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Batman: Castle Of The Bat | Jack C. Harris
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I'm rereading a few GN's before releasing them into the wild (or possibly keeping them! Downsizing is hard!).
This Elseworlds mashup of Frankenstein & Batman is stronger in conception than execution, and it leans more into the Universal horror movie than Shelly's novel.
The artwork is excellent, the monster design ok, the plot thinner than the skin stretched over Boris Karloff's face.
Worth reading, but I think I'll let this one shamble off🧌🦇

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Such a great story and dialogue!

For the rest of my review, visit my Vlog at:



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Generally good artwork, mediocre story = meh 😐
Joker is released from Arkham Asylum because 🤷‍♂️ and immediately goes on a standard Joker murderous rampage. Billed as giving psychological insight into his character, but it utterly fails to do so. But as I say, pretty, if gory, pictures. Just barely 3🃏

TieDyeDude Lee Bermejo is one of my favorite comic artists. I think I read this, but it obviously didn't leave much of an impression. I really liked his Christmas carol adaption, Batman Noel. 2w
Bookwomble @TieDyeDude It appears to be on lots of "Top GN" lists, and compared to The Killing Joke, but it suffers in that comparison, I think. I wasn't aware of Bermejo before this, and his art is its saving grace. My comics obsession abated about 10 years ago due to overhyped offerings of this kind, and interminable crossovers and title proliferation of my fave characters. It was easier to stop reading altogether than only get part of the story. 2w
TieDyeDude It is a lot. I tried reading the Tom King “City of Bane“ storyline, but it was inextricably tied to the preceding 74 issues, and not very enjoyable ultimately. @vivastory pointed out that, for DC at least, the Black Label miniseries are self-contained and generally geared more mature. If Joker is one of your favorites, though, I'll mention that I really didn't like the Three Jokers series. 2w
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The Punisher | Garth Ennis
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Long car ride to get my late grandpas ratrod truck. Hope i can read this without getting car sick. Lol

Firefight | Brandon Sanderson
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The Reckoners are brought to Babylon Restored, formerly New York City, to bring down Regalia, an Epic who has been sending cronies to Newcago to destroy the Reckoner team. David is on his search for Megan, a former team member lost in the battle of Newcago and finds himself in many tricky situations with his team and fighting the Epics who are hell bent on destroying the city.

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Page one and I am already loving the art in this graphic novel!

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I made my way through a handful of Tom King's Batman run and it was... okay. I tried starting with the “complete“ City of Bane collection, but I had no idea what was going on. Even after going back a bit, it still wasn't super clear until a few issues in. One of my biggest problems with modern comics: I don't want to have to read 74 other issues to enjoy a certain story (thank goodness for the Black Label)... (con't)

TieDyeDude I also just didn't really enjoy his characterization of Bruce/Batman. Even as he tried to portray him as opening up to love, he was still so moody and stand-offish. And everyone had to comment about it. He was constantly whining, “I know being Batman is dumb, but I'm Batman.“ Aside from a couple insightful panels, I feel like King wasn't breaking any new ground, and since it wasn't fun, I just wasn't impressed. 1mo
TieDyeDude It also didn't help that they kept pulling the same twists: you beat x, but y was pulling the strings all along! Catwoman betrayed you, but that was the plan all along! Batman gets beat half to death, but that was the plan, and now the plan is done, one punch win! Vol. 8 Cold Days was actually really good, though; Bruce Wayne is seated in the jury for Mr. Freeze's trial. 1mo
AnnCrystal 👏🦇🪄💫. Glad I'm not the only one who sometimes feels lost in these seemingly endless comics that don't offer a solid storyline in each issue. Grand review 👍. 1mo
TieDyeDude @AnnCrystal Yeah, it's like, if you're not locked in at the start, there's no point bothering until a year or two later when there is a new reboot and the old run is all in TBP. Even this run, where the marriage was a fake out and the Bane storyline wasn't really about Bane, it seems like a waste of time. 1mo
AnnCrystal @TieDyeDude Yikes. 🤔👍. 1mo
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Miles Morales is having a bad day. He is serving in-school suspension for standing up for himself and so distracted by thoughts of bad teachers, fairness and girls that he almost misses the villain sitting near him. The “day in a life” narrative is told with simple exposition punctuated with spare gorgeous poetry. Four ⭐️s for this novel that has Miles take on racism and other critters.

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“A pit, boiling, burning, bubbles bursting in me…”
What spider-sense feels like

My Life as a Dandelion | John Sazaklis
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You probably knew where dandelions got their name. But did you know that their puff is called a clock? #weirdwords I should have waited to post this in #weirdwordwednesday