.
Marissa Meyer ✍️
Spoiler omg I absolutely love this series. Love Nova and Adrain and I can‘t believe that magpie is Nova sister Evie! And they don‘t even know it Marissa Meyer is amazing writer.
Supernova, book 3 in Marissa Meyer's Renegades trilogy, is a strong and satisfying conclusion to the series. Because it's nearly impossible to review the final book in a series without spoilers, I'm just going to do a general reaction to the whole trilogy here.⠀
To be fair, I should share first that I LOVED Meyer's The Lunar Chronicles, which have made my expectations for everything else she'll ever write unfair. ⬇️
The final book! I liked this much better than the second one. It picked up, and at many points I though, “Wow, we‘re at the climax already?” but nope, there was still 4 hours left or 3 hours left! Action packed, good resolution, and I loved the epilogue! 7/10
This was a fine conclusion to the series, but not quite as engaging as the first two books. There are more twists and turns than is plausible, Adrian continues to break the law of conservation of mass, Nova gets a little "damsel in distress," and I so wished for something to happen to destroy a couple of the romances, but it was an exciting and pretty fun break from the quite serious books I'm reading this month.
Finished weekend housework and family walk. Now it's time for a book and a master class on lounging.
This started a little slow for me but by 1/3 in i was hooked. I liked the story even though I felt some things didn't make sense. For example, when Nova joined the Renegades and was immediately sent on patrol. No training or formal orientation. I liked there were two narrators one for Sketch's POV and one for Nova's POV. They both did a good job. 4 stars for narration and the book.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4.5/5)
Finally finished this series and am sad to leave the world of Galton City. This book blurred the lines of who is really a hero or villain and the plot twists were abundant. The ending was unexpected and I feel like there needed to be another chapter because I was left with multiple questions. The massive cliffhanger at the end of the epilogue was also frustrating. Overall, I enjoyed this series and definitely recommend it!
Fantastic conclusion to the trilogy. I loved how the story wove together and all the pieces fell into place, even when it didn't seem that they would.
AHHHHHHHHHH this was amazing!!! I absolutely loved this, and that epilogue! Oh my god! I need more now! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
1. Tagged! I‘m almost halfway through and I never want to get off this roller coaster!
2. On the Come Up by Angie Thomas!
3. Library bindings on used books. They‘re so loud and shiny and a pain to take off!
I finished this 550 page book in about 51 hours (I unfortunately had to sleep, eat, keep kids alive, etc.) It was soooooo hard to put down. From the moment you start it‘s intense. Secrets are revealed. Ideals and fists collide. The main characters are forced to choose sides. Disaster and heartache everywhere. It ends on a happy note. But the epilogue has you going “wtf?!? 😳 There better be another book in the future!”
I love Marissa Meyer's writing. Her books absolutely absorbed me. I took no time reading this book. I love her stories and the whole super hero theme. The ending of this book Yay!!!! That's all I can say.
The series keeps going in this volume which seems to find nova trapped. I still don‘t love the world building, but the writing is very readable. And I wanted to find out what happens in the story.
But... whaaa? *unrecognizable muttering* it's...over?
*hides under covers and sobs*
(Review to be posted)
A fitting end to the trilogy! I want more of Gatlin, but this installment tore out my heart and ate it, so I‘m gonna need a bit of recovery time, haha.
In the meantime, up to 11 hrs and 42 min! We landed safely in Paris, and now waiting for our flight to Rome!!
#teamfestivus #wintergames #24b42020
About to board our plane!! Will be updating #24b42020 when we land in Paris tomorrow (9am Paris time 🥵)
#teamfestivus #wintergames
It's back to work for me today. Le sigh. The holidays always seem too short. But at least I have some time before I have to leave to have my heart ripped out of my chest by a hardcover. I've been putting off reading this last book in the series because I never want it to end - but it feels like the right time to see where the story wraps up.
#partingissuchsweetsorrow #finalchapter #favoriteseries #bookandcoffee
This was one of my most anticipated books of the year and it was a bit disappointing. The first 200-300 pages were plain and when something happened it was contradictory, useless or meaningless. For example, all the action around Nova and Monarch is completely useless. You read 200p about that for nothing and that annoys me. On the other hand i think the last chapters are pretty good and the epilogue is amazing, idk what to think about this book😂
OMG! Great book to finish up this series but the very end of this book threw me for a loop and now I want another book that isn‘t coming! #TBRread #WinterGames #TheFilthyAnimals
Coffee ☕️ crocheting 🧶 and reading 📖 sounds like a good morning to me. Then I have to pick my daughter up for a doctors appointment.
First of December here in 🇦🇺. Pretty poor month for me. Not sure what happened. Just lost my YA way I think. Sometimes it‘s good to take a break, or catch a breath, or something. I neglected to mention that ‘Chasing the Shadows was a Netgalley read. #novreadingstats #grchallenge Image from #goodreads
Next up on my #holidayreads list!! It hasn‘t been on my #tbr the longest, but I had to get it the minute it came out. I don‘t want it to end, though!!
FLASH GIVEAWAY for a copy of Supernova over on my Instagram!! Same username 💕
Marissa is one of those few authors that manages to write such good conclusions. Considering there's career NYT bestselling authors who still can't do that, it's so satisfying. I loved the stand off with Ace, I loved getting to see the jail, I loved how everyone's hidden persona was revealed and I loved the conclusion with Max and powers. The epilogue freaking HURT though if they don't do a spin off series or novella or something! Pleaseeeeeeeee!
Got to see Marissa Meyer last night. This is the second time I‘ve seen her and I love listening to her writing process. She always has such great anecdotal stories.
Oh God I'm scared this is gonna hurt!